
35-mm film, 53–4, 55

Accessories: cameras, 42

Action shots, 4, 6, 12, 63–5, 137–43, 324

Add-on flashguns, 156, 158–9

Adobe Camera RAW (ACR), 185–8

Adobe Photo Downloader (APD), 182–4

Adobe Photoshop, 175–6, 189–204

Adobe Photoshop Elements, 174–5, 189–204

ADP see Adobe Photo Downloader

AF (auto focus) mode, 65–6, 141

Agitation in developing, 212, 301

Air bells on negatives, 301

Albums, 282

Albums online, 295–6

Analog to digital conversion, 59–60

Animals, 120–4, 311

Aperture control, 30, 31–2, 36, 37, 65–9, 73

APS cameras, 8, 54

Archiving digital images, 278–82

Artificial light, 89, 116, 307

ASA speed rating see ISO

Aspect ratios, 8

Audio on digital slide shows, 286

Automatic camera settings, 37, 39–41, 43, 73, 101

contrast control, 92

exposure, 76–7

flash, 37, 161

focus, 65–6, 141

sharpening, 94

white balance, 15, 90

B shutter setting, 65, 234–5, 338

Babies, 104–5

Back to front images, 313

Backgrounds, 2–3, 7, 107, 108, 122, 311

Back light mode, 41

Backlit subjects, 75, 79, 148, 311

Back-up procedures for digital images, 278–82

Balanced composition, 10

Barndoor attachments, 163

Barrel distortion, 115

Basic image enhancement, 189–93

Batteries, 329

Beach/snow mode, 40

Beginners’ cameras, 36

Bellows units, 132–3


dark rooms, 215–16

tank loading, 210–11, 212

Black and white film, 27, 51–2, 210–31, 242

Black and white images see Monochrome images

Bleaching, 331–2


retouching, 194–6, 273

troubleshooting, 213, 229, 301, 303, 305–6, 312

Blend modes: digital images, 256, 257

Blurred motion, 141

Bounce flash, 148, 157–8


exposure, 77

white balance, 90–1

Bridge file management software, 185


aperture relationship, 67, 68

tools, 187, 191

see also Exposure

Brown, Russell, 250

Built environment:

exteriors, 109–13

interiors, 114–16

night photography, 117, 235, 237, 320

people’s relationship, 112–13

reflections, 238–9

Built-in flash units, 156, 157

Burning-in (printing-in):

digital tools, 198–9

film printing, 227


accessories, 42

digital sensors, 28, 44–8, 319

film types, 51–5

in phones, 167–8

principles, 25–33

rollfilm, 325–6, 327

sheet film, 325, 326–7

types, 33–43

Camera shake, 64–5, 310

Candid shots, 108–9

Canister light leaks, 302

Capture formats, 48–50

Capture settings in digital cameras, 88–101

Card readers, 179, 180–1


digital slide shows, 287

image backups, 279, 281

web galleries, 292

Center of interest, 9–12

Centre weighted light measurement, 76

Changing bags, 211, 212

Channel mixing, 251

Chemicals, 211–13, 330–7

Children, 104–5

Clear film errors, 213, 301, 303, 305

Clear image mode (noise reduction), 98

Clip art in digital slide shows, 286

Clone stamp, 195

Cloning tools, 195–6

Close up mode, 41

Close-ups, 70, 131–7, 328–9

Cloudy setting, 90

Color, 20–2

black and white combination, 256–7

casts, 15, 192, 307, 308

conversion to monochrome, 5, 249–51

digital adjustment, 191–2, 249–59

distortion at printing, 311, 315

film processing, 27

hand coloring, 256–7, 263–4

landscapes, 129

light sources, 14–15, 20–2, 116, 163–4, 307, 308

mood, 21–2


camera settings, 88–9

digital adjustment, 187, 199, 250–1, 253, 255, 259

see also Monochrome images; White balance

Colored filters, 42, 242–3

Colored mounts, 270–1, 273

Color negative films, 27, 51

Color slide films, 52

Color Variations effects, 254

Compact cameras, 33–5, 36, 37, 43

Composition, 1–24, 107, 108, 109, 297

Computer connections, 317

Constructed images:

digital, 246, 248–9, 265–6, 267

film prints, 230

joiners, 266–7

montages, 248–9, 262–3

multiple exposures, 246–7

panoramas, 264–6

prints, 262–3, 264–5

projection, 244

slides, 244–5

Contact sheets:

digital images, 209

film printing, 215–21

mosaic images, 267

Continuous auto focus mode, 141

Continuous shooting modes, 139


composition, 11–12

digital in camera settings, 88, 92–3

digital correction, 187, 191, 315

film printing, 218, 222–3, 225–7

lighting, 13–14

light metering, 77

mounts, 270–1, 273

scanning, 313

studio lighting, 165

Converging verticals, 83, 114–15, 136

Copying using photography, 41, 153

Crescent marks on negatives, 213, 303

Cropping images, 8, 190–1, 270

Dark rooms, 215–16

Daylight setting, 90

Depth of field, 2, 3, 69–70, 323

aperture relationship, 66–7, 69–70

close-ups, 134–5, 137

focal length relationship, 69–70, 84

Depth in picture, 3–4, 7, 87

Developer solution, 211, 212, 228, 229

Developing process, 210–14, 218, 219, 300, 301

Diffused lighting:

flashguns, 158

objects, 152

portraits, 146, 149

studios, 163

Digital cameras, 34

advanced compact, 37

beginners’, 36

capture formats, 48–50, 99–101

capture settings, 88–101

continuous shooting modes, 139

download utilities, 181–2

ISO equivalence, 46–7, 88, 95–7

Lens Multiplication Factors, 47–8, 81–2, 114

memory cards, 50, 126, 317–18

mobile phones, 167–8

pixels, 44–6

principles, 28–9

RAW format, 48, 49, 50, 99–101, 180

resolution, 45–6, 319

sensors, 28, 44–8, 319

single lens reflex, 34–5, 39, 47–8, 81–2, 114

video cameras, 168, 171

white balance, 15, 22, 88, 89–91, 163–4

Digital images:

analog to digital conversion, 59–60

basic enhancement, 189–93

capture options, 167–9, 170

color manipulation, 22, 249–60

constructed images, 246, 248–9, 265–6, 267

cropping, 8, 190–1

downloading to computer, 179–85

editing and enhancing, 171–2, 189–204

emailing, 287–9

file formats, 48–50, 99–101, 185, 193, 203

joiners, 267

monochrome conversion, 5, 249–51

online sharing, 295–6

organizing, 189–90, 276–7, 278

panoramas, 265–6

printing, 205–9

processing, 171–204

RAW files, 48–50, 99–101, 168, 180, 185–8

retouching, 174, 194–9

scanning, 55–62, 306, 312–14, 320–2

slide shows, 283–7

special optical effects, 241

storage options, 126, 275–82

text tools, 177, 204

web galleries, 290–5

Direct lighting, 146

Displaying prints, 273–4

Disposable cameras, 36

Documentary series of pictures, 274–6


digital tools, 198–9

film printing, 227–8

Double printing, 230

Downloading digital images, 179–85

Drawing tools, 177

Driver software, 179

Drying prints, 220

Dry mounting, 272

DSLR cameras, 34–5, 39, 47–8, 81–2, 114

Dust and scratch filters, 194, 273


digital slide shows, 283–4, 287

image backups, 279, 281

Edge numbers: faulty negatives, 300–1

Editing software, 171–2, 173–204

basic enhancements, 189–93

in camera feature comparison, 98

digital slide shows, 286, 287

filters, 192–3, 194, 200–2, 241–2

layers, 202–3, 248

RAW file formats, 48–9, 185–8

tools, 177–8, 190–204

types, 173–6

Electrical equipment safety, 216, 330

E-mail photocards, 287–9

Emotions, 109–10, 130

Enlargers: film printing, 221–30

Entry-level editing applications, 173–4, 175

Equipment, 25–62

back-up hardware, 281

cameras, 25–50

close-ups, 133

contact printing, 216–17

enlarging, 221–3

film processing, 211

films, 51–5

flash lights, 156, 158–9

landscapes, 126

lighting, 162–3

low light photography, 118

memory cards, 50, 126, 317–18

scanners, 55–62, 320–1

SLR accessories, 42

studio setup, 162–3

Evaluation, 296–8

EXIF camera data, 99

Experimental images, 232–69


action shots, 140–1

bracketing, 77

camera controls, 30, 31, 72–3, 78–80

contact prints, 218–19

digital correction, 315–16

effects, 71–80

enlargement prints, 224–5, 226

scanning, 313

time see Shutter speed

troubleshooting, 302, 307, 311

Expressions, 104, 105, 106

Extension rings, 132–3

Extension shutter release, 42, 65

Extension tubes, 42

External hard drives, 278, 281

Fairground rides, 234

Farmer’s reducer, 331

Faults, 213–14, 228–9, 299–316

Fiber-based paper, 220

File formats, 48–50, 99–101, 185, 193, 203

File transfer protocol (FTP), 292, 294

Fill-in flash, 160, 161


black and white processing, 27, 210–31

editing and enhancing pictures, 171

leader problems, 301

loading, 55

principles, 26–7

printing, 27, 210–31

scanners, 55, 56, 58–9, 60–1

storage, 53

types, 51–5

wind-on mechanisms, 33, 37, 38, 304, 305

Filters, 42, 242

colored, 22, 129, 242–3

contrast graded for enlargers, 222, 223, 225–6, 227

gradient, 129, 242

neutral density, 242

polarizing, 129, 242

special optical-effect, 240–1

studio lighting, 163, 164

Filters (software), 200–2

dust and scratch, 194, 273

replicating lens filter effects, 241, 242

sharpness, 192–3

special optical effects, 241

Finishing photos, 270–4

Firewire connection, 179, 181

Fireworks, 41, 119

Fish-eye lenses, 87

Fixed focus, 36

‘Fixing first’ error, 301

Fixing solution, 211, 212, 213, 228, 229

Flash lighting, 155–61

built in, 155, 157

camera modes, 161

disadvantages, 147, 155–7

equipment, 156, 158–9

flashguns, 42

freezing action, 141

guide numbers, 324

portraits, 147, 148

studios, 162

troubleshooting, 304, 308, 309

white balance, 90

Flatbed scanners, 55, 56, 57–9, 60–1

Flat surface close-ups, 135

Floodlights, 162, 163

Flowers, 134–5

Fluorescent setting: white balance, 90

Fluted glass attachments, 240, 241

Focal length, 80–7

camera controls, 29, 37

depth of field relationship, 69–70, 84

Lens Multiplication Factors, 47–8, 81–2, 114

long, 83–4

short, 84–5

troubleshooting, 312

Focal point (center of interest), 9–10

Focusing, 65–70

action shots, 141

auto tracking, 141

close-ups, 132–3

troubleshooting, 308, 309

see also Depth of field

Fogged film, 302, 303, 310

Foregrounds, 2–3, 7

Foreshortening, 86, 87

Frames (mounting), 270–6

Frame within frame composition, 7, 8, 12

Framing up shots, 1–2, 5–8, 131, 311

Freezing action, 140–1

Front lighting, 147

Frozen motion, 4, 140–1, 324

F-stops, 66–8

see also Aperture

FTP (file transfer protocol), 292, 294

Full backup, 280, 281

‘Full frame’ DSLR cameras, 47

Galleries: web based, 290–5

General light readings, 74–5

Glass, 152, 238–9, 309

Glossy surfaces, 152, 239

Golden mean, 9–10

Graded enlargement filters, 222, 223, 225–6, 227

Graded light sensitive paper, 218, 222–3, 225–6

Gradient filters, 129, 242

Grainyness, 95, 96, 97

Graphics on digital slide shows, 286

Greyscales conversion, 250, 251

Groups of people, 105–8

Group tags: naming image files, 184

Hairs on film, 229, 306

Hand coloring, 256–7, 263–4

Hand-held light meters, 327–9

Healing brushes, 196

Health and safety, 6, 130, 329, 330–1

Heat sensitive mounting tissue, 272

Histograms, 80, 92–3

Hot-air dryers, 220

Hot shoes, 156, 158, 159

HTML: photo emails, 289


in camera settings, 88–9

digital adjustment, 187, 199, 250–1, 253, 255, 259

Hybrid scanners, 56

‘Hypo’, 211

Ideas communication, 297


retouching, 194–6, 273

troubleshooting, 213, 229, 301, 303, 305–6, 312

In-camera capture settings:

digital cameras, 88–101

RAW format, 89–101

Incandescent setting, 90

Incremental backup, 280, 281

Inkjet printers, 205–6, 315

Insurance photos, 131

Interiors, 114–16

indoor camera mode, 40

indoor close-ups, 136

Internal hard drives, 277, 282


online backup, 282

online sharing, 292, 295–6

web galleries, 290–5

see also ISPs

Iodine bleaching, 334

ISO (International Standards Organisation) sensitivity:

digital equivalence, 46–7, 88, 95–7

exposure relationship, 72

film types, 52–3

uses, 322

ISPs (Internet service providers), 290, 292, 294

Jasc: Paintshop Pro, 174

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, 48, 290

Kodak Easy Share Gallery service, 295

Labelling films, 303, 304


film processing/printing, 77, 299, 305, 306, 311

printing digital images, 205

Lamps: studios, 162–3

Landmarks, 110, 112

Landscapes, 40, 124–30, 155

Layers: image editing, 202–3, 248

LCD screens, 5–6, 32, 43


action photography, 138–9

close-ups, 132–3

DSLR cameras, 47, 81–2, 114

focal length, 80–7

hoods, 42

optical-effect attachments, 240–3

sensor size effects, 47–8

SLR cameras, 38, 42

see also Filters

Lens Multiplication Factors, 47–8, 81–2, 114

Levels tools, 191, 315–16

Lightening, 119

Light fogging of film, 302, 303, 310


animals, 121

close-ups, 133, 134–5

color influences, 15, 20–2, 89

contrast, 3

direction, 13–14, 17, 147–8, 165

interiors, 115–16

landscapes, 125, 127

light meters, 74–7, 327–9

mixed sources, 15, 116

objects, 150–3, 164–5

outside photography, 13–15, 153–5

people, 107, 145–50, 153–4

places, 110–12

quality, 13–14

safety, 130, 330

skies, 130

texture, 17

time of day, 14–15

zoo exhibits, 123–4

see also White balance

Light pattern images, 232–7, 243

Light sensitive paper, 218, 220, 222–3, 225–6

Limitations of cameras, 1–5

Lines: points of emphasis, 9–12

Lith printing techniques, 335–7

Loading film, 305

Location product photography, 154

Longer focal lengths, 83–4

Long exposures, 116–19, 232–7, 243

Low light photography, 64, 95, 97, 116–19, 320

see also Night photography

Macro lenses, 133

Macro setting, 41, 132–3

Manual SLR cameras, 38–9

Matrix metering, 77

Maximum depth of field, 69, 70

Medium format cameras, 325–6, 327

Megapixels, 45–6, 319

Memory cards, 50, 126, 179, 180–1, 317–18

Menus: editing software, 178

Metadata, 99, 184

Minimum depth of field, 70

Mis-framing, 311

Mobile phones, 167–8

Monochrome images, 5

black and white film processing, 27, 51–2, 210–31

bleaching, 331–2, 334

chemically treating bromide prints, 331–7

colored filters, 242

digital conversion from color, 5, 249–51

film processing and printing, 210–31

hand coloring, 256–7, 263–4

lith printing techniques, 335–7

multi-brown toning, 333–4

reducing, 331, 334

scanning, 312

sepia toning, 252–4, 263–4, 332–3, 334

Montaging, 248–9, 262–3

Mosaic images, 266–7


blurred, 135, 141

camera shake, 64–5, 310

close-ups, 135

experimental images, 232–7, 243

framing, 6

frozen, 4, 140–1, 324

panning, 64, 141, 236, 237

portraits, 149–50

shutter speed, 63–5, 72–3

Mounting photos, 270–6

Multi-color filters, 242

Multi-contrast filters: enlargers, 222, 223, 225–6, 227

Multi-disk archives, 279, 281

Multigrade light sensitive paper, 218, 222–3, 225–6, 227

Multi-pattern light measurement, 76–7

Multiple exposures, 246–7, 304

Multiple images:

joiners, 266–7

lens attachments, 240–1

sets of pictures, 274–6

see also Constructed images

Museum mode, 41

Naming image files, 182, 184

Narrative stories, 274–5


edge numbers, 300–1

printing, 217–19, 221–30

processing, 210–14

storage, 282

troubleshooting, 299–307

Neutral density filters, 242

Night photography:

built environment, 95, 117–18, 320

digital noise, 97

ISO settings, 95–7

landscape mode, 41

moving images, 232–7, 243

portrait mode, 40

shutter speeds/apertures, 64–5, 118, 320

Noise (digital), 88, 95, 96, 97–8, 187

Non-traditional presentations, 283–96

Normal focal length, 81–2

Objects, 136–7, 150–4, 164–5

Observation, 1

Off centre subjects, 66, 78

Online backup files, 282

Online sharing of photos, 292, 295–6

Open flash technique, 160–1

Optical-effect attachments, 240–1

Organising digital images, 189–90, 276–7, 278

Over developed negatives, 214, 300

Over exposure, 71, 214, 229, 302, 307, 315

Paintshop Pro, 174

Pairs of people, 105, 106

Panning, 64, 141, 236, 237

Panoramas, 264–6

Pan and zoom, 286


inkjet printing, 206, 207, 314

light sensitive, 218, 220, 222–3, 225–6, 335

Parallax errors, 32, 36, 311

Party/indoor mode, 40

Patterns in composition, 13, 16–20

PDF slide show email, 289

People, 15, 104–9, 112–13

see also Portraits

Permission to photograph, 109, 123, 140

Perspective, 83, 84–7, 114–15

Pets, 120–4

Photo books, 171, 172

Photo-essays, 276

Photograms, 230–1

PhotoImpact, 174

Photoshop, 175–6, 189–204

Photoshop Elements, 174–5, 189–204

Photoshop Showcase, 292

Photo stacks: grouping digital images, 184

PhotoSuite, 174

Places, 109–19

Points of emphasis, 9–12

Polarizing filters, 242

Portraits, 104–5

animals, 120–4

camera modes, 40

flash lights, 148, 155–8

groups, 105–9

lighting, 12, 15, 145–50, 153–4

outdoors, 15, 107–8, 153–4

Possessions, 131, 136

Pre-emptive focusing, 141

Presentation, 270–96


black and white film, 210, 215–31, 305, 306, 311

digital images, 205–9, 314

Printing-in (burning in):

digital tools, 198–9

film printing, 227


constructed images, 262–3, 264–5

hand coloring, 263–4

joiners, 266–7

manipulation, 262–7

montaging, 262–3

panoramas, 264–5

presentation, 270–6

retouching, 273

storage, 282

Print scanners, 55, 56, 57–9, 60–1


black and white film, 210–14

labs, 77, 299, 305, 306, 311

options, 168, 170

troubleshooting, 299–307

Production outcomes, 171, 172

Product photography, 150–3, 154, 164–5

Professional editing applications, 175–6

Projects, 23–4, 101–2, 143–4, 166, 168–9, 231


evaluation, 297

lighting, 13–14

scanning, 314

RAW file formats, 48–50, 99–101, 168, 180, 185–8

RC see Resin coated

Recyclable cameras, 36

Red eye, 155, 156, 157, 308

reduction flash, 157, 161

removal tools, 184, 197

Reducing printed images (chemically), 331

Reflective scanners, 55, 56

Reflective surfaces, 135, 152, 238–9

Reflectors (lighting), 149, 150, 163

Resin coated (RC) paper, 218, 220, 222


digital sensors, 45–6, 319

scanning, 60, 321–2

Retouching, 174, 194–9, 273

Rewinding film, 304

Ring of light fault, 310

Rollfilm, 225–7

Rotating images, 190, 191

Roxio: PhotoSuite, 174

Russell Brown technique, 250

Safety, 130, 216, 329, 330–1


camera settings, 88–9

desaturating images, 250–1

Raw files, 187

tools, 199, 250–1, 253, 255

varying parts of image, 259


direct photography, 168–9

equipment, 55–61, 320–1

process, 61–2

resolution, 60, 321–2

troubleshooting, 306, 312–14

Seasons, 127–8, 130

Selection tools, 177, 202, 256, 257–8, 259, 260

Selective toning, 255

Semi-professional editing applications, 174–5

Sensitivity see ISO

Sensors: digital cameras, 28, 44–8, 319

Sepia toning, 252–4, 263–4, 332–3, 334

Sets of pictures, 274–6

Shadows, 13, 14


aspect ratio formats, 8

in composition, 18–19

Sharing photos:

e-mail photocards, 287–9

online sharing, 292, 295–6

options, 171, 172

web galleries, 290–5


Adobe Camera Raw tool, 187

digital in camera settings, 88, 93–4

editing tools, 192–3

high ISO settings, 96

Sheet film cameras, 325, 326–7

Shooting faults, 307–12

Shooting modes, 40–1, 65–6, 73, 88–101, 141

Shorter focal lengths, 84–5

Shot advance mechanisms, 33, 37, 38

Shutter release extension, 42, 65

Shutter speed:

advanced compact cameras, 37

aperture/exposure relationship, 72–3

beginners’ cameras, 36

effects, 63–5

freezing action, 324

low light levels, 116

minimum to stop camera shake, 323

priority mode, 73

troubleshooting, 304

Side-top lighting, 147–8

Silhouettes, 3, 11, 311

Silverware, 152

Single auto focus mode, 141

Single lens reflex (SLR) cameras:

advanced, 39

close-ups, 132–3

compact comparison, 43

digital, 34–5, 39, 47–8, 81–2, 114

lens focal lengths, 82–3

manual, 38–9

principles, 32–3, 34–5, 38

Single-use cameras, 36, 304

Size of sensors, 47–8

Skies, 129, 130, 226–7, 245

‘Slave’ flash units, 159


combining pictures, 244–5

copying, 153

film, 52

projecting, 283

scanning, 55–6, 60

storage, 283

Slide shows (digital), 283–7, 289, 296

SLR see Single lens reflex

Snoot attachments, 163

Soft boxes, 149


downloading digital images, 179–85

image backups, 279–80

image editing, 173–8, 189–204

perspective correction, 114, 115

RAW file formats, 48–9, 185–8

scanners, 57, 62

slide shows, 284–7

Special effects:

constructed prints, 230

filters, 242–3

movement, 232–7

optical-effect attachments, 240–2

reflections, 238–9

see also Constructed images

Speed of film see ISO

Speedlight setting, 90

Split tone effects, 253–4

Sponge tools, 199

Sports photography, 64, 137–43, 236, 237, 324

Spot healing brush, 196

Spotlights, 162, 163

Spot reading light measurement, 77

Spotting see Imperfections

Starburst attachment, 240, 241

Still-frame-capture: digital video cameras, 168, 171

Still life photography, 164–5, 166

see also Objects; Product photography

Stitching digital panoramas, 265–6

Storage options:

digital, 126, 275–82

negatives/prints, 83

Straightening images, 190–1

Structuring picture, 1–22, 297

Studios, 149–52, 162–5

Sunlight, 13–15, 21, 130, 306, 310

Sunset mode, 40–1

SVCD: digital slide shows, 287

Tags: naming image files, 184

Tank loading, 210–11, 212

Technical quality evaluation, 297

Telephoto lenses, 80–1, 82–4

depth of field, 70

Lens Multiplication Factors, 47–8, 82, 114

movement blur, 63, 64

perspective, 86, 87

Temperature: developing, 212, 217, 218

Tent lighting, 152

Test strips: film printing, 223, 224–5


digital slide shows, 286

editing software, 177, 204

‘writing with light’, 236, 237

Texture, 16, 17–18, 152, 261

Themes, 143–4, 276

Thiocarbamide toner, 333–5

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), 48–9

Time of day, 14–15, 111–12, 125, 127, 130, 154–5

Timing shots, 4, 12, 138, 309

Tinting, 252–9, 263–4

TLR see Twin lens reflex cameras

Tonal interchange, 11–12


digital images, 191, 252–9

prints, 264–5

Top lighting, 147–8, 158

Traffic at night, 235, 243, 320

Transitions in slide shows, 286

Transmission scanners, 55, 56

Tripods, 42, 65, 118, 126, 133

Troubleshooting, 213–14, 228–9, 299–316

Tungsten bulbs, 164, 307

Twin lens reflex (TLR) cameras, 325–6

Ulead: PhotoImpact, 174

Under development, 214, 300

Under exposure, 71, 214, 228, 302–3, 307, 316

Under fixed negatives, 300

Unexposed film, 303, 305

Unloading film, 304

Unsharp mask, 187, 193

Unwanted detail, 2–3, 7

USB connections, 179, 181

Variable focal length lenses, 37, 83

VCD: digital slide shows, 287

Version Cue, 279, 281

Video cameras, 168, 171

View cameras (sheet film), 326–7

Viewfinders, 5–8, 32

Vignetting, 260

Water reflections, 238

Weather conditions, 110, 111–12, 119, 125, 127, 139

Web based backup, 282

Web galleries, 171, 172, 290–6

Web sharing, 295–6

White balance, 15, 22, 307

bracketing, 90–1

customized, 91

digital in camera settings, 88, 89–91

film, 163–4

interiors, 116

RAW files, 100–1

studio lighting, 163–4

tools, 186, 192

Wide angle lenses, 80–1, 82–3, 84–5

fish-eye, 87

perspective, 83, 85, 86, 87, 114–15, 312

Wildlife parks, 122–4

Window mats, 270, 271, 272

Windows in pictures, 238–9, 309, 311

Workflow, 167–72

‘Writing with light’, 236, 237

Zone of focus see Depth of field

Zoo animals, 122–4

Zoom lenses, 37, 82–3

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