


Alexander, Wayne


    actors identification

    advice for interested lawyers

    agreement terms

    Altschul, David



    Axl Rose

    billable-hours relationship

    Bogdanovich, Peter

    book authors credibility

    bookness and brandness

    book selling, author/agent

    Braun, David

    Bruch, Carol (professor)

    childhood and family background

    commercial law firm experience

    contract as model

    contract negotiation time

    contract terms

    depth of experience

    difficulty with clients

    Edgar Rice Burroughs estate

    firm size



    Hardee Barovick Konecky & Braun

    industry heading

    interesting clients

    interview with admiralty student

    James Bond movies

    law review article

    level of Paramount

    Lucas, George


    marketing and branding

    new business affairs policy

    new legal department

    other practice area

    own firm

    Paterno, Peter

    Pollock, Tom

    portable business



    professional responsibility issues

    reality of entertainment lawyer

    relationship with studios

    representing directors

    rewarded seniority and longevity

    signable agreement

    Simpson-Bruckheimer Productions


    social component

    studio lawyer

    suits and ties

    tandem productions


    tentpole movies


    work on percentage

    work with agents and managers

    work with producers

    yale Law School





F, G




Johnson, Peri Lynne


        code of conduct


        Office of Legal Affairs




    Arnold & Porter



        development function


        Iran and their nuclear program

        legal advisor

        mandate of

        non-nuclear future

        nuclear disaster

        Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty


    Barack Obama

    career decision

    college experience

    cuban refugee


    executive board resolutions

    family background

    Foreign Service Exam

    gender parity

    general assembly resolutions



    human rights work, refugee law


    international work

    law firm background

    law students, advice

    legal department

    National Competitive Exam

    private international law

    pro bono work

    public international law

    refugee population

    Togo Constitution



    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    UN Legal Department

    UN Office of Legal Affairs


Kopelman, Ken

    advice for law students/undergraduates


        business model/management

        client sharing


        multifaceted job

        working with colleagues

    Bear Stearns, in-house counsel

    Bingham McCutchen

    bonus pay


        competitive environment



        equity program

        general truism

        high-pressure situations

        regulated business


        role during crisis

        senior management

    Brooklyn Law School

    business lawyer


        investment bank

        legal issues

        trading operations


    client relationship, corporate lawyer

    corporate associate, Baer Marks & Upham

    corporate generalist, Baer Marks & Upham

    financial services lawyer

    firm life

    Fixed Income and Derivatives Legal Groups



    law firm partner

    law school decision




    SUNY Binghamton

    unpredictable market






P, Q


Romain, Kate

    advice for law students


    best friends network

        common law system


        corporate and litigation

        economic crisis

        family and work life balance

        French bar admission

        Germany industry issues

        legal community recognition

        lunch hour

        own books of business

        partners and associates



        practice change over time

        professional responsibility

        relevant factor

        US-trained attorney

        women lawyers

        work hours

    Bredin Prat

    career paths

    civil and commercial law


    culture, paris office

    family background

    Federal Trade Commission

    Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Practices

    French and American attorneys

    French firms

    French vs. US salary structure

    graduation, University of Texas School of Law

    Hogan & Hartson culture

    internalization, law firm talent

    law school decision

    law school experience

    London/Paris offices

    role of in-house counsel

    salaried workers


    US firms structure in France

    Washington vs. New York law firms

    Weiss, Paul


Sprigman, Christopher

    academic job


        center of gravity


        DC-based practice

        International Trade Commission (ITC)


    antitrust case

        cocktail napkin


        different assignment

        formalities system

        Golan vs. Holder

        intellectual property rights


        Peter and Wolf

        stand-up comedy

        Stanford Law Review


    antitrust division

    antitrust world

    appellate counsel

    behavioral economics

        business and economic orientation

        Davis Polk

        final wisdom

        intellectual property

        ninth circuit court of appeals

        skeptic of law and economics


    career decision

    case vs. newspaper


    christian louboutin

    comedic sanction


    DC circuit

    defamation law

        dissertation research

        full-time jobs

        Michael Osborne, friend


    fashion industry

    George Bush

    intellectual property

    Kal Ravstiala

    law firm

    law reviews

    law school

    Mark Popofsky



    public school

    research professor

    South Africa



Streeter, Jonathan

    Arnold & Porter

    Arnold & Porter

        junior litigator

        public service work

        work trouble

    case duration

        case information

        case types

        chickenshit club

        competitive and prestigious job

        crime quality

        defense strategy

        drug case

        duane reade case

        FBI agent help

        federal and state level prosecution

        federal jurisdiction

        insider-trading case

        investigation work

        Marc Dreier case

        merger/company financial performance report

        money-laundering cases

        narcotics cases

        New York City culture

        no. of cases

        personal style

        ponzi scheme case

        Preet Bharara

        Raj Rajaratnam investigation

        Republican appointee/Democratic appointee

        Securities Fraud Task Force

        southern district work

        trial partner

        trial prep

        true-believer prosecutors

        white-collar case

        white-collar work

        winnable case

        witnesses deal

        working time

    clerkship work


    department of Justice

    governmental roles

    inspiration as litigator

    local politics

    moral compass


    national forest work

    truth and justice

    US Attorney’s Office




W, X, Y, Z

Whedbee David

    artisanal firm’s practice

    asylum cases

    brady issues

    bush administration

    civil rights firm

    clergy sex abuse litigation



    college and law school

    conceptual legal perspective

    constitutional law

    contracting economy, lawyers


    defense counsel

    defense-oriented firm


    district court clerking


    fair housing cases

    federal courts

    federal fair housing act

    grunt torts

    houses raided

    illegal gambling

    immigration lawyer

    innocence project cases

    Judge Berrigan

    Judge Gould’s chambers

    Ken MacDonald

    law school process

    law students or undergrads

    legal cause

    legal practice in Seattle

    literary criticism and historiography

    litigation department

    litigation work

    London School of Economics

    MacDonald Hoague & Bayless practice and history

    medium-sized firms

    Mel Crawford

    muslim sensibility

    ninth circuit cases

    personal injury case


    playing soccer

    political ideology

    political, social/religious group


    practice civil rights law

    scattergun approach

    seattle police department

    sex abus

    skill set

    Southern California

    Tim Ford

    unorthodox situation

    voter abuse and intimidation

    work safety package

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