
In life you are only as good as those with whom you surround yourself, and there is a reason why President Ronald Reagan asked Peggy Grande to work by his side for 10 years: She worked tirelessly to make him look good and be successful. I'm blessed to have her as a friend and business partner, and I know that this book would not exist without her. Peggy helped me write and edit this book and was instrumental in encouraging me to write it. She was able to take what I wanted to say and capture it masterfully on paper. She is an incredible speaker and skilled writer and gave generously of her time and talents to provide a historical perspective of President Reagan and firsthand validation of his character. She embodies the excellence of Ronald Reagan and graciously provides a sounding board for me and wise advice I trust and depend on. Creating The Reagan Experience program with her has been fun, rewarding, exciting, and fulfilling. Thank you for sharing your vast expertise, unique background, and boundless energy with me and with this project, Peggy! And to Peggy's incredible family: her husband, Greg, and her four terrific kids, Taylor, Courtney, Paige and Jocelyn, I am grateful for their friendship and for the many ways in which they have supported this book.

I divide my life into two sections: before I met Ron Bailey, and after I met Ron Bailey. Meeting Ron Bailey has improved and enriched my life in every way. He represents the American dream and is the epitome of ingenuity, humility, loyalty, and integrity. Ron entered my life by chance and has become a true mentor to me. He is brutally honest, which is needed and appreciated; is success-oriented, which is admired; and maintains a contagious optimism that anything is possible. The other half of Ron's success has been his loving and devoted wife, Beverly. Over the years I have been fortunate to count the entire Bailey family among my closest friends. Ron and Beverly raised two smart, ambitious, talented, and emotionally intelligent sons, Kyle and Kent. I have enjoyed living life's adventures with these two great friends. They, in turn, married two beautiful and supportive women, Michele and Cristina. Between them they have six terrific kids: Brandon, Justin, Cameron, Megan, Lily, and Sofia. The entire Bailey family relentlessly focuses on making the world around them better—and they succeed! Giving away millions of dollars personally each year in college scholarships, buying computers for students, and donating to countless charities, their lives epitomize philanthropy. The amazing thing about this family is that they ask for absolutely nothing in return. I have never met a more successful yet down-to-earth family with such an abundance of positive life leadership lessons to model for others. It's been a pleasure to see real leadership personified through Ron Bailey and his entire family. The Bailey family legacy is both positive and lasting—and has blessed my life immeasurably.

Otto Kumbar is the type of friend who would give me the shirt off his back, but despite the fact that he is incredibly generous, he also challenges me to be the best I can be. He puts his heart and soul into his family, his friends, and all the businesses he has run over the years. Otto has a brilliant business mind and has a knack for making great decisions. He reads, researches, thinks, analyzes, and dissects every piece of information within a business and can set priorities, reorder and rearrange, and chart a path forward better than anyone I know. Otto and his family immigrated to the United States with absolutely nothing but a strong work ethic and a love for America, which proved to be more than enough. He not only found success and reward here but inspired others to work hard and pursue and achieve their dreams here as well. I am indebted to him for being a great, loyal friend—thank you, Otto, for that. And his wife, Sue, and son, Alex, are both brilliant and kind. And Otto's daughter, Katie, was helpful in contributing to this book. She has a bright future ahead as an author, and I'm honored she contributed to my book as one of her first published works. I am always blessed to be welcomed into the Kumbar home and thoroughly enjoy their company.

Brian Axe, a friend from both high school and UCLA, is a terrific Kitchen Cabinet member who gives great advice and is a true friend. I have fond memories of running the four-mile route around UCLA every night with him, dreaming of starting our own businesses and changing the world. Brian has been a top executive for Google and now is an angel investor for other young inspiring entrepreneurs; he has succeeded both in business and in changing the world. I'm so proud of you, Brian, and all you have accomplished!

No one could ask for a better friend in life than Dan Zarraonandia. Dan and I have talked weekly for more than 25 years since our days as roommates at UCLA, sharing both dreams and challenges. From our weddings to the births of our children, to graduations and losses, celebrations and crises, it has been great sharing all of life with a great friend. The entire Zarraonandia family represents commitment to faith and family, and I treasure the support and positive influence they have been in my life.

Todd Stewart has been a great lifelong friend. Todd, you have built a successful business and family through your hard work. I am fortunate to call you a great friend. I hope you know how much I have appreciated your friendship over so many years.

To Jon Gordon, thank you for the introduction to Shannon Vargo at John Wiley & Sons. She's absolutely as good as you said she was. Also, congratulations on the success of The Energy Bus. All of your books are inspiring, and you are positively impacting lives everywhere you go.

To Jon Podany, you are a great friend with an incredible family. Watching your success at the PGA Tour and now leading the LPGA, I'm inspired by your work ethic and visionary leadership.

To Jerry Daniels, you have been blessed with a great family and you are an inspirational business leader. You inspire me. “Love you, brother!”

Thank you, Donald Fisher, for being a great mentor and friend. You helped me achieve success in my first business venture. For that I will always be grateful.

To Chris Clements, “It's a beautiful day!” I have enjoyed watching your success.

To Wyatt and Claire McVay, I couldn't ask for better lifelong friends!

To Brent Barksdale, Daryn Iwicki, Jay Lifschultz, Kent Strang, and Brian Swensen, the best group of friends anyone could ask for. I have enjoyed traveling all across the country with you, training freedom-loving young people to fight the good fight. You are all great Americans.

At the age of 20, I was invited to attend a Youth Leadership School held by the Arlington, Virginia–based Leadership Institute. Little did I know that LI would forever change the trajectory of my life. That first weekend I met the founder, Morton Blackwell, who is the most principled conservative I have ever known. His passionate commitment to the conservative movement and to educating and empowering like-minded young people is unsurpassed. I thank Morton for helping me to understand and articulate the idealistic opinions of my youth and develop them into an ongoing commitment to be informed, involved, and an active participant in the political process. He gave me the foundation to build upon and the tools I would need throughout my life to make a positive difference.

I also want to thank the team at America's Choice Title Company, especially our vice president, Christine Micieli. She is smart, hardworking, and loyal. I am fortunate to have her help me run my business and lucky to have her as a friend as well. Christine not only is incredibly skilled in the technical aspects of her job but she is committed to excellence in customer experience, a priority at America's Choice Title Company. She cares deeply about the business and our clients—and it shows. Christine, I am eternally grateful to you and appreciate all that you do.

The leadership team at America's Choice Title Company gives me the opportunity every day to try to lead—and live—like Reagan did. Thank you Christine Micieli; Clair Witt; Seabron Chad Fears; Jessica Braig; Claire Bell-Irving; Jaime Stokes; Dana Gallen; Sallie Bassett; Mary Beth Micieli VanRyne; Trey Corbett; Dawn Paape; Angela Haire; and friends Grace and Jeff Maxwell, for giving me the opportunity to grow with you as a team. I'm proud of all we continue to accomplish together.

To Red Scott, a truly great American who left a lasting and meaningful legacy on my life and on countless others. And to the talented team at Vistage who lead an incredible organization that creates an environment where CEOs can build better businesses and become better leaders and be the best that they can be. I am proud to speak regularly for them all across the country and value the interaction and feedback created in that challenging and positive environment.

To mentors and colleagues over the years who have challenged me to always do my best and then strive to do even better: Tim Phillips; Pi, Tina, Bailey, and Isabella Piboolnuruk; Brian Malison; John Jackson; Anthony Zuiker; Ken Hanson; Kevin Gentry; Rob Testwuide; Bob Rivera; Larry Vizard; Gilbert Manzano; Mark Gutierrez; Brian Bauer; Ted Frank; Jeff Tidwell; Rick Brown; Scott Jones; Herb Peyton; Bill Hillegass; Kirk Murray; Jim Black; Kimberly Grant; Geoff Brougham; Christine Lee; David Whitaker; Scott Marshand; Michael Wenk; Don Flora; Janet Westling; Ryan Nichols; Father Steve Thomlison; Kelly Chancy; Meghan Swella; Norma Zimdahl; Will Montoya; David MacInnes; Chris Wood; Tom Reber; Stan Elmore; Les Novitsky; Chris Spencer; Justin Henson; Xavier Mora; Stacey Allaster; Congressman David Dreier; Congressman John Mica; Gary Hollis; Will Pitts; Brian and Cindy Axe; Dan and Jennie Zarraonandia; Todd and Donna Stewart; Jon and Kathryn Gordon; Jon and Julie Podany; Jerry and Kathy Daniels; Donald and Elysa Fisher; Bret and Roshi Peters; Michael and Barb Roberts; Eric and Jeanne Walser; Bob and Sarah Barnhard; Eli and Tara Sunquist; Andy and Robin Mignerey; Adam and Nikki Guillette; Al and Suela Mansur; General Edney Moura and family; Tony and Angi Boselli; Ken and Libby Jones; John and Trish Hart; George and Cara Ameer; Joe and Carri Grass; John and Tamara Harris; Eric and Nicole Haslinger; and Lynne, Nicole, and Jen Westine. Congratulations to the PLP team at Farmers Insurance on the great success of your leadership programs. Thank you to Herm Rowland, Tomi Holt, and the incredible team at Jelly Belly Candy Company, a great American success story. And to the world-class staff at the Westlake Village Four Seasons Resort under the leadership of Michael Newcombe and the life-changing work they accomplish onsite every day at the California Health and Longevity Institute with Tammie Wallace and her team. And to Americans for Prosperity, committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process. You truly make a difference!

I was so fortunate to have incredible, loving parents who remained married for 55 years. I owe everything that I am today to my mother, who raised me on love and optimism. She believed in me and always wanted the best for me. She was an inspiration and salt of the earth. Francis Elizabeth Quiggle lost her long battle with breast cancer on December 29, 2009. She never complained even during her most challenging and painful times. I am eternally grateful that God blessed me with a loving, caring mother.

Without a high school education my father, Donald Quiggle, taught me and modeled for me the true meaning of industriousness and tenacity. He proudly served his country in the Air Force and went on to earn a management position at Santa Fe Railroad. He showed me the dignity and self-worth that comes with discipline and hard work. I was fortunate to have a father who loved and cared deeply for me and challenged me to be independent and always give my best.

And my deep love and gratitude to Jon and Barbara Sandberg, wonderful people who raised an incredible daughter, Luanne, who I am blessed to call my wife. They have been supportive over the years in every way possible. Barbara is a compassionate, caring person who positively impacts her family and community, and Jon is a great father who teaches us all how to enjoy each and every day of life.

I saved for the end some very special people to me. Thank you to others in my family who provide constant support and perspective: My brother, David Quiggle, and his wife, Staci, my sister, Kelly Quiggle, and all the others who bear the thrill—and the challenge—of having Quiggle as a last name. I'm blessed to have a brother and sister who have always supported me and each other over the years. It is greatly appreciated. They are raising great kids: Ryan, Megan, Spencer, Trina, and Jordan. I'm proud of each one. And aunts, uncles, and cousins galore who have survived a lifetime of my enthusiasm! And Jonson, Kim, and Anna Grace Sandberg, thank you for your loving support.

The Reagan Team

Ronald Reagan always said that his life began when he met Nancy. Theirs was a true love and was endearing to watch. They often would walk through the office holding hands, and nothing would make the president light up more than Mrs. Reagan surprising him by dropping by the office. Mrs. Reagan represented our country with dignity and grace as our First Lady and continued to do so upon her return to Los Angeles. I am grateful for her example of devotion and dedication to her husband and to the perpetuation of his legacy.

Just like there was Ronald Reagan's trickle-down economics, in the office there was trickle-down leadership excellence. I watched the effectiveness and success that happened in an environment of kindness and respect and benefitted personally and professionally from all the people within the Office of Ronald Reagan who also embraced and embodied the attributes of the president.

Fred Ryan, Ronald Reagan's first post–presidential chief of staff and current chairman of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Board of Trustees, always treated me with kindness and respect, including me in important office moments and significant events. Fred is a visionary leader who always accomplishes what he sets out to do. From serving the president faithfully in the White House, then in Los Angeles, and now from his successful business post in Washington, D.C., he has ensured that the legacy of Ronald Reagan remains strong and lasting. I try to emulate in my own office the environment of support, challenge, and appreciation that Fred always ensured prevailed in the Office of Ronald Reagan.

Joanne Drake has directly served Ronald Reagan and his legacy on a daily basis longer than anyone else. She is passionate about preserving and perpetuating all things Ronald Reagan. She served as both the director of scheduling and chief of staff in the Office of Ronald Reagan and has included me in events such as presidential debates and even the president's funeral. I am thankful for her graciousness and applaud her dedication to carry the torch of freedom and liberty forward on behalf of Ronald Reagan. And if you have visited the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library, the museum not only accurately reflects the life of the man but captures the vision and optimism Ronald Reagan inspired in America and in Americans. Joanne was integral in bringing the renovated museum to life and so beautifully portraying his true American story.

Mark Weinberg, Ronald Reagan's post–presidential press secretary, was smart, quick witted, articulate, and warm, modeling the president's wonderful sense of humor, as well as his ability to reframe difficult issues, keeping perspective and calm all along the way. Mark was gracious to share private, behind-the-scenes moments with the president with me, and he always made me feel valued and part of the team. He now does for corporations what he always did for the president—communicate with excellence, optimism, and vision. He's talented, terrific, and a great friend.

To the rest of the Office of Ronald Reagan team who embodied trickle down excellence and represented the president with professionalism, integrity, and efficiency, I learned much from each of you and have continued to carry on what we experienced together into every pursuit since then: Cathy Busch, Kathy Osborne, Jon Hall, Sheri Lietzow, Selina Brownell, Kerry Perlow, Bernadette Schurz, Keri Douglas, Kay Paietta, Lisa Cavelier, Stefanie Davis, Ethan Baker, and Peggy Grande. You were an incredible team who gave 110 percent each and every day.

And thank you to John Heubusch and the leadership team who have more recently advanced the president's legacy through the ongoing work of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. John is a visionary leader who is passionate about advancing and protecting the president's legacy. John, thank you for your example of leadership excellence, and for being so supportive of me over the years. It is truly appreciated and I look forward to continuing our work together.

I applaud the rest of the talented team at the Reagan Foundation: Joanne Drake, John Shaw, Wendy Withers, Glenn Baker, Melissa Giller, Kathleen Swift, Deanna Baker, Kirby Hanson, Wren Powell, Allison Borio, Barbara Garonzik, Kirk Memoli, Alissa Whiteley, and Carolyn Mente, who work tirelessly to honor the president.

In addition, the preservation and cataloging work of the National Archives and Records Administration is vast and ambitious and has thrived under the leadership of Duke Blackwood. Duke is creative and enthusiastic in his work and in connecting future generations with the lessons of the past. Duke, your long-standing tenure and leadership with the Reagans is a testament to your character and to the value you add. Steve Branch has a wealth of knowledge and was incredibly helpful with archival information and the photograph collection. I appreciate his expertise and applaud his faithful service.

I also want to thank my good friend Stewart McLaurin, who oversaw the entire 2011 Ronald Reagan Centennial Celebration. Stewart envisioned and implemented a historic year of tributes, partnerships, and initiatives that honored America's fortieth president during the year in which he would have turned 100. They couldn't have picked a better representative to champion the remembrances of the life, leadership and legacy of Ronald Reagan.

Finally, I am grateful to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library, which has graciously welcomed The Reagan Experience program by allowing the story of the president's life to be told in meaningful and memorable ways.

And most of all I am grateful to Ronald Reagan, who inspired me and forever impacted my life.

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