
This book is dedicated to my wife, Luanne, who makes life fun and exciting. You are smart and beautiful and an incredible wife and mother. You make all of us better because of your true love for life. You are the most supportive wife a man could ever dream of having and have always been that way. I have enjoyed life′s journey because you have made it purposeful and gratifying. Luanne, I love you and appreciate all you do for me and our family. Because of you we have three incredible children, Justin, Corinne, and Eric. Wow. Life is good.

Justin—You are such an incredible son and a true leader in our family. You have not only been a great role model for your brother and sister but also for others. I admire the way you treat people and strive to be your best and I am so proud of all the ways you impact others positively. You will undoubtedly change the world for the better because you have a smart mind, a great sense of humor, a deep compassion for others, and a great love for this country.

Corinne—You are extremely smart and unbelievably athletic, and I am blessed to have you as my daughter. I have marveled at your commitment to your studies as well as the sport you love, volleyball. You are a sweet and loyal sister to your brothers and a good role model to all young women striving to mix academics and athletics. I encourage you to follow your dreams and hope you always know I am so proud to be your dad.

Eric—You have been given a wonderful brother and sister to emulate, yet I enjoy watching you forge your own path. You have been showered with love your entire life and in turn are sharing your loving spirit and good heart with others. Your passion for life is contagious and energizes me. Continue to dream and work hard. The sky is the limit for you!

I've been blessed by a loving and supportive family. I'm humbled and grateful.

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