
  2. ABB
  3. Academy Awards
  4. Accountability: Hollywood projects and negotiating pay and; Topcoder work quality measurement system for
  5. ADT Sensormatics
  6. Affordable Care Act (2010)
  7. “Agile cocreativity”
  8. AH Global
  9. Air France/KLM
  10. Alexander, Christopher
  11. Alitalia
  12. Allergan
  13. Alliances: accessing talent from another company through an; allowing partners to tap training and experiences at other companies; of ASML Holdings with Intel, Samsung, and TSMC; Association of Strategic Alliance Professional survey (2009) on; AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb; Bharti Airtel; cost versus work optimization driving decision for; description of how they work; Disney and Siemens; Dutch tomato farmers' microbusinesses; early joint ventures leading to increased interest in; five basic types of; the future of; “Guide to Alliance Contracting” (Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport) on; IBM and Apple; as labor market intermediary; members of the Sky Team Alliance; Meta's ability to create an ecosystem for augmenting reality using; Metro AG's Future Store Initiative alliance; Mitsubishi and Boeing; mixing of cultures during; multiple benefits of; reframed as dialing up permeability and interlinkage; the rise and development of; rising success rate of; Towers Watson (TW) leveraging the power of; used in combination with other ways to engage workers; Wall Street Journal's “reserve outsourcing” article on
  14. Amazon: automation used by; “disintermediating” the brick-and-mortar store; media shown on; MTurk developed by; offering Topcoder coders jobs at
  15. American Express
  16. Amino acids research: using Foldit game to recruit volunteer R&D workers; the problem that needed to be solved for
  17. Amylin Pharmaceuticals
  18. Anheuser-Busch
  19. Appirio. See also Topcoder
  20. Apple: IBM Apple Alliance; Steve Jobs and “key man risk” of
  21. AppMakr
  22. ASML Holdings
  23. Assignments (Lead the Work framework): deconstructing to break down assumptions about; description of the; examining how they can be packaged into suitable chunks; Foldit case on applying the choice categories of; IBM applications of the; introduction to the three choice categories of; JetBlue Airways case on applying choice categories of; Lead the Work map on; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down. See also Deconstruct choice; Detach choice; Disperse choice; Work
  24. Association of Strategic Alliance Professional alliance survey (2009)
  25. AstraZeneca
  26. Attracting/sourcing (talent cycle): “engagement brand” for; tasks involved during
  27. Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport
  28. Automation issue
  30. Baker, David
  31. Balboni, Fred
  32. Banana Republic
  33. Bersin by Deloitte
  34. Bersin, Josh
  35. Beyond employment: accessing talent from another company through an alliance; as constantly detaching assignments from{} the traditional employment relationship; debate over future competition and exploitation of; developing future leaders by loaning out your best talent; the Upwork case on using the decision framework to decipher the; examples of workers engaged in; the new workplace and work reality of; overarching questions about the future of; six key governance principles in a world of. See also Employment; Free Agent World
  36. Beyond employment examples: AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb alliance to fight diabetes; the free agency of the regular full-time employee; how free agents built the software for managing genomes; how to power an energy company with contract workers; how to unravel the mystery of folding proteins with volunteers; the pressures on regular full-time employment; Siemens hearing aid marketing by using Disney employees
  37. Beyond employment future: are the optimists or the pessimists right about the; the bright side of a; the dark side of; Germany's Work 4.0 conference (2015) on forward thinking toward a; preparing your kids to join the; what we should do to ensure a positive
  38. Beyond HR (Boudreau and Ramstad)
  39. Bharti
  40. Bharti Airtel alliance
  41. Big data: generated for reward optimization; how it fits into the new organization; preparing for a positive beyond employment future using
  42. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  43. Blacksmith trade
  44. Blackstone Capital
  45. “Blue Card” (IBM)
  46. Blue-collar workers
  47. Blue Talent Cloud platform (IBMer Assignment Agency)
  48. Boeing
  49. Boeing– Mitsubishi alliance
  50. Bokelberg, Eric
  51. Bonet, Rocio
  52. Boudreau, John
  53. Boundaries. See Organizational boundaries
  54. “Boxes”: how emerging trends are replacing the traditional reality of; as the traditional sense-making approach
  55. Brainstorm Strategy Group
  56. Brick-and-mortar stores
  57. “A Brief History of Outsourcing” (Handfield)
  58. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  59. Broadcast TV
  60. Broida, Don
  61. Brokers. See also Talent platforms
  62. Brown, John Seely
  63. Bryant, Kobe
  64. A Bug's Life (film)
  65. Build, Borrow, or Buy: Solving the Growth Dilemma (Capron and Mitchell)
  66. Built to Change: How to Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness (Lawler and Worley)
  67. Bureau of Labor Statistics, on percentage of U.S. employed
  68. Burrell, Mark
  69. Burt, Alan
  70. Business schools
  72. Cable TV
  73. Call of Duty (video game)
  74. Cameron, James
  75. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  76. Cappelli, Peter
  77. Capron, Laurence
  78. Car-sharing services: Getaround; overview and comparison of; self-driving cars; Uber; Zipcars
  79. Car2Go
  80. Career development
  81. CareerBuilder
  82. Catmull, Edwin
  83. Center for Effective Organizations
  84. CEO of Me: embracing the future of being a; the flexibility, freedom, and influence enjoyed by; increasing trend of; means being prepared for turbulence; set of loyalties held by; transition to the. See also Free agency
  85. Champions for Growth program (IBM)
  86. Change: as a constant state; deconstructing to gain agility during times of; job security a lost illusion due to; sustainable performance by being “built to change”
  87. Chief learning officers (CLOs)
  88. Cisco– HP alliance
  89. Clegg, Chris
  90. Clients: ability to find a qualified free agent faster than developing a worker; attractive rewards offered to the anonymous Turkers by MTurk; Upwork offering and; existing stories and examples regarding; free agents who choose to work repeatedly with the same; IBM Expertise Locator service available to their; MTurk's offering and; outsourcing by; Tongal offering and; Topcoder offering and; the value of new rewards for leaders, workers, and. See also Customers
  91. Cloud-based talent platforms
  92. CloudMeBaby
  93. Cognitive computing
  94. Colgate
  95. Collaboration choice: considering the organizational value chain when making the; deciding how deeply to collaborate; description of the; dispersing less in order to increase; governance in action by making collaboration work; on how deeply to collaborate; how interlinkages can evolve into learning opportunities and; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; role of loyalty in the; for a staffing model that pools talent of noncompeting companies; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
  96. Columbia University
  97. Comarketing alliances
  98. Comcast
  99. Communication: high-bandwidth; IBM's common language of work for clear; selecting talent and issue of common work language used for
  100. Community motivator
  101. Community of organization
  102. “Company Man” approach
  103. Competition: the annual Topcoder Open tournament; debate over worker exploitation due to
  104. Consultants
  105. Contracted work: mistake to translate into full-time equivalents (FTEs); special challenges of free agents doing; talent platforms using reputation systems to rate. See also Free agents
  106. Cool Hand Luke (film)
  107. Coproduction alliance
  108. “Corporate Service Corps” (IBM)
  109. Costs: detach in order to lower; labor; overhead. See also Wages
  110. Creativity: “agile cocreativity” evolution of; community-based; Wikipedia as collaborative
  111. Crowdsourced contests: annual Tongies awards event; annual Topcoder Open tournament; applying incentive system principles to
  112. Culture: alliances the mixing of; definition of; Upwork's; leadership role in creating vision and; leading the work by creating engagement and; Metro's crafting of their vision and; Topcoder's. See also Engagement models; Free agents
  113. Customers: car-sharing; current and likely future governance roles of. See also Clients
  115. Day Communications
  116. De Julio, James
  117. De Man, Ard-Pieter
  118. Decision making: cost versus optimizing work as driving the outsourcing and alliance; examining how to made the bests for on the Work,; existing stories and examples on worker and client; lack of a framework to guide Work,; organization chart used to assess permeable and interlinked; PICF (permeate, interlink, collaborate, and flex) framework for; set of rules for governance principles. See also Lead the Work framework
  119. Decision science: definition of; HR discipline as a
  120. Decisions: array of options for possible; the decision framework visualized as a map with dials for navigating to the right; examining how assignments can be packaged into suitable chunks through; factors determining the right choices and; leaders of the work and examples of important
  121. Deconstruct choice: AH Global's practice of deconstructing the work; deconstruction through projects; description of the; driven by growth; emerging assignment opportunities through process of; goals and limits of; how it changes the notion of “separation”; IBM's applications of the; JetBlue Airways high dispersion, moderate detachment, and low; the Lean entrepreneur who deconstructs and reconstructs by necessity; mastering the process importance to leadership; questions to use for breaking down assumptions about assignments; reasons to deconstruct assignments les; reasons to deconstruct assignments more; relocating IBM workers using dispersing and; suggestions on how to implement in your organization; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; 3D framework of dispersed, detached, and. See also Assignments (Lead the Work framework)
  122. Dela Airlines
  123. Deloitte
  124. Deploying and developing (talent cycle): blurred lines between worker selection and; leading the work for; tasks required for
  125. Detach choice: beyond employment as constantly engaging in the; description of the; IBM's applications of the; JetBlue Airways high dispersion, low deconstruction, and moderate; mixed loyalties issue o; rethinking the purpose of the employment relationship; role of intermediaries in the; 3D framework of deconstructed, dispersed, and; when to detach less; when to detach more. See also Assignments (Lead the Work framework)
  126. Developing countries
  127. Discretion and control motivators
  128. Discrimination
  129. Disney: Siemens' alliance with; a Tongaler doing animation for
  130. Disperse choice: AH Global's practice of dispersing the work; description of the; how TaskRabbit illustrates the challenges of the; how widely to disperse assignments; IBM's applications of the; JetBlue Airways low deconstruction, moderate detachment, and high; on the low-cost markets created by the; reasons to disperse work less; reasons to disperse work more; relocating IBM workers using deconstruction and; reward issues raised by the; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; 3D framework of deconstructed, detached, and. See also Assignments (Lead the Work framework)
  131. Distribution alliances
  132. Diversity: definition of; HR reconsideration of inclusion and; IBM's “Corporate Service Corps” to increase
  133. Donald, Graham
  134. DriveAbility (Towers Watson)
  135. Dutch tomato farmers' alliance
  137. Economist (magazine)
  138. Economists: positive perceptive of beyond employment by; why there are concerns about the future beyond employment world by
  139. Ecosystems: Dutch tomato farmers' alliance creating a microbusiness; how application development companies may impact Google's; Meta's alliance to create an augmenting reality
  140. Elance
  141. Upwork: allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; built-in tools to manage assignments at; data generated that allow for reward optimization; description and temp services provided by; dispute-resolution mechanism at; the engagement model and culture of; getting started as a leader of the work at; as hybrid model of organization; implications for your future as a leader of the work; “leaders” emerging from the workers of; the offering and clients of; Private Talent Cloud software used at; reporting on how the assignment to a worker is structured; reputation systems used at; selecting workers at; some low-paying jobs available on; stable core of employees at; talent cycle attracting/sourcing on; video on companies with large employee numbers on site of; the work done at; the workers of. See also oDesk; Talent platforms
  142. Employee turnover. See also Separating (talent lifecycle)
  143. Employment: automation replacing workers and; the casual look of U.S. percentage of worker; escaping the traditional regulation full-time; the high organizational cost of; historic evolution of; modern stresses on traditional; role of intermediaries in detaching assignments from. See also Beyond employment; Full-time employment; Work
  144. Employment lifecycle
  145. Employment relationship: detach more in order to increase flexibility as part of the; rethinking the purpose of the; role of intermediaries in detaching assignments from; societal laws and regulations that define the; when to detach and when not to detach the. See also Organizations
  146. EMSI report (2014)
  147. Energy company contract workers
  148. Engagement: comparing the free agent and regular FTE innovation and; leading the work by creating culture and
  149. Engagement brand
  150. Engagement models: Upwork; MTurk; Tongal; Topcoder. See also Culture; Free agents
  151. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
  152. Ericsson
  153. Everwise
  155. Facebook
  156. Field Nation
  157. Flexibility choice: applied to either workers or organizations; description of the; on how extensively to flex; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; private equity organizations and the; visualizing the processes and possibilities of; as worker motivator. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
  158. Foldit Contenders Group
  159. Foldit (online video game): dialing up the rewards example of; Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (journal) on research facilitated by; recruiting volunteer R&D workers using the
  160. Foldit Void Crushers Group
  161. Foldit@home program
  162. Ford
  163. Free agency: disappearance of the pretense of being part of a bigger organization; flexibility characteristic of; increasing acceptance as legitimate professional lifestyle. See also CEO of Me
  164. Free Agent Nation: the culture and engagement models used in the; driven by economics; growing social acceptability driving the; historical comparisons to modern; moving toward a Free Agent World. See also Self-employed
  165. Free Agent Nation: The Future Of Working for Yourself (Pink)
  166. Free Agent World: the culture and engagement models used in the; implications of the; increasing development and acceptance of the; mentoring kids to become part of the; new challenge facing unions in the; six key governance principles in the; three barriers to the. See also Beyond employment
  167. Free agents: automation replacing both employees and; changed nature of leadership when working with; comparing innovation and engagement of FTE workers and; debate over future competition and exploitation of; health insurance issue for; how talent platforms optimize freelancing work by; how the new rewards system benefits; mentoring your kids to become successful; special challenges faced by the; talent platforms using reputation systems to rate; what they can do as individuals to create positive beyond employment; who choose to work repeatedly with the same client. See also Contracted work; Culture; Engagement models
  168. Freelance Management Systems (FMS)
  169. Freelancers Union (U.S.)
  170. Full-time employment: the causal look at percentage of U.S.; comparing innovation and engagement of free agent and workers with; the free agency of the regular employee under; the high organizational cost of; historic evolution of; modern stresses on traditional; moving toward the less “regular”; the pressures on regular; traditional reward systems for. See also Employment
  171. Full-time equivalents (FTEs)
  172. Funk, Tyler
  173. Future HR outcomes: for diversity and inclusion; in engagement and culture; facilitating sustainable performance; Lead the Work framework used to create; leadership roles in the; the new HR professional and various roles undertaken to reach the
  174. Future Store Initiative alliance
  176. Gap, Inc.
  177. Gates, Bill
  178. Gates Foundation
  179. Gates, Melinda
  180. Geico Insurance
  181. General Electric's John F. Welch Leadership Center
  182. Genero
  183. Genome management software story
  184. Germany's Work 4.0 conference (2015)
  185. Getaround
  186. Ghemawat, Pankaj
  187. Gigwalk
  188. Glamour as reward
  190. The Global and Mail (Canadian newspaper)
  191. Global Opportunity Marketplace system (IBMer Assignment Agency)
  192. Global Talent 2021 study
  193. Google: alliances that allow companies to tap training and experiences at; analysts included in its People Analytics (HR) organization; application development companies that impact products o; attempts to predict employee turnover by; employee pride in being a Googler; multiacre campuses being built to increase dispersed work; offering Topcoder coders jobs at
  194. Gover, Ian
  195. Governance: future of unions and; Governance in Action: Making Collaboration Work illustrating principles of; potential scenarios on; six key principles in a world beyond employment
  196. Governance principles: knowledge management; logistics and control systems; ownership and protection of intellectual property (IP); risk management; time horizon; work quality control
  197. Government: current and likely future governance roles of; HR guidance on legal and transactional regulations of the; initiatives to create a positive beyond employment world
  198. Gratton, Lynda
  199. Great Place to Work conference (2013)
  200. Greenpeace
  201. “Guide to Alliance Contracting” (Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport)
  202. Gupta, Akhil
  204. Hamori, Monica
  205. Handfield, Robert
  206. Harbage, Robin
  207. Harrison, Mark
  208. Harvard Business Review (HBR)
  209. Harvard University
  210. Hasse, Andreas
  211. Hay Job Evaluation system
  212. Health insurance
  213. Health Outcomes Marketplace
  214. High-bandwidth communication
  215. Hon Hai Precision Industry
  216. Honeywell
  217. HP– Cisco alliance
  218. HR departments: beyond employment concerns of; Blackstone Capital absorption of acquired company's; current and likely future governance roles of; employment concerns of traditional; how they can craft a total rewards approach; individualization of rewards challenge for the; looking for guidance in legal or transactional issues to; need to rethink separation as a failure; permeability between HR consultants and; role in facilitating engagement and culture by; when they ascribe to the traditional definition of leadership
  219. HR discipline: as a decision science; expertise related to; leading the work by “rewiring”; talent lifecycle in the context of; work engineering tasks of
  220. HR professionals: current and likely future governance roles of; Lead the Work framework providing a guide for; as leaders in their own right; orchestra conductors metaphor of the future; required skills and competencies of the future new; rethinking diversity and inclusion; rethinking required to meet future demands by; shaping a more sustainable performance; the talent lifestyle role by; three ways to rethink leadership; understanding the changed nature of leadership with free agents. See also Leaders
  221. Huffington Post,
  222. Hughes Telematics (now Verizon)– Towers Watson alliance
  223. Hulu
  224. Hurst, Aaron
  225. Hybrid model of organization: the best qualities of a; Upwork's
  227. IBM: as Bharti Airtel alliance partner; Bharti's IT function shifted over to; “Blue Card” rewards for employees of; common language of work used at; “Corporate Service Corps” of; diverting its PC division to Lenovo; employee pride in being a IMBer; examining their decisions about outsourcing and alliance; Expertise Taxonomy database of; as Future Store alliance partner with; Global Workforce Initiative of; how the Lead the Work framework is applied at; human resource information warehouse (HRIW) of; IBM Apple Alliance of; the IBM Expertise Locator solution available to clients of; IBM Watson Academy; IBMer Assignment Agency program of; the Lead the Work framework lesson learned by; Open Talent Marketplace (OTM) program of; optimizing across permeable boundaries of; organization dimension applied by; PICF applications for reshaping the old IBM into the current
  228. IBM Apple Alliance
  229. IBM Expertise Locator
  230. IBM Watson Academy
  231. IBMer Assignment Agency: Blue Talent Cloud platform for temporary jobs inside IBM; Champions for Growth program assignment IBM employees to business partners; common language of work used at; creating synergy and optimization through governance and coordination; description and functions of the; external temporary redeployment and relocating worker; Global Opportunity Marketplace system used by the; Zenith program assignment IBM employees to clients
  232. IBM's Open Talent Marketplace (OTM): benefits of; how managers optimally deconstruct regular work outcomes with the; illustrated diagram on the process of the; optimizing across IBM's permeable boundary; origins and overview of the; reasons for the development of the; the rewards for employees of the
  233. Imaginative choice: description of the; future possibilities of the; how to creatively imagine the reward; IBM's applications of; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down. See also Rewards (Lead the Work framework)
  234. Individualized choice: description of the; future possibilities of the; how to optimize individualizing rewards; how to specifically individualize rewards; IBM's applications of; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down. See also Rewards (Lead the Work framework)
  235. Individualized reward optimization: individualizing for top performers is not optimal; the three curves to consider for; traditional individualization is optimum; value of higher performance is much more than value of moderate performance
  236. Industrial era: development of the job evaluations during the; the history of labor in the
  237. Informal knowledge exchange
  238. Ingram Micro
  239. Innovation: community-based creativity and; comparing the independent free agent and regular full-time employee; IBM's PICF applications leading its; moving from intellectual property to “agile cocreativity”; traditional view of
  240. Intel
  241. Intellectual property
  242. Interlinked (or interconnectedness) choice: alliances as dialing up the; considering the organizational value chain when making the; deciding how strongly to interlink; description of the; evolution into collaborative learning opportunities; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; organization chart diagram to assess the; outsourcing as dialing up the; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
  243. Intermediaries. See Labor market intermediaries
  244. Internet advertising: multiple platforms used for; Tongal's impact on
  245. IP ownership and protection principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
  246. ITPRO
  247. iTunes
  249. JDRF
  250. Jeopardy (TV show)
  251. Jesuthasan, Ravin
  252. JetBlue Airways
  253. Jiff– Tower Watson alliance
  254. Job evaluations: Topcoder's work quality measurement system or; the traditional approach to. See also Performance
  255. Job security illusion
  256. Jobs, Steve
  257. Jodorowsky, Alejandro
  258. John F. Welch Leadership Center (General Electric)
  259. Joint ventures
  261. Kelly Services survey (2011)
  262. “Key man risk”
  263. Khazanah Nasional (Malaysia): the decision framework for visualizing how to lead through the work at; loaning out leaders approach used by
  264. Kids: mentoring them for the new Free Agent World; understanding what skills they will need in the future
  265. Knowledge: detachment requirement of firm-specific; informal exchange of
  266. Knowledge management principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules for; statement of
  267. Kossek, Ellen Ernst
  269. Labor costs
  270. Labor market intermediaries: description of; detaching assignments from employment and role of; governance roles of
  271. Lake, Anne
  272. Language: “crosswalk” between Military occupational specialties (MOS) and civilian; IBMer Assignment Agency's efforts to use a common work; Siemens and Disney alliance adoption of work
  273. Lautsch, Brenda
  274. Lawler, Ed
  275. Lead the Work framework: Assignment dimension of the; comparing graphic representation of old and new view of; description and leadership benefits of a; the Upwork case on deciphering the work beyond employment using the; how IBM has successfully applied the; how workers can apply the; HR professionals and the; “Lead the Work” map of the; moving from managing your employees to; Organization dimension of the; rethinking leadership under the; Rewards dimension of the; as the solution for traditional work problems; two related tools of the; unlocking the “Lead the Work” code; visualized as a map with set of dials for navigating to the right decision. See also Decision making; Work
  276. Leaders: the “beyond employment” challenges facing today's; current and likely future governance roles of; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional sensemaking approach of; lack of a framework to guide workplace decisions by; loaning out your best talent in order to develop future; moving from managing your employees to leading the work; need to know how to optimize all options for getting work done. See also HR professionals; Managers
  277. Leaders of the work: considering the value chain in a highly interlinked and collaborative firm; on deconstruction, disperse, detach choices for assignments by; Upwork implications for your future as a; getting started in the talent platform world; important decisions required of; making decisions about the organization PICF dimensions; MTurk implications for your future as a; organization chart used to assess permeable and interlinked decisions by; Tongal implications for your future as a; Topcoder implications for your future as; understanding the changed nature of leadership with free agents; the value of new rewards for clients, workers, and; why mastering the deconstruction process is important for See also Decision framework
  278. Leadership: benefits of the decision framework to organization; creating vision and culture; description of; different questions being asked of modern; how free agency changes the relationship with; Lead the Work framework and rethinking; understanding that it is about the work; when HR systems ascribe to the traditional definition of
  279. League of Legends (web game)
  280. Lean entrepreneur
  281. Learning. See Organizational learning
  282. Learning motivator
  283. Legislation barriers
  284. Legos
  285. Lenovo
  286. Lincoln Electric
  287. LinkedIn
  288. Lionsgate
  289. LiveOps
  290. Logistics and control systems principle: current and likely future states for; scenarios and preventative action on; set of decision rules for; statement of
  291. Los Angeles Times,
  292. Loyalty: CEO of ME; how collaboration fits well with human motivation and; reframing the loss of “us” and not being a loss o; traditional elements driving
  293. Lyft
  295. Majchrzak, Ann
  296. Malaysia Airlines
  297. Malhotra, Arvind
  298. “Man in the gray flannel suit”
  299. Managers: current governance role of; likely future governance role of. See also Leaders
  300. Martin, Roger
  301. Matthews, Paul
  302. Mayer, Marisa
  303. McDonald's
  304. McKinsey
  305. Meaning in work motivator
  306. Mechanical Turk: Amazon's MTurk platform named after the; history of the fraudulent artificial intelligence
  307. Medtronic
  308. Mentoring: Everwise's use of; kids to become successful free agents
  309. Meta
  310. Metro AG's Future Store Initiative alliance
  311. Meyer, Stephanie
  312. Microsoft
  313. Military language of work
  314. Military occupational specialties (MOS) language
  315. Military veteran employees
  316. Min, Low Lik
  317. Mitchell, Will
  318. Mitsubishi
  319. Mitsubishi– Boeing alliance
  320. Modern Family (TV show)
  321. MOFILM
  322. Money rewards
  323. Monster
  324. Motivation: how collaboration fits well with loyalty and; leadership role in driving; list of traditional rewards used for
  325. MTurk: allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; Amazon's development of; anonymity of MTurkers; assessment systems used by; attractive rewards offered to the anonymous Turkers by client of; the engagement model used by; getting good data to make good decisions at; getting started as a leader of the work at; global environment of; implications for your future as a leader of the work; leading through the work lessons available through; the offering and clients of; retirees choosing to work at; rewarding their workers as soon as the job if done; talent cycle attracting/sourcing on; third-party groups supporting Turkers; the work done at; the workers of. See also Talent platforms
  326. Museum Tavern (Toronto)
  328. Nahles, Andrea
  329. NASA: as one of Topcoder's clients; Single Round Matches (SRMs) competitions held at Topcoder for
  330. Nations: German Work 4.0 conference (2015); positive perceptive of beyond employment by; what they can do to create a positive beyond employment world; why there are concerns about the future beyond employment world by
  331. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (journal)
  332. Netflix
  333. The New Deal at Work: Managing the Market-Driven Workforce (Cappelli)
  334. The new organization. See Organization (Lead the Work framework)
  335. Newman, Paul
  336. Nissan
  337. Nokia (Bharti Airtel alliance partner)
  338. North of Now
  340. oDesk. See also Upwork
  341. Office for National Statistics (UK)
  342. 175 Grams (short film)
  343. Onorce
  344. Organization chart
  345. Organization (Lead the Work framework): the changing form and structure of the; deciding how strongly to interlink; description of; IBM's application of the; Lead the Work map on; the new technologies of social media and big data fit into; strategies for increasing permeability of boundaries in the; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down. See also Collaboration choice; Flexibility choice; Interlinked (or interconnectedness) choice; Permeability choice
  346. Organizational boundaries: deciding how extensively to flex; optimizing across IBM's permeable; outsourcing as setting outside; permeability of; PICF applications for reshaping IBM's; separation across the permeability of
  347. Organizational Dynamics (journal)
  348. Organizational learning: collaborations that facilitate opportunities for; Everwise's use of mentoring; how alliances allow training and experiences for; IBM Watson Academy created for; opportunity and paradox created by; Peter Voser's experience with
  349. Organizational value: collaboration choice and consideration of the value chain of; of new rewards for leaders, workers, and clients; ROIP (return on improved performance) related to
  350. Organizations: “boxes” used to make sense of our place in; considering the value chain in a highly interlinked and collaborative; decline of the defined-benefit pensions offered by; the high cost of employment for; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional “boxes” in; how IBM's OTM has optimized permeable boundaries of their; how the flexibility choice applies to either individual workers or; learning functions of; long-term job security no longer a reality at; operating as a community; PICF (permeability, interconnectedness, collaboration, and flexibility) dimensions of; private equity; strain of constant change on; sustainable performance by being “built to change”; the traditional view of; what they can do to create a positive beyond employment world; why there are concerns about the future beyond employment world; why they will be happy in the future beyond employment world; work being done outside of the actual location of the. See also Employment relationship; Vision
  351. Outsourcing: cost versus optimizing work driving decision for; getting client work done by; as labor market intermediary; mistake to translate into full-time equivalents (FTEs); reframed as dialing up permeability and interlinkage; the rise and development of; used in combination with other ways to engage workers
  352. Overhead costs
  353. Owner/shareholders: current governance role of; likely future governance role of
  354. Ownership and protection of IP principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
  355. Oxford Economics
  357. Paramount Pictures
  358. PayPal
  360. Pearson, Rich
  361. Peasant farmers
  362. People Analytics (HR) [Google]
  363. Performance: definition of; distribution of; governance as it relates to ensuring quality of work and; HR profession's role in shaping a more sustainable; individualizing for top performers is not optimal to reward; return on improved performance (ROIP); sustainable by being “built to change”; talent platforms using reputation systems to rate worker; traditional individualization is optimum to reward; value of higher performance is much more than value of moderate performance. See also Job evaluations; Workers
  364. Permeability choice: alliances as dialing up the; description of the; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; organization chart diagram to assess the; outsourcing as dialing up the; separation across the traditional organizational boundary through; strategies for increasing organization boundary permeability; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
  365. Philips– Sara Lee/DL joint venture
  366. PICF (permeability, interconnectedness, collaboration, and flexibility) framework: deciding how deeply to collaborate; deciding how extensively to flex; deciding how strongly to interlink; how it making leading the work easier; increasing organization boundary permeability; introduction to the; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also specific dimension
  367. Pink, Dan
  368. Pitasky, Scott
  369. Pixar
  370. PlanDo
  371. Planning (talent lifecycle): dialing up and down assignments; tasks to be done during
  372. Portland Marketing Analytics
  373. Pottery Barn
  374. Power/labor struggle (Industrial era)
  375. Premier League (soccer system)
  376. Private equity organizations
  377. Private Talent Cloud
  378. Procter and Gamble
  379. Procurement departments
  380. ProRail
  381. The Purpose Economy (Hurst)
  383. Ramstad, Peter
  384. Reboot Work (Webb)
  385. Redefining Global Strategy (Ghemawat)
  386. Redford, Robert
  387. Reputation as reward
  388. Reputations: reputation systems to assess performance; value of leaders with strong public
  389. Research alliance type
  390. Retooling HR (Boudreau)
  391. Return on improved performance (ROIP)
  392. “Reverse outsourcing” article (Wall Street Journal)
  393. Revolt, Todd
  394. Rewards: “Company Man”; comparing traditional and those offered by talent platforms; how traditional employment creates a certain passivity toward; traditional systems for full-time employees. See also Workers
  395. Rewards (Lead the Work framework): AH Global's practice of providing; applying incentive system principles to crowdsourced contests; attractive rewards offered to the anonymous Turkers by clients; description of; Foldit example of dialing up the; governance issues related to; how creatively to imagine question to ask about; how HR can craft a total rewards approach to; how specifically to individualize question to ask about; IBM's Open Talent Marketplace (OTM) application for their employees; Lead the Work map on; list of different types of; Netflix example of dialing up the; offered to the anonymous Turkers by MTurk clients; reputation systems as element of; SAS example of dialing up the; show small a time frame to shorten question to ask about; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle rewarding dialing up and down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; Tongal's annual Tongies awards event; Topcoder Open tournament used for; the value of new rewards for leaders, clients, and workers. See also Imagine choice; Individualize choice; Shorten choice
  396. “Rewired” HR
  397. Ricoh Australia
  398. Risk management: dial up detach choice for; governance principle on; “key man risk”
  399. Risk management principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
  400. Rolls Royce
  401. Royal Dutch Shell
  404. Salvatore, Rob
  405. Samsung
  406. SAP
  407. Sara Lee/DL joint venture
  408. Sara Lee/DL– Philips joint venture
  409. SAS reward system
  410. Schuetz, Christiane
  411. Screen Actors Guild
  412. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  413. Selecting (talent cycle): assignment, organization, and the reward choices during; becoming adept at analyzing methods and options for; blurred lines between worker deployment and; tasks involved during
  414. Self-driving cars
  415. Self-employed: EMSI report (2014) on; Kelly Services survey (2011) on. See also Free agent Nation
  416. Sense-making: how our traditional strategies are failing; the traditional “boxes” we use for
  417. Senseo product line
  418. Separating (talent lifecycle): description of the; how deconstructing the work changes the notion of; HR systems must rethink; the new approach to. See also Employee turnover
  419. Shapiro, Jay
  420. Sherman, Scott
  421. The Shift (Gratton)
  422. Shortened choice: applied to reward decisions; description of the; future possibilities of the; IBM's applications of; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; when to lengthen the time frame of rewards; when to shorten the time frame of rewards. See also Reward (Lead the Work framework)
  423. Siemens: alliance between Disney and; as Bharti Airtel alliance partner
  424. SimX
  425. Sinclair, Nigel
  426. Singh, Narinder
  427. Sinopec
  428. Sky Team Alliance
  429. The Social Life of Information (Brown)
  430. Social media: how it fits into the new organization; HR professional as engineer and able to work with; Internet advertising
  431. Stakeholders: brokers; current and likely future role of; customers; governance and additional issues related to; governments; HR department and professionals; leaders/{}managers; owner/{}shareholders; procurement; unions; workers. See also Talent platforms
  432. Starbucks
  433. Sundance Film Festival
  434. Sundance Institute Short film Challenge
  435. Supplier alliances
  436. Swart, Gary
  438. Taleb, Nicholas Nassim
  439. Talent: dispersing work more in order to find the best; downsizing implications for available pool of managerial; Global Talent 2021 study on predicted talent shortages; how the new rewards help clients tap into better; Malaysia's Khazanah Nasional loaning out their leaders and; a staffing model that pools noncompeting companies. See also Workers
  440. Talent lifecycle: attracting and sourcing workers; deploying and developing; HR in the context of the; planning; rewarding; selecting workers; separating and ending the work relationship
  441. Talent platforms: advantages offered by; Blue Talent Cloud (IBMer Assignment Agency); current and likely future governance roles of; Everwise and advantages of cloud-based; Genero; getting started in the world of; Gigwalk; as intermediary in detaching assignments from employment; MOFILM; optimizing freelancing through; reputation systems of; TaskRabbit; UserFarm; Vizy; Wonolo; Wooshi. See also Brokers; Upwork; MTurk; Stakeholders; Tongal; Topcoder
  442. TalentHouse
  443. Target
  444. TaskRabbit
  445. Tenaga Nasional (Malaysia)
  446. 3D work framework
  447. Time horizon principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventive action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
  448. Tongal: annual Tongies awards event at; “appeals” system at; attracting/sourcing during talent cycle on; the attractions and challenges for free agents at; competitive wages for the free agent at; data generated that allow for reward optimization; the decision framework for visualizing how to lead through the work at; deliberate back-and-forth between the client and Tongaler of; engagement model and culture off; getting good data to make good decisions at; getting started as a leader of the work at; implications for your future as a leader of the work; “leaders” emerging from the workers of; leading through the work lessons available through; Lego-based commercials created through; the offering and client off; other talent platforms competing with; selecting worker process at; talent cycle attracting/sourcing on; Tyler Funk, Don Broida, and Low Like Min of; when they reward their workers; the work done at; the workers of. See also Talent platforms
  449. Tongies award (Tongal)
  450. Topcoder: allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; the annual Topcoder Open tournament held at; building the software for managing genomes with free agents; challenging traditional employment on two fronts; client ability to find a qualified worker quickly on; the clients and offering of; collaborative development opportunities through; data generated that allow for reward optimization; description of; the engagement model used by; forecasting number of available freelancers from; full-time employees who moonlight on; full-time employment offered to talented coders on; implications for your future as a leader of the work; leading through the work lessons available through; reporting on how the assignment to a worker is structured; selecting workers at; when they reward their workers; the work done at; work quality measurement system for tracking and accountability at; the workers of. See also Appirio; Talent platforms
  451. Torrent, Ion
  452. Towers Watson (TW): forecasting number of available consultants from; the Global Talent 2021 study conducted by Oxford Economics and; hiring consultants from; Hughes Telematics (now Verizon) alliance with; Jiff alliance with; leveraging the power of alliances; research findings on decrease of pay differentiation by; research findings on paying for individual output instead of time
  453. Toy Story (film)
  454. Toyota
  455. TransCelerate BioPharma alliance
  456. Transformative HR: How Great Companies Use Evidence-Based Change for Sustainable Advantage (Boudreau and Jesuthasan)
  457. TSMC
  458. Turkoptican
  459. Twilight franchise
  460. Twitter
  462. Uber: compared to other car-sharing services; examined through the Lead the Work framework; how they can optimize ridesharing; legal challenges to the operating model of; as talent platform or not?
  463. UK Office for National Statistics
  464. Ultimate Frisbee competitions (India)
  465. Unilever
  466. Unions: current and likely future governance roles of; employment relationship role of; historic protection of blue-collar workers by; new Free Agent World and challenges facing; percentage of workers belonging to; a perspective on the future of; U.S. Freelancers Union
  467. Unit of analysis
  468. United States: the casual look of U.S. percentage of employed among; Freelancers Union in the
  469. University of South Carolina
  470. University of Southern California
  471. University of Washington
  472. Unsafe working conditions
  473. U.S. Department of Labor
  474. U.S. Freelancers Union
  475. Usage-based insurance (UBI) programs
  476. UserFarm
  478. Verizon– Towers Watson alliance
  480. Visa
  481. Vision: Bharti Airtel alliance and their shared; of global full employment of everyone; IBM Apple Alliance to achieve their shared; leadership role in creating; Metro's crafting of their culture and; optimistic examination of possible HR future; Sundance film on Tongal awards as expression of; of what a successful learning strategy will require. See also Organizations
  482. Vizy
  483. Voser, Peter
  484. VU University (Amsterdam)
  486. Wages: concerns about future beyond employment; Hollywood projects and negotiating accountability and; on the dispersing work to low-cost markets; research findings on paying for individual output instead of time; some Upwork job postings offering low-paying; talent platforms allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; Tongal's free agents earning competitive; of UK workers without a set number of working hours. See also Costs; Workers
  487. Wall Street Journal's “reserve outsourcing article
  488. Walmart: efforts to hire military veterans by; as largest employer in the world; retirees choosing to work at
  489. Webb, Maynard
  490. Welles, Orson
  491. White-collar workers
  492. Wikipedia
  493. Wilson, Sloan
  494. Wonolo
  495. Wooshi
  496. Work: “boxes” used to make sense of our organizational; common language of; deconstruction through projects; examining how to make the best decisions about the; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional reality of; how its evolution continually changes through decision points; is being done outside of the organization workplace; military language of; mistake of translating outsourced or contracted work into FTEs (full-time equivalents); motivation through finding meaning in; need for leaders to know how to optimize all options for completing; the new “beyond employment” reality of; organization flexibility dimension applied to the; three barriers to the Free Agent World of; 3D framework of; understanding that leadership is about the. See also Assignment (Lead the Work framework); Employment; Lead the Work framework
  497. Work 4.0 conference (2015) [Germany]
  498. Work Market
  499. Work quality control principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; statement of
  500. Workers: automation replacing; “boxes” used to make sense of their organizational role; the casual look of U.S. percentage of employed among; comparing innovation and engagement of free agents and full-time employed; current and likely future governance roles of; debate over competitions that may exploit; detach less for career development of; detach more in order to access higher quality; dispersing work more to offer a better deal to; efforts to hire military veterans as; escaping the traditional regulation full-time employment; evolution of the modern blue-collar and white-collar; existing stories and examples regarding; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional “boxes” reality of; how the decision framework can be helpful to; how the flexibility choice applies to either organizations or; long-term job security no longer a reality for; moving to leading the work instead of just managing the; percentage belonging to unions; the value of new rewards for leaders, clients, and; why they might have concerns about beyond employment; why they will be happy in the future beyond employment world. See also Performance; Rewards; Talent; Wages
  501. Workplace: diversity and inclusion in the; the emerging trends are replacing the traditional reality of; lack of a framework to guide leadership decisions in the; work being done outside of the organization
  502. Worley, Chris
  504. XPlace
  506. Yahoo!
  507. YouTube
  509. Zenith program (IBM)
  510. Ziskin, Ian
  511. Zipcars
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