


Sultan of Egypt and Syria, Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, or Saladin, led his men to victory in the Third Crusade.

Saladin was a Kurdish warrior, born in Tikrit (modern-day Iraq), whose family served the Zengid ruler of Syria. He travelled to Egypt in 1164, where after seven years he overthrew the Fatimid rulers and established his own Ayyubid Dynasty. Returning to Syria in 1174, it took him eight years to depose the rulers and take control of the country.

In 1187, he crushed the Christian crusaders at the Battle of Hattin and seized the city of Jerusalem, prompting the Third Crusade, in which the forces of Richard I (the Lionheart) of England and Philip II of France fought to reclaim the Holy Land. After his defeat at the Battle of Jaffa in 1192, Saladin retreated to Jerusalem. Exhauted by fighting, he and Richard I signed a truce—Richard I returned to England, leaving Jerusalem to Saladin.

I have won the hearts of men by gentleness.

Saladin, 1193


Saladin inspired his men to seize Jerusalem in 1187. While Saladin suffered major defeats during the Third Crusade, his main victory was retaining Jerusalem.


Founds dynasty

Seizes control of Egypt from Fatimid rulers, 1164, founds Ayyubid dynasty there, 1171.

defeats crusaders

Defeats Western crusaders at Battle of Hattin, 1187, capturing Jerusalem.

retains Jerusalem

Although defeated by Richard I at Jaffa, 1192, retains Jerusalem following a truce.

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