Stories give life to a vision and help people see and remember it. They give integrity to the vision by grounding it in common values and truths. Telling stories creates trust and captures the hearts and minds of the audience. Stories establish common ground between the teller (the leader with a vision, in this case) and the audience (managers, employees, stakeholders, customers, other leaders, and anyone else associated with the organization). A story is a powerful tool for disseminating a vision; people share the story with others, creating a ripple effect.

Stories galvanize people around a cause and give them confidence as they move forward in the face of uncertainty. Stories are powerful, dynamic, and necessary for communicating a vision. Leaders do not always have the time or opportunity to tell them as often as they might like or need to, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to communicate the vision briefly, clearly, and with conviction at every opportunity.

Leaders have many informal opportunities to communicate their visions: a few minutes at the water-cooler or in line at the cafeteria, a quick visit to the mailroom or customer service department, a company celebration, even a walk through the parking lot at the end of the workday. The message may be short, but the impact over time and through repetition can be powerful.

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