
action 71–3, 96, 100

adaptability 70, 104, 106

advertising 5–8

agility 101–3, 119, 148–9, 150

cognitive 8–9

cultural 149

ICICI Bank 104–5

Infosys 106–10

PricewaterhouseCoopers 105, 106

as state of mind 111

willingness to learn 115

Al Zain, Talal 51, 143, 152

Allen, Paul 139

Álvarez, José-Luis 130

‘ambidextrous organisation’ 107

ArvinMeritor 132

Asia 117

AstraZeneca 141

Avon 16

Baker, Richard 138

Ballmer, Steve 142

Balls, Ed 30

Barrett, Craig 142

Birkinshaw, Julian 10

BlackBerry 45, 63, 64, 122

blogs 64–5

‘blue ocean strategy’ 105

boards of directors 62–3, 140–1, 142–3

Body Shop 139

bonuses 155

Boyatzis, Richard E. 76

brand building 65

Branson, Richard 139

Brazil 17, 19

Brock, John 20–1, 64, 71, 145

Brown, Gordon 3

Buffett, Warren 52

Cadillac Fairview 43

CAN see Chief Advisor Network

Carrefour 141

cash management 153

Caterpillar 13–14, 137

CEOs see chief executive officers

chairmen 140–3

change xx, 1–4, 70

advertising 5–8

agility 102–3, 106

macro-economic and political 12–13

organisational 9–12

readiness for 32

resistance to 93

technological 8–9

uncertainty xviii

vision as essential for 78–9

Chief Advisor Network (CAN) 118

chief executive officers (CEOs)

communication with 62–3

impact on company performance 24

relationship with chairman 140–3

relationship with chief operating officer 139–40

reputation 24

women 116

See also leadership

chief operating officers (COOs) 134, 139–40

Chile 31

China 17, 19, 29, 117

China Mobile xx

Christie’s 4–5, 33, 50, 67–8, 114–15, 127

coaching xx, 129–30

Coca-Cola 4, 6, 20, 64, 71

cognitive agility 8–9

Coleco 52

Collins, Jim 79, 84, 105

common sense 81–2

communication xx, xxi, 37, 43–66, 134–5, 150–2

authentic 56–7, 64–5

barriers to 151–2

effectiveness 147

feedback and coaching 129

global 52–3

letters to employees 39–41

listening 47–9, 58, 66

misunderstandings 52–3, 65–6

non-verbal 54, 135

passion for 44–5

personal 41, 54–6

positive 59–62, 94

regular 57–9

simplicity 51–2

straight talk 49–51

technology 63–5

upwards 62–3

compensation 90, 99

competitive advantage 75, 101

complexity 17, 104

continuous improvement 115

control, taking 114–15

COOs see chief operating officers

costs xx–xxi, 70, 74, 75, 113

courage 22–3

CQ (cultural quotient) 147

crisis 59, 68–9, 80, 124–5, 145

Hana Financial Group 98–9

Mahindra Group 113

Marks & Spencer 94–6

seizing the initiative 92–4

taking control during 114–15

think/act balance 71

See also financial crisis; recession

Critelli, Michael 36–7

cross-cultural competencies 15

cross-functional teams 109

cultural agility 149

cultural development chart 42

cultural differences 14–15, 147

customers 36–7, 67, 99–100

local needs 60–1

McDonald’s 45

meeting 135, 150

satisfaction 11, 153

Darwin, Charles 3, 106

dashboard analogy 82

D’Aveni, Richard 29–30

debt 80–1

decision making 63, 74, 76, 105

decisiveness 69

delegation 56, 87, 88

demand 70, 99–100

DiPiazza, Sam 29, 46–7, 49–50, 67, 77, 85, 92, 105–6, 123–4, 132, 145–6, 148

Disney 6

diversity 40, 83, 116–19

Dolman, Edward 5, 33, 50–1, 67–8, 81–2, 83, 114–15, 127

downsizing 67–8

Drucker, Peter 81

Eastern Europe 29

eBay 142

economic bubbles 19, 20

economic change 12–13

economic cycles 13, 24, 153–4, 155

economic recession 73, 123–4, 126

agility during 101–3, 149

anticipation of 28–9, 30, 34

common-sense management 81

information acquisition 148

investment during 80

positive attitude during 59, 60

See also crisis; financial crisis

Edelman, Richard 64

email 57, 64, 123, 135

face-to-face communication more effective than 54, 55

Hana Financial Group 59

misunderstandings 66

newsletters 63

emerging markets 18

emotional intelligence 9, 75–6

empathy xx, 100, 129


agility 149, 150

change during financial crisis 102–3

communication with xxi, 37–9, 44–5, 49–51, 58–9, 63, 150–1

cuts in 2, 51, 63, 75, 149–50

as followers 90–1

fun organisational culture 144

globalisation 17–18

honesty towards 49–51, 127

Infosys 107, 109–10

keeping happy 89–90, 99

letters to 39–41

Microsoft 12

organisational change 9–12

people management 148

resistance from 87–9, 93–4

satisfaction 153

young 118

See also managers; teams

energy 121, 125, 130, 134

enthusiasm 125, 126–7

EQ (emotional quotient) 75–6

Esteves, Jose 65

executive coaches 129–30

executive education programmes 129

expatriates 16

face-to-face communication 54–5, 135

family 35, 131, 137–9

Fernandez, Carlos 69–70, 130–1

Fernandez, Henry 1, 10, 17–19, 59–60, 92–4, 101–3, 146–7, 154–5

Filo, David 139

financial crisis xvii, 29, 101–2, 105–6

See also crisis; recession

financial regulation 20

fire fighting 79, 146, 152, 154

flexibility 70

Flynn, Tim 43–4

Follow the Money campaign 146

forecasting 103–4

foresight 28–9, 30, 31, 36

See also future planning

France 141

Friedman, Tom 153

Frissora, Mark C. 39, 54, 63, 125–6, 153

Fuji Fire and Marine 3, 48–9, 53

fun 143–4

Fung, Victor 13, 68, 75, 103, 146, 147, 153–4

future planning 32–3, 77–80

See also foresight

Gates, Bill 139, 142

gender diversity 116–17, 118–19

General Electric (GE) 3, 56, 155–6

Generation Y 12, 90, 118

Germany 141

Ghosn, Carlos 51–2, 78–9

The Giving Tree (Silverstein) 121–2

global communication 52–3

global markets 9, 20

globalisation 13–15, 16–20, 116

Glocer, Tom 7–8, 21–2, 36, 57, 67, 73, 77, 80–1, 101, 127, 131

goals 105

Goings, Rick 16

Goleman, Daniel 76

Google 7, 109

Gopalakrishnan, Kris xx, 9, 106–10, 138, 150, 151, 155

Great Depression xvii

Green, Philip 95, 96

Grove, Andy 142

guerrilla marketing tactics 103

Halvorson, George 34–5, 39–43, 124–5

Hamel, Gary 10

Hana Financial Group 56, 58–9, 98–100

Hanson, James 139

Happy Computers 10–11

headwinds xviii–xix, 8, 78, 110–11

hedgehog concept 79–80

Heidrick & Struggles 22, 48, 73, 116, 118, 142

Hertz 2, 63

Hewlett, David 139

hierarchy 88, 89

honesty 49–51, 127

Hong Kong 117

horizon scanning 32

Hughes, Jack 11

Hulu 7

humility 82–4

hypercompetition 29–30

IBM 18

ICICI Bank 2, 27–8, 104–5, 110

Immelt, Jeff 155–6

India 2, 17, 19, 104–5, 113

information acquisition 148

Infosys xx, 2, 9, 33, 106–10, 138, 155

initiative, seizing 92–4

innovation 61, 110, 113

Intel 142

international experience 14–16, 116

See also travel

Internet 2, 7, 64–5, 122

investment 80, 102, 109

IQ 75–6

Japan 48, 53, 60

Jarrett, Michael 31–2

JetBlue Airways 64

Kaiser Permanente 33–5, 39–43

Kamath, K. V. 2, 27–8, 49, 74–5, 78, 104–5, 110–11, 121, 155

Kanin-Lovers, Jill 142–3, 148–9

Kato, Kazuyasu 35, 67, 82, 103–4

Khosrowshahi, Bijan 3, 27, 37, 48–9, 53, 75, 125, 128, 147

Khurana, Rakesh 24

Kia Motors 98

Kim, Chan 105

Kim, Seung-Yu 56, 58–9, 98–100

Kirin Holdings 35, 82

Knell, Gary 57, 143

knowledge management 65

Kojima, Yorihiko 15–16, 64, 112, 148

KPMG 43, 44

Lafarge 57–8

Lafont, Bruno 57–8

Langan, Richard 126–7

Langton, Stephen 22–3

language issues 53

Lawson xxi, 60–1

leadership 20–1, 24

courage 22–3

emotional intelligence 75–6

Level 5

Leadership concept 84

qualities of a good leader 72–3

think/act balance 71–3

women 116–17, 118–19

See also chief executive officers

learning 90, 115, 129

Leo Burnett Worldwide xxii, 6

letters to employees 37–9

Level 5

Leadership 84

Li and Fung Group 13

listening 47–9, 58, 66, 69

local needs 60–1

London Business School 10, 31–2

long-term thinking xxi–xxii, 69, 77–80

looking after yourself 130–2

loyalty 89, 144

Mahindra, Anand G. 112–13, 131–2

Management Innovation Lab 10

management systems 70

managers 11, 20, 32, 97–8, 124

See also employees

Marks & Spencer 51, 61–2, 72, 94–8, 111–12

Mauborgne, Renée 105

McClure, Chip 132–4

McDonald’s 23, 45

McGregor, Douglas 12

McKee, Annie 76

media 6–7

meetings 36, 48–9, 50, 55, 57–8, 62–3, 133–4

mentoring xx, 84

mergers and acquisitions 17, 19

message repetition 61–2

micromanagement 72

Microsoft 11–12, 139, 142

Miles, Stephen 115, 139–40

Mitsubishi Corporation 16, 64, 112, 148

Modelo 69–70

morale 61, 63

Mordashov, Alexey 8, 15, 47, 74, 79–80, 115, 125, 127–8, 151–2

MSCI Barra 1, 10, 17–19, 59–60

Mumtalakat Holding Company 51, 143

Murdoch, Rupert 8

mutinies 87–9, 92, 98, 100

Naissance Capital 118–19

National Health Service (NHS) 43


Neeleman, David 64

negativity 59, 60, 61, 125

new markets 104–5

nGenera 118

Niinami, Takeshi xxi, 54–5, 60–1, 124

90-day rule 104

Nissan 51–2, 78–9

Nixon Peabody 126

Nohria, Nitin 24

non-verbal communication 54, 135

Norway 31, 117

Ollia, Jorma 141

Omidyar, Pierre 142


anticipation of 30

during times of crisis 59, 67, 68–9, 71, 81, 125, 146

organisational structure 110–11

optimism 94, 125–8, 156

See also positive attitude

organisational change 9–12

organisational culture 41–2, 109, 111, 144

organisational structure 110–11

overload 136

Owen, David 30

Owens, Jim 14–15, 58, 63–4, 115, 134, 135, 137, 138

Packard, Bill 139

Panalpina 87

passion xix–xx, 45, 110, 123, 126–7, 145–7

PDCA (Plan/Do/Check/Act) cycle 104

people skills xx–xxi, 9, 89, 92, 97, 123, 147–52

See also emotional intelligence


continuous improvement 115

female leadership 118–19

focus on 1

impact of fun on productivity 144

leader’s impact on 24

team diversity 116

personal development 123, 128–30

personality traits 82–4

Peters, Tom 107

Phoenix Partners 83

physical exercise 130, 131

Pitney Bowes 36

political change 12–13

Portugal 117

positive attitude 70, 94, 125–8, 155

communication 59–62

looking after yourself 130

passion 123, 146

PricewaterhouseCoopers 17, 28–9, 46–7, 49–50, 77, 105–6

pricing 70

public relations 65

realism 126, 155

recession 73, 123–4, 126

agility during 101–3, 149

anticipation of 28–9, 30, 34

common-sense management 81

information acquisition 148

investment during 80

positive attitude during 59, 60

See also crisis; financial crisis

recruitment 72–3, 75, 83

regulation 17, 20

re-invention 113, 114, 121

Renault 51–2, 141

reputation 24

resistance 87–9, 93–4

retirees 118

Reuters Group 7, 73

Ribar, Monika 87, 135, 140

risk flow chart 34

risk management 13, 102

Roche, Gerry 72–3

Roddick, Gordon and Anita 139

Rose, Stuart 51, 61–2, 72, 94–8, 111–12

Russia 17

scanning the horizon 32

scenario planning 33

Schwartz, Jonathan 64–5

Schweitzer, Louis 141

self development 123, 128–30

self-esteem 34, 55, 66, 76, 84

Semler, Ricardo 10–11

Sesame Workshop 57

setting an example 154–5

Severstal 8, 47, 127

Sharpe, Peter 43, 139

Shell 141

signs 32–3

Silverstein, Shel 121–2

Singapore 117

Skinner, Jim 23–4, 45, 115, 138–9

Smith, Ross 11–12

‘soft’ skills xx–xxi, 74

See also people skills

spouses 131, 137–8

standardisation 60, 61

Stephan, Nick 54, 83, 152

Stewart, Henry 10–11


‘blue ocean’ 105

hedgehog concept 79

Infosys 108–9

leadership qualities 72–3

success, measures of 153

Sun Microsystems 64

support 123, 136–9

Sweden 117

Swygert, H. Patrick 91

Taiwan 117

Tapscott, Don 118


boards 142

decision making 105

diversity 83, 116

Infosys 108

Microsoft 12

showing appreciation to 130–1

See also employees


communication 54, 63–5, 135

Internet 2, 7, 64–5, 122

technological change 8–9

training 75

television 7

Theory Y 12

think/act balance 71–3

Thomson Reuters 21, 73

time management 80, 133–4, 136

See also working hours

Topcoder 11

training 55, 59, 74–5, 99, 109

transparency xxi, 37, 41, 42, 63, 151

travel 14–16, 133, 134–6, 137

trends 32–3

trust 61, 64, 130, 148–50

Tupperware Brands 16

uncertainty xviii, 152

vision xxii, 35, 42, 69, 78–9, 80, 123, 152–6

Wal-Mart 95

Wang Jianzhou xx, 148

Waterman, Robert 107

weblogs (blogs) 64–5

Welch, Jack 56

White, Gordon 139

Whitehorn, Will 139

Whitman, Meg 142

windows of opportunity 30

‘winter horses’ 88–9

Wolf, Linda xxii, 3, 5–7, 28, 35–6, 124, 132, 143

women 116–17, 118–19

workforce cuts 2, 51, 63, 75, 149–50

working hours 122–3, 132, 138, 139

work-life balance 131, 132–4, 138–9, 144

Yahoo! 139

Yang, Jerry 139

young employees 118

YouTube 7

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