

1-sigma-churn phenomenon, 5, 8


Accelerated change. See Kaizen (accelerated change) events

Adding to existing change models, 13

Alignment to strategy, 18

Analyze phase roadmap

analyzing data, 6970

overview of, 6768

standardization projects, 8081

understand demand/flow/capacity/value, 71

using Team knowledge, 6869

Applications, from real life. See Project case examples


Balance, 18, 2021

Baldrige, 30

Baseline performance

in breakthrough change approach, 3536

CT capacity and throughput case example, 86

in Define phase, 6263

determining in Measure phase, 6667

ED throughput case example, 104105

establishing for Kaizen events, 82

measuring current process, 66

process performance reverting to, 9091

registration standardization results, case example, 97

in Tier 2 programs, 39

BBs. See Black Belts (BBs)

Behavioral health discovery, project case example, 9394

Belts. See Black Belts (BBs); Green Belts (GBs); Master Black Belts (MBBs); Project Leaders (Belts)


characterizing project using percentiles, 44

existing change model relying on, 78

fitting with existing initiative, 3031

project decision not totally dependent on, 92

traditional method of, 2

Black Belts (BBs). See also Project Leaders (Belts)

inpatient placement case example, 106109

as lead for Tier 2 programs, 39

in Lean Sigma organizational structure, 24

reporting on program status, 52

role of, 4951

as very strong Project Leaders, 101

Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), 2122

Bottom-up suggestions, opportunities in, 43

Brainstorming, 4041

Breakthrough change

continuous improvement vs., 3536, 7879

healthcare processes example, 37

Lean Sigma based on, 7677

Business meetings, daily Kaizen events, 103

Business metrics

change improving key, 19

characterizing for project, 44

developing organizational competence and, 118

as Lean Sigma program focus, 29

in program vision and launch, 115116



Analyze phase identifying, 59, 68, 71

CT throughput case, 8588

ED throughput case, 105

increasing even when maxed out, 88

Kaizen events aimed to increase, 3233, 8283

Lean approach to increasing, 56

measuring, 4748

surgery throughput case, 102104

Tier 1 projects aimed to increase, 37

Case studies. See Project case examples

Cash enhancement, identifying opportunities, 42

Causes, change based on symptoms vs., 10


complex processes requiring many, 96, 109

Define phase roadmap for, 6061, 64

developing organizational competence, 119

identifying, 43

Measure phase sign-off, 66

reporting on program status, 52

role of, 4950

surgery capacity/throughput case example, 102104

transforming processes, 120121

Change, key facets of, 1921

Change agents, 19

Commencing the journey

creating program infrastructure, 116117

developing organizational competence, 117119

globalization, 122

how to start, 123

overview of, 111114

phase 1 revisited, 122123

program vision and launch, 115116

stabilization and performance management, 121122

transforming processes, 120121

Communication Plan, 113, 117


designing in Improve phase, 73

developing organizational, 114, 117119

Lean Sigma process improvement and, 34

for program and project roles, 52

Compliance metrics, 4445

Concept, Improve phase roadmap for, 7273


as change practice, 18

as key facet of change, 2022

setting program direction, 27

Consultants, for program vision and launch, 116

Containment, as change practice, 17


basing solutions on appropriate, 18

lacking in existing change model, 1213

making changes in, 78

understanding prior to Improve phase, 71

Continuous improvement

breakthrough change vs., 3536, 7879

traditional model of, 2


existing change models lacking emphasis on, 1415

sustainability as change practice, 18

Control phase roadmap, 7475, 8081

Control Plan, 7475, 121122

Control Plan Summary, 75

Core-Process Map, 4142

Cost reduction

in financially driven projects, 41

identifying opportunities, 42

vision phase and, 123

CT capacity/throughput, project case example, 8588

Cubicle projects, 4

Customer requirements

Define phase and, 6162

satisfaction of, 2829

in standardization projects, 8081

VOC. See Voice of the Customer (VOC)



analysis in Analyze phase, 6970

Lean Sigma decisions based on, 78

in traditional change models, 89


based on data in Lean Sigma, 65, 78

based on gut feel traditionally, 6

Control Plan Summary documenting, 75

creating program infrastructure, 116

lack of context in, 12

to pilot/ramp up new process, 74

Steering Group role in, 2526

in Tier 2 programs, 39

Decomposition (or deconstruction), 43

Define phase roadmap

define process, 61

determine customer requirements, 6162

determine project goals, 6264

initiate project, 6061

low-hanging fruit apparent in, 66

standardization projects, 7981

understanding, 60

Demand, understanding in Analyze phase, 71

Deming, Dr. William Edwards, 5


of Lean Sigma program, 23

phased approach to, 114

program vision and launch, 115116


ED case example, 109110

Improve phase roadmap for, 7374

Discovery events, 3839

Disparate change groups

informal change approach of, 14

lacking standard change approach, 6

quality improvement lacking in, 45

uncontained change of, 5

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control), 57. See also Lean Sigma project roadmap

DNFB (reduce discharged not final billed), project case example, 8890


Education, 52, 118

Efficiency, Define phase, 63

E-learning, for organizational competence, 119

Emergency department design, project case example, 109110

Emergency department throughput, project case example, 104106


customers vs., 62

satisfaction of, 44

Entitlement, project goal vs., 47

Event, Kaizen roadmap, 83

Executive Champion, Steering Group, 25

Executive Team

defined, 2526

at early stage of Lean Sigma, 111112, 114

inpatient placement case example, 106109

program vision and launch, 115116

role of, 5152

setting program direction, 2628


Financial analysts, Steering Group, 25, 66

Financial metrics

identifying opportunities using, 4142

as Lean Sigma program focus, 2829

measuring current process performance, 66

Flow, in Analyze phase, 71


on cash processes in early stages, 88

on process as change practice, 18

of traditional change model, 67


GBs. See Green Belts (GBs)

Getting started. See Commencing the journey

Globalization, 114, 122


characterizing, 43

Define phase determining, 6264

Lean Sigma setting meaningful, 78

setting, 4647

Green Belts (GBs)

Lean Sigma organizational structure, 24

reporting on program status, 52

role of, 4951

running subprojects in Tier 2 programs, 39

Gut feel decision-making, 6, 1213


Human resource (HR) representation, Steering Group, 25, 116


Impact, in Lean Sigma program maturity, 113


change practice of lasting/sustainable, 18

informal approach to, 1314

Improve phase roadmap

developing concept, 7273

developing detailed design, 7374

overview of, 7172

pilot/ramping up new process, 74

Incremental improvement, 12, 7879

Infrastructure. See also Program-level infrastructure

Lean Sigma organizational, 24

Lean Sigma program maturity, 112

program, 114, 116117

Initiation of project, Define phase, 6061

Inpatient admission standardization, project case example, 98100

Inpatient placement, project case example, 106109

IT/IS work, shaping project as, 33


Just Do It, shaping project as, 32


Kaizen (accelerated change) events

creating program structure, 117

CT capacity and throughput case example, 8588

ED throughput case example, 104106

Lean Sigma project roadmap for, 8184

radiology denials case example, 9093

shaping project as, 32

surgery capacity/throughput case example, 102104

transforming processes with, 120121


Launch, program

characterizing projects for, 4346

commencing Lean Sigma, 115116

focus of, 2728

implementation of potential programs for, 117

Lean Sigma roles for, 49

model for performance improvement, 114

stages of Lean Sigma maturity, 112

Layout, ED design case example, 109110

Leadership. See also Project Leaders (Belts)

as change practice requirement, 19

Lean Sigma structure, 23

learning of. See Project case examples

management roles in healthcare vs., 1516

reinforcing standardization, 100

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 111114

Steering Group, 2526

Lean Sigma

breakthrough change, 35

characterizing projects, 4346

fitting with existing initiatives, 2931

focusing on process, 3334

how to start. See Commencing the journey

identifying opportunities, 4043

overview of, 2224

prioritizing action, 4749

program and project roles, 4952

program tracking/reporting/ongoing management, 52

project case examples. See Project case examples

project tiers, 3540

setting goals, 4647

setting program direction, 2629

shaping projects as, 3133

Six Sigma vs., 5556

stages of program maturity, 111114

Steering Group, 2426

Lean Sigma project roadmap

Analyze phase, 6771

Control phase, 7475

Define phase, 6064

DMAIC, 5759

Improve phase, 7174

Kaizen (accelerated change) events, 8184

Measure phase, 6467

Six Sigma vs. Lean Sigma, 5556

standardization projects, 7981

why it works, 7579

Lean Transformation, 2223

Length of stay (LOS) data, 8, 46

Levels, of Lean Sigma program maturity, 111114

Low-hanging fruit, 66


Magnet Recognition Program, 30

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 30


leadership in healthcare vs., 15

Lean Sigma techniques for, 76

in Lean Transformation, 2223

ongoing program, 52

stabilization and performance, 121122

why Lean Sigma works, 75

Mapping tools, Measure phase roadmap, 6467

Master Black Belts (MBBs)

characterizing projects, 43

inpatient placement case example, 106109

as lead for Tier 3 programs, 40

reporting on program status, 52

role of, 50

shaping projects, 3233

MBBs. See Master Black Belts (MBBs)

Meaningful, as change practice, 18

Measure phase roadmap

developing/evaluating measurement systems, 65

implementing quick hits, 67

measuring current process performance, 66

overview of, 6465

standardization projects, 8081

understanding process, 65

Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), 8

Medication delivery, project case example, 9596


aligning Lean Sigma to strategy, 3031

change improving key business, 19

characterizing project with, 4346

determining project goals in Define phase, 6264

Lean Sigma program, 28

Lean Sigma reducing complexity of, 7678

in Measure phase roadmap, 6467

in traditional change models, 810

Micro-focus, goal setting, 63

Milestones, 20

MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis), 8


Needs, customer, 62, 7677


OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), 87

Opportunities, identifying, 4346

Organizational competence, developing, 114, 117119

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), 87


Patching (subtracting), from existing change models, 13

PCDA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) change model, 2, 14


adding where needed, 92

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 112


of existing change models, 1112

failure to control process, 1415

Lean Sigma process improvement methodology, 34

Percentiles, 4445

Performance improvement

aligning Lean Sigma to strategy, 3031

disparate change groups and, 45

as key facet of change, 2022

setting program direction, 27

traditional methods of, 13

Performance management

model for, 114

stabilization, 121122

Performance shortfall opportunities, 4041

Physician office standardization, project case example, 100102

Pilot of new process, Improve phase, 74

Plan, Do, Check, Act (PCDA) change model, 2, 14

Post-Event, Kaizen roadmap, 83

Pre-Event, Kaizen roadmap, 83

Prioritization of project action, 4748

Problem statement, 43


Lean Sigma Kaizen roadmap for specific, 8184

Lean Sigma roadmap and, 77

solving during rollout, 102

unsuccessfully solving, 88

Process design, shaping project as, 33

Process engineers, healthcare lacking, 13

Process Owner(s)

Define phase project initiation, 6061

Define phase project sign-off, 64

Measure phase sign-off, 66

organizational competence and, 119

role of, 4951

stabilization/performance management, 121

surgery capacity/throughput case example, 102104

unsuccessfully solving problems, 88


adding vs. subtracting (patching), 13

breakthrough change, 3537

Control phase roadmap for performance, 75

defining in Define phase, 61

getting good start on improving, 99

Lean Sigma improvement methodology for, 3334

model for performance improvement, 114

real life redesign of. See Project case examples

systems/roles/people/competencies and, 34

Tier 2 programs addressing linked, 3839

traditional healthcare model for, 1015

transforming in early stages, 120121

Product line, shaping project as, 33

Profitability, Lean Sigma program focus, 28

Program Director, 43, 50

Program-level infrastructure

breakthrough change, 3437

characterizing projects, 4346

fitting Lean Sigma with existing initiatives, 2931

focus on process, 3334

goal setting, 4647

identifying opportunities, 4043

Lean Sigma, 24

prioritizing action, 4749

program and project roles, 4952

program tracking/reporting/ongoing management, 52

project tiers, 3540

setting program direction, 2628

shaping projects, 3133

Steering Group, 2426


Lean Sigma structure, 23

roles, 4952

shaping project as, 33

Tier 2, 3839

Tier 3 complex, 3940

tracking, reporting, and ongoing management of, 52

vision and launch of, 115116

Project case examples

behavioral health discovery, 9394

CT capacity and throughput, 8588

emergency department throughput, 104106

inpatient admission standardization, 98100

inpatient placement, 106109

medication delivery, 9596

new emergency department design, 109110

physician office standardization, 100102

radiology denials, 9093

reduce discharged not final billed (DNFB), 8890

registration standardization, 9698

surgery capacity/throughput, 102104

Project Champion. See Champion(s)

Project Charter

creating program structure, 117

Define phase roadmap, 50, 6061

Measure phase roadmap, 66

Project Leaders (Belts)

Black Belts as very strong, 101

categories and roles of, 50

Define phase roadmap for, 6061, 64

developing new, 123

developing organizational competence, 119

Measure phase financial metrics, 66

as part of Team, 51

in political/culturally sensitive projects, 109

program vision and launch, 115116

role of, 4950, 58

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 112

Steering Group selecting, 24

Project roadmap, Lean Sigma

Analyze phase, 6771

Control phase, 7475

Define phase, 6064

Improve phase, 7174

Kaizen (accelerated change) events, 8184

Measure phase, 6467

overview of, 5560

standardization projects, 7981

why it works, 7579

Project tiers

defined, 35

Tier 1 projects, 3738

Tier 2 programs, 3839

Tier 3 complex programs, 3940


clarifying, 4346

identifying opportunities for, 4346

inventory of potential, 117

roles, 4952

shaping, 3133

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 113

structuring change, 17

Tier 1, 3738


Quality measures

disparate change groups and, 45

as Lean Sigma program focus, 28

operations improvement for, 29

Quick hit, 67


Radiology denials, project case example, 9093

Reduce discharged not final billed (DNFB), project case example, 8890

Registration standardization, project case example, 9698

Regular (engineering project), 32


on program status, 52

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 113


early in Lean Sigma journey, 111112

Process Owners solving problems with more, 88

Project Leaders as external, 87

short changing Team, 51

spending more to get project done, 92


identifying opportunities for, 42

as Lean Sigma program focus, 28

P&L statement identifying projects to grow, 42

ROI (return on investment), program vision, 116


Improve phase roadmap and, 73

Lean Sigma process improvement, 34

for organizational competence, 118

program-level, 52

project-level, 4952

resilient and sustainability with, 88



as change practice, 18

characterizing project, 43

in Define phase, 6061

mistakes when setting goals, 6364

of program vision and launch, 115116

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 112

when specific failing process is unknown, 88

Shooting from hip, 6

Siloing of functions, 5

Simple tests of change, 14

Six Sigma, 5556

Skills, organizational competence, 118


adding vs. subtracting, 1213

integral change management for, 76

lack of context for, 1213

mistakes when setting goals for, 6364

poor implementation of, 13

Stabilization, and performance, 114, 121122


integral change management for, 76

report program status to, 52

in traditional change models, 2

Standard Work Instructions, Improve phase roadmap, 73


disparate change groups lacking, 6

inpatient admission case example of, 98100

physician office case example of, 100102

poor implementation lacking, 1314

registration case example of, 9698

stabilization/performance management with, 121122

uncontained change lacking, 5

Standardization projects, 33, 7981

Steering Committee, 39

Steering Group

creating program structure, 116

developing organizational competence, 117119

ED throughput case example, 104106

ongoing management of, 52

overview of, 24

shaping projects, 3233

team members, 25

transforming processes, 120121


aligning change projects to, 18

identifying good opportunities, 40

as key facet of change, 2022

Lean Sigma aligned to, 3031

setting program direction, 27

Structuring change

creating program structure, 116117

with Lean Sigma. See Lean Sigma

practices for, 1722

within small department, 87

Subtracting (patching), from existing change models, 13

Success, in traditional model, 2

Surgery capacity and throughput, project case example, 102104

Sustainability. See Consistency/sustainability

Symptoms, change based, 5, 10


Lean Sigma process improvement methodology, 34

vs. processes in traditional healthcare, 1011


Team members

Analyze phase roadmap, 6869

Define phase roadmap for, 60

Improve phase roadmap for, 7174

Measure phase roadmap for, 6467

role of, 51

surgery capacity/throughput case example, 102104

Tier 1 projects, 3738

Tier 2 programs, 3839, 102, 104106

Tier 3 complex programs, 3940, 106109

Timelines, 6, 24


in change practice, 19

Control phase roadmap, 7475

Define phase roadmap, 60

Measure phase roadmap, 6467

traditional change model focused on, 67


ongoing program, 52

program structure, 116117

stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 113

Traditional change model

adding vs. subtracting (patching), 13

changes based on symptoms vs. causes, 10

changes not based on data, 89

disparate change groups, 45

focus on people vs. process, 1112

lack of context for solutions, 1213

lacking control, 1415

management vs. leadership, 1516

no standard change approach, 6

overview of, 14

poor implementation, 1314

reliance on benchmarks, 78

systems vs. processes, 1011

tools focus, 67

uncontained change, 5


for organizational competence, 118119

for program vision and launch, 116

for stabilization and performance management, 121

in stages of Lean Sigma program maturity, 113

for Tier 1 project, 3738

Transparency, as change practice, 17

Triggers, Improve phase roadmap, 73


Uncontained change, 5


Value, Analyze phase, 71

Vision, program

model for performance improvement, 114

overview of, 115116, 122123

setting program direction, 2628

VOB (Voice of the Business), 33

Voice of the Customer (VOC)

basing solutions on, 18

behavioral health discovery case example, 9394

ED design case example, 109110

for projects touching external market, 87

requirements in Define phase, 6162

shaping project as IT/IS work for, 33

in Tier 2 programs, 39


Wants, customer, 62

Working capital, Lean Sigma program focus, 28

Workplace layout, Improve phase roadmap, 73


X measures, 45, 6770


Y measures, 45

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