Chapter 4. The Lean UX Canvas

Assumptions Are the New Requirements

If you work in an industry where things are relatively predictable, where there is low risk and high certainty in what the company is making, what it takes to make your product, what it looks like when it’s done, and what your customers will do with it once they have it, you can comfortably work with a set of rigid, predetermined requirements. In a world with this manufacturing-era mentality, big design up front is the norm, and any variability in the production of your product is seen not as an agile response to a changing marketplace but rather as an expensive deviation from the plan. This way of thinking about requirements was adopted in the early days of the software industry, was the dominant model for decades, and continues to permeate many teams’ ways of working even to this day.

Requirements assume we know exactly what we need to build. Ideally, they come from engineering rigor. But in software, they usually don’t have the rigor behind them. Still, they are taken at face value based on their author’s credibility or organizational title. In many cases, that blind faith is augmented with the phrase “well, it worked before.” Individuals or teams who question the absoluteness of the requirements they’ve received are perceived as troublemakers and treated as scapegoats when projects end up missing deadlines, exceeding scope, or both. In organizations still leaning heavily on them as a way to tell teams what to do, requirements often simply mean, as our friend Jeff Patton likes to say, “Shut up.”

But today’s software-based businesses operate in a reality devoid of consistency, predictability, stability, and certainty. Saying with authority that a specific combination of code, copy, and design will achieve a desired business outcome and will be delivered completely by an explicit deadline is not just risky; in most cases it’s a lie. Software development is complex and unpredictable. The pace of change is incredibly fast. Not only can companies ship features to production continuously at unprecedented speeds, but consumer behaviors are changing just as quickly. As soon as you’ve settled on a feature set, design approach, and specific user experience, your audience begins to evolve into new mental models based on their experiences with other online services.

The good news is that we don’t have to rely on requirements. The industry has developed new ways to work that allow us to move away from rigid requirements. When we wrote the first edition of this book, Amazon was shipping code to production every 11.6 seconds. Today they’ve decreased their time to market to one second.1 That’s right: every second some Amazon customer somewhere in their ecosystem experiences a change to the way the product works. Sixty times per minute, Amazon has an opportunity to learn how well they’re meeting the needs of their customers. Sixty times per minute, they have an opportunity to respond to what they’re learning. Sixty times per minute, they have an opportunity to make their user experience better. With this capability, the very idea of a rigid requirement is, at best, anachronistic. At worst, it’s an impediment that prevents teams from doing their best work. We’ll grant that Amazon is at the extreme end of this, but they serve as inspiration and a clear target for what is possible. If we can ship, sense, and respond to this quickly, then assuming that we know exactly how to best deliver value is a level of arrogance and risk your organization cannot afford.

There are other reasons to avoid requirements. Software is hard. Even seasoned software engineers will tell you that just because something seems simple to build doesn’t mean it actually will be simple to build. Oftentimes, as we set out to deliver a specific user experience, we learn that in order to do so we’ll need to develop more code than we anticipated. The code we thought would be simple turns out to have complex dependencies or has legacy constraints or runs into unplanned obstacles, and we end up having to spend extra time figuring out how to work around these problems. This, too, flies in the face of rigid, deadline-based requirements.

And, of course, it’s not just code that is complex and unpredictable. Humans are complex and unpredictable too. Their innate motivations, personalities, expectations, cultural norms, and habits all fly in the face of what we believe will be an ideal software service for them to use. We put so much faith in what we think will be “easy to use” or “intuitive,” only to find that our target audience goes out of their way to avoid the simplifications we believe we made for them. Why do they do this? Any variety of factors (which we could learn about through customer interviews and research) could lead to these unexpected behaviors, but they all have the same net result: they prove our requirements wrong.

So what should we do? We need to recognize that most requirements are simply assumptions expressed with authority. If we remove the authority, overconfidence, and arrogance from the conversation, we’re left with someone’s best guess about how to best achieve a user goal or solve a business problem. We are makers of digital products, so humbly admitting that these are indeed our best guesses or assumptions immediately and explicitly creates the space for product discovery and Lean UX to take place. If we understand as a team that the work we’re undertaking is risky exactly because we can’t predict human behavior, we know that part of our work will have to include experimentation, research, and rework. We reduce our attachment to the ideas and create a team culture that is more willing to adjust course—even to stop working on an idea that continues to prove unviable.

So how do we build a conversation that encourages ideas from the whole team but qualifies those ideas as a series of assumptions? In earlier versions of this book we shared a series of assumptions declaration exercises. These processes have helped readers and practitioners express their ideas in a new way, as testable assumptions. Over the years, we’ve consolidated these assumptions declaration exercises, as well as the steps you’ll need to test your assumptions, into one comprehensive facilitation tool we call the Lean UX Canvas.

The Lean UX Canvas

The Lean UX Canvas (Figure 4-1) brings together a series of exercises that allow teams to declare their assumptions about an initiative. It’s designed to facilitate conversations within the team but also with stakeholders, clients, and other colleagues. Remember that in Lean UX we’re trying to build shared understanding, and to do that (especially when we’re trying to move away from requirements), we need a consistent shared vocabulary that allows stakeholders and individual contributors alike to share their ideas and create clarity.

If you’ve done some Lean UX work in the past, you’ll recognize most of these activities. If you’ve done design work before, you’ll recognize the importance of all of the topics on the canvas and how important it is to have conversations about these topics at the start of a project. Our experience using this canvas is that the structure of the canvas helps ensure all these conversations take place, that the conversations include a diverse set of viewpoints, and that, when you’re done, the extended team has built shared understanding and the path forward is clear.

Figure 4-1. The Lean UX Canvas

The canvas was designed to guide the conversation from the current state of your product or system—or what Mike Rother called the current condition (“NOW” in Figure 4-2) in his book The Toyota Kata2—to its desired future state or target condition (“LATER” in Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-2. The key areas of the Lean UX Canvas

Using the Canvas

In the coming chapters, we’ll describe each section of the canvas in detail. Before we do that, however, we want to answer some general questions that come up whenever we teach teams about the canvas.

So When Should We Use the Lean UX Canvas?

We think that the canvas is a great way to start an initiative. Whether you’re working on a new feature, a major initiative, or a new product, the canvas is a great structure to use for your kickoff meeting. As you get comfortable with the tool, you’ll start to develop a sense of when a piece of work is too small for the canvas. Generally, we think it’s a good idea to use it any time you’re planning a big chunk of work.

Is the Lean UX Canvas Best Suited for Early-Stage Ideas or for Sustaining Innovation?

The canvas actually works well for both types of work. The key question is this: are you facing important unknowns, uncertainty, or complexity? That’s where the Lean UX Canvas—and, really, Lean UX in general—can help. In early-stage work, the unknowns tend to be existential in nature: is there a need for this product or service? Will people use our solution? Can we build a business by solving this problem? In sustaining innovation, the questions tend to be smaller, but that doesn’t mean that the answers are any clearer. In both of these situations, the Lean UX Canvas can help.

Who Should Work on the Canvas?

One of the values of the canvas is the way that working through it creates shared understanding on your team. It encourages the team and stakeholders to do the product discovery work that makes for successful products. So we believe that all team members should participate in the work on the canvas. We also think that stakeholders and clients should participate as much as possible, especially during the parts of the work to elaborate the business problem statement and business goals.

How Long Should We Expect to Spend on a Lean UX Canvas?

It’s hard to get through the whole thing in less than a half-day session. Because the canvas makes a great kickoff activity, think about how much time you normally spend kicking off projects. Is that a two-day exercise? A full week? Some teams will work through the canvas that way, especially if you can all be together in the same room. Other teams will choose to hold a series of meetings over the course of a couple of weeks. In general, the bigger and more important the project, the longer it will take. Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis. When you don’t know something, put it in the parking lot and move on. After all, the whole point of the canvas is to collect the things that you don’t know so that you can start learning about them quickly.

Do We Have to Use the Canvas to Do Lean UX?

Absolutely not. Each part of the canvas contains a useful part of the Lean UX process. As you’re working on any initiative, you’re going to want to think about and answer the questions implied by each of the boxes on the canvas. That said, you can absolutely use each box on the canvas as a standalone technique. Are you unclear about your users? Go to Box 3, read about proto-personas, and use these ideas with your team to get clarity. Are you unclear about the best solution to a problem? Flip to the section of this book on Box 5 and take your team through that process.

If you decide to use the canvas as a whole, remember that it’s a flexible tool. Use the exercises that work best for you, taking into account your context and the ways that work for your team. Expand the number of activities as your team grows more comfortable with the nature of this work. Ultimately, we want to ensure the customer is front and center in all of your conversations. The Lean UX Canvas is a strong starting point for ensuring that happens.

Facilitating Each Section

In the chapters to come, we’ll share instructions for exercises that we like to use to complete the canvas. Here, we’d like to note some general patterns.

Be inclusive

We want the whole team to participate in completing the canvas.3 This means that your facilitation needs to account for different participation styles, as well as the different levels of power and authority in the room.

To address that, we like to use a variant of the 1-2-4-All pattern.4 This is a structured way of eliciting participation from a group. Here’s how it works:

  • You start by asking people to work individually (the “1”), usually silently, either by writing ideas or drawing something by themselves. You generally want to set an aggressive time limit on this period (usually five minutes) to force people to get their ideas out and to avoid spending a lot of time editing and refining. After this period of solo work, ask folks to share back with their table or their subgroup. If people have been working with Post-its, it can make sense to ask people to bring them to a wall and post them there. Optionally, you can offer discussion during this period. You can also ask people to do some affinity mapping at this point.

  • Then, you ask people to work in pairs (the “2”) to elaborate or develop an idea. Paired work takes more time than solo work, so give the pairs more time than you allowed for solo work. Again, following this period of paired work, you have the pairs present their work to their table or subgroup room, and you may have more discussion at this point.

  • Next, you ask each table or subgroup to develop their work into a single presentation. (This is the “4” portion of the pattern.)

  • Finally (if you’re trying to produce one final idea), you ask the whole group to develop a single idea. (This is the “All” portion of the pattern.)

1-2-4-All is effective because it solicits input from everyone in the room, allows for both solo and collaborative working styles, and, finally, allows the group to come together. You’ll want to adapt this pattern to the specific exercise but keep it in mind as you plan group work.

Remote versus in-person

All of these exercises can be done as in-person workshops or remotely, with videoconferencing software and shared whiteboard tools. If you’re working remotely, remember to break up your sessions to allow people to stand up and avoid Zoom fatigue. Also, remember that not everyone is familiar with online whiteboard tools, so allow some time to bring less experienced participants up to speed. (Sometimes you can use an icebreaker exercise that helps people learn the tool.) We’ve created Lean UX Canvas templates that you can use.

Wrapping Up

In the coming chapters in this section, we’ll describe each section of the canvas in detail.

1 Vogels, “The Story of Apollo - Amazon’s Deployment Engine.”

2 Mike Rother, The Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness, and Superior Results (McGraw-Hill Education, 2009).

3 The idea of “the whole team” will vary based on your context, so feel free to adapt this advice based on the size of your group and the roles of the people in the room.

4 This is one of the patterns in the very useful Liberating Structures collection. See “1-2-4-All,” Liberating Structures, accessed June 16, 2021,

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