Learn Azure Sentinel


Learn Azure Sentinel

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It is my great pleasure to contribute the foreword to this piece of work by Gary and Richard. We are in exciting times! Not only is the technology of Azure Sentinel exciting, the opportunity that it presents is exciting as well.

Having been in the technology and security consulting business for around 25 years, I’ve seen many things that have been called “Next Generation” and “Game Changing” before. But I will say that what is happening right now only happens once in a career. Some would say a statement like this is hyperbole but hear me out. I doubt that we’ll have another opportunity in our careers to witness the coming of age of the public cloud, the coming of age of Microsoft’s security reference architecture, and the coming of age of cyber security in general...all converging at the same time. What I mean by this convergence is that these things have all hit critical mass in a way that each enables the other, so much so that it will be difficult to tell them apart in a few years.

With this convergence will come change, and disruption as well, which can create a certain amount of chaos and uncertainty. Should we be doing so many things so differently than we have been? Can this newly created technology really be as stable and capable as where we came from? Will we even be able to do things in the same way, and if we can’t, who will lead us out of the darkness? To be plain, Microsoft has made the right investments in security. They eat their own dog food in that everything they release is vetted on their own global network. They’ve quit developing security products as separate components and now focus on the full platform. They recognize that a multi-platform, hybrid infrastructure exists in most environments and they’ve attacked those problems head on.

Azure Sentinel is capable of bringing Microsoft’s own products together, but it additionally brings the capability of being a central component of an organization’s security operations center and that is a game changer.

Gary and Richard have embraced the latest tech from Microsoft’s security platform and worked with forward-looking clients that have the same vision to assess, architect, and implement this tech even with the (almost weekly) changing capabilities and consoles as Microsoft aggressively integrates and enhances their platform. Whenever there is something new, it takes some brave hearts to invest the time and effort to explore the landscape, make some assumptions, and make it work...and I’ve watched these guys do just that.

There is a reward for them and for the consumers of this material. For them, they can plant the flag on this hill, congratulate themselves for the discovery thus far, and make preparations for the next leg of the journey. For you, there is a wealth of knowledge compiled here by folks that earned it the old-fashioned way. And knowing what I do about these guys, they are happy to be the Sherpas for you on your Sentinel journey. Enjoy!

Jason S. Rader,

Director of Network and Cloud Security at Insight


About the authors

Richard Diver has over 25 years’ international experience in technology with a deep technical background in cloud security, identity management, and information security. He works at Insight as the lead for Cloud Security Architecture, working with top partners across the industry to deliver comprehensive cloud security solutions. Any spare time he gets is usually spent with his family.

I would like to thank my loving family for allowing me to take time out to write this book, especially encouraging me during those times of procrastination!

Thank you to Gary for taking on this challenge with enthusiasm and passion, I could not have done this without your expertise. Also, to the experts that have helped to improve this book, including Ashwin Patil, Rod Trent, Dean Gross, Casey Tuohey, and Brandon Huckeba.

Gary Bushey is an Azure security expert with over 25 years of IT experience. He got his start early on when he helped his fifth-grade math teacher with their programming homework and worked all one summer to be able to afford his first computer, a Commodore 64. When he sold his first program, an apartment management system, at 14 he was hooked. During his career, he has worked as a developer, consultant, trainer, and architect. When not spending time in front of a computer, you can find him hiking in the woods, taking pictures, or just picking a direction and finding out what is around the next corner.

First and foremost, I need to thank my parents. They may not understand exactly what I do but they have supported me from allowing me to hook up my Commodore 64 to the color TV to faking interest when I talk about what I do. I’d also like to thank all the people at Microsoft that have helped me. Finally, I need to thank Lora Lake for supporting me through all my crazy decisions that have led to this point and for adopting me as her brother.

About the reviewers

Rod Trent, a community professional, keynoter, and evangelist, is a Cyber PFE for Microsoft and Azure Sentinel SME who spends his entire work life educating customers on how to implement, use, and maintain Azure Sentinel. Rod works with the largest Azure Sentinel implementations in the world. Some may remember Rod from his pre-Microsoft life, where he owned and operated some very significant communities dedicated to IT management and security, ran technology-focused editorial teams, and managed some large and popular technology conferences. When he’s not evangelizing Azure Sentinel and digging into KQL queries, he spends time with his wife of 30 years, Megan, and his four wonderful kids, Alex, Rachel, Eric, and Elly.

Ashwin Patil currently works as Senior Program Manager for Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and has over 10 years of experience entirely focused on security monitoring and incident response, defending enterprise networks. In his current role, he primarily works on threat hunting, detection research in KQL (Kusto query language) for Azure Sentinel, and developing Jupyter notebooks written in Python/R to do threat hunting and investigation across a variety of cloud and on-premise security event log data sources. He has a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and is also certified with various SANS certifications, such as GCIA, GCFE, and GCIH, in the field of digital forensics and incident response (DFIR).

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