Chapter    2

Learning Language Fundamentals

Aspiring Android app developers need to understand the Java language, which is used to express an app’s source code. In Chapter 2, I start to introduce you to this language by focusing on its fundamentals. Specifically, you’ll learn about comments, identifiers (and reserved words), types, variables, expressions (and literals), and statements.

Note   The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) has traditionally been used to encode a program’s source code. Because ASCII is limited to the English language, Unicode ( was developed as a replacement. Unicode is a computing industry standard for consistently encoding, representing, and handling text that’s expressed in most of the world’s writing systems. Because Java supports Unicode, non-English-oriented symbols can be integrated into or accessed from Java source code. You’ll see examples in this chapter.

Learning Comments

Source code needs to be documented so that you (and any others who have to maintain it) can understand it, now and later. Source code should be documented while being written and whenever it’s modified. If these modifications impact existing documentation, the documentation must be updated so that it accurately explains the code.

Java provides the comment feature for embedding documentation in source code. When the source code is compiled, the Java compiler ignores all comments—no bytecodes are generated. Single-line, multiline, and Javadoc comments are supported.

Single-Line Comments

A single-line comment occupies all or part of a single line of source code. This comment begins with the // character sequence and continues with explanatory text. The compiler ignores everything from // to the end of the line in which // appears. The following example presents a single-line comment:

System.out.println(Math.sqrt(10 * 10 + 20 * 20)); // Output distance from (0, 0) to (10, 20).

This example calculates the distance between the (0, 0) origin and the point (10, 20) in the Cartesian x/y plane. It uses the formula distance = square root(x*x+y*y), where x is 10 and y is 20, for this task. Java provides a Math class whose sqrt() method returns the square root of its single numeric argument. (I discuss Math in Chapter 7 and arguments in Chapter 3.)

Note   Single-line comments are useful for inserting short but meaningful explanations of source code into this code. Don’t use them to insert unhelpful information. For example, when declaring a variable, don’t insert a meaningless comment such as // This variable stores integer values.

Multiline Comments

A multiline comment occupies one or more lines of source code. This comment begins with the /* character sequence, continues with explanatory text, and ends with the */ character sequence. Everything from /* through */ is ignored by the compiler. The following example demonstrates a multiline comment:

   A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 400, or divisible by 4 and
   not also divisible by 100.
return (year % 400 == 0 || (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0));

This example introduces a return statement (discussed in Chapter 3) for determining whether a year (stored in a variable named year; I discuss variables later in this chapter) is a leap year or not. The important part of this code to grasp is the multiline comment, which clarifies the expression (discussed later) that determines whether year’s value does or doesn’t represent a leap year.

Caution   You cannot place one multiline comment inside another. For example, /*/* Nesting multiline comments is illegal! */*/ is not a valid multiline comment.

Javadoc Comments

A Javadoc comment occupies one or more lines of source code. This comment begins with the /** character sequence, continues with explanatory text, and ends with the */ character sequence. Everything from /** through */ is ignored by the compiler. The following example demonstrates a Javadoc comment:

 *  Application entry point
 *  @param args array of command-line arguments passed to this method
public static void main(String[] args)
   // TODO code application logic here

This example begins with a Javadoc comment that describes the main() method, which I discussed in Chapter 1. Sandwiched between /** and */ is a description of the method and the @param Javadoc tag (an @-prefixed instruction to the javadoc tool).

The following list identifies several commonly used tags:

  • @author identifies the source code’s author.
  • @deprecated identifies a source code entity (such as a method) that should no longer be used.
  • @param identifies one of a method’s parameters.
  • @see provides a see-also reference.
  • @since identifies the software release where the entity first originated.
  • @return identifies the kind of value that the method returns.
  • @throws documents an exception thrown from a method. I discuss exceptions in Chapter 5.

Listing 2-1 presents Chapter 1’s DumpArgs application source code with Javadoc comments that describe the DumpArgs class and its main() method.

Listing 2-1.  Documenting an Application Class and Its main() Method

   Dump all command-line arguments to standard output.

   @author Jeff Friesen

public class DumpArgs
      Application entry point.

      @param args array of command-line arguments.

   public static void main(String[] args)
      System.out.println("Passed arguments:");
      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)

You can extract these documentation comments into a set of HTML files by using the JDK’s javadoc tool, as follows:


javadoc responds by outputting the following messages:

Loading source file
Constructing Javadoc information...
Standard Doclet version 1.7.0_06
Building tree for all the packages and classes...
Generating DumpArgs.html...
Generating package-frame.html...
Generating package-summary.html...
Generating package-tree.html...
Generating constant-values.html...
Building index for all the packages and classes...
Generating overview-tree.html...
Generating index-all.html...
Generating deprecated-list.html...
Building index for all classes...
Generating allclasses-frame.html...
Generating allclasses-noframe.html...
Generating index.html...
Generating help-doc.html...

It also generates several files, including the index.html documentation entry-point file. Point your browser to this file and you should see a page similar to that shown in Figure 2-1.


Figure 2-1 .  The entry-point page into DumpArgs’s documentation describes this class

Note   Appendix B provides another (and a more extensive) example involving Javadoc comments and the javadoc tool.

Learning Identifiers

Source code entities such as classes and methods need to be named so that they can be referenced from elsewhere in the code. Java provides the identifiers feature for this purpose.

An identifier consists of letters (A–Z, a–z, or equivalent uppercase/lowercase letters in other human alphabets), digits (0–9 or equivalent digits in other human alphabets), connecting punctuation characters (e.g., the underscore), and currency symbols (e.g., the dollar sign $). This name must begin with a letter, a currency symbol, or a connecting punctuation character; and its length cannot exceed the line in which it appears.

Examples of valid identifiers include π (some editors might have problems with such symbols), i, counter, j2, first$name, and _for. Examples of invalid identifiers include 1name (starts with a digit) and first#name (# is not a valid identifier symbol).

Note   Java is a case-sensitive language, which means that identifiers differing only in case are considered separate identifiers. For example, temperature and Temperature are separate identifiers.

Almost any valid identifier can be chosen to name a class, method, or other source code entity. However, some identifiers are reserved for special purposes; they are known as reserved words. Java reserves the following identifiers: abstract, assert, boolean, break, byte, case, catch, char, class, const, continue, default, do, double, enum, else, extends, false, final, finally, float, for, goto, if, implements, import, instanceof, int, interface, long, native, new, null, package, private, protected, public, return, short, static, strictfp, super, switch, synchronized, this, throw, throws, transient, true, try, void, volatile, and while. The compiler outputs an error message when you attempt to use any of these reserved words outside of their usage contexts.

Note   Most of Java’s reserved words are also known as keywords. The three exceptions are false, null, and true, which are examples of literals (values specified verbatim).

Learning Types

Applications process different types of values such as integers, floating-point values, characters, and strings. A type identifies a set of values (and their representation in memory) and a set of operations that transform these values into other values of that set. For example, the integer type identifies numeric values with no fractional parts and integer-oriented math operations, such as adding two integers to yield another integer.

Note   Java is a strongly typed language, which means that every expression, variable, and so on has a type known to the compiler. This capability helps the compiler detect type-related errors at compile time rather than having these errors manifest themselves at runtime. Expressions and variables are discussed later in this chapter.

Java classifies types as primitive types, user-defined types, and array types.

Primitive Types

A primitive type is a type that’s defined by the language and whose values are not objects. Java supports the Boolean, character, byte integer, short integer, integer, long integer, floating-point, and double precision floating-point primitive types. They are described in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Primitive Types


Table 2-1 describes each primitive type in terms of its reserved word, size, minimum value, and maximum value. A “--” entry indicates that the column in which it appears is not applicable to the primitive type described in that entry’s row.

The size column identifies the size of each primitive type in terms of the number of bits (binary digits—each digit is either 0 or 1) that a value of that type occupies in memory. Except for Boolean (whose size is implementation dependent—one Java implementation might store a Boolean value in a single bit, whereas another implementation might require an 8-bit byte for performance efficiency), each primitive type’s implementation has a specific size.

The minimum value and maximum value columns identify the smallest and largest values that can be represented by each type. Except for Boolean (whose only values are true and false), each primitive type has a minimum value and a maximum value.

The minimum and maximum values of the character type refer to Unicode. Unicode 0 is shorthand for “the first Unicode code point”—a code point is an integer that represents a symbol (such as A) or a control character (such as newline or tab) or that combines with other code points to form a symbol.

Note   The character type’s limits imply that this type is unsigned (all character values are positive). In contrast, each numeric type is signed (it supports positive and negative values).

The minimum and maximum values of the byte integer, short integer, integer, and long integer types reveal that there is one more negative value than positive value (0 is typically not regarded as a positive value). The reason for this imbalance has to do with how integers are represented.

Java represents an integer value as a combination of a sign bit (the leftmost bit—0 for a positive value and 1 for a negative value) and magnitude bits (all remaining bits to the right of the sign bit). When the sign bit is 0, the magnitude is stored directly. However, when the sign bit is 1, the magnitude is stored using twos-complement representation in which all 1s are flipped to 0s, all 0s are flipped to 1s, and 1 is added to the number behind the minus sign. Twos-complement is used so that negative integers can naturally coexist with positive integers. For example, adding the representation of −1 to +1 yields 0. Figure 2-2 illustrates byte integer 2’s direct representation and byte integer −2’s twos-complement representation.


Figure 2-2 .  The binary representation of two byte-integer values begins with a sign bit

The minimum and maximum values of the floating-point and double precision floating-point types refer to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 754, which is a standard for representing floating-point values in memory. Check out Wikipedia’s “IEEE 754-2008” entry ( to learn more about this standard.

Note   Developers who argue that Java should support objects only are not happy about the inclusion of primitive types in the language. However, Java was designed to include primitive types to overcome the speed and memory limitations of early 1990s-era devices, to which Java was originally targeted.

User-Defined Types

A user-defined type is a type that’s often used to model a real-world concept (e.g., a color or a bank account). It’s defined by the developer using a class, an interface, an enum, or an annotation type; and its values are objects. (I discuss classes in Chapter 3, interfaces in Chapter 4, and enums and annotation types in Chapter 6.)

For example, you could create a Color class to model colors; its values could describe colors as red/green/blue component values. Also, Java’s String class defines the string user-defined type; its values describe strings of characters, and its methods perform various string operations such as concatenating two strings together. (I discuss methods in Chapter 3.)

User-defined types are also known as reference types because a variable of that type stores a reference (a memory address or some other identifier) to a region of memory that stores an object of that type. In contrast, variables of primitive types store the values directly; they don’t store references to these values.

Array Types

An array type is a special reference type that signifies an array, a region of memory that stores values in equal-size and contiguous slots, which are commonly referred to as elements.

This type consists of the element type (a primitive type or a user-defined type) and one or more pairs of square brackets that indicate the number of dimensions (extents). A single pair of brackets signifies a one-dimensional array (a vector), two pairs of brackets signify a two-dimensional array (a table), three pairs of brackets signify a one-dimensional array of two-dimensional arrays (a vector of tables), and so on. For example, int[] signifies a one-dimensional array (with int as the element type), and double[][] signifies a two-dimensional array (with double as the element type).

Learning Variables

Applications manipulate values that are stored in memory, which is symbolically represented in source code through the use of the variables feature. A variable is a named memory location that stores some type of value. A variable that stores a reference is often referred to as reference variable.

Variables must be declared before they are used. A declaration minimally consists of a type name, optionally followed by a sequence of square bracket pairs, followed by a name, optionally followed by a sequence of square bracket pairs, and terminated with a semicolon character (;). Consider the following examples:

int counter;
double temperature;
String firstName;
int[] ages;
char gradeLetters[];
float[][] matrix;
double π;

The first example declares an integer variable named counter, the second example declares a variable (of double precision floating-point type) named temperature, the third example declares a string variable named firstName, the fourth example declares a one-dimensional integer array variable named ages, the fifth example declares a one-dimensional character array variable named gradeLetters, the sixth example declares a two-dimensional floating-point array variable named matrix, and the seventh example declares a double precision floating-point variable named π. No string is yet associated with firstName, and no arrays are yet associated with ages, gradeLetters, and matrix.

Note   Square brackets can appear after the type name or after the variable name, but not in both places. For example, the compiler reports an error when it encounters int[] x[];. It is common practice to place the square brackets after the type name (as in int[] ages;) instead of after the variable name (as in char gradeLetters[];), unless the array is being declared in a context such as int x, y[], z;.

You can declare multiple variables on one line by separating each variable from its predecessor with a comma, as demonstrated by the following example:

int x, y[], z;

This example declares three variables named x, y, and z. Each variable shares the same type, which happens to be integer. Unlike x and z, which store single integer values, y[] signifies a one-dimensional array whose element type is integer—each element stores an integer value. No array is yet associated with y.

The square brackets must appear after the variable name when the array is declared on the same line as the other variables. If you place the square brackets before the variable name, as in int x, []y, z;, the compiler reports an error. If you place the square brackets after the type name, as in int[] x, y, z;, all three variables signify one-dimensional arrays of integers.

Learning Expressions

The previously declared variables were not explicitly initialized to any values. As a result, they are either initialized to default values (such as 0 for int and 0.0 for double) or remain uninitialized, depending on the contexts in which they appear (declared within classes or declared within methods). In Chapter 3 I discuss variable contexts in terms of fields, local variables, and parameters.

Java provides the expressions feature for initializing variables and for other purposes. An expression is a combination of literals, variable names, method calls, and operators. At runtime, it evaluates to a value whose type is referred to as the expression’s type. If the expression is being assigned to a variable, the expression’s type must agree with the variable’s type; otherwise, the compiler reports an error.

Java classifies expressions as simple expressions and compound expressions.

Simple Expressions

A simple expression is a literal (a value expressed verbatim), the name of a variable (containing a value), or a method call (returning a value). Java supports several kinds of literals: string, Boolean true and false, character, integer, floating-point, and null.

Note   A method call that doesn’t return a value—the called method is known as a void method—is a special kind of simple expression; for example, System.out.println("Hello, World!");. This standalone expression cannot be assigned to a variable. Attempting to do so (as in int i = System.out.println("X");) causes the compiler to report an error.

A string literal consists of a sequence of Unicode characters surrounded by a pair of double quotes; for example, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." It might also contain escape sequences, which are special syntax for representing certain printable and nonprintable characters that cannot otherwise appear in the literal. For example, "The quick brown "fox" jumps over the lazy dog." uses the " escape sequence to surround fox with double quotes.

Table 2-2 describes all supported escape sequences.

Table 2-2. Escape Sequences

Escape Syntax Description
\ Backslash
" Double quote
' Single quote
f Form feed
Newline (also referred to as line feed)
Carriage return
Horizontal tab

Finally, a string literal might contain Unicode escape sequences, which are special syntax for representing Unicode characters. A Unicode escape sequence begins with u and continues with four hexadecimal digits (09, AF, af) with no intervening space. For example, u0041 represents capital letter A, and u20ac represents the European Union’s euro currency symbol.

A Boolean literal consists of reserved word true or reserved word false.

A character literal consists of a single Unicode character surrounded by a pair of single quotes ('A' is an example). You can also represent, as a character literal, an escape sequence (e.g., ''') or a Unicode escape sequence (e.g., 'u0041').

An integer literal consists of a sequence of digits. If the literal is to represent a long integer value, it must be suffixed with an uppercase L or lowercase l (L is easier to read). If there is no suffix, the literal represents a 32-bit integer (an int).

Integer literals can be specified in the decimal, hexadecimal, and octal formats:

  • The decimal format is the default format; for example, 127.
  • The hexadecimal format requires that the literal begin with 0x or 0X and continue with hexadecimal digits (09, AF, af); for example, 0x7F.
  • The octal format requires that the literal be prefixed with 0 and continue with octal digits (07); for example, 0177.

A floating-point literal consists of an integer part, a decimal point (represented by the period character [.]), a fractional part, an exponent (starting with letter E or e), and a type suffix (letter D, d, F, or f). Most parts are optional, but enough information must be present to differentiate the floating-point literal from an integer literal. Examples include 0.1 (double precision floating-point), 89F (floating-point), 600D (double precision floating-point), and 13.08E+23 (double precision floating-point).

Finally, the null literal is assigned to a reference variable to indicate that the variable doesn’t refer to an object.

The following examples use literals to initialize the previously presented variables:

int counter = 10;
double temperature = 98.6; // Assume Fahrenheit scale.
String firstName = "Mark";
int[] ages = { 52, 28, 93, 16 };
char gradeLetters[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F' };
float[][] matrix = { { 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F }, { 4.0F, 5.0F, 6.0F }};
int x = 1, y[] = { 1, 2, 3 }, z = 3;
double π = 3.14159;

The fourth through seventh examples use array initializers to initialize the ages, gradeLetters, matrix, and y arrays. An array initializer consists of a brace-and-comma-delimited list of expressions, which (as the matrix example shows) may themselves be array initializers. The matrix example results in a table that looks like the following:

1.0F 2.0F 3.0F
4.0F 5.0F 6.0F


Perhaps you’re curious about how variables are organized in memory. Figure 2-3 presents one possible high-level organization for the counter, ages, and matrix variables, along with the arrays assigned to ages and matrix.


Figure 2-3 .  The counter variable stores a 4-byte integer value, whereas ages and matrix store 4-byte references to their respective arrays

Figure 2-3 reveals that each of counter, ages, and matrix is stored at a memory address (starting at a fictitious 20001000 value in this example) and divisible by 4 (each variable stores a 4-byte value); that counter’s 4-byte value is stored at this address; and that each of the ages and matrix 4-byte memory locations stores the 32-bit address of its respective array (64-bit addresses would most likely be used on 64-bit virtual machines). Also, a one-dimensional array is stored as a list of values, whereas a two-dimensional array is stored as a one-dimensional row array of addresses, where each address identifies a one-dimensional column array of values for that row.
Although Figure 2-3 implies that array addresses are stored in ages and matrix, which equates references with addresses, a Java implementation might equate references with handles (integer values that identify slots in a list). This alternative is presented in Figure 2-4 for ages and its referenced array.


Figure 2-4 .  A handle is stored in ages, and the list entry identified by this handle stores the address of the associated array

Handles make it easy to move around regions of memory during garbage collection (discussed in Chapter 3). If multiple variables referenced the same array via the same address, each variable’s address value would have to be updated when the array was moved. However, if multiple variables referenced the array via the same handle, only the handle’s list entry would need to be updated. A downside to using handles is that accessing memory via these handles can be slower than directly accessing this memory via an address. Regardless of how references are implemented, this implementation detail is hidden from the Java developer to promote portability.

The following example shows a simple expression where a literal is assigned to a variable, followed by a simple expression where one variable is assigned the value of another variable:

int counter1 = 1;
int counter2 = counter1;

Finally, the following example shows a simple expression that assigns the result of a method call to a variable named isLeap:

boolean isLeap = isLeapYear(2012);

The previous examples have assumed that only those expressions whose types are the same as the types of the variables that they are initializing can be assigned to those variables. However, under certain circumstances, it’s possible to assign an expression having a different type. For example, Java permits you to assign certain integer literals to short integer variables, as in short s = 20;, and assign a short integer expression to an integer variable, as in int i = s;.

Java permits the former assignment because 20 can be represented as a short integer (no information is lost). In contrast, Java would complain about short s = 40000; because integer literal 40000 cannot be represented as a short integer (32767 is the maximum positive integer that can be stored in a short integer variable). Java permits the latter assignment because no information is lost when Java converts from a type with a smaller set of values to a type with a wider set of values.

Java supports the following primitive-type conversions via widening conversion rules:

  • Byte integer to short integer, integer, long integer, floating-point, or double precision floating-point
  • Short integer to integer, long integer, floating-point, or double precision floating-point
  • Character to integer, long integer, floating-point, or double precision floating-point
  • Integer to long integer, floating-point, or double precision floating-point
  • Long integer to floating-point or double precision floating-point
  • Floating-point to double precision floating-point

Note   When converting from a smaller integer to a larger integer, Java copies the smaller integer’s sign bit into the extra bits of the larger integer.

In Chapter 4, I discuss the widening conversion rules for performing type conversions in the contexts of user-defined and array types.

Compound Expressions

A compound expression is a sequence of simple expressions and operators, where an operator (a sequence of instructions symbolically represented in source code) transforms its operand expression value(s) into another value. For example, -6 is a compound expression consisting of operator - and integer literal 6 as its operand. This expression transforms 6 into its negative equivalent. Similarly, x + 5 is a compound expression consisting of variable name x, integer literal 5, and operator + sandwiched between these operands. Variable x’s value is fetched and added to 5 when this expression is evaluated. The sum becomes the value of the expression.

Note   When x’s type is byte integer or short integer, this variable’s value is widened to an integer. However, when x’s type is long integer, floating-point, or double precision floating-point, 5 is widened to the appropriate type. The addition operation is performed after the widening conversion takes place.

Java supplies many operators, which are classified by the number of operands that they take. A unary operator takes only one operand (unary minus [−] is an example), a binary operator takes two operands (addition [+] is an example), and Java’s single ternary operator (conditional [?:]) takes three operands.

Operators are also classified as prefix, postfix, and infix. A prefix operator is a unary operator that precedes its operand (as in −6), a postfix operator is a unary operator that trails its operand (as in x++), and an infix operator is a binary or ternary operator that is sandwiched between the binary operator’s two or the ternary operator’s three operands (as in x + 5).

Table 2-3 presents all supported operators in terms of their symbols, descriptions, and precedence levels—I discuss the concept of precedence at the end of this section. Various operator descriptions refer to “integer type,” which is shorthand for specifying any of byte integer, short integer, integer, or long integer unless “integer type” is qualified as a 32-bit integer. Also, “numeric type” refers to any of these integer types along with floating-point and double precision floating-point.

Table 2-3. Operators


Table 2-3’s operators can be classified as additive, array index, assignment, bitwise, cast, conditional, equality, logical, member access, method call, multiplicative, object creation, relational, shift, and unary minus/plus.

Additive Operators

The additive operators consist of addition (+), subtraction (−), postdecrement (−−), postincrement (++), predecrement (−−), preincrement (++), and string concatenation (+). Addition returns the sum of its operands (e.g., 6 + 4 returns 10), subtraction returns the difference between its operands (e.g., 64 returns 2 and 46 returns −2), postdecrement subtracts one from its variable operand and returns the variable’s prior value (e.g., x−−), postincrement adds one to its variable operand and returns the variable’s prior value (e.g., x++), predecrement subtracts one from its variable operand and returns the variable’s new value (e.g., −−x), preincrement adds one to its variable operand and returns the variable’s new value (e.g., ++x), and string concatenation merges its string operands and returns the merged string (e.g., "A" + "B" returns "AB").

The addition, subtraction, postdecrement, postincrement, predecrement, and preincrement operators can yield values that overflow or underflow the limits of the resulting value’s type. For example, adding two large positive 32-bit integer values can produce a value that cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer value. The result is said to overflow. Java doesn’t detect overflows and underflows.

Java provides a special widening conversion rule for use with string operands and the string concatenation operator. When either operand is not a string, the operand is first converted to a string prior to string concatenation. For example, when presented with "A" + 5, the compiler generates code that first converts 5 to "5" and then performs the string concatenation operation, resulting in "A5".

Array Index Operator

The array index operator ([]) accesses an array element by presenting the location of that element as an integer index. This operator is specified after an array variable’s name, for example, ages[0].

Indexes are relative to 0, which implies that ages[0] accesses the first element, whereas ages[6] accesses the seventh element. The index must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the length of the array; otherwise, the virtual machine throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (consult Chapter 5 to learn about exceptions).

An array’s length is returned by appending “.length” to the array variable. For example, ages.length returns the length of (the number of elements in) the array that ages references. Similarly, matrix.length returns the number of row elements in the matrix two-dimensional array, whereas matrix[0].length returns the number of column elements assigned to the first row element of this array.

Assignment Operators

The assignment operator (=) assigns an expression’s result to a variable (as in int x = 4;). The types of the variable and expression must agree; otherwise, the compiler reports an error.

Java also supports several compound assignment operators that perform a specific operation and assign its result to a variable. For example, the += operator evaluates the numeric expression on its right and adds the result to the contents of the variable on its left. The other compound assignment operators behave in a similar way.

Bitwise Operators

The bitwise operators consist of bitwise AND (&), bitwise complement (), bitwise exclusive OR (^), and bitwise inclusive OR (|). These operators are designed to work on the binary representations of their character or integral operands. Because this concept can be hard to understand if you haven’t previously worked with these operators in another language, the following output from a hypothetical application demonstrates these operators:

∼00000000000000000000000010110101 results in 11111111111111111111111101001010
00011010 & 10110111 results in 00000000000000000000000000010010
00011010 ^ 10110111 results in 00000000000000000000000010101101
00011010 | 10110111 results in 00000000000000000000000010111111

The &, ^, and | operators in the last three lines first convert their byte integer operands to 32-bit integer values (through sign bit extension, copying the sign bit’s value into the extra bits) before performing their operations.

Cast Operator

The cast operator—( type )—attempts to convert the type of its operand to type. This operator exists because the compiler will not allow you to convert a value from one type to another in which information will be lost without specifying your intention do so (via the cast operator). For example, when presented with short s = 1.65 + 3;, the compiler reports an error because attempting to convert a double precision floating-point value to a short integer results in the loss of the fraction .65s would contain 4 instead of 4.65.

Recognizing that information loss might not always be a problem, Java permits you to explicitly state your intention by casting to the target type. For example, short s = (short) 1.65 + 3; tells the compiler that you want 1.65 + 3 to be converted to a short integer and that you realize that the fraction will disappear.

The following example provides another demonstration of the need for a cast operator:

char c = 'A';
byte b = c;

The compiler reports an error about loss of precision when it encounters byte b = c;. The reason is that c can represent any unsigned integer value from 0 through 65535, whereas b can only represent a signed integer value from −128 through +127. Even though 'A' equates to +65, which can fit within b’s range, c could just have easily been initialized to 'u0323', which would not fit.

The solution to this problem is to introduce a (byte) cast, as follows, which causes the compiler to generate code to cast c’s character type to byte integer:

byte b = (byte) c;

Java supports the following primitive-type conversions via cast operators:

  • Byte integer to character
  • Short integer to byte integer or character
  • Character to byte integer or short integer
  • Integer to byte integer, short integer, or character
  • Long integer to byte integer, short integer, character, or integer
  • Floating-point to byte integer, short integer, character, integer, or long integer
  • Double precision floating-point to byte integer, short integer, character, integer, long integer, or floating-point

A cast operator is not always required when converting from more to fewer bits and where no data loss occurs. For example, when it encounters byte b = 100;, the compiler generates code that assigns integer 100 to byte integer variable b because 100 can easily fit into the 8-bit storage location assigned to this variable.

Conditional Operators

The conditional operators consist of conditional AND (&&), conditional OR (||), and conditional (?:). The first two operators always evaluate their left operand (a Boolean expression that evaluates to true or false) and conditionally evaluate their right operand (another Boolean expression). The third operator evaluates one of two operands based on a third Boolean operand.

Conditional AND always evaluates its left operand and evaluates its right operand only when its left operand evaluates to true. For example, age > 64 && stillWorking first evaluates age > 64. If this subexpression is true, stillWorking is evaluated, and its true or false value (stillWorking is a Boolean variable) serves as the value of the overall expression. If age > 64 is false, stillWorking is not evaluated.

Conditional OR always evaluates its left operand and evaluates its right operand only when its left operand evaluates to false. For example, value < 20 || value > 40 first evaluates value < 20. If this subexpression is false, value > 40 is evaluated, and its true or false value serves as the overall expression’s value. If value < 20 is true, value > 40 is not evaluated.

Conditional AND and conditional OR boost performance by preventing the unnecessary evaluation of subexpressions, which is known as short-circuiting. For example, if its left operand is false, there is no way that conditional AND’s right operand can change the fact that the overall expression will evaluate to false.

If you aren’t careful, short-circuiting can prevent side effects (the results of subexpressions that persist after the subexpressions have been evaluated) from executing. For example, age > 64 && ++numEmployees > 5 increments numEmployees for only those employees whose ages are greater than 64. Incrementing numEmployees is an example of a side effect because the value in numEmployees persists after the subexpression ++numEmployees > 5 has evaluated.

The conditional operator is useful for making a decision by evaluating and returning one of two operands based on the value of a third operand. The following example converts a Boolean value to its integer equivalent (1 for true and 0 for false):

boolean b = true;
int i = b ? 1 : 0; // 1 assigns to i

Equality Operators

The equality operators consist of equality (==) and inequality (!=). These operators compare their operands to determine whether they are equal or unequal. The former operator returns true when equal; the latter operator returns true when unequal. For example, each of 2 == 2 and 2 != 3 evaluates to true, whereas each of 2 == 4 and 4 != 4 evaluates to false.

When it comes to object operands (discussed in Chapter 3), these operators do not compare their contents. For example, "abc" == "xyz" doesn’t compare a with x. Instead, because string literals are really String objects (in Chapter 7 I discuss this concept further), == compares the references to these objects.

Logical Operators

The logical operators consist of logical AND (&), logical complement (!), logical exclusive OR (^), and logical inclusive OR (|). Although these operators are similar to their bitwise counterparts, whose operands must be integer/character, the operands passed to the logical operators must be Boolean. For example, !false returns true. Also, when confronted with age > 64 & stillWorking, logical AND evaluates both subexpressions. This same pattern holds for logical exclusive OR and logical inclusive OR.

Member Access Operator

The member access operator (.) is used to access a class’s members or an object’s members. For example, String s = "Hello"; int len = s.length(); returns the length of the string assigned to variable s. It does so by calling the length() method member of the String class. In Chapter 3 I discuss member access in more detail.

Arrays are special objects that have a single length member. When you specify an array variable followed by the member access operator, followed by length, the resulting expression returns the number of elements in the array as a 32-bit integer. For example, ages.length returns the length of (the number of elements in) the array that ages references.

Method Call Operator

The method call operator()—is used to signify that a method (discussed in Chapter 3) is being called. Furthermore, it identifies the number, order, and types of arguments that are passed to the method to be picked up by the method’s parameters. System.out.println("Hello"); is an example.

Multiplicative Operators

The multiplicative operators consist of multiplication (*), division (/), and remainder (%). Multiplication returns the product of its operands (e.g., 6*4 returns 24), division returns the quotient of dividing its left operand by its right operand (e.g., 6/4 returns 1), and remainder returns the remainder of dividing its left operand by its right operand (e.g., 6%4 returns 2).

The multiplication, division, and remainder operators can yield values that overflow or underflow the limits of the resulting value’s type. For example, multiplying two large positive 32-bit integer values can produce a value that cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer value. The result is said to overflow. Java doesn’t detect overflows and underflows.

Dividing a numeric value by 0 (via the division or remainder operator) also results in interesting behavior. Dividing an integer value by integer 0 causes the operator to throw an ArithmeticException object (I cover exceptions in Chapter 5). Dividing a floating-point/double precision floating-point value by 0 causes the operator to return +infinity or -infinity, depending on whether the dividend is positive or negative. Finally, dividing floating-point 0 by 0 causes the operator to return NaN (Not a Number).

Object Creation Operator

The object creation operator (new) creates an object from a class and also creates an array from an initializer. I discuss these topics in Chapter 3.

Relational Operators

The relational operators consist of greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), and type checking (instanceof). The former four operators compare their operands and return true when the left operand is (respectively) greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to the right operand. For example, each of 5.0 > 3, 2 >= 2, 16.1 < 303.3, and 54.0 <= 54.0 evaluates to true.

The type-checking operator is used to determine if an object belongs to a specific type. I discuss this topic in Chapter 4.

Shift Operators

The shift operators consist of left shift (<<), signed right shift (>>), and unsigned right shift (>>>). Left shift shifts the binary representation of its left operand leftward by the number of positions specified by its right operand. Each shift is equivalent to multiplying by 2. For example, 2 << 3 shifts 2’s binary representation left by 3 positions; the result is equivalent to multiplying 2 by 8.

Each of signed and unsigned right shift shifts the binary representation of its left operand rightward by the number of positions specified by its right operand. Each shift is equivalent to dividing by 2. For example, 16 >> 3 shifts 16’s binary representation right by 3 positions; the result is equivalent to dividing 16 by 8.

The difference between signed and unsigned right shift is what happens to the sign bit during the shift. Signed right shift includes the sign bit in the shift, whereas unsigned right shift ignores the sign bit. As a result, signed right shift preserves negative numbers, but unsigned right shift doesn’t. For example, −4 >> 1 (the equivalent of −4 / 2) evaluates to −2, whereas −4 >>> 1 evaluates to 2147483646.

Tip   The shift operators are faster than multiplying or dividing by powers of 2.

Unary Minus/Plus Operators

Unary minus (−) and unary plus (+) are the simplest of all operators. Unary minus returns the negative of its operand (such as −5 returns −5 and --5 returns 5), whereas unary plus returns its operand verbatim (such as +5 returns 5 and +5 returns −5). Unary plus is not commonly used but is present for completeness.

Precedence and Associativity

When evaluating a compound expression, Java takes each operator’s precedence (level of importance) into account to ensure that the expression evaluates as expected. For example, when presented with the expression 60 + 3 * 6, you expect multiplication to be performed before addition (multiplication has higher precedence than addition), and the final result to be 78. You don’t expect addition to occur first, yielding a result of 378.

Note   Table 2-3’s rightmost column presents a value that indicates an operator’s precedence: the higher the number, the higher the precedence. For example, addition’s precedence level is 10 and multiplication’s precedence level is 11, which means that multiplication is performed before addition.

Precedence can be circumvented by introducing open and close parentheses, ( and ), into the expression, where the innermost pair of nested parentheses is evaluated first. For example, evaluating 2 * ((60 + 3) * 6) results in (60 + 3) being evaluated first, (60 + 3) * 6 being evaluated next, and the overall expression being evaluated last. Similarly, in the expression 60 / (3–6), subtraction is performed before division.

During evaluation, operators with the same precedence level (such as addition and subtraction, which both have level 10) are processed according to their associativity (a property that determines how operators having the same precedence are grouped when parentheses are missing).

For example, expression 9 * 4 / 3 is evaluated as if it was (9 * 4) / 3 because * and / are left-to-right associative operators. In contrast, expression x = y = z = 100 is evaluated as if it was x = (y = (z = 100))100 is assigned to z, z’s new value (100) is assigned to y, and y’s new value (100) is assigned to x—because = is a right-to-left associative operator.

Most of Java’s operators are left-to-right associative. Right-to-left associative operators include assignment, bitwise complement, cast, compound assignment, conditional, logical complement, object creation, predecrement, preincrement, unary minus, and unary plus.

Note   Unlike languages such as C++, Java doesn’t let you overload operators. However, Java overloads the +, ++, and -- operator symbols.

Learning Statements

Statements are the workhorses of a program. They assign values to variables, control a program’s flow by making decisions and/or repeatedly executing other statements, and perform other tasks. A statement can be expressed as a simple statement or as a compound statement:

  • A simple statement is a single, stand-alone source code instruction for performing some task; it’s terminated with a semicolon.
  • A compound statement is a (possibly empty) sequence of simple and other compound statements sandwiched between open and close brace delimiters—a delimiter is a character that marks the beginning or end of some section. A method body (such as the main() method’s body) is an example. Compound statements can appear wherever simple statements appear and are alternatively referred to as blocks.

In this section I introduce you to many of Java’s statements. Additional statements are covered in later chapters. For example, in Chapter 3 I discuss the return statement.

Assignment Statements

The assignmentstatement is an expression that assigns a value to a variable. This statement begins with a variable name, continues with the assignment operator (=) or a compound assignment operator (such as +=), and concludes with an assignment-compatible expression and a semicolon. Following are three examples:

x = 10;
ages[0] = 25;
counter += 10;

The first example assigns integer 10 to variable x, which is presumably of type integer as well. The second example assigns integer 25 to the first element of the ages array. The third example adds 10 to the value stored in counter and stores the sum in counter.

Note   Initializing a variable in the variable’s declaration (such as int counter = 1;) can be thought of as a special form of the assignment statement.

Decision Statements

The previously described conditional operator (?:) is useful for choosing between two expressions to evaluate and cannot be used to choose between two statements. For this purpose, Java supplies three decision statements: if, if-else, and switch.

If Statement

The if statement evaluates a Boolean expression and executes another statement when this expression evaluates to true. This statement has the following syntax:

if (Boolean expression)

If consists of reserved word if, followed by a Boolean expression in parentheses, followed by a statement to execute when Boolean expression evaluates to true.

The following example demonstrates this statement:

if (numMonthlySales > 100)
   wage += bonus;

If the number of monthly sales exceeds 100, numMonthlySales > 100 evaluates to true and the wage += bonus; assignment statement executes. Otherwise, this assignment statement doesn’t execute.

Note   Some people prefer to wrap a single statement in brace characters to prevent the possibility of error. As a result, they would write the previous example as follows:

if (numMonthlySales > 100){
   wage += bonus;

I don’t do this for single statements because I view the extra braces as unnecessary clutter. However, you may feel differently. Use whatever approach makes you the most comfortable.

If-Else Statement

The if-else statement evaluates a Boolean expression and executes one of two statements depending on whether this expression evaluates to true or false. This statement has the following syntax:

if (Boolean expression)

If-else consists of reserved word if, followed by a Boolean expression in parentheses, followed by a statement1 to execute when Boolean expression evaluates to true, followed by a statement2 to execute when Boolean expression evaluates to false.

The following example demonstrates this statement:

if ((n & 1) == 1)

This example assumes the existence of an int variable named n that has been initialized to an integer. It then proceeds to determine if the integer is odd (not divisible by 2) or even (divisible by 2).

The Boolean expression first evaluates n & 1, which bitwise ANDs n’s value with 1. It then compares the result to 1. If they are equal, a message stating that n’s value is odd outputs; otherwise, a message stating that n’s value is even outputs.

The parentheses are required because == has higher precedence than &. Without these parentheses, the expression’s evaluation order would change to first evaluating 1 == 1 and then trying to bitwise AND the Boolean result with n’s integer value. This order results in a compiler error message because of a type mismatch: you cannot bitwise AND an integer with a Boolean value.

You could rewrite this if-else statement example to use the conditional operator, as follows: System.out.println((n & 1) == 1 ? "odd" : "even");. However, you cannot do so with the following example:

if ((n & 1) == 1)

This example assumes the existence of odd() and even() methods that don’t return anything. Because the conditional operator requires that each of its second and third operands evaluates to a value, the compiler reports an error when attempting to compile (n & 1) == 1 ? odd() : even().

You can chain multiple if-else statements together, resulting in the following syntax:

if (Boolean expression1)
if (Boolean expression2)

If Boolean expression1 evaluates to true, statement1 executes. Otherwise, if Boolean expression2 evaluates to true, statement2 executes. This pattern continues until one of these expressions evaluates to true and its corresponding statement executes, or the final else is reached and statementN (the default statement) executes.

The following example demonstrates this chaining:

if (testMark >= 90)
   gradeLetter = 'A';
   System.out.println("You aced the test.");
if (testMark >= 80)
   gradeLetter = 'B';
   System.out.println("You did very well on this test.");
if (testMark >= 70)
   gradeLetter = 'C';
   System.out.println("Not bad, but you need to study more for future tests.");
if (testMark >= 60)
   gradeLetter = 'D';
   System.out.println("Your test result suggests that you need a tutor.");
   gradeLetter = 'F';
   System.out.println("Your test result is pathetic; you need summer school.");


When if and if-else are used together, and the source code is not properly indented, it can be difficult to determine which if associates with the else. See the following, for example:

if (car.door.isOpen())

   if (car.key.isPresent())



Did the developer intend for the else to match the inner if, but improperly formatted the code to make it appear otherwise? See the following, for example:

if (car.door.isOpen())

   if (car.key.isPresent())



If car.door.isOpen() and car.key.isPresent() each return true, car.start() executes. If car.door.isOpen() returns true and car.key.isPresent() returns false,; executes. Attempting to open an open door makes no sense.

The developer must have wanted the else to match the outer if but forgot that else matches the nearest if. This problem can be fixed by surrounding the inner if with braces, as follows:

if (car.door.isOpen())


   if (car.key.isPresent())




When car.door.isOpen() returns true, the compound statement executes. When this method returns false,; executes, which makes sense.

Forgetting that else matches the nearest if and using poor indentation to obscure this fact is known as the dangling-else problem.

Switch Statement

The switch statement lets you choose from among several execution paths in a more efficient manner than with equivalent chained if-else statements. This statement has the following syntax:

switch (selector expression )
   casevalue1 :statement1 [break;]
   casevalue2 :statement2 [break;]
   casevalueN :statementN [break;]
   [default:statement ]

Switch consists of reserved word switch, followed by a selector expression in parentheses, followed by a body of cases. The selector expression is any expression that evaluates to an integer or character value. For example, it might evaluate to a 32-bit integer or to a 16-bit character.

Each case begins with reserved word case; continues with a literal value and a colon character (:); continues with a statement to execute; and optionally concludes with a break statement, which causes execution to continue after the switch statement.

After evaluating the selector expression, switch compares this value with each case’s value until it finds a match. When there is a match, the case’s statement is executed. For example, when the selector expression’s value matches value1, statement1 executes.

The optional break statement (anything placed in square brackets is optional), which consists of reserved word break followed by a semicolon, prevents the flow of execution from continuing with the next case’s statement. Instead, execution continues with the first statement following switch.

Note   You will usually place a break statement after a case’s statement. Forgetting to include break can lead to a hard-to-find bug. However, there are situations where you want to group several cases together and have them execute common code. In such a situation, you would omit the break statement from the participating cases.

If none of the cases’ values match the selector expression’s value, and if a default case (signified by the default reserved word followed by a colon) is present, the default case’s statement is executed.

The following example demonstrates this statement:

switch (direction)
   case  0: System.out.println("You are travelling north."); break;
   case  1: System.out.println("You are travelling east."); break;
   case  2: System.out.println("You are travelling south."); break;
   case  3: System.out.println("You are travelling west."); break;
   default: System.out.println("You are lost.");

This example assumes that direction stores an integer value. When this value is in the range 0–3, an appropriate direction message is output; otherwise, a message about being lost is output.

Strong  This example hardcodes values 0, 1, 2, and 3, which is not a good idea in practice. Instead, constants should be used. In Chapter 3 I introduce you to constants.

Loop Statements

It’s often necessary to repeatedly execute a statement, and this repeated execution is called a loop. Java provides three kinds of loop statements: for, while, and do-while. In this section, I first discuss these statements. I then examine the topic of looping over the empty statement. Finally, I discuss the break, labeled break, continue, and labeled continue statements for prematurely ending all or part of a loop.

For Statement

The for statement lets you loop over a statement a specific number of times or even indefinitely. This statement has the following syntax:

for ([initialize]; [test]; [update])

For consists of reserved word for, followed by a header in parentheses, followed by a statement to execute. The header consists of an optional initialize section, followed by an optional test section, followed by an optional update section. A nonoptional semicolon separates each of the first two sections from the next section.

The initialize section consists of a comma-separated list of variable declarations or variable assignments. Some or all of these variables are typically used to control the loop’s duration and are known as loop-control variables.

The test section consists of a Boolean expression that determines how long the loop executes. Execution continues as long as this expression evaluates to true.

Finally, the update section consists of a comma-separated list of expressions that typically modify the loop-control variables.

For is perfect for iterating (looping) over an array. Each iteration (loop execution) accesses one of the array’s elements via an array [ index ] expression, where array is the array whose element is being accessed and index is the zero-based location of the element being accessed.

The following example uses the for statement to iterate over the array of command-line arguments that is passed to the main() method:

public static void main(String[] args)
   for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)

For’s initialization section declares variable i for controlling the loop, its test section compares i’s current value to the length of the args array to ensure that this value is less than the array’s length, and its update section increments i by 1. The loop continues until i’s value equals the array’s length.

Each iteration accesses one of the array’s values via the args[i] expression. This expression returns this array’s ith value (which happens to be a String object in this example). The first value is stored in args[0].

Note   Although I’ve named the array containing command-line arguments args, this name isn’t mandatory. I could as easily have named it arguments (or even some_other_name).

The following example uses for to output the contents of the previously declared matrix array, which is redeclared here for convenience:

float[][] matrix = { { 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F }, { 4.0F, 5.0F, 6.0F }};
for (int row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++)
   for (int col = 0; col < matrix[row].length; col++)
      System.out.print(matrix[row][col] + " ");
   System.out.print(" ");

Expression matrix.length returns the number of rows in this tabular array. For each row, expression matrix[row].length returns the number of columns for that row. This latter expression suggests that each row can have a different number of columns, although each row has the same number of columns in the example.

System.out.print() is closely related to System.out.println(). Unlike the latter method, System.out.print() outputs its argument without a trailing newline.

This example generates the following output:

1.0 2.0 3.0
4.0 5.0 6.0

While Statement

The while statement repeatedly executes another statement while its Boolean expression evaluates to true. This statement has the following syntax:

while (Boolean expression)

While consists of reserved word while, followed by a parenthesized Boolean expression, followed by a statement to repeatedly execute.

The while statement first evaluates the Boolean expression. If it is true, while executes the other statement. Once again, the Boolean expression is evaluated. If it is still true, while re-executes the statement. This cyclic pattern continues.

Prompting the user to enter a specific character is one situation in which while is useful. For example, suppose that you want to prompt the user to enter a specific uppercase letter or its lowercase equivalent. The following example provides a demonstration:

int ch = 0;
while (ch != 'C' && ch != 'c')
   System.out.println("Press C or c to continue.");
   ch =;

This example begins by initializing variable ch. This variable must be initialized; otherwise, the compiler will report an uninitialized variable when it tries to read ch’s value in the while statement’s Boolean expression.

This expression uses the conditional AND operator (&&) to test ch’s value. This operator first evaluates its left operand, which happens to be expression ch != 'C'. (The != operator converts 'C' from 16-bit unsigned char type to 32-bit signed int type prior to the comparison.)

If ch doesn’t contain C (it doesn’t at this point—0 was just assigned to ch), this expression evaluates to true.

The && operator next evaluates its right operand, which happens to be expression ch != 'c'. Because this expression also evaluates to true, conditional AND returns true and while executes the compound statement.

The compound statement first outputs, via the System.out.println() method call, a message that prompts the user to press the C key with or without the Shift key. It next reads the entered keystroke via, saving its integer value in ch.

From left to write, System identifies a standard class of system utilities, in identifies an object located in System that provides methods for inputting 1 or more bytes from the standard input device, and read() returns the next byte (or −1 when there are no more bytes).

Following this assignment, the compound statement ends and while re-evaluates its Boolean expression.

Suppose ch contains C’s integer value. Conditional AND evaluates ch != 'C', which evaluates to false. Seeing that the expression is already false, conditional AND short-circuits its evaluation by not evaluating its right operand and returns false. The while statement subsequently detects this value and terminates.

Suppose ch contains c’s integer value. Conditional AND evaluates ch != 'C', which evaluates to true. Seeing that the expression is true, conditional AND evaluates ch != 'c', which evaluates to false. Once again, the while statement terminates.

Note   A for statement can be coded as a while statement. For example,

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

is equivalent to

int i = 0;
while (i < 10)

Do-While Statement

The do-while statement repeatedly executes a statement while its Boolean expression evaluates to true. Unlike the while statement, which evaluates the Boolean expression at the top of the loop, do-while evaluates the Boolean expression at the bottom of the loop. This statement has the following syntax:

while (Boolean expression );

Do-while consists of the do reserved word, followed by a statement to repeatedly execute, followed by the while reserved word, followed by a parenthesized Boolean expression, followed by a semicolon.

The do-while statement first executes the other statement. It then evaluates the Boolean expression. If it is true, do-while executes the other statement. Once again, the Boolean expression is evaluated. If it is still true, do-while re-executes the statement. This cyclic pattern continues.

The following example demonstrates do-while prompting the user to enter a specific uppercase letter or its lowercase equivalent:

int ch;
   System.out.println("Press C or c to continue.");
   ch =;
while (ch != 'C' && ch != 'c'),

This example is similar to its predecessor. Because the compound statement is no longer executed prior to the test, it’s no longer necessary to initialize chch is assigned’s return value prior to the Boolean expression’s evaluation.

Looping Over the Empty Statement

Java refers to a semicolon character appearing by itself as the empty statement. It’s sometimes convenient for a loop statement to execute the empty statement repeatedly. The actual work performed by the loop statement takes place in the statement header. Consider the following example:

for (String line; (line = readLine()) != null; System.out.println(line));

This example uses for to present a programming idiom for copying lines of text that are read from some source, via the fictitious readLine() method in this example, to some destination, via System.out.println() in this example. Copying continues until readLine() returns null. Note the semicolon (empty statement) at the end of the line.

Caution   Be careful with the empty statement because it can introduce subtle bugs into your code. For example, the following loop is supposed to output the string Hello on 10 lines. Instead, only one instance of this string is output because it is the empty statement and not System.out.println() that’s executed 10 times:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++); // this ; represents the empty statement

Break and Labeled Break Statements

What do for (;;);, while (true); and do;while (true); have in common? Each of these loop statements presents an extreme example of an infinite loop (a loop that never ends). An infinite loop is something that you should avoid because its unending execution causes your application to hang, which is not desirable from the point of view of your application’s users.

Caution   An infinite loop can also arise from a loop’s Boolean expression comparing a floating-point value against a nonzero value via the equality or inequality operator because many floating-point values have inexact internal representations. For example, the following example never ends because 0.1 doesn’t have an exact internal representation:

for (double d = 0.0; d != 1.0; d += 0.1)

However, there are times when it is handy to code a loop as if it were infinite by using one of the aforementioned programming idioms. For example, you might code a while (true) loop that repeatedly prompts for a specific keystroke until the correct key is pressed. When the correct key is pressed, the loop must end. Java provides the break statement for this purpose.

The break statement transfers execution to the first statement following a switch statement (as discussed earlier) or a loop. In either scenario, this statement consists of reserved word break followed by a semicolon.

The following example uses break with an if decision statement to exit a while (true)-based infinite loop when the user presses the C or c key:

int ch;
while (true)
   System.out.println("Press C or c to continue.");
   ch =;
   if (ch == 'C' || ch == 'c')

The break statement is also useful in the context of a finite loop. For example, consider a scenario where an array of values is searched for a specific value, and you want to exit the loop when this value is found. The following example reveals this scenario:

int[] employeeIDs = { 123, 854, 567, 912, 224 };
int employeeSearchID = 912;
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < employeeIDs.length; i++)
   if (employeeSearchID == employeeIDs[i])
      found = true;
System.out.println((found) ? "employee " + employeeSearchID + " exists"
                           : "no employee ID matches " + employeeSearchID);

The example uses for and if to search an array of employee IDs to determine if a specific employee ID exists. If this ID is found, if’s compound statement assigns true to found. Because there is no point in continuing the search, it then uses break to quit the loop.

The labeled break statement transfers execution to the first statement following the loop that’s prefixed by a label (an identifier followed by a colon). It consists of reserved word break, followed by an identifier for which the matching label must exist. Furthermore, the label must immediately precede a loop statement.

Labeled break is useful for breaking out of nested loops (loops within loops). The following example reveals the labeled break statement transferring execution to the first statement that follows the outer for loop:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
   for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      if (i == 1 && j == 1)
         break outer;
         System.out.println("i=" + i + ", j=" + j);
System.out.println("Both loops terminated.");

When i’s value is 1 and j’s value is 1, break outer; is executed to terminate both for loops. This statement transfers execution to the first statement after the outer for loop, which happens to be System.out.println("Both loops terminated.");.

The following output is generated:

i=0, j=0
i=0, j=1
i=0, j=2
i=1, j=0
Both loops terminated.

Continue and Labeled Continue Statements

The continue statement skips the remainder of the current loop iteration, re-evaluates the loop’s Boolean expression, and performs another iteration (if true) or terminates the loop (if false). Continue consists of reserved word continue followed by a semicolon.

Consider a while loop that reads lines from a source and processes nonblank lines in some manner. Because it should not process blank lines, while skips the current iteration when a blank line is detected, as demonstrated in the following example:

String line;
while ((line = readLine()) != null)
   if (isBlank(line))

This example employs a fictitious isBlank() method to determine if the currently read line is blank. If this method returns true, if executes the continue statement to skip the rest of the current iteration and read the next line whenever a blank line is detected. Otherwise, the fictitious processLine() method is called to process the line’s contents.

Look carefully at this example and you should realize that the continue statement is not needed. Instead, this listing can be shortened via refactoring (rewriting source code to improve its readability, organization, or reusability), as demonstrated in the following example:

String line;
while ((line = readLine()) != null)
   if (!isBlank(line))

This example’s refactoring modifies if’s Boolean expression to use the logical complement operator (!). Whenever isBlank() returns false, this operator flips this value to true and if executes processLine(). Although continue isn’t necessary in this example, you’ll find it convenient to use this statement in more complex code where refactoring isn’t as easy to perform.

The labeled continue statement skips the remaining iterations of one or more nested loops and transfers execution to the labeled loop. It consists of reserved word continue followed by an identifier for which a matching label must exist. Furthermore, the label must immediately precede a loop statement.

Labeled continue is useful for breaking out of nested loops while still continuing to execute the labeled loop. The following example reveals the labeled continue statement terminating the inner for loop’s iterations:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
   for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      if (i == 1 && j == 1)
         continue outer;
         System.out.println("i=" + i + ", j=" + j);
System.out.println("Both loops terminated.");

When i’s value is 1 and j’s value is 1, continue outer; is executed to terminate the inner for loop and continue with the outer for loop at its next value of i. Both loops continue until they finish.

The following output is generated:

i=0, j=0
i=0, j=1
i=0, j=2
i=1, j=0
i=2, j=0
i=2, j=1
i=2, j=2
Both loops terminated.


The following exercises are designed to test your understanding of Chapter 2’s content:

  1. What is Unicode?
  2. What is a comment?
  3. Identify the three kinds of comments that Java supports.
  4. What is an identifier?
  5. True or false: Java is a case-insensitive language.
  6. What is a type?
  7. Define primitive type.
  8. Identify all of Java’s primitive types.
  9. Define user-defined type.
  10. Define array type.
  11. What is a variable?
  12. What is an expression?
  13. Identify the two expression categories.
  14. What is a literal?
  15. Is string literal "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." legal or illegal? Why?
  16. What is an operator?
  17. Identify the difference between a prefix operator and a postfix operator.
  18. What is the purpose of the cast operator?
  19. What is precedence?
  20. True or false: Most of Java’s operators are left-to-right associative.
  21. What is a statement?
  22. What is the difference between the while and do-while statements?
  23. What is the difference between the break and continue statements?
  24. Write an OutputGradeLetter application (the class is named OutputGradeLetter) whose main() method executes the grade letter code sequence presented earlier while discussing the if-else statement. Use the DumpArgs application presented in Listing 2-1 as the basis for this application. (You don’t need to include Javadoc comments, but you can if you want.)
  25. Create a Triangle application whose Triangle class’s main() method uses a pair of nested for statements along with System.out.print() to output a 10-row triangle of asterisks, where each row contains an odd number of asterisks (1, 3, 5, 7, and so on), as shown following:


Compile and run this application.


Source code needs to be documented so that you (and any others who have to maintain it) can understand it, now and later. Java provides the comment feature for embedding documentation in source code. Single-line, multiline, and documentation comments are supported.

A single-line comment occupies all or part of a single line of source code. This comment begins with the // character sequence and continues with explanatory text. The compiler ignores everything from // to the end of the line in which // appears.

A multiline comment occupies one or more lines of source code. This comment begins with the /* character sequence, continues with explanatory text, and ends with the */ character sequence. Everything from /* through */ is ignored by the compiler.

A Javadoc comment occupies one or more lines of source code. This comment begins with the /** character sequence, continues with explanatory text, and ends with the */ character sequence. Everything from /** through */ is ignored by the compiler.

Identifiers are used to name classes, methods, and other source code entities. An identifier consists of letters (A–Z, a–z, or equivalent uppercase/lowercase letters in other human alphabets), digits (0–9 or equivalent digits in other human alphabets), connecting punctuation characters (e.g., the underscore), and currency symbols (e.g., the dollar sign $). This name must begin with a letter, a currency symbol, or a connecting punctuation character; and its length cannot exceed the line in which it appears. Some identifiers are reserved by Java. Examples include abstract and case.

Applications process different types of values such as integers, floating-point values, characters, and strings. A type identifies a set of values (and their representation in memory) and a set of operations that transform these values into other values of that set.

A primitive type is a type that’s defined by the language and whose values are not objects. Java supports the Boolean, character, byte integer, short integer, integer, long integer, floating-point, and double precision floating-point primitive types.

A user-defined type is a type that’s defined by the developer using a class, an interface, an enum, or an annotation type and whose values are objects. User-defined types are also known as reference types.

An array type is a reference type that signifies an array, a region of memory that stores values in equal-size and contiguous slots, which are commonly referred to as elements. This type consists of the element type and one or more pairs of square brackets that indicate the number of dimensions.

Applications manipulate values that are stored in memory, which is symbolically represented in source code through the use of the variables feature. A variable is a named memory location that stores some type of value.

Java provides the expressions feature for initializing variables and for other purposes. An expression combines some arrangement of literals, variable names, method calls, and operators. At runtime, it evaluates to a value whose type is referred to as the expression’s type.

A simple expression is a literal (a value specified verbatim), a variable name (containing a value), or a method call (returning a value). Java supports several kinds of literals: string, Boolean true and false, character, integer, floating-point, and null.

A compound expression is a sequence of simple expressions and operators, where an operator (a sequence of instructions symbolically represented in source code) transforms its operand expression value(s) into another value.

Java supplies many operators, which are classified by the number of operands that they take. A unary operator takes only one operand, a binary operator takes two operands, and Java’s single ternary operator takes three operands.

Operators are also classified as prefix, postfix, and infix. A prefix operator is a unary operator that precedes its operand, a postfix operator is a unary operator that trails its operand, and an infix operator is a binary or ternary operator that is sandwiched between its operands.

Statements are the workhorses of a program. They assign values to variables, control a program’s flow by making decisions and/or repeatedly executing other statements, and perform other tasks. A statement can be expressed as a simple statement or as a compound statement.

In Chapter 3 I continue to explore the Java language by examining its support for classes and objects. You also learn more about arrays.

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