Parameters and arguments

We need to take a small step back and discuss some terminology—parameters and arguments. It's not terribly complicated, but it can be a bit confusing, and they are sometimes used incorrectly.

Basically, an argument is something you pass to a script. What you define in the script is considered the parameter. Look at the following example to see how this works:

reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_08$ vim
reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_08$ cat

# Author: Sebastiaan Tammer
# Version: v1.0.0
# Date: 2018-09-08
# Description: Explaining the difference between argument and parameter.
# Usage: ./ <argument1> <argument2>


# Print the passed arguments:
echo "This is the first parameter, passed as an argument: ${parameter_1}"
echo "This is the second parameter, also passed as an argument: ${parameter_2}"

reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_08$ bash 'first-arg' 'second-argument'
This is the first parameter, passed as an argument: first-arg
This is the second parameter, also passed as an argument: second-argument

Variables we use in this manner are called parameters inside the scripts, but are referred to as arguments when passing them to the script. In our script, the parameter is the name variable. This is static and bound to the script version. The argument, however, is different each time the script is run: it can be Sebastiaan, or Sanne, or any other name.

Remember, when we are talking about an argument, you can read that as a runtime argument; something that can be different each run. If we're talking about a parameter of the script, we're referring to the static piece of information expected by a script (which is often provided by a runtime argument, or some logic in the script).
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