Checking arguments

As we noted in the previous chapter, when you're dealing with positional arguments passed to your script, a few things are very important. One of them is whitespace, which signifies the boundary between arguments. If we need to pass an argument to our script that contains whitespace, we need to wrap that argument in single or double quotes, otherwise it will be interpreted as multiple arguments. Another important aspect of positional arguments is getting exactly the right number of arguments: not too few, but definitely not too many either.

By starting our scripts (that use positional arguments) with a check on the number of arguments passed, we can validate if the user called the script correctly. Otherwise, we can instruct the user on how to correctly call it! The following example shows you how we can do this:

reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_09$ vim 
reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_09$ cat

# Author: Sebastiaan Tammer
# Version: v1.0.0
# Date: 2018-10-01
# Description: Create a file with contents with this script.
# Usage: ./ <directory_name> <file_name> <file_content>

# We need exactly three arguments, check how many have been passed to
# the script.
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo "Incorrect usage!"
echo "Usage: $0 <directory_name> <file_name> <file_content>"
exit 1
# Arguments are correct, lets continue.

# Save the arguments into variables.

# Create the absolute path for the file.

# Check if the directory exists; otherwise, try to create it.
if [[ ! -d ${directory_name} ]]; then
mkdir ${directory_name} || { echo "Cannot create directory, exiting script!"; exit 1; }

# Try to create the file, if it does not exist.
if [[ ! -f ${absolute_file_path} ]]; then
touch ${absolute_file_path} || { echo "Cannot create file, exiting script!"; exit 1; }

# File has been created, echo the content to it.
echo ${file_content} > ${absolute_file_path}

reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_09$ bash -x /tmp/directory/ newfile "Hello this is my file"
+ [[ 3 -ne 3 ]]
+ directory_name=/tmp/directory/
+ file_name=newfile
+ file_content='Hello this is my file'
+ absolute_file_path=/tmp/directory//newfile
+ [[ ! -d /tmp/directory/ ]]
+ mkdir /tmp/directory/
+ [[ ! -f /tmp/directory//newfile ]]
+ touch /tmp/directory//newfile
+ echo Hello this is my file
reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_09$ cat /tmp/directory/newfile
Hello this is my file

To properly illustrate this principle and some others we have seen before, we've created a rather large and complicated script (compared to what you have seen before). To make it easy to understand this, we'll cut it up into pieces and discuss each piece sequentially. We'll start with the header:


# Author: Sebastiaan Tammer
# Version: v1.0.0
# Date: 2018-10-01
# Description: Create a file with contents with this script.
# Usage: ./ <directory_name> <file_name> <file_content>

The shebang and most fields should feel natural right now. When specifying positional parameters, however, we like to enclose them within <> if they're required, and [] if they're optional (which they are if they have a default value, for instance, which we will see at the end of this chapter). This is a common pattern in scripting and you would do well to follow it! The next part of the script is the actual check for the number of arguments:

# We need exactly three arguments, check how many have been passed to the script.
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo "Incorrect usage!"
echo "Usage: $0 <directory_name> <file_name> <file_content>"
exit 1
# Arguments are correct, lets continue.

The magic in this section comes from the $# combination. Similar to the $? exit status construct, $# is resolved to the number of arguments that have been passed to the script. Because this is an integer, we can compare it, using the -ne and -eq flags of test, to the number of arguments we need: three. Anything that is not three will not work for this script, which is why we build the check in this manner. If the test is positive (which means a negative result!), we perform the then-logic, which tells the user that they called the script incorrectly. To prevent that from happening again, the correct way to use the script is passed as well. We use one more trick here, the $0 signs. This resolves to the script name, which is why, in the case of incorrect calling, the script name is printed nicely next to the actual expected arguments, like so:

reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_09$ bash 1 2 3 4 5
Incorrect usage!
Usage: <directory_name> <file_name> <file_content>

Because of this check and the hint to the user, we would expect the user to call this script incorrectly only once. Because we have not started processing the script's functionality yet, we will not have a situation where half the tasks in the script have been completed, even though we would know at the start of the script that it would never complete, since it is missing information that the script needs. Let's move on to the next part of the script:

# Save the arguments into variables.

# Create the absolute path for the file.

As a recap, we can see that we assigned positional user input to a variable name we chose to represent the thing it is saving. Because we need to use the absolute path of the final file more than once, we combine two of the variables based on user input to form the absolute path to the file. The next part of the script contains the actual functionality:

# Check if the directory exists; otherwise, try to create it.
if [[ ! -d ${directory_name} ]]; then
mkdir ${directory_name} || { echo "Cannot create directory, exiting script!"; exit 1; }

# Try to create the file, if it does not exist.
if [[ ! -f ${absolute_file_path} ]]; then
touch ${absolute_file_path} || { echo "Cannot create file, exiting script!"; exit 1; }

# File has been created, echo the content to it.
echo ${file_content} > ${absolute_file_path}

For both the file and the directory, we do a similar check: we check if the directory/file is already there, or if we need to create it. By using the || shorthand with echo and exit, we check if mkdir and touch return an exit status of 0. Remember, if they return anything other than 0, everything after the || and within the curly braces will be executed, in this case exiting the script!

The last part contains the redirection of the echo to the file. Simply said, the output of echo is redirected into a file. Redirection will be discussed in depth in Chapter 12Using Pipes and Redirection in Scripts. For now, accept that the text we used for ${file_content} will be written to the file (as you can check yourself).

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