Cheat sheet for interactive commands

We're going to end this book with a simple cheat sheet used for interactive commands. Getting proficient in Bash is a matter of practice. However, over the years, we have found ourselves stumbling upon new ways to use commands, or flags we weren't aware of, that made our lives much easier. Even during the writing of this book, we encountered things we did not know about before that were pretty helpful. In the process of writing about commands and constructs, you are looking more closely at manual pages and resources than you do when you're simply using them in your day-to-day business.

Please take advantage of these cheat sheets, as they include not only the basic syntax but also flags and tips we think are great to know about (we wish we'd found them earlier in our career)!

Out of scope for these cheat sheets are things such as find/locate, redirection, tests, and loops: these have (hopefully) been adequately described in their own respective chapters.

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