SFC with vue-class-component

Using the officially supported vue-class-component (https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component) library, we can actually write Vue components using TypeScript classes, which will be more familiar to you now that we've played with Angular.

The vue-class-component library provides an @Component decorator that you can add to your classes to transform them into Vue components. For this to work, you need to set the experimentalDecorators option to true in your tsconfig.json file.

Vue components that have been written using TypeScript can be stored in files with the .vue extension. In the next section, we'll also see how we can isolate this TypeScript code by splitting Vue components into multiple files.

Here is an example of what an SFC looks like when written using TypeScript:

    <div class="hello"> 
        <h1>{{ message }}</h1> 
            <span>Count:</span> {{ count }} 
            <span>Computed property:</span> {{ someComputedProperty }} 
            <span>Event listener:</span> <input type="button" 
@click="onClickHandler($event)" value="Click me!" /> </p> <p> <span>Increment counter and emit an event:</span> <input
type="button" @click="incrementCount()" value="Click me!"
/> </p> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import {Component, Emit, Prop, Vue} from 'vue-property-decorator'; @Component({}) export default class ExampleSFC extends Vue { // Property @Prop({ default: 'default message', required: false, }) private message!: string; // Data property private count: number = 0; // Lifecycle hook public mounted() { // alert('The ExampleSFC component has just
// been mounted'); } // Computed property public get someComputedProperty() { return 123; } // Event handler public onClickHandler(event: MouseEvent) { alert(`The button was clicked. Event: ${event}`); } // Event emitter @Emit('count-increased') // if not specified, then the method
name is used and changed to kebab case public incrementCount() { this.count += 1; return this.count; // this value will be emitted } } </script> <!-- "scoped" below means that the styles of this component won't leak out and will only apply to this component --> <style scoped> h1 { margin: 40px 0 0; } </style>

Here is how this example component can be used in the example application (the src/App.vue file):

    <div id="app"> 
        <ExampleSFC message="Custom message" v-on:count-
increased="onCountIncreased($event)" /> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import {Component, Vue} from 'vue-property-decorator'; import ExampleSFC from './components/ExampleSFC.vue'; @Component({ components: { ExampleSFC, }, }) export default class App extends Vue { public onCountIncreased(event: any) { alert(`New count: ${event}`); } } </script> <style> </style>

The following are some things to take note of from the preceding example:

  • The TypeScript code is placed within a script block starting with <script lang="ts">.
  • The component is declared with an @Component decorator, which is provided by the vue-property-decorator library (the CLI has added this for us).
  • The properties are declared by adding the @Prop decorator to class fields.
  • The @Prop decorator is also provided by vue-property-decorator.
  • Properties that are not decorated with @Prop are part of the component's data.
  • Component methods are declared as class members: incrementCount() { ...​ }.
  • Computed properties are declared using property accessors: get computedMsg(...​).
  • Lifecycle hooks are declared as class members: mounted() { ...​ }.
  • Event handlers are simple class member functions that accept the event as a parameter: onClickHandler(...​) { ...​ }.
  • Methods that emit events can be annotated with @Emit, which takes the return value of the function and emits it using $emit.
  • The event name can be specified in @Emit. If no name is specified through the decorator, then the method's name will be used instead (in kebab-case).
  • Component dependencies are declared within the @Component declaration (you can see this in the App.vue file).
Did you notice how we've used the default keyword while exporting the ExampleSFC component's class? This demonstrates how we can define a default export in a module. Also, pay attention to how the class is then imported into the App module. We don't recommend using default exports, but we wanted to show you at least one in this book!

You can find the complete source code for this example in this book's samples, under Chapter09/05-vue-ts.

The vue-class-component library also supports mixins: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component#using-mixins.

This is quite nice already, but we can do better.

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