
- (hyphen), 38

; (semicolon), 8, 274

: (colon), 8

. (period), 10

{ } (curly brackets), 8, 9, 274

& (ampersand), 31

# (hash sign), 10, 46

< > (angle brackets), 2

% unit notation, 51


<a> element, 29

absolute lengths, 50

absolute paths, 30

absolute positioning, 9698

absolute value, 9698

action attribute, 205

Adobe Kuler, 47

alert message example, 136137


float values and, 114

images, 185186

list items, 170

text, 114, 121, 122

vendor prefixes, 278279

vertical, 91

alpha channels, 48

alt attribute, 179, 271

alt (alternative) text, 179

alternative (alt) text, 179

ampersand (&), 31

anchor elements, 29

anchor links, 3, 29

anchor tags, 3

angle brackets < >, 2

<article> element, 25

<aside> element, 26, 76, 78

aspect ratio, 180


for, 213

action, 205

alt, 179, 271

audio, 189190

autoplay, 189, 191

charset, 5

checkbox, 209

cite, 129, 130131

class, 3, 10

cols, 208

colspan, 237238

container class, 244

controls, 189, 191

datetime, 255

described, 34

disabled, 215

headers, 234

height, 180181

hidden, 215

hidden, 215

href, 3, 11, 12, 30

id, 3, 10, 213, 234, 256

ID, 172

intro ID value, 267

loop, 189, 191

method, 205

multiple, 210

name, 205, 208, 210

placeholder, 216

poster, 192

preload, 189190, 191

rel, 11

required, 216

reversed, 158160

rows, 208

rowspan, 237238

scope, 232, 234, 255

seamless, 194195

selected, 210

src, 3, 179, 189, 190

start, 159

target, 31

type, 190, 205208

value, 160, 208

width, 180181

audio, 189191

audio controls, 192

audio fallbacks, 190191

audio file formats, 193

audio files, 189191

<audio> element, 189191

autoplay attribute, 189, 191


<b> element, 2122

background color, 3738, 242243

background images, 134137

background-position, 155156

centering, 135

code example, 136137, 152153

considerations, 134

hyperlink paths, 134

vs. image elements, 183

multiple, 152153

positioning, 135

repeating, 134

shorthand values, 134, 136, 152

specifying size for, 153155

specifying surface area, 155156

background pattern, 180

background property, 133, 134, 142, 164, 183

background-clip property, 155156

background-color property, 133

background-image property, 134, 142, 183

background-origin property, 155156

background-position property, 135

background-repeat property, 134

backgrounds, 132156

color, 133, 137

considerations, 132

fallback options, 133

new CSS properties, 153156

practice example, 137141

transparent, 133

background-size property, 153155

block elements, 18, 59

block positioning images, 182

block values, 54, 182

block-level elements, 29, 54, 55, 182

<blockquote> element, 128, 130131

<body> element, 4, 5

bold text, 2122

border property, 6264

border-box value, 67, 155156

border-collapse property, 238239, 241, 243


adding to rows, 241242

box model, 6264

images, 182

padding and, 60

radius, 6364

sides, 63

size, 6263

styles, 6263

tables, 238242

border-spacing property, 240241

box model, 5373

box model

border box, 66

borders, 6264

box sizing, 6467

content box, 65

described, 56

element display, 5455

element height, 5758, 59

element padding, 6062

element width, 5758

margins, 5962

padding box, 66

practice exercise, 6873

working with, 5667


content, 65

padding, 66

sizing, 6467

box-shadow property, 116

box-sizing property, 6467

braces { }, 8, 9


audio file formats, 190, 193

Chrome, 65, 6768

cross-browser compatibility, 1213

cross-browser testing, 13

developer tools, 6768

Firefox, 65

Google Chrome, 65, 6768

Internet Explorer, 65

Safari, 65

vendor prefixes, 65, 279

video file formats, 193

<button> element, 211


background color, 43

font size, 43

forms, 208209, 211

radio, 208209

styles, 138139


capitalize value, 116

<caption> element, 234


figures, 202

table, 234

cascade, 3738

cascading properties, 3738

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS

cells, combining, 237238

cf class, 83


encodings, 2

hexadecimal colors, 46, 277

special, 28

charset attribute, 5

check boxes, 209

checkbox attribute, 209

Chrome browser, 65, 6768

citations, 128, 129, 130131

cite attribute, 129, 130131

<cite> element, 128, 130131

class attribute, 3, 10

class selectors, 10, 38

class values, 270


multiple, 4243

names, 275

pseudo-classes, 106

tips for, 275, 276

values, 275

clear property, 80

clearfix, 83

clearfix class, 83

clearing floats, 80

closing tags, 3

code validation, 6

coding best practices, 266281

CSS, 273280

general guidelines, 281

HTML, 267272

reusable layouts, 9094

col value, 232

colon (:), 8


background, 3738, 133, 137, 242243

borders, 62

gradients, 146147

hexadecimal values, 4647, 277

HSL/HSLa, 4950

keyword, 4445

links, 137138

margins and, 62

opacity, 48

padding and, 62

RGB/RGBa, 48

sRGB, 44

in tables, 242243

text, 100, 138

transparent, 48

color channels, 4650

color property, 100

color stops, 146147

color values, 4250

color wheel, 47

cols attribute, 208

colspan attribute, 237238


in CSS, 19, 273, 274

in HTML code, 19

contain keyword value, 154

container class, 69

container class attribute, 252

content, 7498. See also media

absolute positioning, 9698

centering, 69

embeddable, 3

grouping, 25

positioning with floats, 7586

positioning with inline-block, 8789

related, 26

relative positioning, 9596

reusable layouts, 90

self-contained, 25

semantic decisions and, 25, 267268

separating from style, 271

source for, 3

in tables, 234235

wrapping, 79

content boxes, 65

content-box value, 65, 155156

controls attribute, 189, 191

cover keyword value, 154

creative works, citing, 128

cross-browser compatibility, 1213

cross-browser testing, 13

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

best practices, 273280

calculating specificity, 3839

cascading properties, 3738

class names/values, 275

code validators, 6

color values, 4250

comments in, 19, 273, 274

considerations, 2

described, 2, 36

dropping units from zero values, 278

good vs. bad code examples, 273280

length values, 5052

modularized styles, 280

multiple lines and, 274

property values, 4452

referencing, 1112

reusable layouts, 90

shorthand alternatives. See shorthand values

spacing and, 274

terminology, 79

units of measurement, 5052

vendor prefixes, 278279

.css extension, 11

CSS pseudo-classes, 106

CSS resets, 1215, 28

CSS selectors

IDs and, 275

tips for, 275

CSS3 gradient generators, 146

CSS3 gradients, 146

curly brackets { }, 8, 9, 274


data, table, 231232, 254

datetime attribute, 255

<dd> element, 160161

description lists, 160161

developer tools, 6768

dialogue citation, 129

dialogue quotation, 129

disabled attribute, 215

display property, 5455, 167, 182

display value, 77, 169

<div> element, 1819, 25, 272

divisions, 1819, 25

<dl> element, 160161

<!DOCTYPE html> declaration, 4, 5

Dreamweaver, 4

drop-down lists, 209210

<dt> element, 160161



absolute positioning, 9698

block-level, 18, 29, 54, 55

borders, 6264

classifying, 3

described, 2

displaying, 5455

floating, 76

height of, 5758, 59

hiding, 55

identifying, 3

indenting, 5

inline, 18, 54, 55

margins, 5962

nested, 5

padding, 6062

relative positioning, 9596

self-closing, 5

text-based, 2023

width of, 5758

em unit notation, 51

em units, 51

<em> element, 2223, 276

email addresses

linking to, 3031

validation, 216

Eric Meyer’s reset, 12, 13

error message styles, 216

external citation, 130131

external quotation, 130

external style sheets, 11, 12


fallback options

audio, 190191

backgrounds, 133

fonts, 101

video, 191, 193

fields, text, 205207

fieldsets, 214

<figcaption> element, 202

<figure> element, 201202

figures, 201202

file input, 212


adding to forms, 212

audio, 189191

comments, 19

CSS, 273, 275, 278

external, 4, 24

gradient image, 142

links to, 24

organizing, 19

Firefox browser, 65

:first-of-type pseudo-class selector, 261

float property, 75, 77, 79, 114, 167, 182


clearing floats, 80

considerations, 95

containing floats, 8083

content, 7586

images, 182183

lists, 167168

font families, 101

font property, 104

font variants, 102

@font-face at-rule, 124

font-family property, 101, 124


bold, 102103

considerations, 99, 125

described, 100

embedded, 99, 124127

example code, 105106

fallback options, 101

Google Fonts, 125

italics, 102

licensing issues, 125

practice exercise, 106113

properties, 101113

shorthand values, 104

size, 51, 101

styles, 102

vs. typefaces, 100

web-safe, 123124

weights, 102103

font-size property, 101

font-style property, 102

font-variant property, 102

font-weight property, 102103, 126, 127

<footer> element, 26, 28

footers, 26, 235

for attribute, 213

<form> element, 205

forms, 204228

adding files to, 212

adding to pages, 205

buttons, 208209, 211

check boxes, 209

disabling elements/controls, 215

drop-down lists, 209210

example code, 217219

fieldsets, 214

hidden inputs, 212

initializing, 205

input attributes/values, 215217

labels, 213

legends, 214215

login, 217219

multiple selections, 210

organzing elements in, 212215

overview, 204

placeholder controls, 216

practice example, 219226

required values, 216

text fields, 205207

textareas, 208

validation, 216


gif format, 180

Google Chrome browser, 65, 6768

Google Fonts, 125

gradient backgrounds, 142151

changing direction of, 143144

color stops, 146147

considerations, 142

CSS3, 146

example code, 147148

linear, 142144

practice example, 148151

radial, 145146

vendor prefixes, 142


background. See gradient backgrounds

grid class attribute, 91, 92, 171, 195, 220, 252.

group class, 81


<h> element, 5, 20, 24

hash sign (#), 10, 46

<head> element, 4, 5, 11, 24

<header> element, 24, 27


table, 232234, 235

text, 24, 27

headers attribute, 234

headings, 5, 20

height attribute, 180181

height property, 56, 58, 59, 180

hexadecimal colors, 4647, 277

hexadecimal values, 100, 133, 147

hidden attribute, 215

hidden inputs, 212

hiding elements, 55

:hover pseudo-class, 106

href attribute, 3, 11, 12, 30

hsl() function, 49

HSLa value, 133

HSL/HSLa colors, 4950

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 24

HTML code

best practices, 267272

class values, 270

comments in, 19

considerations, 2

described, 2

divisions, 1819

document structure, 268269

example of basic code, 45

good vs. bad code examples, 267272

headings, 20

hyperlinks. See hyperlinks

ID values, 270

inline styles and, 271

paragraphs, 21

refactoring code, 272

referencing CSS in, 1112

removing code, 272

reusable layouts, 90

semantics in, 18, 267268

spans, 1819

standards-compliant markup, 267

structural elements, 2329

syntax organization, 269270

terminology, 24

text-based elements, 2023

validators, 6

version, 4

HTML document structure, 47

.html extension, 4

<html> element, 4, 5

hyperlink reference. See href


adding, 3235

anchor, 3, 29

background images, 134

to citations, 128, 129

colors, 137138

creating, 2935

described, 29

to email addresses, 3031

navigation, 24

opening links in new window, 31

to other pages of website, 30

to parts of same page, 32

to quotations, 129

specifying, 3

HyperText Markup Language. See HTML

hyphen (-), 38


<i> element, 2223

icons, 180

id attribute, 3, 10, 213, 234, 256

ID attributes, 172

ID selectors, 10, 38, 39

ID values, 270

<iframe> element, 193195

image elements, 183

image formats, 180

images, 179188

adding to pages, 179

alignment, 185186

alt attribute, 271

aspect ratio, 180

background. See background images

borders, 182

distorted, 180

embedded, 179

floating, 182183

flush left/right, 182183

margins, 182183

padding, 182

positioning, 181183

practice exercise, 183188

sizing, 180181

spacing, 182183

<img> element, 179, 181, 183

indenting text, 115

index.html file, 15

inline elements, 18

inline frames, 193195

inline styles, 11, 271

inline value, 54, 166167

inline-block elements

positioning content with, 8789

removing spaces between, 8889

sizing, 59

space between, 55

inline-block value, 55, 166167

inline-level elements, 59

<input> element, 205

inside property value, 165, 166

internal style sheets, 11

Internet Explorer, 65

intro ID attribute value, 267

italicized text, 2223, 102


jpg format, 180


key selector, 40

keyword color values, 4445, 47


<label> element, 213

labels, 213

:last-child pseudo-class selector, 170, 241, 253

:last-of-type pseudo-class selector, 261

leading, 103104

legends, 214215

length values, 5052

letter spacing, 117

letter-spacing property, 117

<li> element, 158

linear gradients, 142143

linear-gradient () function, 143, 149

line-height property, 103104

<link> element, 1112, 125126


adding, 3235

anchor, 3, 29

background images, 134

to citations, 128, 129

colors, 137138

creating, 2935

described, 29

to email addresses, 3031

navigation, 24

opening links in new window, 31

to other pages of website, 30

to parts of same page, 32

to quotations, 129

specifying, 3

list item markers

floating and, 167

setting content of, 163165

using images as, 164165

list items

alignment, 170

styling, 163166

lists, 157177

changing values in, 160

considerations, 157

description, 160161

drop-down, 209210

floating, 167168

horizontally displaying, 166169

navigational, 168169

nesting, 162163

numbered, 158160

ordered, 158160

overview, 157

practice example, 169176

reverse order, 158160

sample code, 168169

unordered, 158

list-style property value, 166

list-style-position property, 165166

list-style-type property, 163165

login forms, 217219

loop attribute, 189, 191

lowercase value, 116


“magic corners,” 144

mailto:, 31

main.css file, 12

margin property, 5962, 182183


images, 182183

overview, 5962

measurement, units of, 5052

media, 178203. See also content

audio, 189191

considerations, 178

embedded, 193

images. See images

inline frames, 193195

video, 191193

media player, 192

<meta> element, 5

method attribute, 205

mp3 format, 190

multiple attribute, 210


name attribute, 205, 208, 210

<nav> element, 24

navigation menus, 3334, 168169

navigational links, 24

navigational lists, 168169

nested elements, 5

nesting lists, 162163

none value, 55

Normalize.css, 1213

Notepad++, 4

:nth-child pseudo-class selector, 242243

number sign (#), 10, 46

numbered lists, 158160


offset class, 96

ogg format, 190

<ol> element, 158160

:only-of-type pseudo-class selector, 261

opacity, 48

opening tags, 3

<option> elements, 208

ordered lists, 158160

outside property value, 165


<p> element, 5, 21

padding, 6062, 66, 182

padding property

box model, 6062, 66

tables, 260262

padding-box value, 66, 155156

pages. See web pages

paragraphs, 21


absolute, 30

hyperlink, 134

relative, 30

pattern, background, 180

percentages, 51

performance, 276

period (.), 10

photographs, 180

pixels, 50

placeholder attribute, 216

placeholder controls, 216

png format, 180

position property, 9598

poster attribute, 192

pound sign (#), 10, 46

preload attribute, 189190, 191


background, 133, 134, 142, 164, 183

background-clip, 155156

background-color, 133

background-image, 134, 142, 183

background-origin, 155156

background-position, 135

background-repeat, 134

background-size, 153155

border, 6264

border-collapse, 238239, 241, 243

border-spacing, 240241

box-shadow, 116

box-sizing, 6467

cascading, 3738

cascading properties, 3738

clear, 80

color, 100

described, 8

display, 5455, 167, 182

float, 75, 77, 79, 114, 167, 182

font, 104

font-based, 101113

font-family, 101, 124

fonts, 101113

font-size, 101

font-style, 102

font-variant, 102

font-weight, 102103, 126, 127

height, 56, 58, 59, 180

letter-spacing, 117

line-height, 103104

list-style, 166

list-style-position, 165166

list-style-type, 163165

margin, 5962, 182183

padding, 6062, 66, 260262

position, 9598

text, 113123

text-align, 114, 244247

text-based, 101123

text-decoration, 114

text-indent, 115

text-shadow, 115116

text-transform, 116

vertical-align, 244

width, 5758, 180

word-spacing, 117

prose citation, 129

prose quotation, 129

pseudo-class selectors, 261

px unit notation, 50


<q> element, 128, 129

quotations, 128, 129, 130


radial gradients, 145146

radial-gradient() function, 145

radio buttons, 208209

rel attribute, 11

relative lengths, 51

relative paths, 30

relative positioning, 9596

relative value, 9596

required attribute, 216

reusable layouts, 9094

reversed attribute, 158160

rgb() function, 48

rgba() function, 48

RGB/RGBa colors, 48

root directory, 12

row value, 232


adding borders to, 241242

gradient background, 148

styles, 139140

table, 230

rows attribute, 208

rowspan attribute, 237238


Safari browser, 65

scope attribute, 232, 234, 255

seamless attribute, 194195

<section> elements, 25, 27, 76, 140, 149

<select> element, 210

selected attribute, 210


additional, 11

calculating specificity, 3839

class, 10, 38

combining, 4042

described, 8

ID, 10, 38, 39

spaces within, 41

specificity within, 42

type, 9, 38

working with, 911

semantic elements, 267268

semantics, 18, 267268

semicolon (;), 8, 274

shorthand values

background images, 134, 136, 152

borders, 62

example of, 276277

fonts, 104

hexadecimal color values, 46, 277

list-style property, 166

margins, 6061

padding, 6061

tips for, 276

<small> element, 28

<source> elements, 190191


between inline-block elements, 8889

within selectors, 41


borders, 240241

CSS and, 274

images, 182183

inline-block elements and, 55

<span> element, 1819

spans, 1819

special characters, 28

specificity points, 38, 42

specificity weight, 3839, 42

src attribute, 3, 179, 189, 190

sRGB color, 44

start attribute, 159

striping, 242243

<strong> element, 2122

style sheets, 11. See also CSS

styles. See also CSS

borders, 6263

buttons, 138139

error messages, 216

fonts, 102

layering, 4243

list items, 163166

multiple classes, 4243

rows, 139140

separating content from, 271

tables, 248252, 260262

Styles Conference website. See websites

Sublime Text, 4

submit button, 211


table data, 231232, 254

<table> element, 230

tables, 229265

aligning text in, 244247

borders, 238242

captions, 234

color in, 242243

combining cells, 237238

contents of, 235236

creating, 230234

footers, 235

headers, 232234, 235

overview, 229

padding, 260262

practice example, 252264

rows, 230

striping, 242243

structure, 234238

styling, 248252, 260262

table body, 235


anchor, 3

closing, 3, 190, 211

described, 3

end, 208

opening, 3, 190, 211

start, 208

target attribute, 31

<tbody> element, 235

<td> element, 231232, 234


CSS, 79

HTML, 24


aligning, 114, 121122

aligning in tables, 244247

bold, 2122, 102103

citations, 128, 129, 130131

color, 100, 138

example code, 118119

indenting, 115

inline changes, 116

italicized, 2223, 102

leading, 103104

letter spacing, 117

line height, 103104

practice exercise, 119123

properties, 113123

quotations, 128, 129, 130

shadows, 115116

small caps, 102

underlined, 114, 119120

word spacing, 117

text decoration, 114

text editors, 4

text fields, 205207

text-align property, 114, 244247

<textarea> element, 208

textareas, 208

text-based elements, 2023

text-decoration property, 114

text-indent property, 115

text-shadow property, 115116

text-transform property, 116

TextWrangler, 4

<tfoot> element, 235

<th> element, 232, 234

<thead> element, 235

<time> element, 255

<title> element, 5

<tr> element, 230

tracking, 117

transparency, 48

transparent backgrounds, 133

.txt extension, 4

type attribute, 190, 205208

type selectors, 9, 38

typeface weights, 103


considerations, 99, 125

described, 100

vs. fonts, 100

licensing issues, 125

typography, 99131


<ul> element, 158

underlined text, 114, 119120

units of measurement, 5052

unordered lists

described, 158

practice example, 169176

sample code, 168169

uppercase value, 116

url () function, 134

URLs, 193



code, 6

email, 216

forms, 216

standards-compliant markup, 267

value attribute, 160, 208


described, 89

vendor prefixes, 65, 142, 278279

vertical alignment, 91

vertical margins, 60

vertical padding, 60

vertical-align property, 244

video, 191193

video controls, 192

video fallbacks, 193

video file formats, 193

video hosting websites, 193

video player, 193

<video> element, 191193

Vimeo embedded video, 193


wav format, 190

web browsers

audio file formats, 190, 193

Chrome, 65, 6768

cross-browser compatibility, 1213

cross-browser testing, 13

developer tools, 6768

Firefox, 65

Google Chrome, 65, 6768

Internet Explorer, 65

Safari, 65

vendor prefixes, 65, 279

vendor prefixes and, 65, 279

video file formats, 193

web pages

adding forms to, 205

adding images to, 179

building structure, 2329

links on, 32

Webkit, 65

web-safe fonts, 123124


adding audio, 189191

adding container class to, 69

adding content. See content

adding CSS to, 1315

adding figures/captions, 201202

adding forms. See forms

adding images. See images

adding inline frames, 193200

adding links, 3235

adding multiple pages, 3235

adding navigation menu, 3334

adding new pages, 34

adding structure to, 2629

adding video, 191193

adjusting box size, 6869

creating, 67

links to pages on, 30

positioning images, 181183

reusable layouts, 9094

video hosting, 193

width attribute, 180181

width property, 5758, 180

word spacing, 117

word-spacing property, 117


YouTube videos, 193


zero values, 278

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