The and (num1, num2) function

This function returns the result of a bitwise AND operation on arguments. There must be at least two arguments. Its syntax is as follows:

and(num1, num2 [, …])

In the and operation, for the output to be 1, both the bits that are given as input should be 1 and not 0. The following truth table summarizes how the and operation works when processing two bits:

0 and 0 = 0 

0 and 1 = 0

1 and 0 = 0

1 and 1 = 1

The following shows how the and operation works when processing the decimal 5, and 6 illustrates the working of and() function:

5 = 101

6 = 110

5 and 6 = 100 which is decimal 4

The following example shows how the and(num1, num2) functions work:

$ vi and.awk

num1 = 5
num2 = 6
result = and(num1,num2)
printf "(%d AND %d) = %d ", num1, num2, result

$ awk -f and.awk

The output of the execution of the previous code is as follows:

(5 AND 6) = 4
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