
We are at the end of our journey, and it's been a long but exciting one without any shade of doubt. In this chapter, you saw the importance of introducing unit testing in our Angular 2 applications, the basic shape of a unit test, and the process of setting up Jasmine for our tests. You also saw how to code powerful tests for our components, directives, pipes, routes, and services. We also discussed new challenges in your path for mastering Angular 2. It is fair to say that there is still a long road ahead, and it is definitely an exiting one.

The end of this chapter is also the end of this book, but the experience continues beyond its boundaries. Angular 2 is still a pretty young framework and as such all the great things that it will bring to the community are yet to be created. Hopefully, you will be one of those creators. If so, please let the author know.

Thanks for taking the time for reading this book.

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