

# character, Typing Shell Commands
# comment token, The httpd.conf File
# hash mark, Configuring Local Drives
# pound sign, Exiting dselect
$ dollar sign, Exiting dselect, Shell Variables
& ampersand, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
& character, Typing Shell Commands
' single quote, Creating a directory, Quoted Strings
(GMT) Universal Time, Configuring the base system
() backslash, Quoted Strings
(`) back quote, Quoted Strings
({) curly braces, Shell Variables
(|) pipe redirector, Displaying directory contents, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
(“) double quote, Quoted Strings
* asterisk, Finding a file
, comma, user accounts and, Removing a member from a group
. dot, Displaying directory contents
. dot character, Creating a User Account
. dot in filename, Creating a directory
. single dot, Absolute and relative pathnames
.. two dots, Absolute and relative pathnames
/ forward slash, The directory tree, Creating a directory
/ slash, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal, Configuring the sources.list File
// slashes, pair of, Configuring the sources.list File
/etc/apt directory, Configuring the sources.list File
/home/httpd/html directory, The access.conf file
/root/periscope file, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
/sbin directory, Shutting Down the System
80386/80486 processors, Central Processing Unit (CPU)
: colon, Removing a member from a group, The Search Path
; character, Typing Shell Commands
. dot, Configuring the network
backward slash, The directory tree
_ underscore, Creating a directory


absolute parameters, Working with compressed files
absolute path, Absolute and relative pathnames, Creating a directory, Running programs, Shell Scripts
accelerated servers, Configuring X
access methods for packages, Choosing the Access Method, Choosing the Access Method
access modes, Displaying directory contents, Working with file permissions, Shell Scripts
access permissions, Working with file permissions, Working with file permissions
Access step (dselect program), Installing the Applications
access.conf file, The access.conf file, The access.conf file
accessing the system, Logging In
root user account, Establishing a normal user account
user accounts, Establishing a normal user account
deleting, Deleting a User Account
activating swap partitions, Initializing and activating a swap partition
active connection, Viewing Samba Server Status
active file shares, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
active printer shares, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
administering Linux, Configuring and Administering Linux
ae text editor, Configuring the sources.list File
aliases, The srm.conf File
shells, Shell Aliases
removing/preserving, Shell Aliases
Alt (Meta) key, Installing the minicom package
AMD processors, Central Processing Unit (CPU)
ampersand (&), Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
Angoss SmartWare, Other Desktop Applications
anonymous FTP, An FTP Server
Apache, Testing the FTP Server, Startup and Use
(see also web server)
binding web servers, The httpd.conf File
installing, Installing the apache package
log files for, Viewing System Messages and Logs
resources for further information, Configuration
APIs (application programming interfaces), WINE
applications, Choosing Packages
(see also packages)
desktop (see entries at desktop)
GNOME-compliant, appearance of, The GNOME Control Center
launched automatically, The GNOME Control Center
Applix, Applix Applixware
Applixware, Applix Applixware, Running Applixware
installing, Installing Applix
running, Running Applixware
apt-get package management tool, Using apt-get, Upgrading Installed Packages
archives, Working with compressed files
arguments, Command Structure, Commands and Arguments, The break and continue commands
aliases and, Shell Aliases
commands and, The test command, The break and continue commands
description of, Getting Help, Using apropos
evaluating, The test command
help for, Getting Help, Using apropos
processing, Processing Arguments
ASCII, non-ASCII characters, Configuring X
ash shell, Configuring Access to Shells, A Variety of Shells
asterisk (*), Finding a file
password, Using wvdial
users, Using wvdial, An FTP Server
autoexec.bat file
renaming, Using the fips utility
restoring name, Using the fips utility
Axene Office, Other Desktop Applications


back quote (`), Quoted Strings
background properties (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
backslash (), Quoted Strings
backspace key, Configuring X
backups, Using the fips utility, Working with compressed files, Using the Linux Samba Client for File Backup and Recovery
before deleting files, Deleting a User Account
before installing Linux, Installing the Operating System and Applications
/etc/group file, Removing a member from a group
PC files, Samba
restoring, Using the Linux Samba Client for File Backup and Recovery
Samba server configuration, Troubleshooting Samba
backward slash (), The directory tree
bad blocks, scanning for, Initializing and activating a swap partition
base system
configuring, Installing the base system
installing, Installing the Kernel and Base System, Making a boot floppy
base2_1.tgz file, Installing the base system
BASH shell, Creating a User Account, Conquering the BASH Shell, A Variety of Shells
assigned automatically, Configuring Access to Shells
automatic startup at login, A Variety of Shells
basics, Logging In
“Bourne Again SHell”, A Variety of Shells
built-in commands, Filename Globbing
commands for, Typing Shell Commands, Commands and Arguments
conditional commands, Conditional Logic, The break and continue commands
learning, benefits of, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
Unix and, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
using, Using the Shell, The Power of the Linux Shell
Basic profile, Choosing Packages
Bell Telephone Lab, The origins of Linux
Berkeley System Distribution (BSD), The origins of Linux
/bin file, Commands and Arguments
binary file, Testing the FTP Server
binary form, How Linux is Different
BIOS, system, Information You Need
Blizzard Entertainment, Starcraft
boot configuration, Booting the System
boot disk, Booting the System
creating, Using the fips utility, Booting from floppy diskettes, Making a boot floppy
boot prompt, Starting the installation procedure, Making a boot floppy, Booting the System
from CD-ROM with this book, Installing the Kernel and Base System
from floppy disks, Booting from floppy diskettes
from MS-DOS/Windows 95/98, Installing the Kernel and Base System
mailing list information, The Debian Mailing Lists
system, Making a boot floppy
your system, Making a boot floppy, Booting the System
“Bourne Again SHell” (see BASH shell)
Bourne shell, Configuring Access to Shells
brackets, Using man
broadcast address, Configuring the network
broadcast messages, Configuring the network
browseable shares, Linux Client
browsers (see web browsers)
BSD (Berkeley System Distribution), The origins of Linux
buttons (seyon program), Using seyon


C programming language, The origins of Linux
C shell, Configuring Access to Shells, A Variety of Shells
caching documents, The httpd.conf File
Caldera OpenLinux, Linux distributions
Cancel button (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
cancel printing, Printing a file
canonical URL (web server), The httpd.conf File
capplets (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
case condition, The case command
case sensitivity, Logging In, Command Structure
CD player (GNOME), GNOME CD Player
CD-ROMs, Filesystems
CD-ROM drives, Drives
configuration information for, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
module for, installing, Configuring device driver modules
CD-ROM with this book
base system, Installing the base system
booting Linux from, Installing the Kernel and Base System
gFTP client, gFTP FTP client
installation program, Installing the Operating System Kernel and Modules
packages, accessing, Connecting via PPP
central processing units, Minimum Hardware Requirements
cfdisk utility, Partitioning a hard drive
CGI directory, The srm.conf File
CGI scripts, The access.conf file
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Using wvdial
CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol), Using wvdial
character count, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
(#) character, Typing Shell Commands
(&) character, Typing Shell Commands
(;) character, Typing Shell Commands
case condition, The case command
non-ASCII characters, Configuring X
special, for filename globbing, Filename Globbing
chat with Debian users, Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
child processes (web server), The httpd.conf File
chkdsk utility, Using the fips utility
CLI (command line interface), Issuing Commands
editing command line, Typing Shell Commands
clients, Samba Client Configuration and Use, Other Clients
SMB clients, Using the Linux Samba Client for File Backup and Recovery
clock settings, Configuring X
colon (:), Removing a member from a group, The Search Path
colon prompt, Using man
color display
installation program, Choosing color versus monochrome
minicom program, Running minicom
combining files/directories, Working with compressed files
comma (,), Removing a member from a group
mount options and, Configuring Local Drives
command line interface (CLI), Issuing Commands, Typing Shell Commands
command line, adjusting to, Issuing Commands
command prompt, Logging In
MS-DOS, Linux Features and Performance
Unix, The X Window System
command-line arguments
installing modules and, Configuring device driver modules
aliases for, Shell Aliases
for BASH shell, Typing Shell Commands, Commands and Arguments
built-in, Filename Globbing
case condition, The case command
for condition, The for command
conditional commands, Conditional Logic, The break and continue commands
correcting, Correcting Commands
description of, Getting Help, Using apropos
for devices, Working with Devices, Useful Linux Programs
echo commands, Shell Scripts, Shell Variables
external, Commands and Arguments
for files, Working with Files, Running programs
help for, Getting Help, Using apropos
if condition, The if command
issuing, Issuing Linux Commands
keystroke commands, Typing Shell Commands
for minicom program, Running minicom
prompting for confirmation, Shell Aliases
shell scripts and, Shell Scripts
structure of, Command Structure
subsystem commands, Testing the FTP Server
system administrator commands, Commands and Arguments
for viewing system status information, Viewing System Information
while condition, The while command, The until command
comment token (#), The httpd.conf File
Commit Changes button (Samba server), Configuring global variables
Compress (PCTool), Using the fips utility
compressed/compressing files, Working with compressed files
computers (see desktop computers)
conditional logic, Conditional Logic, The break and continue commands
Config item (dselect program), Installing the Applications
config.sys file, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
renaming, Using the fips utility
restoring name, Using the fips utility
configuration file (xf86config), Configuring X
collecting information for, Collecting Information About Your System
configuration information, Information You Need
information for exim mail package, Installing the selected packages
configuring base system, Installing the base system
configuring device driver modules, Configuring device driver modules
configuring dial-in shell server, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server
configuring FTP server, An FTP Server, Testing the FTP Server
configuring GNOME desktop, Configuring GNOME
configuring group definitions, Configuring Group Definitions
configuring LAN (Local Area Network), Linux-based, Network Administration, Miscellaneous Network Configuration Options
configuring Linux, Configuring and Administering Linux
configuring local drives, Configuring Local Drives, Configuring Swap Partitions
configuring mail server, Using a Mail Server, Using a Mail Server
configuring minicom program , Using minicom, Saving your changes
configuring modem, Configuring Your Modem, PPP Client
configuring networks, Configuring the network, Configuring the network
information needed for, Configuring the network
configuring packages, Configuring Packages
configuring Samba server, Configuring Samba
file share parameters (Samba server), Configuring file share parameters
configuring secure shell server, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
configuring swap partitions, Configuring Swap Partitions
configuring web server, Testing the FTP Server, Startup and Use
configuring X Window System, Configuring X, Configuring X
caution with, Installing X
configuring your new system, Configuring the New System, Choosing Packages
confirmation screen, Configuring the network
connecting to the Internet
via PPP, Connecting via PPP
with seyon program, Using seyon
connections, persistent (web server), The httpd.conf File
control center (GNOME desktop), The GNOME Control Center
control characters, Using the ae Editor
control keystrokes, Typing Shell Commands
Control Panel, Windows 95/98, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
files, Copying a file, Using the File Manager
text, Copying and Pasting Text
copyright/copyleft, Copyleft
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), Enlightenment
Corel WordPerfect for Linux (see WordPerfect for Linux)
CPUs (Central Processing Units), Minimum Hardware Requirements
Create Launcher Applet dialog box, The GNOME Panel
cron program, Continuing Onward
csh shell, Configuring Access to Shells
CTS (modem indicator), Using seyon
curly braces ({), Shell Variables
current working directory, Home and working directories
changing, Shell Variables
cycle of system use, The System Use Cycle
cylinders, How Hard Disks are Organized
cylinder for new partition, Using the fips utility
Cyrix processors, Central Processing Unit (CPU)


daemons, Starting and Stopping Services, Viewing Samba Server Status, Installing the samba package
httpd daemon, Configuration, The httpd.conf File
PPP daemon, Connecting to the Internet
data storage, Linux Features and Performance
data streams, standard, Input/Output Redirection and Piping, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
for packages, Querying the Package Database
relational, Other Desktop Applications
selecting video card from, Configuring X
applet for (GNOME desktop), Date & time applet
displaying, Issuing Commands
setting/storing, Setting the System Time and Time Zone
deb, Packages
Debian GNU/Linux, Linux distributions, Web Pages
(see also entries at Linux)
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), FAQs
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), Web Pages
help, Getting Help
install utility, Identifying an unused partition
mailing lists, The Debian Mailing Lists
using Linux applications and clients with, Chapter 8
web site, The Debian Web Site
DEC Unix, Linux at Home and at Work
aliases, viewing, Shell Aliases
configuration, Booting the System
font, GNOME Terminal
network route, deleting, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
text editor (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
defrag utility (Microsoft), Using the fips utility
defragmenting hard disks , Using the fips utility
directories, Removing a directory
files, Removing a file, Using the File Manager
home directory, Deleting a User Account
pre-selection, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
partitions, Identifying an unused partition
user accounts, Deleting a User Account
dependency conflicts, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
description strings
for monitors, Configuring X
for video cards, Configuring X
desktop (GNOME desktop), Desktop
desktop applications
available for Linux, Other Desktop Applications
desktop publishing applications, Other Desktop Applications
desktop suites
StarOffice (Star Division), StarOffice, Running StarOffice
WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Corel WordPerfect for Linux, Running WordPerfect for Linux
other, Other Desktop Applications
desktop computers
Linux run on, PC Operating Systems
operating systems for, PC Operating Systems, Linux Features and Performance
using Linux, The Linux kernel
desktop environments, Using the X Window System
desktop publishing applications, Other Desktop Applications
desktop suites, Other Desktop Applications
StarOffice (Star Division), StarOffice, Running StarOffice
WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Corel WordPerfect for Linux, Running WordPerfect for Linux
desktop themes (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
desktops, Desktops, Launching GNOME and Enlightenment, Using the File Manager
developers, How Linux is Different
device driver modules, configuring, Configuring device driver modules
device files, Configuring X
Device Manager, Windows 95/98, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
commands for, Working with Devices, Useful Linux Programs
list of, Devices, Filesystems
troubleshooting, Configuring device driver modules
DIAGNOSIS.txt file, Troubleshooting Samba
dial-in shell server, configuring, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server
Dial-Up Networking (Microsoft Windows), Connecting to the Internet, PPP Client
Dialing Directory dialog box, Using seyon, Running minicom
dialing options, configuring (minicom progam), Configuring modem and dialing options
dialogs, Using wvdial
Digital Equipment Corporation, What is X?
directories, Filesystems, Directories, Removing a directory
combining, Working with compressed files
contents of, Displaying directory contents, Displaying directory contents
creating, Creating a directory
new search directory, The Search Path
deleting, Removing a directory
My Documents directory, Creating a directory
naming, Creating a directory
removing, Removing a directory
renaming, Renaming or moving a file
directory tree, The directory tree
disabling virtual memory, Using the fips utility
Disk Drives icon, Windows 95/98, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
disk drives, fixed, Viewing Partition Information
disk management, Linux Features and Performance
disks, hard (see hard disks)
displaying system status, Issuing Commands
displays (see monitors)
distribution (see Linux distributions; software distribution)
DNS (Domain Name Server), Introduction
documenting your system configuration, Collecting Information About Your System
caching (web server), The httpd.conf File
format and organization of (web server), The srm.conf File, The srm.conf File
permissions (web server), The access.conf file, The access.conf file
dollar sign ($), Exiting dselect, Shell Variables
domain name, Configuring the network, Startup and Use
Domain Name Server (DNS), Introduction
Doom, DOOM
installing, Installing Doom
DOSKEYS editor (MS_DOS), Typing Shell Commands
dosutilsfips20 estorrb.exe file, Using the fips utility
dot (.), Configuring the network, Displaying directory contents
in filename, Creating a directory
dot character (.), Creating a User Account
double quote inxs (“), Quoted Strings
downloads, Configuring filenames and paths, Configuring file transfer protocols
dpkg package management tool, Using dpkg, List files installed from a package
drag and drop operations, Using the File Manager
drawers (GNOME desktop), The GNOME Panel
drawing program (StarDraw), Running StarOffice
drive icon (GNOME desktop), Drive icon
drive letters, How Hard Disks are Organized, Identifying an unused partition, Using the fips utility
mapping to file share, Microsoft Windows Client
hard (see hard disks)
local, configuring, Configuring Local Drives, Configuring Swap Partitions
dselect package management tool, Using dselect, Exiting dselect
dselect program, Choosing Packages
exiting, Exiting dselect
DSR (modem indicator), Using seyon
DTR (modem indicator), Using seyon
dual boot, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux


echo commands, Shell Scripts, Shell Variables
editing command line, Typing Shell Commands
ELF (Extension Language Facility), Running Applixware
fetchmail package for receiving/reading, Using a Mail Server
PGP-encrypted, Running StarOffice
sending/mail server for sending/receiving, Using a Mail Server
of server administrator, The httpd.conf File
travelling and, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
enabling virtual memory, Using the fips utility
encryption, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
Enlightenment window manager, Copying and Pasting Text, Enlightenment
configuring, Launching GNOME and Enlightenment, Using the File Manager
using, Launching GNOME and Enlightenment, Using the File Manager
environment variables (see shells, variables for)
error files, web server, The httpd.conf File
error messages, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
file recorded in, Viewing System Messages and Logs
error stream, standard, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
/etc/adduser.conf file, Configuring Access to Shells
/etc/fstab file, Configuring Local Drives
/etc/fstab file, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
/etc/group file, Creating a group, Removing a member from a group
/etc/httpd/conf file, Configuration
/etc/inetd.conf file, Installing the samba package
/etc/passwd file, Changing a User Account Password
/etc/smb.conf file, Configuring Samba
/etc/shadow file, Changing a User Account Password
/etc/shells file, Configuring Access to Shells
/etc/smb.conf file, Samba Server Installation
/etc/smbusers configuration file, Samba Server Installation
(eth0) Ethernet interface, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
Ethernet, Configuring the network
Ethernet interface (eth0), Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
/etc/smb.conf file, Viewing Samba Server Configuration
Excel (Microsoft), Running Applixware
exim mail package, Installing the selected packages
configuring after installation, Installing the selected packages
log files for, Viewing System Messages and Logs
exit codes, Exit Codes
exiting X Window System, Starting and Stopping X, Terminating X
exiting your system, Logging Out
expanding files, Working with compressed files
EXT2 filesystem, Linux Features and Performance
extended partitions, Partitioning a hard drive
Extension Language Facility (ELF), Running Applixware
external commands, Commands and Arguments
search path and, The Search Path


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), Web Pages, Newsgroups, FAQs
FAT filesystems, Linux Features and Performance, How Hard Disks are Organized
FAT partitions, Using the fips utility
fdisk utility, Viewing Partition Information, Identifying an unused partition
features of Linux, Linux Features and Performance
fetchmail package, Using a Mail Server
file manager, Home directory icon, File Manager, Using the File Manager
file permissions, Working with file permissions, Working with file permissions
file recovery, Using the Linux Samba Client for File Backup and Recovery
file shares
active, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
mapping to drive letter, Microsoft Windows Client
options for (Samba server), Configuring file share parameters
parameters for (Samba server), Configuring file share parameters
file sharing, Samba
File Transfer Protocol (see FTP)
file transfer protocols, configuring (minicom program), Configuring file transfer protocols
filename completion, The Power of the Linux Shell
filename globbing, Filename Globbing, Filename Globbing
filename metacharacters, Filename Globbing
configuring (minicom program), Configuring filenames and paths
containing dot (.), Displaying directory contents, Creating a directory
globbing of, Filename Globbing
files, Filesystems, Removing a directory
backing up before deleting, Deleting a User Account
binary, Testing the FTP Server
character count, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
combining, Working with compressed files
commands for, Working with Files, Running programs
compressed/compressing, Working with compressed files
copying, Copying a file, Using the File Manager
deleting, Removing a file, Using the File Manager
displaying contents of, Displaying the contents of a file
expanding, Working with compressed files
finding, Finding a file
hidden, Using the fips utility, Displaying directory contents, Shell Scripts
installed from package, listing, List files installed from a package
line count, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
links and, Working with links
list of, displaying, Creating a User Account
moving, Renaming or moving a file, Using the File Manager
multimedia, The srm.conf File
null, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
old/new, Renaming or moving a file
open, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
permissions, Working with file permissions, Working with file permissions
print job number, Printing a file
printing, Printing a file
with smbprint script, Linux Client
queueing to printer, Printing a file
redirecting input/output to, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
renaming, Renaming or moving a file, Using the File Manager
with links, Working with links
tar files, Working with compressed files
transferring via FTP, Testing the FTP Server
uncompressing, Working with compressed files
uploads, gFTP FTP client, Configuring filenames and paths, Configuring file transfer protocols
wordcount, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
filesystems, Linux Features and Performance, How Hard Disks are Organized, Filesystems
administering, Filesystem Administration, Configuring Swap Partitions
CD-ROM filesystem, Configuring Local Drives
mounting, Filesystem Administration, Configuring Local Drives
MS-DOS filesystem, Configuring Local Drives
types of, Filesystems
Windows 95/98, Creating a directory
filters, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
finding files, Finding a file
finding Linux (see Linux distributions)
fips utility, Using the fips utility
floppy disks, Filesystems
formatting, Formatting Floppy Diskettes
mounted by users, Configuring Local Drives
mounting, Formatting Floppy Diskettes
unmounting, Formatting Floppy Diskettes
floppy drives, Drives
designators, Formatting Floppy Diskettes
for condition, The for command
format names, web server, The httpd.conf File
formatting partitions, How Hard Disks are Organized
forward slash (/), The directory tree, Creating a directory
forwarding address, The srm.conf File
free software, Free software
Free Software Foundation (FSF), Free software
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
anonymous, An FTP Server
hackers and, An FTP Server
subsystem prompt, Testing the FTP Server
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
client for Linux, gFTP FTP client
FTP client (Linux), Testing the FTP Server
FTP client (Microsoft Windows), Testing the FTP Server
FTP server
installing/configuring, An FTP Server, Testing the FTP Server
newsgroups for, Testing the FTP Server
password, Testing the FTP Server
subsystem commands for, Testing the FTP Server
testing, Testing the FTP Server
userid, Testing the FTP Server
FTP sites, Drives
Full View button (swat tool), Viewing Samba Server Configuration
FVWM window manager, FVWM


games, Playing Linux Games
Doom, DOOM
available with KDE desktop, KDE
popular games, Closeups of Some Popular Games
Quake II, Quake II
Starcraft, Starcraft
gateways, Configuring the network, Introduction
General Electric, The origins of Linux
geometry of hard disks, How Hard Disks are Organized
gFTP client, gFTP FTP client
global variables (Samba server)
configuring, Configuring global variables, Configuring global variables
options for, Configuring global variables, Configuring global variables
Globals button (Samba server), Configuring global variables
GNOME, Chapter 6
GNOME CD player, GNOME CD Player
GNOME desktop, FVWM, Enlightenment, GNOME
applets and applications, Using GNOME Applets and Applications
configuring, Configuring GNOME
logging out, Logging Out
using, Launching GNOME and Enlightenment, Using the File Manager
GNOME terminal, GNOME Terminal
GNOME-compliant applications, appearance of, The GNOME Control Center
GNU GPL (see GNU Public License)
GNU Public License, Copyleft, Linux distributions, Linux Features and Performance
GNU’s not Unix, Free software
graphical applications
available with KDE desktop, KDE
graphical user interface, The X Window System, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
(see also X Window System)
newsgroups discussion of, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
graphics adaptors (see video cards)
graphics applications, Linux at Home and at Work
group access permission, Working with file permissions
group definitions, configuring, Configuring Group Definitions
Group ID, Removing a member from a group
groups, Displaying directory contents, Working with file permissions
administering, User and Group Administration, Configuring Access to Shells
creating, Creating a group
deleting, Deleting a group
adding, Adding a member to a group
removing, Removing a member from a group
web server, The httpd.conf File
guest operating systems, The VMware Virtual Platform
.gz files, Working with compressed files


encrypted passwords and, Configuring shadow passwords
FTP and, An FTP Server
secure shell servers and, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
security options and, Configuring global variables
hanging up (seyon program), Using seyon
hard disk drives (see hard disks)
hard disk space, Drives
obtaining sufficient, Obtaining Sufficient Disk Space, Using the fips utility
hard disks, Viewing Partition Information
booting from, Booting the System
checking condition of, Using the fips utility
configuration information for, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
defragmenting, Using the fips utility
installing new, Installing a new disk drive
organization of, How Hard Disks are Organized
partioning, Partitioning a hard drive, Partitioning a hard drive
preparing for installation, Preparing Your Hard Disk, Using the fips utility
selecting, Selecting the hard drive
structure of, How Hard Disks are Organized
viewing partition information, Viewing Partition Information
hard drives (see hard disks)
hard links, Working with links
hardware requirements, Minimum Hardware Requirements, Drives
hash mark (#), Configuring Local Drives
header lines, Command Structure
heads, How Hard Disks are Organized
help, Getting Help
for arguments, Getting Help, Using apropos
for commands, Getting Help, Using apropos
on CDs, GNOME CD Player
for options, Getting Help, Using apropos
help viewer (GNOME desktop), Help viewer
Hess, Joey, Packages
hidden files, Using the fips utility, Displaying directory contents, Creating a User Account, Shell Scripts
hide button (GNOME desktop), Hide button
history list, Correcting Commands, Typing Shell Commands, The Power of the Linux Shell
home directory, Home and working directories
deleting, Deleting a User Account
for new accounts, Creating a User Account
home directory icon (GNOME desktop), Home directory icon
horizontal sync rate (xf86config), Configuring X
caution with, Configuring X
Host Information dialog box, Miscellaneous Network Configuration Options
host operating systems, The VMware Virtual Platform
hostnames, Introduction, Startup and Use
choosing, Configuring the network
hosts file, Miscellaneous Network Configuration Options
search path, Hostname Search Path
web server, The httpd.conf File
hosts allow option (Samba server), Configuring global variables
hosts, permissions for, The access.conf file, The access.conf file
.htaccess file, The access.conf file
httpd daemon, Configuration, The httpd.conf File
httpd.conf file, The httpd.conf File, Startup and Use
Hyperterminal (Microsoft Windows), Connecting to the Internet, Configuration

I files, Using the fips utility
icons, The srm.conf File
id Software, DOOM, Quake II, Installing Doom
identification strings
for monitors, Configuring X
for video cards, Configuring X
if condition, The if command
IMAGE, Using the fips utility
indexes, The srm.conf File
inetd.conf file, Testing the FTP Server
gathering about your system, Collecting Information About Your System
gathering via Microsoft Windows, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
init process, Configuration
initializing swap partitions, Initializing and activating a swap partition
inittab file, Configuration
input data, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
input focus, Keyboard Operations
input stream, standard, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
input/output redirectors, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
insecure passwords, Establising a root password
installing base system, Installing the Kernel and Base System, Making a boot floppy, Installing the base system
installing FTP server, An FTP Server, Testing the FTP Server
installing kernel, Installing the Kernel and Base System, Making a boot floppy, Installing the Operating System Kernel and Modules
installing Linux, Preparing to Install Linux, Installing Linux
Debian GNU/Linux install utility, Identifying an unused partition
hardware requirements, Minimum Hardware Requirements, Drives
installation program, The Installation Program User Interface, Using virtual consoles
main menu, The Installation Main Menu
selecting color/monochrome display, Choosing color versus monochrome
phases of, Installing the Operating System and Applications
preparation for, Preparing to Install Linux, Using the fips utility
starting the process, Starting the installation procedure
installing modules, Installing the Operating System Kernel and Modules, Configuring device driver modules
installing new disk drives, Installing a new disk drive
installing packages, The Debian Package Management Utilities, Installing the ssh client and server package
apt-get management tool, Installing a Package
dpkg management tool, Installing a Package
dselect management tool, Installing Packages
pre-selection, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
installing Samba server, Samba Server Installation
installing StarOffice, Installing StarOffice
installing the X Window System, Installing X
installing web server, Testing the FTP Server, Startup and Use
installing WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Installing WordPerfect for Linux
Intel processors, Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Intel-architecture PCs, Linux Features and Performance
interfaces, The X Window System, Introduction
internal server process date (web server), The httpd.conf File
Internet, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
connecting to, Getting Connected to the Internet, Making a PPP Connection Manually
service provider (ISP), Connecting to the Internet, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
Internet name (see hostnames)
Internet Relay Chat IRC), Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
IP address, Configuring the network, Using periscope
finding for your computer, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
hostname search path, Hostname Search Path
hosts file, Miscellaneous Network Configuration Options
specifying for LAN (Local Area Network), Hostname Search Path
web server, The httpd.conf File
IP number, Introduction
IRC (Internet Relay Chat), Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
ISP (Internet service provider), Connecting to the Internet, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
issuing commands, Issuing Linux Commands
from the command line, Issuing Commands


K Desktop Environment, KDE
KDE desktop, KDE
kermit program, Configuring filenames and paths
kernels, The Linux kernel
installing, Installing the Kernel and Base System, Making a boot floppy, Installing the Operating System Kernel and Modules
options, Starting the installation procedure
bell and sounds (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
configuring options for (minicom program), Configuring screen and keyboard options
extended, Configuring X
keyboard map, Configuring X
operations with, Keyboard Operations, Pop-Up Menus
options for, configuring (minicom program), Configuring screen and keyboard options
properties (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
selecting, Selecting a keyboard
caution with, Common keystrokes
commands for, Typing Shell Commands
control keystrokes, Typing Shell Commands
for editing, Typing Shell Commands
for installation program, Common keystrokes
screen savers, restoring, Using Virtual Consoles
Tab keystroke, Typing Shell Commands
for virtual consoles, Using virtual consoles
virtual consoles, switching between, Using Virtual Consoles
keywords, searching by, Using apropos
KOffice, KDE, Other Desktop Applications
Korn shell, Configuring Access to Shells, A Variety of Shells
ksh shell, Configuring Access to Shells
KWM (K Window Manager), KDE


LAN (Local Area Network), Linux-based
administering, Network Administration, Miscellaneous Network Configuration Options
setting up, Setting Up a Linux-Based LAN, Miscellaneous Network Configuration Options, Installing the lynx package
LanManager, Samba
laptop computers
Debian GNU/Linux and, The Debian Mailing Lists
large disk support, Viewing Partition Information
launchers, The GNOME Panel
launching programs, Commands and Arguments
search path and, The Search Path
LBA (logical block addressing), How Hard Disks are Organized
left mouse button, Using Scrollbars
legacy applications, The VMware Virtual Platform
licenses, PC Operating Systems, Copyleft
line count, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
links, Displaying directory contents, Working with links
Linux, Why Run Linux?, Linux Features and Performance
(see also entries at Debian GNU/Linux)
administering, Configuring and Administering Linux
BASH shell, Conquering the BASH Shell
case sensitivity, Logging In
command interpreter, The Linux Shell
commands, Issuing Linux Commands
configuring, Configuring and Administering Linux
distributions, How Linux is Different, Linux distributions
features, Linux Features and Performance
finding, How Linux is Different, Linux distributions
help, Getting Help
history of, The Linux kernel
installing (see installing Linux)
logging in, Logging In
for the first time, Exiting dselect
modifying, How Linux is Different
networking and, Introduction
obtaining, Linux distributions
origins of, The origins of Linux
vs. other operating systems, How Linux is Different
performance, Linux Features and Performance
popularity, Linux at Home and at Work
pronounciation of, What is Linux?
reasons for choosing/not choosing, Why Run Linux?, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
checklist for, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
releases, The Linux kernel
resources for further information, PC Operating Systems, Linux Resources on the Internet, Continuing Onward
running concurrently with Windows applications, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
as Samba server client, Linux Client
shells, A Variety of Shells
power of, The Power of the Linux Shell
users of, Linux at Home and at Work
uses at home/work, Linux at Home and at Work
using applications and clients with Debian, Chapter 8
using via the X Window System, Using the X Window System
versions of, The Linux kernel
Linux distributions, How Linux is Different, Linux distributions, The Installation Program User Interface
Linux Documentation Project, Web Pages
Linux FAQ, FAQs
Linux Journal, Continuing Onward
Linux Journal web site, Web Pages
Linux Magazine, Continuing Onward
Linux Mall, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
Linux partition
initializing, Initializing a Linux partition
name of, Partitioning a hard drive
Linux shells, Linux Features and Performance
Linux Webring web site, Web Pages
Linux-based LAN (Local Area Network), setting up (see LAN)
of devices, Devices, Filesystems
of directories, Displaying directory contents, Displaying directory contents
of files, Displaying the contents of a file
of shell variables, Shell Variables
of system users, Issuing Commands
of window managers, Window Managers
(lo) loopback device, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
Local Area Network (LAN), Linux-based (see LAN)
local time, Configuring the base system
setting, Setting the Current System Date and Time
locking (web server), The httpd.conf File
log files, web server, The httpd.conf File
logging in, Logging In
login prompt, Booting the System
logging out, Logging Out
GNOME desktop, Logging Out
logical block addressing (LBA), How Hard Disks are Organized
logical partitions, Partitioning a hard drive
logical structure (hard disks), How Hard Disks are Organized
login group, Working with file permissions
Logitech MouseMan, Configuring X
logs, viewing, Viewing System Messages and Logs
loopback device (lo), Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
loops, The break and continue commands
Lotus 1-2-3, Running Applixware
Lotus eSuite, Other Desktop Applications
Lynx, Connecting to the Internet
lynx, installing, Installing the lynx package


mail package (exim), Installing the selected packages
configuring after installation, Installing the selected packages
log files for, Viewing System Messages and Logs
mail server
configuring, Using a Mail Server, Using a Mail Server
sending/receiving email, Using a Mail Server
mailing lists, The Debian Mailing Lists
main menu (GNOME desktop), Main menu, The GNOME Main Menu
management tools (packages), The Package Management Tools, Upgrading Installed Packages
manual pages, Using man, Using apropos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (see MIT)
master user, Establising a root password
media, removable, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
adding to groups, Adding a member to a group
lists of, Removing a member from a group
removing from groups, Removing a member from a group
memory, Motherboard
configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
menu editor (GNOME desktop), The GNOME Main Menu
Merced 64-bit CPU, How Linux is Different
Mesa, WINE
installing, Installing the Mesa and WINE packages
messages, viewing, Viewing System Messages and Logs
Meta (Alt) key, Installing the minicom package
meta-information, Packages
case condition, The case command
filename, Filename Globbing
for command, The for command
mgetty package, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server
Microsoft Excel, Running Applixware
Microsoft Office 97, Running StarOffice
Microsoft Office for Linux, Linux Desktop Applications
Microsoft Windows (see entries at Windows)
games, Playing Linux Games
Microsoft Word, Linux at Home and at Work
middle mouse button, Copying and Pasting Text, Desktop
MIME types (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
mini-editor (BASH shell), Typing Shell Commands
minicom program, Using minicom and seyon, Using minicom, Running minicom
color display, Running minicom
commands for, Running minicom
installing, Installing the minicom package
running, Running minicom
Minix, The Linux kernel
MIRROR, Using the fips utility
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), The origins of Linux, The X Window System, What is X?
modems, Linux at Home and at Work
configuring, Configuring Your Modem, PPP Client
with minicom program, Configuring the serial port
for dial-in shell server connections, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server
options for, configuring (minicom program), Configuring modem and dialing options
status indicators, Using seyon
modemtool, Configuration
modification date (directory/file), Displaying directory contents
installing, Installing the Operating System Kernel and Modules, Configuring device driver modules
list of, Configuring device driver modules
caution when configuring, Installing X
configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
options for, configuring (minicom program), Configuring screen and keyboard options
sync rate, caution with (xf86config), Configuring X
monochrome display for installation program display, Choosing color versus monochrome
motherboards, Motherboard
mount point, Configuring Local Drives
directory, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
CD-ROM, Mounting the CD-ROM
drives, Mounting and Unmounting Drives, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
floppy disks, Formatting Floppy Diskettes
by users, Configuring Local Drives
partitions automatically, Configuring Local Drives
mouse, What is X?
configuration information for, Information You Need, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
left mouse button, Using Scrollbars
Logitech MouseMan, Configuring X
not supported for installation program, The Installation Program User Interface
operations with, Mouse Operations
properties (GNOME control center, The GNOME Control Center
right mouse button, Using Scrollbars
right-clicking, Pop-Up Menus, Desktop, Using the File Manager
three-button, emulating, Configuring X
moving files, Renaming or moving a file
MS-DOS prompt, Linux Features and Performance, Viewing Partition Information, Issuing Commands, Terminal Windows
window, The Linux Shell
MS-DOS shell, A Variety of Shells
Multics, The origins of Linux
multimedia adapters, configuration information for, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
multimedia applications
KDE desktop, KDE
multimedia files, The srm.conf File
GNOME control center, The GNOME Control Center
Multiplexed Information and Computing Service, The origins of Linux
My Documents directory, Creating a directory


for directories, Displaying directory contents, Creating a directory
for files, Displaying directory contents
format names (web server), The httpd.conf File
nameservers, Configuring the network
establishing, Samba
Net BIOS, Samba
netbios name option (Samba server), Configuring global variables
netmask, Configuring the network
specifying for LAN (Local Area Network), Hostname Search Path
Netscape Navigator
installing, Installing Netscape Navigator
web browser, Web Browser
web server and, Startup and Use
Netware file/printer sharin, Samba
network adapter cards
configuration information for, Information You Need, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
module for, installing, Configuring device driver modules
network address, Configuring the network
network applications
KDE desktop, KDE
network mode for playing DOOM, DOOM
network route, deleting, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
network services, restarting, Starting and Stopping Services
networking script for (periscope), Periscope: A Useful Networking Script, Using periscope
configuring, Configuring the network, Configuring the network
information needed for, Configuring the network
confirmation screen (configuration), Configuring the network
network address, Configuring the network
permanent/temporary connection, Configuring the network
new files, Renaming or moving a file
FTP server, Testing the FTP Server
graphical user interface, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
Linux, Newsgroups
Samba server, Troubleshooting Samba
NFS (Network File System), servers, Drives
nmbd daemon, Viewing Samba Server Status
non-ASCII characters, Configuring X
Norton Disk Doctor utility, Using the fips utility
Norton Speedisk utility, Using the fips utility
Notepad accessory (Microsoft), Using the ae Editor
NTFS (NT filesystem), Linux Features and Performance
support for reading, Filesystems
null files, Input/Output Redirection and Piping


obtaining Linux (see Linux distributions)
Office 97 (Microsoft), Running StarOffice
Office for Linux (Microsoft), Linux Desktop Applications
office suite (KOffice) , KDE
old/new files, Renaming or moving a file
open files, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
operating systems, What is Linux?
GNU, Free software
guest, The VMware Virtual Platform
host, The VMware Virtual Platform
Linux, PC Operating Systems, Linux Features and Performance
options, Command Structure
description of, Getting Help, Using apropos
help for, Getting Help, Using apropos
OS/2 file/printer sharing, Samba
other access permission, Working with file permissions
output data, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
output redirectors, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
output stream, standard, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
owner, Working with file permissions
access permission, Working with file permissions
O’Callahan, Robert, Using a Secure Server from a Remote System


access methods, Choosing the Access Method, Choosing the Access Method
accessing, Accessing the packages
available, updating list of, Updating the list of available packages
choosing, Choosing Packages
for installation/removal, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
configuring, Configuring Packages
contents of, Package Contents and Installation Commands , Installing the ssh client and server package
database for, quering, Querying the Package Database
fetchmail package, Using a Mail Server
installation commands, Package Contents and Installation Commands , Installing the ssh client and server package
installing, The Debian Package Management Utilities, Installing the ssh client and server package
apt-get management tool, Installing a Package
dpkg management tool, Installing a Package
dselect management tool, Installing Packages
by name, List packages by name
files installed from, List files installed from a package
for mail server, Using a Mail Server
management schemes, Packages
management tools for, The Package Management Tools, Upgrading Installed Packages
mgetty package, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server
naming conventions, Packages
printing description of, Printing the description of a package
recommended/recommending, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
dpkg management tool, Removing a Package
dselect management tool, Removing Packages
reporting status of, Report status of a package
selected, installing, Installing the selected packages
suggested/suggesting, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
updating information on
apt-get management tool, Updating Information on Available Packages
dselect management tool, Updating Information on Available Packages
upgrading (apt-get management tool), Upgrading Installed Packages
XFree86, What is X?
pager (GNOME desktop), Virtual Desktop, Pager
pages, manual, Using man, Using apropos
pair of slashes (//), Configuring the sources.list File
panel (GNOME desktop), Panel, The GNOME Panel
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), Using wvdial
parameters, Working with compressed files
partition table, Partitioning a hard drive
PartitionMagic utility, Shrinking a partition
partitions, How Hard Disks are Organized
creating, Partitioning a hard drive, Partitioning a hard drive
deleting, Identifying an unused partition
extended, Partitioning a hard drive
identifying unused, Identifying an unused partition
Linux, Initializing a Linux partition
(see also Linux partitions)
initializing, Initializing a Linux partition
logical, Partitioning a hard drive
modifying information, Partitioning a hard drive
mounting additional automatically, Configuring Local Drives
new, name of, Partitioning a hard drive
primary, Partitioning a hard drive
shrinking, Shrinking a partition
splitting, Shrinking a partition, Using the fips utility
swap, Partitioning a hard drive, Initializing and activating a swap partition
(see also swap partitions)
verifying newly created, Using the fips utility
viewing information, Viewing Partition Information
administering with Samba, Samba
authentication, Using wvdial
changing, Changing a User Account Password
encrypted, Configuring shadow passwords, Installing the samba package
insecure, Establising a root password
managing (Samba server), Managing Users and Passwords, Managing Users and Passwords
restrictions on, Changing a User Account Password
root, Establising a root password
security and, Creating a User Account
shadow, Configuring shadow passwords, Changing a User Account Password
user accounts, Establishing a normal user account
writing scripts for, Running minicom
pasting text, Copying and Pasting Text
path, Configuring filenames and paths
(see also absolute path)
(see also relative path)
PCMIA support, removing, Removing PCMCIA support
PCs (see desktop computers)
Pentium processors, Central Processing Unit (CPU)
performance of Linux, Linux Features and Performance
periscope shell script, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script, Using periscope
scheduling execution, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
script file for, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
starting, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
termination request, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
using, Using periscope
permissions, Working with file permissions, Working with file permissions
default (web server), The access.conf file, The access.conf file
documents/services, The access.conf file
PGP-encrypted email, Running StarOffice
phone numbers, Running minicom
phonelist (seyon program), Using seyon
physical structure (hard disks), How Hard Disks are Organized
Pico text editor, Using the ae Editor
pipe redirector (|), Displaying directory contents
pointing devices, What is X?
(see also mouse)
configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
not suppported for installation program, The Installation Program User Interface
pop-up menus, Pop-Up Menus
POSIX standard, A Variety of Shells
pound sign (#), Exiting dselect
power-on self-test, Making a boot floppy
PowerQuest, Shrinking a partition
PPP (point-to-point protocol), Connecting to the Internet
log entries about, Viewing System Messages and Logs
login procedures, Using wvdial
PPP connection, Connecting via PPP, Getting Connected to the Internet
for periscope shell script, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
manual, Making a PPP Connection Manually
PPP client, PPP Client , Establishing a PPP Connection
PPP server, PPP Client
pppd program, Connecting to the Internet, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
preparation for Linux installation, Preparing to Install Linux, Using the fips utility
presentation graphics applications, Other Desktop Applications
StarImpress, Running StarOffice
Presents (Applixware), Running Applixware
primary network interface, Configuring the network
primary partitions, Partitioning a hard drive
print job number, Printing a file
print shares, Microsoft Windows Client
active, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
options for Samba server, Configuring global variables
parameters for Samba server, configuring, Configuring printer share parameters
printer sharing, Samba
Printers tool bar button (Samba server), Configuring printer share parameters
printers, shared, Microsoft Windows Client
cancel, Printing a file
files, Printing a file, Linux Client
probing systems
caution with, Configuring X
with xf86config, Configuring X, Configuring X
process id (web server), The httpd.conf File
.profile file, Shell Scripts
profiles, Choosing Packages
programmable clock chips, Configuring X
programming languages, The origins of Linux
shells and, Shell Variables
finding via search path, The Search Path
running, Running programs, Commands and Arguments
search path and, The Search Path
Project Athena, The X Window System
prompting for confirmation (commands), Shell Aliases
FTP, Testing the FTP Server
FTP subsystem, Testing the FTP Server
MS-DOS, Linux Features and Performance, Viewing Partition Information, Issuing Commands, Terminal Windows
secondary prompts, The if command
shell, Exiting dselect
pronounciation of Linux, What is Linux?
protecting data, Using the fips utility
protocol, SMB (Server Message Block), Samba
proxy server (web server), The httpd.conf File
pseudodevices, Devices


Quadratron Cliq, Other Desktop Applications
Quake II, Quake II
installing, Installing the quake2 package
queueing files, Printing a file
quote characters, Quoted Strings


RAID, Linux Features and Performance
RAM memory, Motherboard
RAMDAC settings, Configuring X
read/write heads, How Hard Disks are Organized
readme entries, The srm.conf File
rebooting your system, Using the fips utility, Starting and Stopping the System
under the X Window System, Terminating X
recycle bin, Using the File Manager
Red Hat Linux, Linux distributions
redirectors, Input/Output Redirection and Piping, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
ignored by programs, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
pipe redirector (|), Input/Output Redirection and Piping
relational database, Other Desktop Applications
relative parameters, Working with compressed files
relative path, Absolute and relative pathnames, Creating a directory
release notes for installation program, Release notes
releases of Debian. mailing list information, The Debian Mailing Lists
remote mail protocol, Using a Mail Server
removable media, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
Remove item (dselect program), Installing the Applications
removing directories, Removing a directory
removing files, Removing a file
removing packages
dpkg management tool, Removing a Package
dselect management tool, Removing Packages
pre-selection, Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
autoexec.bat file, Using the fips utility
config.sys file, Using the fips utility
directories, Renaming or moving a file
files, Renaming or moving a file, Using the File Manager
using links, Working with links
Replay Associates, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
resources for further information, Applix Applixware
advanced encryption, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
Apache (web server), Configuration
desktop applications, Other Desktop Applications
DOOM (game), DOOM
FTP server, Testing the FTP Server
GNOME desktop, GNOME
GNOME desktop applets and applications, Using GNOME Applets and Applications
id Software, DOOM
KDE desktop, KDE
Linux, PC Operating Systems, Linux Resources on the Internet, Continuing Onward
Samba, Samba
secure shell server, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
Starcraft (game), Installing Starcraft
StarOffice desktop suite, StarOffice
VMware, The VMware Virtual Platform
window managers, Window Managers
WINE project, WINE
WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Corel WordPerfect for Linux
X11 interface, Linux Client
restarting network services, Starting and Stopping Services
restarting your system, Starting and Stopping the System
restoring backups, Using the Linux Samba Client for File Backup and Recovery
restorrb program, Using the fips utility
Richie, Dennis, The origins of Linux
right mouse button, Copying and Pasting Text, Using Scrollbars
right-clicking (mouse), Pop-Up Menus, Desktop, Using the File Manager
RNG (modem indicator), Using seyon
root (user), Establising a root password, Mounting and Unmounting Drives, Installing X, The Package Management Tools
account for, Establishing a normal user account
root directory, The directory tree
root password, Establising a root password
routers (see gateways)
RTF file format, Running Applixware
RTS (modem indicator), Using seyon
running programs, Running programs
search path and, The Search Path


safety/security, specifying options for, Configuring global variables
Samba, Samba
Samba server
backups, Troubleshooting Samba
client configuration, Samba Client Configuration and Use
configuring, Configuring Samba
global variables, configuring, Configuring global variables, Configuring global variables
installing, Samba Server Installation, Installing the samba package
log entries about, Viewing System Messages and Logs
netbios name option, Configuring global variables
print share options for, Configuring global variables
printer share parameters, configuring, Configuring printer share parameters
resources for further information, Samba
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Samba
verifying operation of, Troubleshooting Samba
version of, viewing, Viewing Samba Server Status
viewing configuration, Managing Users and Passwords
viewing status of, Viewing Samba Server Status
workgroup option, Configuring global variables
savings changes (minicom program), Saving your changes
/sbin file, Commands and Arguments
ScanDisk utility, Using the fips utility
schedulers, Other Desktop Applications
StarSchedule, Running StarOffice
scientists, Linux at Home and at Work
screen options, configuring (minicom program), Configuring screen and keyboard options
screen output
viewing directories, Displaying directory contents
viewing files, Displaying the contents of a file
viewing tar files, Working with compressed files
screen savers, Using Virtual Consoles
GNOME control center, The GNOME Control Center
screens (see monitors)
script file for periscope shell script, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
scripts, Configuring filenames and paths, Running minicom
modifying standard, Shell Scripts
shell scripts, Shell Scripts, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
advanced, Understanding Shell Scripts
periscope, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script, Using periscope
standard included with Linux, Shell Scripts
scroll bars, Using Scrollbars
SCSI adapters
configuration information for, Information You Need
search engine for Linux information, Web Pages
search path, The Search Path, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
searching by keywords, Using apropos
secondary prompt, The if command
sectors, How Hard Disks are Organized
secure shell client, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server, Installing the ssh client and server package
secure shell server, Installing the ssh client and server package
configuring, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
secure shell client on, Using a Secure Server from a Remote System
mailing list information, The Debian Mailing Lists
passwords and, Creating a User Account
specifying options for, Configuring global variables
Select item (dselect program), Installing the Applications
self-test, Making a boot floppy
serial port, configuring (minicom program), Configuring the serial port
server administrator, email address of, The httpd.conf File
server daemons, Viewing Samba Server Status
server logs, web server, The httpd.conf File
Server Message Block (SMB), Samba
server processes (web server), The httpd.conf File
Linux as, PC Operating Systems, Linux Features and Performance
Samba (see Samba server)
SMB servers, Linux Client
webserver for Linux (see web server)
X server, configuring, Configuring X
list of, Starting and Stopping Services
permissions (web server), The access.conf file, The access.conf file
starting/stopping, Starting and Stopping Services
session awareness, GNOME
seyon program, Using seyon, Using seyon
installing, Installing the seyon package
running, Using seyon
sh shell, Configuring Access to Shells
shadow passwords, Configuring shadow passwords, Changing a User Account Password
shared printers, using, Microsoft Windows Client
shares (see browseable shares) (see entries at file shares) (see print shares)
Shares button (Samba server), Configuring file share parameters
shareware programs, Using the fips utility
shell accounts, Connecting to the Internet
accessing, Using minicom and seyon
shell aliases, Conquering the BASH Shell, Shell Aliases
shell commands, GNOME Terminal, Typing Shell Commands, Commands and Arguments
aliases for, Shell Aliases
shell prompt, Exiting dselect
shell scripts, Conquering the BASH Shell, Why Learn to Use the Shell?, Shell Scripts, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
advanced, Understanding Shell Scripts
periscope, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script, Using periscope
special charactes for, Typing Shell Commands
shell servers (see dial-in shell server) (see entries at secure shell server)
shell variables, Conquering the BASH Shell
list of, Shell Variables
value of, Shell Variables
shells, Configuring Access to Shells
assigned automatically, Configuring Access to Shells
available, Configuring Access to Shells
bash shell, Logging In
(see also BASH shell)
changing, Configuring Access to Shells
characters, special, Typing Shell Commands
exiting from new shell, Shell Scripts
MS-DOS shell, A Variety of Shells
programming languages and, Shell Variables
shell aliases, Conquering the BASH Shell
shell scripts, Conquering the BASH Shell
shell variables, Conquering the BASH Shell
system administrators and, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
Unix shell, A Variety of Shells
variables for, Shell Variables, Shell Variables, Processing Arguments
vs. Microsoft Windows operating system, Why Learn to Use the Shell?
Shortcut to boot.bat desktop icon, Booting from MS-DOS or Windows 9x
shortcuts, Working with links
shrinking partitions, Shrinking a partition
shutting down the X Window System, Terminating X
shutting down Windows 95/98, Booting the System
shutting down your system, Shutting Down the System, Starting and Stopping the System
single dot (.), Absolute and relative pathnames
single quote ('), Creating a directory, Quoted Strings
size (directory/file), Displaying directory contents
Slackware Linux, Linux distributions
slash (/), Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal, Configuring the sources.list File
pair of slashes (//), Configuring the sources.list File
Slashdot web site, Web Pages
SMB (Server Message Block), Samba
SMB clients, Other Clients, Using the Linux Samba Client for File Backup and Recovery
SMB servers, Configuring global variables, Linux Client
(see also Samba server)
SMB shared volume, Drives
smbd daemon, Samba Server Installation, Viewing Samba Server Status
smbprint script, Linux Client
Snes9X, A Survey of Linux Games
soft links, Working with links
software development, Linux Features and Performance
software distribution, How Linux is Different, Free software, Copyleft
Linux (see Linux distributions)
terms of, Copyleft
Software in the Public Interest, Inc., Linux distributions
sound cards, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
sounds (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
source form/code, How Linux is Different
source list, changing, Accessing the packages
sources, The Package Management Tools
sources.list file, Using apt-get, Configuring the sources.list File
space separating arguments/options, Command Structure
splitting partitions, Shrinking a partition, Using the fips utility
spreadsheets, Other Desktop Applications
Spreadsheets (Applixware), Running Applixware
srm.conf file, The srm.conf File, The srm.conf File
ssh client/server, installing, Installing the ssh client and server package
SSH Protocols, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
Stallman, Richard, Free software
Starcraft, Starcraft
StarDraw (StarOffice), Running StarOffice
StarImpress (StarOffice), Running StarOffice
StarOffice (Star Division), StarOffice, Running StarOffice
installing, Installing StarOffice, Installing Star Office
running, Running StarOffice
StarSchedule (StarOffice), Running StarOffice
Start menu (Windows 95/98), Pager
starting/stopping services, Starting and Stopping Services
starting/stopping the X Window System, Starting and Stopping X
starting/stopping your system, Starting and Stopping the System and Services, Starting and Stopping Services
StarWriter (StarOffice), Running StarOffice
Status button (swat tool), Viewing Samba Server Status
stderr, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
stdin, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
stdout, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
streams, Input/Output Redirection and Piping, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
subdirectories, Removing a directory
subnetworks (subnets), Introduction
Sun Microsystems, StarOffice
SunOS, The origins of Linux
SuSE. Linux, Linux distributions
swap filesystem, Configuring Local Drives
swap partitions, Partitioning a hard drive
activating/initializing, Initializing and activating a swap partition
configuring, Configuring Swap Partitions
swat tool, Configuring Samba, Installing the samba package
accessing, Configuring Samba
symbolic link, configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
symbolic links, Working with links, Installing X
system administration commands, Commands and Arguments
system BIOS, Information You Need
system buses, Motherboard
system clocks, Unix, Configuring the base system
system commands, Viewing System Information
System Properties dialog box, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows, Using the fips utility
system status
displaying, Issuing Commands
viewing information on, Viewing System Information
system use cycle, The System Use Cycle
System V, The origins of Linux
shell, Configuring Access to Shells
system, rebooting, Making a boot floppy


Tab keystroke, Typing Shell Commands
tab separating arguments/options, Command Structure
Tannenbaum, Andrew, The Linux kernel
tar files, Working with compressed files
creating, Working with compressed files
StarOffice, Installing StarOffice
tasks, Choosing Packages
TCP/IP, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
tcsh shell, Configuring Access to Shells
telnet vs. secure shell server, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
terminal windows, Terminal Windows
termination request for periscope shell script, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
TeX, Other Desktop Applications
text editor (Pico), Using the ae Editor
text editor, default (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
text-mode programs, Configuring X
TFP prompt, Testing the FTP Server
Thompson, Ken, The origins of Linux
thumbnails, Virtual Desktop
applet for (GNOME desktop), Date & time applet
displaying, Issuing Commands
setting, Configuring the base system, Setting the System Time and Time Zone
storing, Setting the System Time and Time Zone
Universal Time (GMT), Configuring the base system
time zone
selecting, Configuring the base system
setting, Setting the Time Zone
timeouts (web server), The httpd.conf File
token ring, Configuring the network
Torvalds, Linus, What is Linux?, The Linux kernel
tracks, How Hard Disks are Organized
Tridgell, Andrew, Samba
devices, Configuring device driver modules
Samba server, Troubleshooting Samba
system startup sequence, Viewing System Messages and Logs
Try button (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
ttssh remote client, Using a Secure Server from a Remote System
two dots (..), Absolute and relative pathnames
type (directories/files), Displaying directory contents


uncompressing/unzipping files, Working with compressed files
underscore (_), Creating a directory
uninstalling packages
dpkg management tool, Removing a Package
dselect management tool, Removing Packages
universal resource identifier (URI), Configuring the sources.list File
Universal Time (GMT), Configuring the base system
Universal Time (UTC), setting, Setting the Current System Date and Time
Unix, The origins of Linux, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
shell variables and, Shell Variables
shells used by Linux, A Variety of Shells
standard userid, The httpd.conf File
system clocks, Configuring the base system
devices, Configuring Swap Partitions
drives, Mounting and Unmounting Drives, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
floppy disks, Formatting Floppy Diskettes
until condition, The until command
Up key, Typing Shell Commands
Update step (dselect program), Installing the Applications
upgrading packages, The Debian Package Management Utilities, Installing the ssh client and server package
apt-get management tool, Upgrading Installed Packages
uploads, Configuring filenames and paths, Configuring file transfer protocols
URI (universal resource identifier), Configuring the sources.list File
advanced encryption, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
Apache, Configuration
Applixware, Applix Applixware
CD help, GNOME CD Player
Debian GNU/Linux web site, The Debian Web Site
Debian/GNU/Linux FAQ, FAQs
downloading, Installing Doom
Doom (game), DOOM
GNOME desktop, GNOME
GNOME desktop applets and applications, Using GNOME Applets and Applications
hardware requirements for Debian GNU/Linux, Minimum Hardware Requirements
id Software, DOOM
KDE desktop, KDE
Linux, Web Pages
Linux distributions, obtaining, Linux distributions
Linux games, A Survey of Linux Games
Linux Mall, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
mailing lists, The Debian Mailing Lists
Netscape Navigator, downloading, Installing Netscape Navigator
package management schemes, Packages
pronounciation of Linux, What is Linux?
Samba, Samba
secure shell client, Configuring a Dial-In Shell Server
secure shell server, Configuring a Secure Shell Server
Starcraft (game), Installing Starcraft
StarOffice, StarOffice
swat tool, Installing the samba package
USENET newsgroups, USENET Newsgroups
VMware, The VMware Virtual Platform
Voodoo acceleration, Installing the quake2 package
window managers, Window Managers
WINE emulation of Windows applications, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
WINE project, WINE
WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Corel WordPerfect for Linux
X11 interface, Linux Client
USENET newsgroups, USENET Newsgroups
user accounts
creating with no password, Creating a User Account
deleting, Deleting a User Account
establishing, Establishing a normal user account
user interface
controls, User-interface controls
for installation program, The Installation Program User Interface, Using virtual consoles
/usr/local/bin file, Commands and Arguments
userids, Logging In
FTP server, Testing the FTP Server
Samba server, Samba Server Installation, Managing Users and Passwords, Managing Users and Passwords
standard userid for Unix, The httpd.conf File
web server, The httpd.conf File
writing scripts for, Running minicom
changing, Changing a User’s Name
creating, Establishing a normal user account
accounts for, Establishing a normal user account
administering, User and Group Administration, Configuring Access to Shells
with Samba, Samba
authentication, Using wvdial, An FTP Server
changing their own password, Changing a User Account Password
displaying list of, Issuing Commands
managing (Samba server), Managing Users and Passwords, Managing Users and Passwords
permissions for, The access.conf file, The access.conf file
when mounting floppy disks, Configuring Local Drives
using smbprint scrip, Linux Client
/usr/bin filename, Commands and Arguments
/usr/doc directory, The access.conf file
/usr/doc/minicom/demos, Running minicom
/usr/doc/minicom/doc, Running minicom
/usr/sbin file, Commands and Arguments
UTC (Universal Time), setting, Setting the Current System Date and Time


/var/log/messages file, Viewing System Messages and Logs
variables for scripts, Processing Arguments
variables for shells, Shell Variables, Shell Variables
verifying newly created partitions , Using the fips utility
vertical refresh rate (xf86config), Configuring X
video adapters (see video cards)
video cards, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
configuration information for, Information You Need
configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
video modes
switching between, Switching Video Modes
View button (swat tool), Viewing Samba Server Configuration
viewing logs/messages, Viewing System Messages and Logs
viewing screen output
directories, Displaying directory contents
files, Displaying the contents of a file
tar files, Working with compressed files
viewing system status
commands for, Viewing System Information
virtual consoles, Mounting and Unmounting Drives
CD-ROM, mouting, Mounting the CD-ROM
switching to from the X Window System, Using Virtual Consoles with X
using, Using virtual consoles, Using Virtual Consoles
virtual desktops, Virtual Desktop, Pager
virtual hosts
establishing (web server), The httpd.conf File
web server, The httpd.conf File
virtual memory
disabling, Using the fips utility
enabling, Using the fips utility
virtual platforms, The VMware Virtual Platform
VMware for Linux, The VMware Virtual Platform
VMware for Windows NT, The VMware Virtual Platform
VMware, Inc., The VMware Virtual Platform
Volosuk, Ivan, Linux Client
Voodoo acceleration, Installing the quake2 package


WAN (Wide-Area Network), Linux-based, setting up, Setting Up a Linux-Based WAN, Installing the apache package
web browsers, Help viewer, Web Browser
caching documents and, The httpd.conf File
Netscape Navigator, Web Browser
problems with, The srm.conf File
web pages (see URLs)
web server
binding, The httpd.conf File
caching documents, The httpd.conf File
canonical URL, The httpd.conf File
child processes, The httpd.conf File
configuration files, Configuration, Startup and Use
access.conf file, The access.conf file, The access.conf file
httpd.conf file, The httpd.conf File, Startup and Use
srm.conf file, The srm.conf File, The srm.conf File
connections, persistent, The httpd.conf File
error file, The httpd.conf File
format names, The httpd.conf File
groups, The httpd.conf File
hostnames, The httpd.conf File
hosts, establishing, The httpd.conf File
installing/configuring, Testing the FTP Server, Startup and Use
IP address, The httpd.conf File
locking, The httpd.conf File
log files, The httpd.conf File
permissions, The access.conf file, The access.conf file
proxy server, The httpd.conf File
server logs, The httpd.conf File
server processes, The httpd.conf File
starting, Startup and Use
timeouts, The httpd.conf File
URL for, Startup and Use
userids, The httpd.conf File
using, Startup and Use
verifying operation, Startup and Use
virtual hosts, The httpd.conf File
while condition, The while command
Wide-Area Nework (WAN) (see WAN)
wildcards (MS-DOS), Filename Globbing
window managers, The X Window System, Using the X Window System, Window Managers, Enlightenment, Launching GNOME and Enlightenment, Using the File Manager
list of, Window Managers
selecting (GNOME control center), The GNOME Control Center
Windows 2000 Pro (beta)
running simultaneously with Linux, Other Approaches to Desktop Computing
Windows 3.1
running simultaneously with Linux, Other Approaches to Desktop Computing
Windows 95/98, PC Operating Systems, How Linux is Different, Linux Features and Performance, Using the fips utility
control panel, The GNOME Control Center
Explorer, File Manager
file/printer sharing, Samba
filesystem, Creating a directory
gathering information via, Collecting Configuration Information by Using Windows
MS-DOS prompt, Issuing Commands
notepad accessory, Using the ae Editor
running simultaneously with Linux, Other Approaches to Desktop Computing
shutting down, Booting the System
Start menu, Pager
taskbar, Panel
Windows applications
Microsoft Word, Linux at Home and at Work
running concurrently with Linux, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
WINE emulation and, Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
Windows Explorer, Shrinking a partition, Using the fips utility
Windows MS-DOS prompt, Viewing Partition Information, Issuing Commands, Terminal Windows
Windows NT, Linux at Home and at Work, PC Operating Systems, How Linux is Different, The Linux kernel
Windows partition, caution with, WINE
WINE (“WINE is not an emulator”), Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux, WINE, Playing Linux Games, A Survey of Linux Games, Starcraft
installing, Installing the Mesa and WINE packages
word processors, Linux at Home and at Work, Other Desktop Applications
StarWriter, StarOffice, Running StarOffice
Word (Applixware), Running Applixware
WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Running StarOffice, Running WordPerfect for Linux
wordcount, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
WordPerfect for Linux (Corel), Corel WordPerfect for Linux, Running WordPerfect for Linux
installing, Installing WordPerfect for Linux, Installing WordPerfect for Linux
running, Running WordPerfect for Linux
Words (Applixware), Running Applixware
workgroup option (Samba server), Configuring global variables
working directory, Home and working directories, Displaying the working directory
WS-FTP (Microsoft Windows), gFTP FTP client
wvdial program, Connecting to the Internet, Using wvdial, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
installing, Installing the wvdial package


X Consortium, The X Window System, What is X?
X server, configuring with xf86config, Configuring X
X Window System, The X Window System, What is X?
caution when configuring, Installing X
installing, Installing X
starting, Starting and Stopping X
startup files, Launching GNOME and Enlightenment
stopping, Starting and Stopping X
switching to virtual consoles, Using Virtual Consoles with X
terminating, Terminating X
using, Using the X Window System
X servers, Chapter 5
X-related packages, Chapter 5
X11 interface, Linux Client
xf86config, Configuring X, Configuring X
XFree86 package, What is X?
XFree86 Project, What is X?
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