Chapter 11. Network Programming with Sockets and RMI

The network is the soul of Java. Most of what is new and exciting about Java centers around the potential for new kinds of dynamic, networked applications. In this chapter, we’ll start our discussion of the package, which contains the fundamental classes for communications and working with networked resources. We’ll also talk about the java.rmi package, which provides Java’s powerful, high-level, Remote Method Invocation facilities.

The classes of fall into two categories: the sockets API and tools for working with Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). Figure 11.1 shows the package.

The package

Figure 11-1. The package

Java’s sockets API provides access to the standard network protocols used for communications between hosts on the Internet. Sockets are the mechanism underlying all other kinds of portable networked communications. Sockets are a low-level tool—you can use sockets for any kind of communications between client and server server or peer applications on the Net, but you have to implement your own application-level protocols for handling and interpreting the data. Higher-level networking tools, like remote method invocation and other distributed object systems, are implemented on top of sockets.

Java remote method invocation (RMI) is a powerful tool that leverages Java object serialization, allowing you to transparently work with objects on remote machines as if they were local. With RMI it is easy to write distributed applications in which clients and servers work with each other’s data as full-fledged Java objects, rather than streams or packets of data.

In this chapter, we’ll provide some simple and practical examples of Java network programming at both levels, using sockets and RMI. In the next chapter, we’ll look at the other half of the package, which works with URLs, content handlers, and protocol handlers; we’ll also cover servlets, which allow you to write application components for web servers.


Sockets are a low-level programming interface for networked communications. They send streams of data between applications that may or may not be on the same host. Sockets originated in BSD Unix and are, in other languages, hairy and complicated things with lots of small parts that can break off and choke little children. The reason for this is that most socket APIs can be used with almost any kind of underlying network protocol. Since the protocols that transport data across the network can have radically different features, the socket interface can be quite complex.[37]

Java supports a simplified object-oriented interface to sockets that makes network communications considerably easier. If you have done network programming using sockets in C or another structured language, you should be pleasantly surprised at how simple things can be when objects encapsulate the gory details. If this is the first time you’ve come across sockets, you’ll find that talking to another application over the network can be as simple as reading a file or getting user input from a terminal. Most forms of I/O in Java, including most network I/O, use the stream classes described in Chapter 10. Streams provide a unified I/O interface; reading or writing across the Internet is similar to reading or writing a file on the local system.

Java provides different kinds of sockets to support three different distinct classes of underlying protocols. In this first section, we’ll look at Java’s basic Socket class, which uses a connection-oriented protocol. A connection-oriented protocol gives you the equivalent of a telephone conversation; after establishing a connection, two applications can send data back and forth—the connection stays in place even when no one is talking. The protocol ensures that no data is lost and that whatever you send always arrives in order that you sent it. In the next section, we’ll look at the DatagramSocket class, which uses a connectionless protocol. A connectionless protocol is more like the postal service. Applications can send short messages to each other, but no end-to-end connection is set up in advance and no attempt is made to keep the messages in order. It is not even guaranteed that the messages will arrive at all. A MulticastSocket is a variation of a DatagramSocket that can be used to send data to multiple recipients (multicasting). Working with multicast sockets is very much like working with datagram sockets. However, multicasting is not widely supported across the Internet at this time, so we will not cover it here.

Again, in theory, just about any protocol family can be used underneath the socket layer: Novell’s IPX, Apple’s AppleTalk, even the old ChaosNet protocols. But in practice, there’s only one protocol family people care about on the Internet, and only one protocol family Java supports: the Internet Protocol, IP. The Socket class speaks TCP, and the DatagramSocket class speaks UDP, both standard Internet protocols. These protocols are generally available on any system that is connected to the Internet.

Clients and Servers

When writing network applications, it’s common to talk about clients and servers. The distinction is increasingly vague, but the side that initiates the conversation is usually considered the client . The side that accepts the request to talk is usually the server . In the case where there are two peer applications using sockets to talk, the distinction is less important, but for simplicity we’ll use this definition.

For our purposes, the most important difference between a client and a server is that a client can create a socket to initiate a conversation with a server application at any time, while a server must prepare to listen for incoming conversations in advance. The class represents one side of an individual socket connection on both the client and server. In addition, the server uses the class to listen for connections from clients. An application (or thread) acting as a server creates a ServerSocket object and waits, blocked in a call to its accept( ) method, until a connection arrives. When it does, the accept( ) method creates a Socket object the server uses to communicate with the client. A server may carry on conversations with multiple clients at once; in this case there will still be only a single ServerSocket but the server will have multiple Socket objects—one associated with each client, as shown in Figure 11.2.

Clients and servers, Sockets and ServerSockets

Figure 11-2. Clients and servers, Sockets and ServerSockets

A client needs two pieces of information to locate and connect to another server on the Internet: a hostname (used to find the host’s network address) and a port number. The port number is an identifier that differentiates between multiple clients or servers on the same host. A server application listens on a prearranged port while waiting for connections. Clients select the port number assigned to the service they want to access. If you think of the host computers as hotels and the applications as guests, then the ports are like the guests’ room numbers. For one person to call another, he or she must know the other party’s hotel name and room number.


A client application opens a connection to a server by constructing a Socket that specifies the hostname and port number of the desired server:

try {  
    Socket sock = new Socket("", 25);  
catch ( UnknownHostException e ) {  
    System.out.println("Can't find host.");  
catch ( IOException e ) {  
    System.out.println("Error connecting to host.");  

This code fragment attempts to connect a Socket to port 25 (the SMTP mail service) of the host The client handles the possibility that the hostname can’t be resolved (UnknownHostException) and that it might not be able to connect to it (IOException). As an alternative to using a hostname, you can provide a string version of the host’s IP address:

Socket sock = new Socket("", 25);

Once a connection is made, input and output streams can be retrieved with the Socket getInputStream( ) and getOutputStream( ) methods. The following (rather arbitrary) code sends and receives some data with the streams:

try {  
    Socket server = new Socket("", 1234);  
    InputStream in = server.getInputStream( );  
    OutputStream out = server.getOutputStream( );  
    // write a byte  
    // write a newline or carriage return delimited string 
    PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter( out, true );  
    // read a byte  
    byte back = (byte) );  
    // read a newline or carriage return delimited string  
    BufferedReader bin = 
      new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) ); 
    String response = bin.readLine( );  
    // send a serialized Java object 
    ObjectOutputStream oout = new ObjectOutputStream( out ); 
    oout.writeObject( new java.util.Date( ) ); 
    oout.flush( ); 
    server.close( );  
catch (IOException e ) { ... }

In this exchange, the client first creates a Socket for communicating with the server. The Socket constructor specifies the server’s hostname ( and a prearranged port number (1234). Once the connection is established, the client writes a single byte to the server using the OutputStream ’s write( ) method. It then wraps a PrintWriter around the OutputStream in order to send a string of text more easily. Next, it performs the complementary operations: reading a byte from the server using InputStream ’s read( ) and then creating a BufferedReader from which to get a full string of text. Finally, we do something really funky and send a serialized Java object to the server, using an ObjectOutputStream . (We’ll talk in depth about sending serialized objects later in this chapter.) The client then terminates the connection with the close( ) method. All these operations have the potential to generate IOExceptions; the catch clause is where our application would deal with these.


After a connection is established, a server application uses the same kind of Socket object for its side of the communications. However, to accept a connection from a client, it must first create a ServerSocket, bound to the correct port. Let’s re-create the previous conversation from the server’s point of view:

// meanwhile, on  
try {  
    ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket( 1234 );  
    while ( !finished ) {  
        Socket client = listener.accept( );  // wait for connection
        InputStream in = client.getInputStream( );  
        OutputStream out = client.getOutputStream( );  
        // read a byte  
        byte someByte = (byte) );  
        // read a newline or carriage-return-delimited string  
        BufferedReader bin = 
          new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) ); 
        String someString = bin.readLine( );  
        // write a byte  
        // say goodbye 
        PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter( out, true );  
        // read a serialized Java object 
        ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream( in ); 
        Date date = (Date)oin.readObject( ); 
        client.close( );  
    listener.close( );  
catch (IOException e ) { ... }
catch (ClassNotFoundException e2 ) { ... }

First, our server creates a ServerSocket attached to port 1234. On some systems, there are rules about what ports an application can use. Port numbers below 1024 are usually reserved for system processes and standard, well-known services, so we pick a port number outside of this range. The ServerSocket need be created only once; thereafter we can accept as many connections as arrive.

Next we enter a loop, waiting for the accept( ) method of the ServerSocket to return an active Socket connection from a client. When a connection has been established, we perform the server side of our dialog, then close the connection and return to the top of the loop to wait for another connection. Finally, when the server application wants to stop listening for connections altogether, it calls the close( ) method of the ServerSocket.

This server is single-threaded; it handles one connection at a time, not calling accept( ) to listen for a new connection until it’s finished with the current connection. A more realistic server would have a loop that accepts connections concurrently and passes them off to their own threads for processing. (Our tiny web server example later in this chapter will do just this.)

Sockets and security

The previous examples presuppose that the client has permission to connect to the server, and that the server is allowed to listen on the specified socket. This is not always the case. Specifically, applets and other untrusted applications run under the auspices of a SecurityManager that can impose arbitrary restrictions on what hosts they may or may not talk to, and whether or not they can listen for connections.

The security policy imposed on applets by the SDK appletviewer and the current version of Netscape allows untrusted applets to open socket connections only to the host that served them. That is, they can talk back only to the server from which their class files were retrieved. Untrusted applets are not allowed to open server sockets themselves. Now, this doesn’t mean that an untrusted applet can’t cooperate with its server to communicate with anyone, anywhere. The applet’s server could run a proxy that lets the applet communicate indirectly with anyone it likes. What this security policy prevents is malicious applets roaming around inside corporate firewalls, making connections to trusted services. It places the burden of security on the originating server, and not the client machine. Restricting access to the originating server limits the usefulness of “trojan” applications that do annoying things from the client side. (You probably won’t let your proxy mail-bomb people, because you’ll be blamed.)

While fully trusted code and applications that are run without any security manager can perform any kind of activities, the default security policy that comes with SDK 1.2 and later dissallows most network access. So if you are going to run your application under the default security manager (using the option on the command line or by manually installing the security manager within your application) you will have to modify the policy file to grant the appropriate permissions to your code. (See Section 3.2 in Chapter 3.)

The following policy file fragment sets the socket permissions to allow connections to or from any host, on any nonprivileged port:

grant { 
    "*:1024-", "listen,accept,connect";

When starting the Java interpreter, you can install the security manager and use this file (call it mysecurity.policy):

java MyApplication

The DateAtHost Client

Many networked workstations run a time service that dispenses their local clock time on a well-known port. This was a precursor of NTP, the more general Network Time Protocol. In the next example, DateAtHost, we’ll make a specialized subclass of java.util.Date that fetches the time from a remote host instead of initializing itself from the local clock. (See Chapter 9, for a complete discussion of the Date class.)

DateAtHost connects to the time service (port 37) and reads four bytes representing the time on the remote host. These four bytes are interpreted as an integer representing the number of seconds since the beginning of the 20th century. DateAtHost converts this to Java’s variant of the absolute time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970, a date that should be familiar to Unix users). The conversion first creates a long value, which is the unsigned equivalent of the integer time. It subtracts an offset to make the time relative to the epoch ( January 1, 1970) rather than the century, and multiplies by 1000 to convert to milliseconds. It then uses the converted time to initialize itself:

public class DateAtHost extends java.util.Date { 
    static int timePort = 37; 
    // seconds from start of 20th century to Jan 1, 1970 00:00 GMT
    static final long offset = 2208988800L;  

    public DateAtHost( String host ) throws IOException { 
        this( host, timePort ); 
    public DateAtHost( String host, int port ) throws IOException {
        Socket server = new Socket( host, port ); 
        DataInputStream din =
          new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream( ) ); 
        int time = din.readInt( ); 
        server.close( ); 
        setTime( (((1L << 32) + time) - offset) * 1000 ); 

That’s all there is to it. It’s not very long, even with a few frills. We have supplied two possible constructors for DateAtHost. Normally we’d expect to use the first, which simply takes the name of the remote host as an argument. The second constructor specifies the hostname and the port number of the remote time service. (If the time service were running on a nonstandard port, we would use the second constructor to specify the alternate port number.) This second constructor does the work of making the connection and setting the time. The first constructor simply invokes the second (using the this( ) construct) with the default port as an argument. Supplying simplified constructors that invoke their siblings with default arguments is a common and useful technique; that is the only reason we’ve shown it here.

The second constructor opens a socket to the specified port on the remote host. It creates a DataInputStream to wrap the input stream and then reads a four-byte integer using the readInt( ) method. It’s no coincidence that the bytes are in the right order. Java’s DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes work with the bytes of integer types in network byte order (most significant to least significant). The time protocol (and other standard network protocols that deal with binary data) also uses the network byte order, so we don’t need to call any conversion routines. Explicit data conversions would probably be necessary if we were using a nonstandard protocol, especially when talking to a non-Java client or server. In that case we’d have to read byte by byte and do some rearranging to get our four-byte value. After reading the data, we’re finished with the socket, so we close it, terminating the connection to the server. Finally, the constructor initializes the rest of the object by calling Date’s setTime( ) method with the calculated time value.

The DateAtHost class can work with a time retrieved from a remote host almost as easily as Date is used with the time on the local host. The only additional overhead is that we have to deal with the possible IOException that can be thrown by the DateAtHost constructor:

try {  
    Date d = new DateAtHost( "" );  
    System.out.println( "The time over there is: " + d );  
catch ( IOException e ) { ... }

This example fetches the time at the host and prints its value.

The TinyHttpd Server

Have you ever wanted your very own web server? Well, you’re in luck. In this section, we’re going to build TinyHttpd, a minimal but functional HTTP daemon. TinyHttpd listens on a specified port and services simple HTTP “get file” requests. They look something like this:

GET /path/filename [ optional stuff ]

Your web browser sends one or more of these requests for each document it retrieves from a web server. Upon reading a request, our server will attempt to open the specified file and send its contents. If that document contains references to images or other items to be displayed inline, the browser continues with additional GET requests. For best performance TinyHttpd services each request in its own thread. Therefore, TinyHttpd can service several requests concurrently.

Over and above the limitations imposed by its simplicity, TinyHttpd suffers from the limitations imposed by the fickleness of filesystem access in Java. It’s important to remember that file pathnames are still somewhat architecture-dependent—as is the concept of a filesystem to begin with. This example should work, as is, on Unix and DOS-like systems, but may require some customizations to account for differences on other platforms. It’s possible to write slightly more elaborate code that uses the environmental information provided by Java to tailor itself to the local system. (Chapter 10 gives some hints about how.)


Unless run with the security manager, the next example will serve files from your host without protection. Don’t try this at work.

Now, without further ado, here’s TinyHttpd:

import java.util.*; 
public class TinyHttpd {  
  public static void main( String argv[] ) throws IOException { 
    ServerSocket ss =
        new ServerSocket( Integer.parseInt(argv[0]) );
    while ( true ) 
      new TinyHttpdConnection( ss.accept() ).start( ); 
} // end of class TinyHttpd
class TinyHttpdConnection extends Thread { 
  Socket client; 
  TinyHttpdConnection ( Socket client ) throws SocketException { 
    this.client = client; 
    setPriority( NORM_PRIORITY - 1 ); 
  public void run( ) { 
    try { 
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(  
        new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream( ), "8859_1" ));
      OutputStream out = client.getOutputStream( ); 
      PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter(  
        new OutputStreamWriter(out, "8859_1"), true ); 
      String request = in.readLine( ); 
      System.out.println( "Request: "+request ); 
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( request ); 
      if ( (st.countTokens( ) >= 2)
            && st.nextToken( ).equals("GET") ) {
        if ( (request = st.nextToken( )).startsWith("/") ) 
          request = request.substring( 1 ); 
        if ( request.endsWith("/") || request.equals("") ) 
          request = request + "index.html"; 
        try {  
          FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( request ); 
          byte [] data = new byte [ fis.available( ) ]; 
 data ); 
          out.write( data ); 
          out.flush( ); 
        } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { 
          pout.println( "404 Object Not Found" ); } 
      } else  
        pout.println( "400 Bad Request" ); 
      client.close( ); 
    } catch ( IOException e ) { 
      System.out.println( "I/O error " + e ); } 

Compile TinyHttpd and place it in your class path, as described in Chapter 3. Go to a directory with some interesting documents and start the daemon, specifying an unused port number as an argument. For example:

% java TinyHttpd 1234

You should now be able to use your web browser to retrieve files from your host. You’ll have to specify the port number you chose in the URL. For example, if your hostname is, and you started the server as shown, you could reference a file as in:

TinyHttpd looks for files relative to its current directory, so the pathnames you provide should be relative to that location. Retrieved some files? (Did you notice that when you retrieved an HTML file your web browser automatically generated more requests for items like images that were contained within it?) Let’s take a closer look.

The TinyHttpd application has two classes. The public TinyHttpd class contains the main( ) method of our standalone application. It begins by creating a ServerSocket, attached to the specified port. It then loops, waiting for client connections and creating instances of the second class, a TinyHttpdConnection thread, to service each request. The while loop waits for the ServerSocket accept( ) method to return a new Socket for each client connection. The Socket is passed as an argument to construct the TinyHttpdConnection thread that handles it.

TinyHttpdConnection is a subclass of Thread. It lives long enough to process one client connection and then dies. TinyHttpdConnection’s constructor does two things. After saving the Socket argument for its caller, it adjusts its priority. By lowering its priority to NORM_PRIORITY-1 ( just below the default priority), we ensure that the threads servicing established connections won’t block TinyHttpd’s main thread from accepting new requests. (On a time-slicing system, this is less important.) After our object is constructed, its start( ) method is invoked to bring the run( ) method to life.

The body of TinyHttpdConnection’s run( ) method is where all the magic happens. First, we fetch an OutputStream for talking back to our client. The second line reads the GET request from the InputStream into the variable req. This request is a single newline-terminated String that looks like the GET request we described earlier. For this we use a BufferedInputStream wrapped around an InputStreamReader. (We’ll say more about the InputStreamReader in a moment.)

We then parse the contents of req to extract a filename. The next few lines are a brief exercise in string manipulation. We create a StringTokenizer and make sure there are at least two tokens. Using nextToken( ), we take the first token and make sure it’s the word GET. (If both conditions aren’t met, we have an error.) Then we take the next token (which should be a filename), assign it to req, and check whether it begins with a forward slash. If so, we use substring( ) to strip the first character, giving us a filename relative to the current directory. If it doesn’t begin with a forward slash, the filename is already relative to the current directory. Finally, we check to see if the requested filename looks like a directory name (i.e., ends in a slash) or is empty. In these cases, we append the familiar default filename index.html as a convenience.

Once we have the filename, we try to open the specified file and load its contents into a large byte array. If all goes well, we write the data out to the client on the OutputStream. If we can’t parse the request or the file doesn’t exist, we wrap our OutputStream with a PrintStream to make it easier to send a textual message. Then we return an appropriate HTTP error message. Finally, we close the socket and return from run( ), removing our Thread.

Do French web servers speak French?

In TinyHttpd, we explicitly created the InputStreamReader for our BufferedRead and the OutputStreamWriter for our PrintWriter. We do this so that we can specify the character encoding to use when converting to and from the byte representation of the HTTP protocol messages. (Note that we’re not talking about the body of the file we will be sending—that is simply a stream of raw bytes to us; rather we’re talking here about the GET and response messages.) If we didn’t specify, we’d get the default character encoding for the local system. For many purposes that may be correct, but in this case we are speaking of a well-defined international protocol, and we should be specific. The RFC for HTTP specifies that web clients and servers should use the ISO8859-1 character encoding. We specify this encoding explicitly when we construct the InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter. Now as it turns out, ISO8859-1 is just plain ASCII and conversion to and from Unicode should always leave ASCII values unchanged, so again we would probably not be in any trouble if we we did not specify an encoding. But it’s important to think about these things at least once—and now you have.

Taming the daemon

An important problem with TinyHttpd is that there are no restrictions on the files it will serve. With a little trickery, the daemon will happily send any file in your filesystem to the client. It would be nice if we could enforce the restriction that TinyHttpd serve only files that are in the current working directory or a subdirectory, as it normally does. An easy way to do this is to activate the Java Security Manager. Normally, a security manager is used to prevent Java code downloaded over the Net from doing anything suspicious. However, the security manager will serve nicely to restrict file access in our application as well.

You can use a policy like the simple one that we provided in the section “Sockets and security” earlier in this chapter; it allows the server to accept connections on a specified range of sockets. As a happy bonus, the default file access security policy does just what we want: allows an application access to files in its current working directory and subdirectories. So simply installing the security manager will provide exactly the kind of file protection that we wanted in this case. (It would be easy to add additional permissions if you wish to extend the server’s range to other well-defined areas.)

With the security manager in place, the daemon will not be able to access anything that isn’t within the current directory or a subdirectory. If it tries to, the security manager throws an exception and prevents access to the file. In that case, we should have TinyHttpd catch the SecurityException and return a proper message to the web browser. Add the following catch clause after the FileNotFoundException’s catch clause:

} catch ( Security Exception e ) {
    pout.println("403 Forbidden");

Room for improvement

TinyHttpd still has quite a bit of room for improvement. First, it consumes a lot of memory by allocating a huge array to read the entire contents of the file all at once. A more realistic implementation would use a buffer and send large amounts of data in several passes. Reading and sending the data iteratively would also allow us to handle the contingency where the first read does not return all of the data. In practice, this will not happen when reading from files, but the possibility is left open by the API and a responsible application should handle it. Finally, TinyHttpd is of course not fully compliant with the HTTP 1.0 protocol, but only implements a rudimentary portion of the GET command. A modern web server would expect and send additional “meta” information about the requested file in HTTP header text. As an additional convenience, it wouldn’t be hard to add a few lines of code to read directories and generate linked HTML listings as most web servers do. Have fun with this example and you can learn quite a bit!

Socket Options

The Java sockets API is a simplified interface to the general socket mechanisms. In a C environment, where all of the gory details of the network are visible to you, a lot of complex and sometimes esoteric options can be set on sockets to govern the behavior of the underlying protocols. Java gives us access to a few of the important ones. We’ll refer to them by their C language names so that you can recognize them in other networking books.


The SO_TIMEOUT option sets a timer on all I/O methods of a socket that block so that you don’t have to wait forever if they don’t return. This works for operations such as accept( ) on server sockets and read( ) or write( ) on all sockets. If the timer expires before the operation would complete, an InterruptedIOException is thrown. You can catch the exception and continue to use the socket normally if it is appropriate, or you can take the opportunity to bail out of the operation. Servers should use this sort of technique for their “shutdown” logic:

serverSocket.setSoTimeout( 2000 ); // 2 seconds

while ( !shutdown ) {
    try {
        Socket client = serverSocket.accept( );
        handleClient( client );
    } catch ( InterruptedIOException e ) {
        // ignore the exception
    // exit

You set the timer by calling the setSoTimeout( ) method of the Socket class with the timeout period, in milliseconds, as an int argument. This works for regular Sockets and ServerSockets (TCP) and DatagramSockets (UDP), which we’ll discuss in the next section.

To find out the current timeout value, call getSoTimeout( ) .


This option turns off a feature of TCP called Nagle’s algorithm, which tries to prevent certain interactive applications from flooding the network with very tiny packets. Turn this off if you have a fast network and you want all packets sent as soon as possible. The Socket setTcpNoDelay( ) method takes a boolean argument specifying whether the delay is on or off.

To find out whether the TCP_NODELAY option is enabled, call getTcpNoDelay( ) , which returns a boolean.


This option controls what happens to any unsent data when you perform a close( ) on an active socket connection. Normally the system tries to deliver any network buffered data and close the connection gracefully. The setSoLinger( ) method of the Socket class takes two arguments: a boolean that enables or disables the option, and an int that sets the “linger” value, in seconds. If you set the linger value to 0, any unsent data is discarded, and the TCP connection is aborted (terminated with a reset).

To find out the current linger value, call getSoLinger( ).


This option can be enabled with the setKeepAlive( ) method. It triggers a feature of TCP that polls the other side every two hours if there is no other activity. Normally, when there is no data flowing on a TCP connection, no packets are sent at all. This can make it difficult to tell the difference between the other side simply being quiet and having disappeared. If one side of the connection closes it properly, this will be detected. But if the other side simply disappears, we will not know unless and until we try to talk to them. For this reason, servers often use this feature to detect lost client connections (where they might otherwise only respond to requests, rather than initiate them). Keepalive is not part of the TCP specification; it’s an add-on that’s not guaranteed to be implemented everywhere. If you have the option, the best way to be sure of detecting lost clients is to implement the polling as part of your own protocol.

“Half Close”

In TCP, it is technically possible to close one direction of a stream but not the other. In other words, you can shut down sending but not receiving, or vice versa. A few protocols use this to indicate the end of a client request by closing the client side of the stream, allowing the end of stream to be detected by the server. You can shut down either half of a socket connection with shutdownOutput( ) or shutdownInput( ).

Proxies and Firewalls

Many networks are behind firewalls, which prevent applications from opening direct socket connections to the outside network. Instead, they provide a service called SOCKS (named for sockets) that serves as a proxy server for socket connections, giving the administrators more control over what connections are allowed.

Java has built-in support for SOCKS. All you have to do is set some system properties in your application (in an applet, this should be already taken care of for you, since you wouldn’t have authority to set those properties). Here’s a list of the properties that configure Java to use a proxy server:


A boolean (true or false) indicating whether to use the proxy


The proxy server name


The proxy port number

You can set these properties on the command line using the Java interpreter’s -D option or by calling the System.setProperty( ) method. The following command runs MyProgram using the proxy server at on port 1234:

% java -Dhttp.proxySet=true  
    -Dhttp.proxyPort=1234 MyProgram

In SDK 1.0.2, the names didn’t have the http. prefix. SDK 1.1 and later checks for the new names and then the old names. If the firewall does not allow any outside socket connections, your applet or application may still be able to communicate with the outside world by using HTTP to send and receive data. See Chapter 12, for an example of how to perform an HTTP POST.

[37] For a discussion of sockets in general, see Unix Network Programming, by Richard Stevens (Prentice- Hall). For a complete discussion of network programming in Java, see Java Network Programming, by Elliotte Rusty Harold (O’Reilly & Associates).

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