Connecting to Azure Storage using Azure Storage Explorer

Once Azure Storage Explorer is installed, and you have opened it, you will be prompted to specify how you want to connect to your storage.

There are three ways to connect:

  • Add an Azure account, specifying Azure environment (Azure, Azure China, Azure Germany, Azure US Government, Azure Stack)
  • Use a connection string or shared access signature URI
  • Use the storage account name and key

To connect to the storage in an Azure account perform the following steps:

  1. Select the first option, then click on Sign in..., as demonstrated in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.26: Connect to Azure Storage
  1. Once you've clicked on Sign in..., you will be prompted to enter your Azure account credentials.
  2. Then, navigate to Manage accounts to specify the subscription/s you want to manage, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.27: Navigate to manage accounts
  1. Once navigated, you need to specify the subscriptions, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.28: Selecting the subscriptions
  1. Then, the storage accounts that exist in that subscription will be displayed, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.29: Storage accounts that exist in the subscription that has been selected
  1. You can also connect to Azure Cosmos DB Accounts (Preview), as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.30: Connect to Azure Cosmos DB
  1. Next, you need to select the API (DocumentDB, Table, Graph, MongoDB) and enter its connection string, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.31: Selecting the API
For more information about Cosmos DB, you can check the following link:
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