
In this chapter, we have discussed about building a WCF server application. Then we looked at building an MVC application that interfaces into a WCF client to communicate with the WCF server.

We extended the MVC-WCF example by constructing sagas and message handlers in a unit testing environment. We then moved onto led into unit testing sagas and message handlers as we discussed testing using the NServiceBus.Testing framework.

We took a deep dive into our example after adding WCF, and later added the bus to decouple the browser from services like WCF so as to enable the user to continue in the browser. This chapter also took into account the errors that could occur in web services.

We then took the example and changed the transport mechanism from MSMQ to RabbitMQ with minor changes. We discussed in testing how we can change sagas and message handlers to be similar, and also discussed how we can change them enough to enhance their use. We also briefly discussed the many NServiceBus testing rules to build the handlers in the unit testing environment, without worrying about the endpoints until later.

We will continue in the upcoming chapters to go through more snippets and scenarios. We will also go into greater detail about using handlers for transactional and error handling needs. We will also talk further about using tools in these upcoming discussions.

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