Chapter 7. SciPy for Computational Geometry

In this chapter, we will be covering the fundamentals of SciPy to develop programs in this very specialized topic: Computational Geometry. Two examples will be used to illustrate the use of SciPy functions in this area. To be able to profit from the first example, you might want to have handy a copy of Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications Third Edition, de Berg M., Cheong O., van Kreveld M., and Overmars M., Springer Publishing. The second example, on which the Finite Element Method is used to solve a two-dimensional problem involving the numerical solution of the Laplace Equation, could be followed without trouble with knowledge on the topic described in Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Ottosen N. S. and Petersson H., Prentice Hall.

Let's start by covering the routines in the scipy.spatial module that deal with the construction of triangulations of points in spaces of any dimension, and the corresponding convex hulls.

The procedure is simple; given a set of m points in the n-dimensional space (which we represent as an m x n NumPy array), we create the scipy.spatial class Delaunay, containing a triangulation formed by those points:

>>> import scipy.stats 
>>> import scipy.spatial 
>>> data = scipy.stats.randint.rvs(0.4,10,size=(10,2))
>>> triangulation = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(data)

Any Delaunay class has the basic search attributes such as points (to obtain the set of points in the triangulation), vertices (that offer the indices of vertices forming simplices in the triangulation), neighbors (for the indices of neighbor simplices of each simplex—with the convention that "-1" indicates no neighbor for simplices at the boundary).

More advanced attributes, for example, convex_hull, indicate the indices of the vertices that form the convex hull of the given points. If we desire to search for the simplices that share a given vertex, we may do so with the vertex_to_simplex method. If, instead, we desire to locate the simplices that contain any given point in the space, we do so with the find_simplex method.

At this stage we would like to point out the intimate relationship between triangulations and Voronoi diagrams, and offer a simple coding exercise. Let us start by first choosing a random set of points, and obtaining the corresponding triangulation:

>>> from numpy.random import RandomState
>>> rv = RandomState(123456789)
>>> locations = rv.randint(0, 511, size=(2,8))
>>> triangulation=scipy.spatial.Delaunay(locations.T)

We may use the matplotlib.pyplot routine triplot to obtain a graphical representation of this triangulation. We first need to obtain the set of computed simplices. Delaunay offers us this set, but by means of the indices of the vertices instead of their coordinates. We, thus, need to map these indices to actual points before feeding the set of simplices to the triplot routine:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
>>> assign_vertex = lambda index: triangulation.points[index]
>>> triangle_set = map(assign_vertex, triangulation.vertices)

We will now obtain the edge map of the Voronoi diagram in a similar fashion as we did before (this time using the scipy.spatial.Voronoi module), and plot it together with the triangulation. This is done by the following lines of code:

>>> voronoiSet=scipy.spatial.Voronoi(locations.T)
>>> scipy.spatial.voronoi_plot_2d(voronoiSet)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> thefig = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
>>> scipy.spatial.voronoi_plot_2d(voronoiSet, ax=thefig)
>>> plt.triplot(locations[1], locations[0], triangles=triangle_set, color='r')

Let's take a look at the following xlim() command:

>>> plt.xlim((0,550))

The output is shown as follows:

 (0, 550)

Now, let's take a look at following ylim() command:

>>> plt.ylim((0,550))

The output is shown as follows:

 (0, 550)

We now plot the edge map of the Voronoi diagram together with triangulation in the following command:


The output is shown as follows:

SciPy for Computational Geometry

Note how the triangulation and the corresponding Voronoi diagrams are dual of each other; each edge in the triangulation (red) is perpendicular with an edge in the Voronoi diagram (white). How should we use this observation to code an actual Voronoi diagram for a cloud of points? The actual Voronoi diagram is the set of vertices and edges that composes it.

Let us finish this chapter with two applications of scientific computing that use these techniques extensively, in combination with routines from other SciPy modules.

The structural model of oxides

In this example, we will cover the extraction of the structural model of a molecule of a bronze-type Niobium oxide, from HAADF-STEM micrographs (further background on this topic can be found in Chapter 5, High-Quality Image Formation by Nonlocal Means Applied to High-Angle Annular Dark-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HAADF--STEM) of the book Modeling Nanoscale Imaging in Electron Microscopy, Vogt T., Dahmen W., and Binev P., Springer Publishing.

The following diagram shows the HAADF-STEM micrograph of a bronze-type Niobium oxide (taken from

The structural model of oxides

Courtesy: ETH Zurich

For pedagogical purposes, we took the following approach to solving this problem:

  • Segmentation of the atoms by thresholding and morphological operations.
  • Connected component labeling to extract each single atom for posterior examination.
  • Computation of the centers of mass of each label identified as an atom. This presents us with a lattice of points in the plane that shows a first insight in the structural model of the oxide.
  • Computation of the Voronoi diagram of the previous lattice of points. The combination of information with the output of the previous step will lead us to a decent (approximation of the actual) structural model of our sample.

Let us proceed in this direction.

Once retrieved and saved in the current working directory, our HAADF-STEM images will be read in python and stored by default (depending on your computer architecture) as big matrices with float32 or float64 precision. For this project, it is enough to retrieve some tools from the scipy.ndimage module, and some procedures from the matplotlib library. The preamble then looks like the following code:

>>> import numpy
>>> import scipy
>>> from scipy.ndimage import *
>>> from scipy.misc import imfilter
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import as cm

The image is loaded with the imread(filename) command. This stores the image as a numpy.array with dtype = float32. Notice that the image is rescaled so that the maxima and minima are 1.0 and 0.0, respectively. Other interesting information about the image can be retrieved as follows:

>>> img=imread('./NbW-STEM.png')
>>> minVal = numpy.min(img) 
>>> maxVal = numpy.max(img) 
>>> img = (1.0/(maxVal-minVal))*(img - minVal) 
>>> plt.imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
>>> print "Image dtype: %s"%(img.dtype)
>>> print "Image size: %6d"%(img.size)
>>> print "Image shape: %3dx%3d"%(img.shape[0],img.shape[1])
>>> print "Max value %1.2f at pixel %6d"%(img.max(),img.argmax())
>>> print "Min value %1.2f at pixel %6d"%(img.min(),img.argmin())
>>> print "Variance: %1.5f
Standard deviation:  

This provides the following output:

Image dtype: float64
Image size:  87025
Image shape: 295x295
Max value 1.00 at pixel  75440
Min value 0.00 at pixel   5703
Variance: 0.02580
Standard deviation: 0.16062

We perform thresholding by imposing an inequality in the array holding the data. The output is a Boolean array where True (white) indicates that the inequality has been fulfilled, and False (black) otherwise. We may perform at this point several thresholding operations and visualize them to obtain the best threshold for segmentation purposes. The following images show several examples (different thresholdings applied to the oxide image):

The structural model of oxides

The following lines of code generate that oxide image:

>>> plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
>>> plt.imshow(img > 0.2, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
>>> plt.xlabel('img > 0.2')
>>> plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) 
>>> plt.imshow(img > 0.7, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
>>> plt.xlabel('img > 0.7')

By visual inspection of several different thresholds, we choose 0.62 as one that gives us a good map showing what we need for segmentation. We need to get rid of outliers, though: small particles that might fulfill the given threshold but are small enough not to be considered as actual atoms. Therefore, in the next step we perform a morphological operation of opening to get rid of those small particles. We decided that anything smaller than a square of size 2 x 2 is to be eliminated from the output of thresholding:

>>> BWatoms = (img> 0.62)
>>> BWatoms = binary_opening(BWatoms,structure=numpy.ones((2,2)))

We are ready for segmentation, which will be performed with the label routine from the scipy.ndimage module. It collects one slice per segmented atom and offers the number of slices computed. We need to indicate the connectivity type. For instance, in the following toy example, do we want to consider that situation as two atoms or one atom?

The structural model of oxides

It depends; we would rather have it now as two different connected components, but for some other applications we might consider that they are one. The way we indicate the connectivity to the label routine is by means of a structuring element that defines feature connections. For example, if our criterion for connectivity between two pixels is that their edges are adjacent, then the structuring element looks like the image shown on the left-hand side from the images shown next. If our criterion for connectivity between two pixels is that they are also allowed to share a corner, then the structuring element looks like the image on the right-hand side.

For each pixel we impose the chosen structuring element and count the intersections; if there are no intersections, then the two pixels are not connected. Otherwise, they belong to the same connected component.

The structural model of oxides

We need to make sure that atoms that are too close diagonally are counted as two, rather than one, so we chose the structuring element on the left. The script then reads as follows:

>>> structuring_element = [[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]]
>>> segmentation,segments = label(BWatoms,structuring_element)

The segmentation object contains a list of slices, each with a Boolean matrix containing each of the found atoms of the oxide. We may obtain a great deal of useful information for each slice. For example, the coordinates of the center of mars (centers_of_mass) of each atom can be retrieved with the following commands:

>>> coords = center_of_mass(img, segmentation, range(1,segments+1))
>>> xcoords = numpy.array([x[1] for x in coords])
>>> ycoords = numpy.array([x[0] for x in coords])

Note that because of the way matrices are stored in memory, there is a transposition of the x and y coordinates of the locations of the pixels. We need to take this into account.

Notice the overlap of the computed lattice of points over the original image (the left-hand side image from the two images shown next). We may obtain it with the following commands:

>>> plt.imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r) 
>>> plt.axis('off') 
>>> plt.plot(xcoords,ycoords,'b.') 

We have successfully found the centers of mass for most atoms, although there are still about a dozen regions where we are not too satisfied with the result. It is time to fine-tune by the simple method of changing the values of some variables; play with the threshold, with the structuring element, with different morphological operations, and so on. We can even add all the obtained information for a wide range of those variables, and filter out outliers. An example with optimized segmentation is shown, as follows (look at the right-hand side image):

The structural model of oxides

For the purposes of this exposition, we are happy to keep it simple and continue working with the set of coordinates that we have already computed. We will be now offering an approximation to the lattice of the oxide, computed as the edge map of the Voronoi diagram of the lattice:

>>> L1,L2 = distance_transform_edt(segmentation==0, return_distances=False, return_indices=True)
>>> Voronoi = segmentation[L1,L2]
>>> Voronoi_edges= imfilter(Voronoi,'find_edges')
>>> Voronoi_edges=(Voronoi_edges>0)

Let us overlay the result of Voronoi_edges with the locations of the found atoms:

>>> plt.imshow(Voronoi_edges); plt.axis('off'), plt.gray()
>>> plt.plot(xcoords,ycoords,'r.',markersize=2.0)

This gives the following output, which represents the structural model we were searching for (recall that we started from an image where we wanted to find the structural model of a molecule):

The structural model of oxides
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