C.3. elvis 2.0 Options

elvis 2.0 has a total of 144 options that affect its behavior. Table 3.3 summarizes the most important ones. Most options described in Table 3.1 are not repeated here.

Table C.3. elvis 2.0 Set Options
autoiconify (aic)noautoiconifyIconify the old window when de-iconifying a new one.
backup (bk)nobackupMake a backup file (xxx.bak) before writing the current file out to disk.
binary (bin)The buffer's data is not text. This option is set automatically.
boldfont (xfb)The name of the bold font.
bufdisplay (bd)normalThe default display mode for the buffer (hex, html, man, normal, or syntax).
ccprg (cp)cc ($1?$1:$2)The shell command for :cc.
commentfont (cfont)The name of the font used for comments.
directory (dir)Where to store temporary files. The default is system dependent.
display (mode)normalThe name of current display mode, set by the :display command.
elvispath (epath)A list of directories in which to search for configuration files. The default is system dependent.
focusnew (fn)focusnewForce keyboard focus into the new window.
functionfont (ffont)The name of the font used for function names.
gdefault (gd)nogdefaultCauses the substitute command to change all instances.
home (home)$HOMEThe home directory for ~ in filenames.
italicfont (xfi)The name of the italic font.
keywordfont (kfont)The name of the font used for reserved words.
lpcolumns (lpcols)80The width of a printer page; for :lpr.
lpcrlf (lpc)nolpcrlfThe printer needs CR-LF for newline in the file; for :lpr.
lpformfeed (lpff)nolpformfeedSend a form-feed after the last page; for :lpr.
lplines (lprows)60The length of a printer page; for :lpr.
lppaper (lpp)letterThe paper size (letter, a4, ...) for PostScript printers; for :lpr.
lpout (lpo)The printer file or filter, for :lpr. A typical value might be !lpr. The default is system dependent.
lptype (lpt)dumbThe printer type, for :lpr. The value should be one of: ps, ps2, epson, pana, ibm, hp, cr, bs, or dumb.
lpwrap (lpw)lpwrapSimulate line-wrap; for :lpr.
makeprg (mp)make $1The shell command for :make.
normalfont (xfn)The name of the normal font.
otherfont (ofont)The font used for other symbols.
prepfont (pfont)The font used for preprocessor commands.
ruler (ru)norulerDisplay the cursor's line and column.
safer (trapunsafe)nosaferBe paranoid; use the :safer command to set this, don't do it directly.
showmarkups (smu)noshowmarkupsFor the man and html modes, show the markup at the cursor position, but not elsewhere.
sidescroll (ss)0The sideways scrolling amount. Zero mimics vi, making lines wrap.
stringfont (sfont)The font used for strings.
taglength (tl)0Defines number of characters that are significant for tags. Default (zero) means that all characters are significant.
tags (tagpath)tagsThe list of possible tag files.
tagstack (tsk)tagstackRemember the origin of tag searches on a stack.
undolevels (ul)0The number of undoable commands. Zero mimics vi. You probably want to set this to a bigger number.
variablefont (vfont)The font used for variables.
warpback (wb)nowarpbackUpon exit, move the pointer back to the xterm which started elvis.
warpto (wt)don'tHow ^W ^W forces pointer movement: don't for no movement, scrollbar moves the pointer to the scrollbar, origin moves the pointer to the upper left corner, and corners moves it to the corners furthest from and nearest to the current cursor position. This forces the X display to pan, to make sure the window is entirely onscreen.

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