— Introduction —

Some men and women seem destined for greatness. They dream of accomplishing great things, and seem to have all the drive and ability it will take. Great leadership has nothing to do with the number of people one leads or the kind of group it is. It is about the personal qualities and abilities that enable one individual to get others to follow. The very same qualities and abilities needed to lead a large organization or even a nation are the same qualities and abilities needed to lead the PTA.

Legendary leadership is leadership that is remembered. Leaders by their very nature want their impact and contributions to be significant, memorable, and yes, perhaps even legendary Not always famous, mind you: Some of the best leaders will never make the history books. They are people you and I encounter every day: men and women who inspire us to achieve. They possess many of the same qualities and abilities as those who make the history books. So do you. The information in this book will help you become a good leader to those you lead, and maybe even a legendary one.

May you find success in all aspects of your career and personal life, and may you achieve all your leadership goals.

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