About Ginny Redish

Janice (Ginny) Redish is passionate about creating products that work for the people who use them.


As president of Redish & Associates, Inc., Ginny works with colleagues and clients on content strategy, information design, plain language, and especially on content as conversation.

Ginny always works closely with her clients’ project teams and other consultants. She mentors and helps by reviewing current sites and apps, conducting usability studies, developing personas, setting and carrying out content strategy, and revising content to meet both the organization’s goals and site visitors’ needs.

Ginny is also sought after as a speaker and workshop leader. She is a dynamic instructor who has trained thousands of content contributors, copy writers, designers, developers, editors, writers, and others around the globe. She has keynoted conferences in eight countries.

To name just a few of the many clients Ginny has helped: AARP, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Airlines, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia, SAP, Sony, Xerox. Ginny has also worked with many local, state, and federal government agencies.

Ginny is well known for her two earlier books, on usability testing and on user and task analysis. She has published numerous papers and book chapters on various aspects of user experience (UX), accessibility, plain language, and writing for the web.

Ginny’s work has brought her many awards, including the President’s Award from both the Usability Professionals’ Association and the Society for Technical Communication (STC), the status of Fellow and the Rainey Award for Excellence in Research from STC, and awards for a lifetime of contributions to the field of clear writing from the ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication, the IEEE Professional Communication Society, and the Center for Plain Language.

Ginny is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Harvard University.

Visit Ginny’s web site at www.redish.net

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