
AACC (American Association of Community Colleges), 112
Academic Commons, 59
Academic libraries, 50
Accountability, in libraries, 12
Acquire-catalogue-circulate model, 37
Aggregage, tools for research and academic libraries, 67
ALA (American Library Association), 112
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), 112
American Library Association (ALA), 112
Annotea, bookmarking tools, 158
Apomediaries, 76, 126
Apomediation, 124, 132
ASRS (Automated storage and retrieval system), 139
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 12
information-competent persons, 111
Association of Research Libraries (ARL), 51
Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB), 87, 89
Audiobooks, 143
Audio Publishers Association, 143
Audio visual facilities, 87
Authentication, library technique, 74
Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS), 139
Avatars, academic libraries, 61, 63
Ben Franklin Effect, 156
Bibliographic competency, 113
Biblioscape, 114
Bibsonomy, bookmarking tools, 158
Bing, search engines, 161
Biometrics, 61
intelligent research and academic libraries, 60
Blackberries, 18, 72
Blackboard, 63
BlogBridge, 67
Blogs, 30
Bookends, 114
Bookmarking, 79
Books 2 Do Next, 128
Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD), 144
BullsEye Pro, 63
Bundlepost, 67
CDs, 73
Centre for Information Behaviour and Evaluation Research (CIBER), 15
Chatbots, 63, 140
CiteULike, 114
CIThread, 67
Clipmarks, 66
CLIR (Council on Library and Information Resources), 7, 12
Cloud computing technology, 79
Computer networks, 104
ContentGems, 67
Copernic, 63
Copy/paste librarians imitate services, 150
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 8
Craigslist, 32
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), 8
CSV format, 159
Curata, 67
CurationSoft, 67
CurationStation, 67
Cybrarian, 49
Darwin’s theory of evolution, 48
DayLife, 67
Deep Web, 73
Digital collection management, 63
Diigo, 66
Disintermediation, 6
Dizkover, 67
Dogpile, 63
EasyRDF, RDF conversion tools, 162
eBay, 32, 127
e-books, 143
EBSCO Discovery Service, 143
Electronic commerce solutions, 32
Electronic communications etiquette (netiquette), 116
Electronic publishing, 104
Email, 17, 47, 60, 79, 104, 124, 127
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 59
EndNote, 114
Eqentia, 67
Extensible markup language (XML), 34
Facebook, 17, 30, 32, 137
Face-detection technology, 61
Farkas, Library 2.0, 41
Faviki-generated tags, bookmarking tools, 157
Federated search systems, 71
Feedly, 67
Findability, 83
ambient, 84
FindMyCarrots, search engines, 162
Five laws of library science, 61
Flash drives, 73
Flickr, 32, 47, 62
Flipboard, 67
Fuzzzy, bookmarking tools, 159
Generation Y, 52
Geographical positioning systems, 18
Global positioning system (GPS), 18, 35
Global system for mobile (GSM), 72
Good 3.0 strategies, 151
Google, 1, 45, 72, 88
Google Chat, 64
Google Glass, 137
Google search, 137
interface, 143
GoPubMed, search engines, 161
GPS (Global positioning system), 18, 35
Grey literature, 38
GroupMe!, bookmarking tools, 158
GSM (Global system for mobileGSM), 72
Hakia, search engines, 161
Hangouts, 17
Hard disks, 73
Harry Faulkner-Brown’s ‘Ten Commandments’, 61
Harvard Business School professor, 31
Health CyberMap, 51
Hidden Web, 73
Hooeey, 66
Hotlinks, 47
HTML (Hypertext markup language), 34
Human library approach, 95
Hypertext markup language (HTML), 34
HTML editors, 29
ICAI (Intelligent computer-assisted instruction), 64
ICT (Information and communication technology), 106
iGlue, search engines, 161
iGS (Information gas station), 97
iLighter, 66
ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), 18
IM (Instant messaging), 41
Infobesity (Information explosion), 64
Infodemiology, 77, 131
Information and communication technology (ICT), 106
applications, 1
hardware, 116
security, 103
skills, 29, 99, 104
Information as conversation, 4
Information counselling, 130
Information explosion (infobesity), 64
Information gas station (iGS), 97
Information literacy forms, 13
Information searching methods, 112
Information supply, ancient civilisations, 14
Infosphere, 129
Instant messaging (IM), 41
Instant Messenger, 17, 64
Intelligent agents, 34
Intelligent computer-assisted instruction (ICAI), 64
Intelligent library systems, 61, 62
Intelligent web, 33, 34
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), 18
Internet, 1, 17, 31, 104, 143
connectivity, 18
information services, 3
social network sites, 30
Invisible Web, 71, 73
iPads, 18
IP data, 137
iPhones, 18
IP networks, 137
Jambo, 62
Kosmix, search engines, 161
Kweeper, 67
Language complexities, 64
Lexxe, search engines, 162
LIBER Conference Programme, 98
Librarians 3.0, 101, 103
lack of finance, 147
role of, 20
academic/research issues, 4, 15
culture of participation, 7
disintermediation, 6
emerging breed of patrons, key attributes, 19
federation and interoperability, 9
future of, 20
information as conversation, 4
library services, promotion of, 8
modernisation/technostress/technolust, 10
prosumption, 5
drivers of and barriers to change, 11
Library 3.0. See Library 3.0
change evolutionary, 47, 50
change revolutionary, 48, 50
Library 1.0, 37
model, 38, 39
platform, 38
Library 2.0, 27, 40, 41
Library 3.0, 33, 51, 59, 138, 163
advantage of, 60
apomediaries, research and academic librarians, 124, 127, 132
conducting reviews, 127
content customisation, 129
content rating and recommendation, 128
content validation, 128
data mining, 130
infodemiology, 131
information counselling, 130
infoveillance, 131
knowledge discovery, 130
challenges, 146
core competencies, 99
bibliographic competency, 112
information and communication technology (ICT) skill, 103
information literacy, 111
information resources and sources, 113
knowledge management, 118
legal, 117
management skills, 104
organisational, 114
personal and interpersonal skills, 102
research and academic, 106
research competency, 118
research skills, 105
social, emotional, intellectual and behavioural skills, 116
technical professional skills, 101
technological, 116
terminological, 115
users, 119
environment, 52
extent to implementation, 139
build capacity, 153
creativity and innovation, 154
engage/stakeholders, 152
fun and entertainment, 155
learn/lessons, 153
selective, 151
strategise/plan, 151
tolerate divergent perspectives, 155
vision and mission in focus, 150
winning enemies and turning, 156
librarianship, 95
Reference and User Services Association ( RUSA), 98
spaces, 96
techniques and tools, 96
model, 64, 65, 137
modes of mediation, comparison, 75
principles of, 60
apomediation, scholarly socio-technology, 74
federated network of information pathways, 71
intelligent research and academic libraries, 60
my library, 78
organization of, 64
radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 63
RDF conversion tools
EasyRDF, 162
RDFConvert, 162
RDFPro, 163
RDF2RDF, 163
Xliff-RDF, 163
research/academic libraries
content credibility, 85
convenience, 82
curation/aggregation tools, 67
effective marketing, 88
fast service, 86
findability, enhancement, 83
infotainment, 87
librarians, rebirth of, 89
personalisation, 82
potential of, 82
semantic search engines, 160
bing, 161
FindMyCarrots, 162
GoPubMed, 161
Hakia, 161
iGlue, 161
Kosmix, 161
Lexxe, 162
Swoogle, 161
vertical search works (VSW), 160
Yummly, 162
service models, comparing, 79, 81
vs. Library 0.0, 80
vs. Library 1.0, 80
vs. Library 2.0, 81
tools and resources, 117
Annotea, 158
bibsonomy, 158
Faviki-generated tags, 157
Fuzzzy, 159
GroupMe!, 158
semantic bookmarking tools, 157
SemanticScuttle, 159
Semantic Turkey, 160
Twine, 160
ZigTag, 158
users/librarians/professional associations/professional education, roles of, 163
whiz bang widgets, 59
Library 4.0, 45, 52
Library and Information Association of Mauritius (LIAM), 61
Library bibliographic tools, 113
LibraryCrunch blog, 40
Library intelligent systems, 61
Library School!, 36
Library service models, 48
Library 0.0 spans, 36
LibraryThing, 128
LinkedIn, 137, 67
Literate library, 13
Macromedia Dreamweaver, 29
McDonaldisation of libraries, 13
Meddle, 67
Meetro users, 62
Memex, online library, 30
Mendeley, 114
Mobile-phone-based information service, 97
MobiLIB, 141
Mobility, 18
Modernisation, library, 10
MS FrontPage, 29
Multiple expressions, 4
MultiSearch, 143
MyCNN, 78
MyLibrary concept, 78
MySpace, 30, 32
MyYahoo!, 78
National Forum on Information Literacy (NFL), 112
Newsle, 67
OCLC WorldCat Local, 143
OneSpot, 67
Operating systems, 104
Ordinary search engines, 73
Organisational knowledge management, 12
Papers, 114
Pew Research, 152
PicSay, 17
Pinterest, 67
Pioneer intelligent library systems, 64
Placesite, 62
POD (Print on demand (POD) technology, 98
Point oh models, 50
Point oh phenomenon, libraries, 27, 35
Library 0.0, 36
Library 1.0, 37
Library 2.0, 40
Library 3.0, 43
Library 4.0, 45
naming system, 27
Popperian approach, 28
reality check, 50
technological integration in design and delivery, 27
Popperian approach, 28
Portable hyperlink bookmarking, 79
Print on demand (POD) technology, 98
ProFusion, 63
Public Access Computing Project (PACP), 2
Public service competencies, 100
PubMed, 72
Quick reference (QR) codes, 71, 141
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 63, 140
library management systems, 63
Ranganathan’s ‘Five laws of library science, 124
RDF (Resource description framework), 34, 66
RDFConvert, conversion tools, 162
RDFPro, conversion tools, 163
RDF2RDF, conversion tools, 163
Really simple syndication (RSS), 66
Recommendation system, 128
Refbase, 114
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), 98
RefMan, 114
REFSIM (REFerence SIMulator), 64
RefWorks, 114
Repackaging, 129
Research competency, 105
Research information network (RIN), 16
Resource description framework (RDF), 34, 66
RDF schema (RDFS), 66
Reviewers, 127
RIN (Research information network), 16
Romainiacs Intelligent Research, 138
Scholarly communication, 45
SciRef, 114, 67
Searchable tags, 16
Self-service approaches, 124
Semantic bookmarking tools, 157
SemanticScuttle, bookmarking tools, 159
Semantic search engines, 160
Semantic Turkey, 160
Sergeant Star (SGT STAR), 63
Servers, 104
Shelfari, 128
Short message service (SMS), 71
Simon, Herbert, 64
Skloog, 66
Skype, 64
SMS, text message, 18
SOBOLEO, bookmarking tools, 159
Social acquaintances, 85
Social-competency skills, 117
Social contract, 12
Social media, 84
Social networking, 125
applications, 18
sites, 17
Socio-economic transformations, 27
Software applications, 104
Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), 3
Special Libraries Association (SLA), 8
Storify, 67
StumbleUpon, 32
Success Life Share, 66
Swoogle, search engines, 161
Taxonomy, 65
Technological transformations, 27
Technolust, library, 10
Technolust, symptom, 151
Techno sapiens, 138
Technostress, library, 10
Toffler, Alvin, 5
Toronto Public Library, 95
Trapit, 67
Triberr, 67
Trivial revamping, 48
tvtag, 128
Twine, bookmarking tools, 160
Twitter, 17, 64
UMLS (Unified medical language system), 51
Unified medical language system (UMLS), 51
University of British Columbia (UBC), 146
URL of resource, 71
User’s browser, HTML annotations, 158
Vertical search (vearch) engines, 72
Vertical search works (VSW), 160
Viber, 17
Virtual library, 103
VSW (Vertical search works), 160
Wal-Mart greeters, 11
Web 1.0, 27, 29
Web 2.0, 5
meme map, 32
platforms, 31
services, 30
systems, 31
tools, academic libraries, 50
Web-based bookmarking system, 159
WebCT, 63
Web 4.0 devices, 35
Web 4.0 environment, 35
WebJunction, 100, 104
Web ontology language (OWL), 66
Web publishing, 104
Web 3.0 systems, 33, 34
Web technology, 28
web 1.0, 29
web 2.0, 30
web 3.0, 33, 151
web 4.0, 35
weRead, 128
WhatsApp, 17
WiFree, 79
Wikis, social networking sites, 30
World Wide Web, 17, 27
Writing reviews, 127
Xliff-RDF, conversion tools, 163
XML (Extensible markup language), 34
Yahoo Pipes, 67
Yahoo! Subscriptions, 72
YouTube, 32, 62, 137
Yummly, search engines, 162
Zeef, 67
ZigTag, bookmarking tools, 158
Zotero, 114
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