About the Reviewers

Diego Medina lives on the mountains of North Carolina with his wife, daughter, and their three cats. He has been a developer for the past 12 years, and his focus has been on web development and more specifically, web security.

He is a proud Lift committer and a very active member of the Lift community, answering questions on the mailing list as well as writing articles on his personal blog.

Peter Petersson lives in the south of Sweden with his wife and one-year-old boy.

He has been a developer for 18 years. He started his developer career at Ericsson Software Technology mostly using C++, but at the time Java was emerging, he soon jumped onto that bandwagon. He has been a co-owner in a tour operator information system company and is currently a system developer and consultant at Avalon Innovation.

He started looking at Scala and functional programing at the beginning of 2011, about the same time he found Lift to be an awesome web framework. He is a proud Lift committer and creator of the Lift FoBo, Front End Toolkit Module, as well as the jQuery module.

Peter Robinett is a web and mobile developer based in Amsterdam. He is passionate about Scala and is a committer to the Lift project. He works under the name Bubble Foundry, and blogs occasionally at www.bubblefoundry.com.

Paulo Suzart worked in different types of companies in the last 10 years, from e-commerce to insurance, as a Java programmer and lately as an SOA specialist. He currently runs a digital media startup as CTO.

He truly believes that startups are open fields for new technologies and functional programming languages, such as Scala and Clojure.

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