





Those of you who know me (and know the giant social media universe) know that there are literally thousands of people I’d like to thank here. But since that wouldn’t make for very good reading material, I’ll summarize by key categories. If your name isn’t listed but you’re among my extended group of friends, family, colleagues, and supporters, please know how appreciative I am of you and your impact on my life.


Thanks to all of the editors and staff at McGraw-Hill Professional who worked on the book and showed me there is still room for traditional publishers today. Thanks especially to Julia Baxter, my marketing rep and the first person at McGraw-Hill to accept my Facebook friendship—it meant a lot. To Zach Gajewski, my developmental editor and BU brother, thank you for being my ambassador of book quan. Thanks to Mary Glenn, Jane Palmieri, and Cheryl Ringer, who helped to make this second edition a reality.

Thanks to my agent, Celeste Fine at Sterling Lord, a likeable agent who helped me navigate the crazy new waters of publishing, and to her associate John Mass, a welcome addition to the team.

There would be no book whatsoever had my acquisitions editor Niki Papadopoulos not e-mailed me, encouraged me, signed me, and challenged me. Thanks.


I am so incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by an amazing team at my company, Likeable Local. Thanks to Meg Riedinger, my amazing chief-of-staff, and my coauthor on this edition. I appreciate you more than you know. Thanks to Hugh Morgenbesser, my partner at Likeable Local and one of the smartest, more likeable people I’ve ever known. Thanks to all of you for your support, you’re the best team! Gaby Piazza, Nicole Kroese, Daryle Lamoureux, Sam Sudakoff, Alexa Pfeffer, Ben Wasser, Beth Henderson, Dana Wade, David Jolly, Donna Parisi, Ethan Gavurin, Haley Forman, Hannah Baker, Julia Hogan, Julian Wyzykowski, Karla Cobos, Krista Demato, Kurt Schwanda, Laura Williams, Leah Tran, Lisa Markuson, Mackenzie Porter, Matt Christie, Michael Braha, Mike Imperiale, Rachael Chiarella, Ricky Ryan, Ryan Malone, Sam Waisbren, Sara Murali, Stefanie Peterson, Thomas Miller, Tim Zerone, and Zac O’Neill.

And to my incredible Likeable Media family: Thanks to Mallorie Rosenbluth, Likeable Media’s VP of client services and my coauthor on this edition. You are outstanding in every way, Mal. Thanks also to key Likeable Media employees, past and present: Candie Harris, Brian Murray, Megan McMahon, Jenna Lebel, Michele Weisman, Amy Kattan, Mandy Cudahy, Cara Friedman, Clay Darrohn, Carrie Tylawsky, Devin Sugameli, Rachel Hadley, Tim Bosch, Theresa Braun, and all the rest of the team.

You—and the whole Likeable team—rule!

Thanks to our investors and advisors as well – without you, we wouldn’t have had two companies and hundreds of clients to write about. You’re all awesome: Dave McClure and the team at 500 Startups, Tom DiBenedetto, Maurice Reznik, Roy Rodenstein, Verne Harnish, Mark Roberge, Milind Mehere, Nihal Mehta, Peg Jackson, Craig Gibson, Robb High, Christian McMahan, Jeff Hayzlett, Chris McCann, Michael Lasky, Julie Fenster, and Ed Zuckerberg. Thanks to all of our Likeable customers as well. Your faith and trust in us is invaluable.

Thanks to my most Likeable EO Forum—Andy Cohen, Ben Rosner, Vinny Cannariato, Kevin Gilbert, Dana Haddad, and Jeff Bernstein—and the rest of my friends from Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), who have changed my life in so many ways.


There are dozens of social media thought leaders who have influenced me, taught me, shared with me, and inspired me. Some I’m close friends with, others I’ve never met, but all of you on this list (and beyond) have had a profound impact on my view of the world. (They should all be followed on Twitter, too!) So thanks to Mari Smith, John Bell, Jason Keath, Peter Shankman, Sarah Evans, Jeremiah Owyang, Chris Brogan, Scott Stratten, Jay Baer, Guy Kawasaki, Clara Shih, David Kirkpatrick, Scott Monty, David Armano, Erik Qualman, Brian Solis, Aaron Lee, Tony Hsieh, Josh Bernoff, Nick O’Neill, Justin Smith, Amber Naslund, Liz Strauss, Sarah Evans, Todd Defren, Charlene Li, David Berkowitz, Geno Church, Jeff Pulver, Jeffrey Hayzlett, Philip Hotchkiss, Stacey Monk, Leslie Bradshaw, Jesse Thomas, John Jantsch, David Meerman Scott, Brian Carter, Shiv Singh, Ashton Kutcher, Greg Verdino, Ann Handley, Bonin Bough, Andy Sernovitz, Pete Blackshaw, Robert Scoble, Michael Stelzner, B. J. Emerson, Seth Godin, Julien Smith, Mark Zuckerberg, Ev Williams, Biz Stone, Dennis Crowley, Chris Treadaway, Jim Tobin, David Spinks, and B. L. Ochman. Thank you, and keep up the amazing work.


OK, I’m counting close friends here, too. Thanks to my World Tour friends, Steve Evangelista, Kevin Annanab, Tad Bruneau, and Andy Kaufmann, for allowing me to take a break and have some fun during the crazy writing process. Thanks to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mark for being a steady, positive family influence, to my Da for her unconditional love and support, my brother Phil, the smartest person I’ve ever met, my brother Dan, my resident marketing devil’s advocate, and my brother Danny, a source of unending strength. Thanks to my mom, who taught me how to write, and my dad, who taught me how to think. Last but not least, thanks to my women at home. To my girls, Charlotte and Kate, thanks for putting up with Daddy being so busy when this book was written. I am so proud of you both and love you so much. To Seth, I love you and can’t wait to meet you!

To Carrie, my partner in marriage, business, parenthood, and life, for you I am most thankful. You believed in me when I didn’t. You left me alone when I needed it and were right beside me when I needed it. You made sacrifices to allow this book to be written, and I will forever remember and appreciate that. ILYSMNAF.

Thanks to all of the amazing, likeable people who helped get Likeable Social Media into your hands.

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