6.11* The Geometry of Orthogonal Operators

By Theorem 6.22 (p. 383), any rigid motion on a finite-dimensional real inner product space is the composite of an orthogonal operator and a translation. Thus, to understand the geometry of rigid motions thoroughly, we must analyze the structure of orthogonal operators. In this section, we show that any orthogonal operator on a finite-dimensional real inner product space can be described in terms of rotations and reflections.

This material assumes familiarity with the results about direct sums developed at the end of Section 5.2 and with the definition of the determinant of a linear operator given in Section 5.1 as well as elementary properties of the determinant in Exercise 8 of Section 5.1.

We now extend our earlier definitions of rotation and reflection on R2 to all 2-dimensional real inner product spaces.


Let T be a linear operator on a two-dimensional real inner product space V.

We call T a rotation if there exists an orthonormal basis β={x1, x2} for V and a real number θ such that

T(x1)=(cos θ)x1+(sin θ)x2andT(x2)=(sin θ)x1+(cos θ)x2.

We call T a reflection if there exists a one-dimensional subspace W of V such that T(x)=x for all xW and T(y)=y for all yW. In this context, T is called a reflection of V about W.

As a convenience, we define rotations and reflections on a 1-dimensional inner product space.


A linear operator T on a 1-dimensional inner product space V is called a rotation if T is the identity and a reflection if T(x)=x for all xV.

Trivially, rotations and reflections on 1-dimensional inner product spaces are orthogonal operators. It should be noted that rotations and reflections on 2-dimensional real inner product spaces (or composites of these) are orthogonal operators (see Exercise 2).

Example 1

Some Typical Reflections

  1. (a) Define T: R2R2 by T(a, b)=(a, b), and let W=span({e1}). Then T(x)=x for all xW, and T(y)=y for all yW. Thus T is a reflection of R2 about W=span({e2}), the y-axis.

  2. (b) Define T: R2R2 by T(a, b)=(b, a), and let W=span({1, 1}). Clearly T(w)=w for all wW. Let (a, b)W. Then (a, b) is orthogonal to (1, 1) and hence, a+b=0. So b=a. Thus W=span({(1, 1)}). It follows that T(a, b)=(a, a)=(a, a)=(b, a). Hence T is the reflection of R2 about W.

The next theorem characterizes all orthogonal operators on a two-dimensional real inner product space V. The proof follows from Theorem 6.23 (p. 384) since all two-dimensional real inner product spaces are structurally identical. For a rigorous justification, apply Theorem 2.21 (p. 105), where β is an orthonormal basis for V. By Exercise 15 of Section 6.2, the resulting isomorphism ϕβ: VR2 preserves inner products. (See Exercise 8.)

Theorem 6.46.

Let T be an orthogonal operator on a two-dimensional real inner product space V. Then T is either a rotation or a reflection. Furthermore, T is a rotation if and only if det(T)=1, and T is a reflection if and only if det(T)=1.

A complete description of the reflections of R2 is given in Section 6.5.


Let V be a two-dimensional real inner product space.

  1. (a) The composite of a reflection and a rotation on V is a reflection on V.

  2. (b) The composite of two reflections on V is a rotation on V.

  3. (c) The product of two rotations on V is a rotation on V.


If T1 is a reflection on V and T2 is a rotation on V, then by Theorem 6.46, det(T1)=1 and det(T2)=1. Let T=T2T1 be the composite. Since T2 and T1 are orthogonal, so is T. Moreover, det(T)=det(T2)det(T1)=1. Thus, by Theorem 6.46, T is a reflection. The proof for T1T2 is similar.

The proofs of (b) and (c) are similar to that of (a).

We now study orthogonal operators on spaces of higher dimension.

Lemma. If T is a linear operator on a nonzero finite-dimensional real vector space v, then there exists a T-invariant subspace W of V such that 1dim(W)2.


Fix an ordered basis β={y1, y2, , yn} for V, and let A=[T]β. Let ϕβ: VRn be the linear transformation defined by ϕβ(yi)=ei for i=1, 2, , n. Then ϕβ is an isomorphism, and, as we have seen in Section 2.4, the diagram in Figure 6.10 commutes, that is, LAϕβ=ϕβT. As a consequence, it suffices to show that there exists an LA-invariant subspace Z of Rn such that 1dim(Z)2. If we then define W=ϕβ1(Z), it follows that W satisfies the conclusions of the lemma (see Exercise 12).

A diagram of a square linear map T.

Figure 6.10

The matrix A can be considered as an n×n matrix over C and, as such, can be used to define a linear operator U on Cn by U(v)=Av. Since U is a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space over C, it has an eigenvalue λC. Let xCn be an eigenvector corresponding to λ. We may write λ=λ1+iλ2, where λ1 and λ2 are real, and


where the ai’s and bi’s are real. Thus, setting


we have x=x1+ix2, where x1 and x2 have real entries. Note that at least one of x1 or x2 is nonzero since x0. Hence




Comparing the real and imaginary parts of these two expressions for U(x), we conclude that


Finally, let Z=span({x1, x2}), the span being taken as a subspace of Rn. Since x10 or x20, Z is a nonzero subspace. Thus 1dim(Z)2, and the preceding pair of equations shows that Z is LA-invariant.

Theorem 6.47.

Let T be an orthogonal operator on a nonzero finite-dimensional real inner product space V. Then there exists a collection of pairwise orthogonal T-invariant subspaces {W1, W2, , Wm} of V such that

  1. (a) 1dim(Wi)2 for i=1, 2, , m.

  2. (b) V=W1W2Wm.


The proof is by mathematical induction on dim(V). If dim(V)=1, the result is obvious. So assume that the result is true whenever dim(V)<n for some fixed integer n>1.

Suppose dim(V)=n. By the lemma, there exists a T-invariant subspace W1 of V such that 1dim(W)2. If W1=V, the result is established. Otherwise, W1{0}. By Exercise 13, W1 is T-invariant and the restriction of T to W1 is orthogonal. Since dim(W1)<n, we may apply the induction hypothesis to TW1 and conclude that there exists a collection of pair-wise orthogonal T-invariant subspaces {W1, W2, , Wm} of W1 such that 1dim(Wi)2 for i=2, 3, , m and W1=W2W3Wm. Thus {W1, W2, , Wm} is pairwise orthogonal, and by Exercise 13(d) of Section 6.2,


Applying Theorem 6.46 in the context of Theorem 6.47, we conclude that the restriction of T to Wi is either a rotation or a reflection for each i=1, 2, , m. Thus, in some sense, T is composed of rotations and reflections. Unfortunately, very little can be said about the uniqueness of the decomposition of V in Theorem 6.47. For example, the Wi’s, the number m of Wi’s, and the number of Wi’s for which TWi is a reflection are not unique. Although the number of Wi’s for which TWi is a reflection is not unique, whether this number is even or odd is an intrinsic property of T. Moreover, we can always decompose V so that TWi is a reflection for at most one Wi. These facts are established in the following result.

Theorem 6.48.

Let T, V, W1, , Wm be as in Theorem 6.47.

  1. (a) The number of Wi’s for which TWi is a reflection is even or odd according to whether det(T)=1 or det(T)=1.

  2. (b) It is always possible to decompose V as in Theorem 6.47 so that the number of Wi’s for which TWi is a reflection is zero or one according to whether det(T)=1 or det(T)=1. Furthermore, if TWi is a reflection, then dim(Wi)=1.


(a) Let r denote the number of Wi’s in the decomposition for which TWi is a reflection. Then, by Exercise 14,


proving (a).

(b) Let E={xV: T(x)=x}; then E is a T-invariant subspace of V. Let W=E; then W is T-invariant. So by applying Theorem 6.47 to TW, we obtain a collection of pairwise orthogonal T-invariant subspaces {W1, W2, , Wk} of W such that W=W1W2Wk, and for 1ik, the dimension of each Wi is either 1 or 2. Observe that, for each i=1, 2, , k, TWi is a rotation. For otherwise, if TWi is a reflection, there exists a nonzero xWi for which T(x)=x. But then, xWiEEE={0}, a contradiction. If E={0}, the result follows. Otherwise, choose an orthonormal basis β for E containing p vectors (p>0). It is possible to decompose β into a pairwise disjoint union β=β1β2βr such that each βi contains exactly two vectors for i<r, and βr contains two vectors if p is even and one vector if p is odd. For each i=1, 2, , r, let Wk+i=span(βi). Then, clearly, {W1, W2, , Wk, , Wk+r} is pairwise orthogonal, and


Moreover, if any βi contains two vectors, then


So TWk+r is a rotation, and hence TWj is a rotation for j<k+r. If βr consists of one vector, then dim(Wk+r)=1 and


Thus TWk+r is a reflection by Theorem 6.47, and we conclude that the decomposition in (27) satisfies (b).

Example 2

Orthogonal Operators on a Three-Dimensional Real Inner Product Space

Let T be an orthogonal operator on a three-dimensional real inner product space V. Then, by Theorem 6.48(b), V can be decomposed into a direct sum of T-invariant orthogonal subspaces so that the restriction of T to each is either a rotation or a reflection, with at most one reflection. Let


be such a decomposition. Clearly, m=2 or m=3.

If m=2, then V=W1W2. Without loss of generality, suppose that dim(W1)=1 and dim(W2)=2. Thus TW1 is a reflection or the identity on W1, and W2 is a rotation.

If m=3, then V=W1W2W3 and dim(Wi)=1 for all i. If TWi is not a reflection, then it is the identity on Wi. If no TW is a reflection, then T is the identity operator.


  1. Label the following statements as true or false. Assume that the underlying vector spaces are one or two-dimensional real inner product spaces.

    1. (a) Any orthogonal operator is either a rotation or a reflection.

    2. (b) The composite of any two rotations is a rotation.

    3. (c) The identity operator is a rotation.

    4. (d) The composite of two reflections is a reflection.

    5. (e) Any orthogonal operator is a composite of rotations.

    6. (f) For any orthogonal operator T, if det(T)=1, then T is a reflection.

    7. (g) Reflections always have eigenvalues.

    8. (h) Rotations always have eigenvalues.

    9. (i) If T is an operator on a 2-dimensional space V and W is a subspace of dimension 1 such that T is a reflection of V about W, then W is the eigenspace of T corresponding to the eigenvalue λ=1.

    10. (j) The composite of an orthogonal operator and a translation is an orthogonal operator.

  2. Prove that rotations, reflections, and composites of rotations and reflections are orthogonal operators.

  3. Let

    1. (a) Prove that LA is a reflection.

    2. (b) Find the subspace of R2 on which LA acts as the identity.

    3. (c) Prove that LAB and LBA are rotations.

  4. For any real number ϕ, let

    A=(cos ϕsin ϕsin ϕcos ϕ).
    1. (a) Prove that LA is a reflection.

    2. (b) Find the axis in R2 about which LA reflects.

  5. For any real number ϕ, define Tϕ=LA, where

    A=(cos ϕsin ϕsin ϕcos ϕ).
    1. (a) Prove that any rotation on R2 is of the form Tϕ for some ϕ.

    2. (b) Prove that TϕTψ=T(ϕ+ψ) for any ϕ, ψR.

    3. (c) Deduce that any two rotations on R2 commute.

  6. Prove that if T is a rotation on a 2-dimensional inner product space, then —T is also a rotation.

  7. Prove that if T is a reflection on a 2-dimensional inner product space, then T2 is the identity operator.

  8. Prove Theorem 6.46 using the hints preceding the statement of the theorem.

  9. Prove that no orthogonal operator can be both a rotation and a reflection.

  10. Prove that if V is a two-dimensional real inner product space, then the composite of two reflections on V is a rotation of V.

  11. Let V be a one- or a two-dimensional real inner product space. Define T: VV by T(x)=x. Prove that T is a rotation if and only if dim(V)=2.

  12. Complete the proof of the lemma to Theorem 6.47 by showing that W=ϕβ1(Z) satisfies the required conditions.

  13. Let T be an orthogonal [unitary] operator on a finite-dimensional real [complex] inner product space V. If W is a T-invariant subspace of V, prove the following results.

    1. (a) TW is an orthogonal [unitary] operator on W.

    2. (b) W is a T-invariant subspace of V. Hint: Use the fact that TW is one-to-one and onto to conclude that, for any yW, T*(y)=T1(y)W.

    3. (c) TW is an orthogonal [unitary] operator on W.

  14. Let T be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space V, where V is a direct sum of T-invariant subspaces, say, V=W1W2Wk. Prove that det(T)=det(TW1)det(TW2)det(TWk).

  15. Complete the proof of the corollary to Theorem 6.48.

  16. Let V be a real inner product space of dimension 2. For any x, yV such that xy and ||x||=||y||=1, show that there exists a unique rotation T on V such that T(x)=y. Visit goo.gl/ahQT67 for a solution.

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