Chapter 8: Understanding the systemd Boot Process

In this chapter, we'll take a brief look at the systemd boot process. Now, you might think that this would be a bit dull, but I can assure you that it won't be. Rather than lead you through a dull slog about all that happens during bootup, my aim is to give you practical information that can make bootups run more efficiently. After that, I'll show you some ways in which systemd has been made somewhat backward-compatible with the legacy System V (SysV) stuff. Specific topics in this chapter include the following:

  • Comparing SysV bootup and systemd bootup
  • Analyzing bootup performance
  • Some differences on Ubuntu Server 20.04
  • Understanding systemd generators

Note that we won't be talking about bootloaders in this chapter because we're saving that for later.

All right—if you're ready, let's get started.

Technical requirements

The technical requirements are the same as always—just have an Ubuntu and an Alma virtual machine (VM) fired up so that you can follow along.

Check out the following link to see the Code in Action video:

Comparing SysV bootup and systemd bootup

Computer bootups all start pretty much the same way, regardless of which operating system is running. You turn on the power switch, then the machine's Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) initializes the hardware and then pulls the operating system boot information from the master boot record (MBR) of the machine's drive. After that, things are different for the various operating systems. Let's first look at what's common for the SysV and systemd bootup sequence.

Understanding SysV and systemd bootup similarities

Once the machine can access the MBR of the machine's drive, the operating system begins to load. In the /boot/ directory, you'll see a compressed Linux kernel file that generally has vmlinuz in its filename. You'll also see an initial RAM (random-access memory) disk image that will normally have either initramfs or initrd in its filename. The first step of this process is for the Linux kernel image to get uncompressed and loaded into the system memory. At this stage, the kernel still can't access the root filesystem because it can't access the proper drivers for it. These drivers are in the initial RAM disk image. So, the next step is to load this initial RAM disk image, which will establish a temporary root filesystem that the kernel can access. Once the kernel has loaded the proper drivers, the image will unload. The boot process will then continue by accessing whatever it needs to access on the machine's root filesystem.

After this, things get different. To show how, let's take a whirlwind tour of the SysV bootup process.

Understanding the SysV bootup process

I'm not going to go deep into the details of the SysV bootup process because there's no need to. All I want to do is to show you enough information so that you can understand how it differs from the systemd bootup.

The init process, which is always process identifier 1 (PID 1), is the first process to start. This init process will control the rest of the boot sequence with a series of complex, convoluted bash shell scripts in the /etc/ directory. At some point, the init process will obtain information about the default run level from the /etc/inittab file. Once the basic system initialization has been completed, system services will get started from bash shell scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory, as determined by what's enabled for the default runlevel.

Bootups on a SysV machine can be rather slow because everything gets started in a serial mode—in other words, SysV can only start one service at a time during bootup. Of course, I may have made SysV sound worse than it really is. Although it's outdated by today's standards, it did work well for the hardware of its time. I mean, when you're talking about a server that's running with a pair of single-core 750 megahertz (MHz) Pentium III processors and 512 megabytes (MB) of memory, there's not much you can do to speed it up in any case. (I still have a few of those old machines in my collection, but I haven't booted them up in ages.)

As I said, this is a whirlwind tour. For our present purposes, this is all you need to know about SysV bootup. So, let's leave this topic and look at how the systemd bootup process works.

Understanding the systemd bootup process

With systemd, the systemd process is the first process to start. It also runs as PID 1, as you can see here on the Alma machine:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ ps aux


root           1  1.9  0.8 186956 15088 ?        Ss   14:18   0:07 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 17

. . .

. . .

Curiously, PID 1 still shows up as the init process on the Ubuntu machine, as we see here:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ ps aux


root           1  1.2  0.5 101924 11308 ?        Ss   18:26   0:04 /sbin/init maybe-ubiquity

. . .

. . .

This is because the Ubuntu developers, for some bizarre reason, created an init symbolic link that points to the systemd executable, as we see here:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ cd /sbin

donnie@ubuntu20-04:/sbin$ ls -l init

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Mar 17 21:36 init -> /lib/systemd/systemd


I have no idea why the Ubuntu developers thought they needed to do that. It works though, so it's all good.

Instead of running complex bash shell scripts to initialize the system, systemd runs targets. It starts by looking at the file to see if it's set to graphical or multi-user. As I pointed out in Chapter 6, Understanding systemd Targets, there's a chain of dependencies that begins with whatever the default target is and stretches backward. Let's say that our machine has the graphical target set as its default. In the file, we see the following line:

This means that the graphical target can't start until after the multi-user target has started. In the file, we see this line:

Now, if we keep tracing this chain back to its origin, we'll see that the basic target Requires the file, which in turn Wants the file, which in turn starts after the file.

So, what does all this mean? Well, it's just that once the systemd process has determined what the default target is, it starts loading the bootup targets in the following order:

  6. (if enabled)

Okay—I know. You're now yelling: But Donnie. You said that systemd starts its processes in parallel, not in sequence. Indeed, systemd does start its bootup processes in parallel. Remember what I told you before. A target is a collection of other systemd units that are grouped together for a particular purpose. Within each target, processes start up in parallel.


You can see a graphical representation of this bootup chain on the bootup man page.

I've also pointed out before that some of these targets are hardcoded into the systemd executable file. This means that some of these targets don't have their own .target files, and others have .target files that seem to not do anything. There are a few ways to see what's going on with these hardcoded targets. The first way is to look at a target with systemctl list-dependencies. Here's what we see when we look at the file:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ systemctl list-dependencies





[donnie@localhost ~]$

This target starts the services that mount the filesystems. We see that it mounts the boot partition, which is represented by boot.mount. It then mounts the root filesystem, which is represented by -.mount.

I showed you before how to look at a list of targets that are hardcoded into the systemd executable file. We can also look for information that's specific to just one target. Here's how that looks for the file:

[donnie@localhost systemd]$ strings /lib/systemd/systemd | grep -A 100 ''



Failed to parse /proc/self/mountinfo: %m

Failed to get next entry from /proc/self/mountinfo: %m

. . .

. . .






[donnie@localhost systemd]$

By default, grep only shows the line in which it finds the search term that you specify. The -A option makes it show a specified number of lines that come after the line in which the search term is found. The -A 100 option that I'm using here tells grep to show me the next 100 lines that follow the line that contains We don't see the exact program code like this, but the embedded text strings do give us some sense of what's going on. My choice of 100 lines was completely arbitrary, but you can keep increasing that if you like, until you start seeing lines that have nothing to do with mounting filesystems.

A third way to get information about these hardcoded targets is to look at the bootup and the systemd.special man pages. Neither of these man pages gives much detail, but you still might learn a little something from them.

Now, with this out of the way, let's look at how to analyze bootup problems.

Analyzing bootup performance

Let's say that your server is taking longer than you think it should to boot up, and you want to know why. Fortunately, systemd comes with the built-in systemd-analyze tool that can help.

Let's start by looking here at how long it took to boot up my AlmaLinux machine with its GNOME 3 desktop:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze

Startup finished in 2.397s (kernel) + 19.023s (initrd) + 1min 26.269s (userspace) = 1min 47.690s reached after 1min 25.920s in userspace

[donnie@localhost ~]$

If you don't specify an option, systemd-analyze just uses the time option. (You can type in systemd-analyze time if you really want to, but you'll get the same results that you see here.) The first line of output shows how long it took for the kernel, the initial RAM disk image, and the user space to load. The second line shows how long it took for the graphical target to come up. In reality, the total bootup time doesn't look too bad, especially when you consider the age of the host machine that I'm using to run this VM. (This host machine is a 2009-or-so vintage Dell, running with an old-fashioned Core 2 Quad central processing unit (CPU).) If I were either running this VM on a newer model host or running Alma on bare metal, the bootup time could possibly be a bit quicker. There's also the fact that this VM is running with the GNOME 3 desktop environment, which is somewhat resource-intensive. I personally prefer lighter-weight desktops, which could possibly cut the bootup time down a bit. Unfortunately, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8) and all of its free-of-charge offspring only come with GNOME 3. (It is possible to install the lightweight XForms Common Environment (XFCE) desktop if you have the third-party Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository installed, but that's beyond the scope of this book.)

Now, let's say that the bootup process on this machine really is too slow, and you want to speed it up if possible. First, let's use the blame option to see who we want to blame:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze blame

     1min 4.543s plymouth-quit-wait.service

         58.883s kdump.service

         32.153s wordpress-container.service

         32.102s wordpress2-container.service

         18.200s systemd-udev-settle.service

         14.690s dracut-initqueue.service

         13.748s sssd.service

         12.638s lvm2-monitor.service

         10.781s NetworkManager-wait-online.service

         10.156s tuned.service

          9.504s firewalld.service

. . .

. . .

This blame option shows you all of the services that got started during the bootup, along with the time it took to start each service. The services are listed in descending order of how long it took each one to start. Look through the whole list, and see if there are any services that you can safely disable. For example, further down the list, you'll see that the wpa_supplicant.service is running, as I show you here:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze blame | grep 'wpa_supplicant'

           710ms wpa_supplicant.service

[donnie@localhost ~]$

That's great if you're working with either a desktop machine or a laptop where you might need to use a wireless adapter, but it's not necessary on a server that doesn't have wireless. So, you might consider disabling this service. (Of course, this service only took 710 milliseconds (ms) to start, but that's still something.)


Disabling unnecessary services is good for both performance and security. A basic tenet of security that's been around forever is that you should always minimize the number of running services on your system. This provides potential attackers with fewer attack vectors.

If you want to see how long it took for each target to start during bootup, use the critical-chain option, like this:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze critical-chain

The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.

The time the unit takes to start is printed after the "+" character. @2min 1.450s

. . .

. . .

                    └─ @26.988s

                      └─lvm2-monitor.service @4.022s +12.638s

                                              └─dm-event.socket @3.973s




[donnie@localhost ~]$

For formatting reasons, I can only show you a small portion of the output, so try it for yourself to see how the whole thing looks.

These commands work the same on an Ubuntu machine as they do here on the Alma machine, but there are a few differences with how the default target is set up on Ubuntu Server 20.04. So, let's look at that.

Some differences on Ubuntu Server 20.04

My Ubuntu Server 20.04 machine, which runs purely in text mode, boots considerably faster, as you can see here:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ systemd-analyze

Startup finished in 8.588s (kernel) + 44.944s (userspace) = 53.532s reached after 38.913s in userspace


I must confess that I haven't worked that much with Ubuntu Server 20.04 since it's been out, and I still encounter some new things about it that surprise me. Before I set up the VMs for this chapter, I had never before noticed that Ubuntu Server 20.04 comes with as the default, even though no graphical interface is installed. The explanation for that is that the accounts-daemon.service file gets started by the graphical target, not by the multi-user target, as we can see here:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:/etc/systemd/system/$ ls -l

total 0

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 43 Feb  1 17:27 accounts-daemon.service -> /lib/systemd/system/accounts-daemon.service


If you look in the file, you'll see that it only Wants the display-manager.service file and doesn't Require it, as evidenced by this line:


So, even though the display manager doesn't exist on this VM, it still goes into the just fine. But, let's get back to that accounts-daemon.service file. What is it, exactly? Well, according to the official documentation at, "AccountsService is a D-Bus service for accessing the list of user accounts and information attached to those accounts." Yeah, I know—that isn't much of an explanation. A better explanation is that it's a service that allows you to manage users and user accounts from graphical user interface (GUI)-type utilities. So, why do we have it enabled on Ubuntu Server when there's no graphical interface? That's a good question, to which I don't have a good answer. It's not something that we need running on a text-mode server. That's okay, though. We'll take care of that in just a bit.

So now, what's D-Bus?

D-Bus, which is short for Desktop Bus, is a messaging protocol that allows applications to communicate with each other. It also allows the system to launch daemons and applications on demand, whenever they're needed. Once the D-Bus protocol starts a service, the service continues to run until you either stop it manually or shut down the machine. The accounts-daemon.service file is one service that's meant to be started by D-Bus messages. We can see that here in the Type=dbus line of the [Service] section of the accounts-daemon.service file:








However, we see here in the [Install] section that we're still going to start this service during the bootup process for performance reasons:


# We pull this in by instead of waiting for the bus

# activation, to speed things up a little: gdm uses this anyway so it is nice

# if it is already around when gdm wants to use it and doesn't have to wait for

# it.

(The gdm that's mentioned here stands for GNOME Display Manager, which handles user login operation for systems with the GNOME 3 desktop.)

As I said before, we don't need this accounts-daemon.service file to run on a text-mode server. So, let's set the file to multi-user for this Ubuntu machine, which will prevent the accounts-daemon.service file from automatically starting when we boot up the machine. As you might remember, this is the command to do that:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ sudo systemctl set-default multi-user

When you reboot the machine now, you should see it boot a bit faster. On the off-chance that the accounts-daemon.service ever is needed, a D-Bus message would start it.

Out of curiosity, I created a new AlmaLinux VM without the GNOME desktop, to see if it would also default to It turned out that that Alma without GNOME defaults to and doesn't even install the AccountsService package. (So, without GUI-type user management utilities, the accounts-daemon.service file isn't even needed.)

Next, let's generate some real excitement with systemd generators.

Understanding systemd generators

systemd generators can make life somewhat easier for a busy administrator and also provide some backward compatibility with legacy SysV stuff. Let's first look at how generators make disk and partition configuration easier.

Understanding mount units

Look in the /lib/systemd/system/ directory of either VM, and you'll see several mount unit files that got created when you installed the operating system, as shown here on this Alma machine:

[donnie@localhost system]$ ls -l *.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root 750 Jun 22  2018 dev-hugepages.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root 665 Jun 22  2018 dev-mqueue.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root 655 Jun 22  2018 proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 795 Jun 22  2018 sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 767 Jun 22  2018 sys-kernel-config.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 710 Jun 22  2018 sys-kernel-debug.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 782 May 20 08:24 tmp.mount

[donnie@localhost system]$

All of these mount units, except for the tmp.mount file, are for kernel functions and have nothing to do with the drives and partitions that we want to mount. Unlike Ubuntu, Alma mounts the /tmp/ directory on its own partition, which is why you don't see the tmp.mount file on the Ubuntu machine. Let's peek inside the tmp.mount file to see what's there. Here's the [Unit] section:


Description=Temporary Directory (/tmp)





The ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=!/tmp line prevents the system from mounting /tmp/ if /tmp is found to be a symbolic link instead of the actual mount point directory. (Remember that the ! sign negates an operation.) We then see that this mount unit Conflicts with the file, which means that a umount operation will unmount /tmp/.

Next, let's see what's in the [Mount] section:






The What= and Type= lines denote this as a temporary filesystem. The Where= line defines the mountpoint directory. Finally, there's the Options= line, with the following options:

  • mode=1777: This sets the permissions value for the mountpoint directory. The 777 part sets full read, write, and execute permissions for everybody. The 1 part sets the sticky bit, which prevents users from deleting each others' files.
  • strictatime: This causes the kernel to maintain full access-time (atime) updates on all files on this partition.
  • nosuid: If any files on this partition have the Set User ID (SUID) bit set, this option prevents SUID from doing anything. (The SUID bit is a way to escalate privileges for non-privileged users and can be a security problem if it's set on files that shouldn't have it.)
  • nodev: This security feature prevents the system from recognizing any character device or block device files that might be on this partition. (You should only see device files in the /dev/ directory.)

Finally, we have the [Install] section, which looks like this:


So, this partition gets mounted by the file, right at the beginning of the bootup process.

Okay—you now have a basic understanding of what a mount unit file looks like. You're now wondering: Where are the mount unit files for our normal disk partitions? Ah, I'm glad you asked.

It is possible to manually create mount unit files for your normal disk partitions, but it isn't necessary. In fact, the systemd.mount man page recommends against this. Under the FSTAB section of this man page, you'll see that it's both possible and recommended to configure partitions in the /etc/fstab file, just like you've always done. A systemd generator will dynamically create the appropriate mount unit files, based on the information that's in the fstab file. For example, here's the fstab file from the Alma machine:

/dev/mapper/almalinux-root /      xfs     defaults        0 0

UUID=42b88c40-693d-4a4b-ac60-ae042c742562 /boot  xfs     defaults        0 0

/dev/mapper/almalinux-swap none   swap    defaults        0 0

The two /dev/mapper lines indicate that the root filesystem partition and the swap partition are mounted as logical volumes. We also see that the root partition is formatted as an xfs partition. The UUID= line indicates that the /boot/ partition is mounted as a normal partition that's designated by its universally unique identifier (UUID) number. (That makes sense because Linux systems can't boot from a logical volume.)

Okay—the SysV system would just take the information from the fstab file and use it directly. As I've already indicated, systemd will take this information and use it to dynamically generate the mount unit files under the /run/systemd/generator/ directory, as we see here:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ cd /run/systemd/generator/

[donnie@localhost generator]$ ls -l

total 12

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 254 Jun 15 14:16  boot.mount

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 235 Jun 15 14:16 'dev-mapper-almalinuxx2dswap.swap'

drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  80 Jun 15 14:16

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 222 Jun 15 14:16  -.mount

drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  60 Jun 15 14:16

[donnie@localhost generator]$

It's fairly obvious which of these files correspond to the /boot/ and swap partitions. What isn't so obvious is that the -.mount file corresponds to the root filesystem partition. Let's peek into the boot.mount file to see what's there:

# Automatically generated by systemd-fstab-generator



Documentation=man:fstab(5) man:systemd-fstab-generator(8)





From what you've already seen in the previous example and in the fstab file, you should be able to figure out what's going on here.

You might want to see what's in the -.mount file, but you can't do that the normal way. If you try it, you'll get this:

[donnie@localhost generator]$ cat -.mount

cat: invalid option -- '.'

Try 'cat --help' for more information.

[donnie@localhost generator]$

This will happen regardless of which command-line utility you try. That's because the sign that's in the prefix of the filename makes the Bash shell think that we're dealing with an option switch. To make this work, just precede the filename with ./ so that you'll be working with an absolute path. The command will look like this:

[donnie@localhost generator]$ cat ./-.mount

# Automatically generated by systemd-fstab-generator



Documentation=man:fstab(5) man:systemd-fstab-generator(8)





[donnie@localhost generator]$

Okay—I think that covers it for the mount units. Let's shift over to the Ubuntu Server 20.04 machine and check out one of the backward-compatibility features of systemd.

Understanding backward compatibility

You can also use systemd generators to control services from old-fashioned SysV init scripts. You won't see much of that with Red Hat-type systems, but you will with Debian and Ubuntu systems. (For some strange reason, the Debian and Ubuntu maintainers still haven't converted all of their services over to native systemd services.) To demonstrate, disable and stop the normal ssh service on the Ubuntu machine by doing:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ sudo systemctl disable --now ssh

Next, install Dropbear, which is a lightweight replacement for the normal OpenSSH package. Do that with the following two commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install dropbear

When the installation completes, you should see that the Dropbear service is already enabled and running:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ systemctl status dropbear

  dropbear.service - LSB: Lightweight SSH server

     Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/dropbear; generated)

     Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-06-15 16:15:40 UTC; 3h 40min ago

. . .

. . .

So far, everything looks normal, except for the part about how it loaded the service from the /etc/init.d/dropbear init script. If you look for a dropbear.service file in the /lib/systemd/system/ directory, you won't find it. Instead, you'll see the dropbear init script in the /etc/init.d/ directory:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:~$ cd /etc/init.d

donnie@ubuntu20-04:/etc/init.d$ ls -l dropbear

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2588 Jul 27  2019 dropbear


When the Dropbear service starts, systemd will generate a dropbear.service file in the /run/systemd/generator.late/ directory, as you see here:

donnie@ubuntu20-04:/run/systemd/generator.late$ ls -l dropbear.service

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 513 Jun 15 16:16 dropbear.service


This file isn't permanently saved to disk and only lasts as long as the system is running. Look inside, and you'll see that it's just a normal service unit file:

Figure 8.1 – A generated service file for the Dropbear service

Okay—maybe it's not completely normal. (I have no idea why it lists the line three different times.) Also, it's missing the [Install] section because this is actually meant to be a static service.

If you really want to, you can trick the system into creating a normal dropbear.service file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory, just by doing a normal sudo systemctl edit --full dropbear command. Delete the SourcePath=/etc/init.d/dropbear line from the [Unit] section because you no longer need it. Next, insert the following line into the [Service] section:


This will allow you to set certain Dropbear parameters in the /etc/default/dropbear file, which is already there. (Look at the Dropbear man page to see which options you can set.)

Then, add the [Install] section, which will look like this:


Save the file and do a sudo systemctl daemon-reload command. Then, enable Dropbear and reboot the VM to verify that it works. Finally, look in the /run/systemd/generator.late/ directory. You'll see that the dropbear.service file is no longer there because systemd is no longer using the dropbear init script. Instead, it's using the dropbear.service file that you just created in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. If you need to, you can now edit this service file the same way that you'd edit any other service file.


Yes indeed, ladies and gents, we've once again covered a lot of ground and looked at some cool stuff. We started with an overview of the SysV and systemd boot processes, and then looked at some ways to analyze bootup performance. We then looked at an oddity about the Ubuntu Server bootup configuration. Finally, we wrapped things up by looking at two uses for systemd generators.

In the next chapter, we'll use some systemd utilities to set certain system parameters. I'll see you there.


  1. How does systemd handle a service that still uses an old-fashioned init script?

    a. It just uses the init scripts directly.

    b. It creates and saves a service unit file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory.

    c. It dynamically generates a service unit file in the /run/systemd/generator.late/ directory.

    d. It won't run a service that only has an init script.

  2. What is the recommended way of configuring disk partitions on a systemd machine?

    a. Manually create a mount unit file for each partition.

    b. Edit the /etc/fstab file as you normally would.

    c. Manually create partition device files in the /dev/ directory.

    d. Use the mount utility.

  3. Which of the following files represents the root filesystem?

    a. root.mount

    b. -.mount

    c. /.mount

    d. rootfs.mount

  4. Which of the following commands would show you how long each service takes to start during bootup?

    a. systemctl blame

    b. systemctl time

    c. systemd-analyze

    d. systemd-analyze time

    e. systemd-analyze blame


  1. c
  2. b
  3. b
  4. e

Further reading

D-Bus documentation:

AccountsService documentation:

Cleaning up the Linux startup process:

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