Practice Exam

This practice exam contains 75 questions that are representative of what you should expect on the actual exam “Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET” (Exam 70-316). The answers appear at the end of this practice exam. I strongly suggest that when you take this practice exam, you treat it just as you would the actual exam at the test center. Time yourself, read carefully, don't use any reference materials, and answer all the questions as best you can.

Some of the questions may be vague and require you to make deductions to come up with the best possible answer from the possibilities given. Others may be verbose, requiring you to read and process a lot of information before you reach the actual question. These are skills that you should acquire before attempting to take the actual exam. Take this practice exam, and if you miss more than 18 questions, try rereading the chapters that contain information on the subjects in which you were weak. You can use the index to find keywords to point you to the appropriate locations.

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