
I would like to thank Sue Miller for her never-ending patience while I wrote this book in between 80-hour work weeks. I could not have asked for a better editor. Few large security books are written without the help and review of many experts. I would like to thank the following individuals for making large parts of this book better and more technically accurate: Peter Szor, Simson L. Garfinkel, David LeBlanc, and Mike Bertsch. Furthermore, the following individuals contributed to one or two chapters and provided expertise in areas where granularity was needed: Dr. Vesselin V. Bontchev, Fred McClain, Eric Chien, and Brooke O’Neil. I also would like to thank the O’Reilly production staff who helped to make this book a reality: Nicole Arigo, Claire Cloutier, Darren Kelly, and Jane Ellin.

I have lots of personal thanks to give as well. I would like to dedicate this book to my two wonderful daughters, Lee and Kathleen, who put up with me playing on the computer more than they did. A second dedication must go to my brother, Richard, the real writer in the family, who first told me I could pick up a pen, too. And lastly, to my wife, Tricia, for her never-wavering support while I neglected her.

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