
Management Tips was adapted from the following blog posts and products. Search for them on

Managing Yourself

  1. “3 Steps Toward Being a Better Leader in 2009” by Stew Friedman
  2. “Choose the Fantasy World You Live In” by Peter Bregman
  3. “Top Ten Ways to Find Joy at Work” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  4. “A Freelancer’s Recipe for Professional Development” by Steven DeMaio
  5. “Never Let Your Ego Stop You from Learning” by John Baldoni
  6. “The Power of Preventive Assessment” by Stew Friedman
  7. “Five Questions Every Mentor Must Ask” by Anthony Tjan
  8. “Do You Have an Excessive Need to Be Yourself?” by Marshall Goldsmith
  9. “Critique Me, Please” by John Maeda
  10. “Is Listening an Endangered Skill?” by Bronwyn Fryer
  11. “A New Year’s Resolution: Schedule Regular Meetings with Yourself” by Gill Corkindale
  12. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself, one of six HBR article collections in the popular 10 Must Reads series
  13. “The Supreme Killer App: Your Memory” by Steven DeMaio
  14. “The Next Big Idea in Management: The 3 x 5 Card” by Alan M. Webber
  15. “Academia vs. Industry: The Difference Is in the Punctuation Marks” by John Maeda
  16. “Burned Out? Take a Creative Sabbatical” by Gina Trapani
  17. “Six Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity” by Tony Schwartz
  18. “Why Wise Leaders Don’t Know Too Much” by Jeff Stibel
  19. “Add an Hour to Your Day” by Ron Ashkenas
  20. “How to Manage People in 15 Minutes a Day” by Daisy Wademan Dowling
  21. “Six Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity” by Tony Schwartz
  22. “The Art of the Self-Imposed Deadline” by Steven DeMaio
  23. “To Multitask Effectively, Focus on Value, Not Volume” by Ron Ashkenas
  24. “Why You Need to Fail” by Peter Bregman
  25. What’s Next, Gen X?: Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want by Tammy Erickson
  26. “Are You the Bottleneck in Your Organization?” by Brett Martin and Thanos Papadimitriou
  27. “Are You Micromanaging Yourself?” by Steven DeMaio
  28. “Three Ways to Beat Burnout” by Christopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek
  29. “Use Stress to Your Advantage,” by Peter Bregman
  30. “How to Make Knowledge Work Fun” by Larry Stybel
  31. “Grownups Need Recess, Too” by Stew Friedman
  32. “Why Do Most Entrepreneurs Fail to Scale?” by
    Anthony Tjan
  33. “Don’t Give Up on Change” by Marshall Goldsmith
  34. “Why You Should Fire Yourself” by Ron Ashkenas
  35. “How Your Brain Connects the Future to the Past” by Jeff Brown and Mark Fenske
  36. “How (and When) to Motivate Yourself” by Peter Bregman
  37. “A Great Boss Is Confident, But Not Really Sure” by Robert I. Sutton
  38. “You’ve Made a Mistake. Now What?” by Amy Gallo
  39. “How to Identify Your Disruptive Skills” by Whitney Johnson
  40. “How to Become a Thought Leader in Six Steps” by Dorie Clark
  41. “To Get Paid What You’re Worth, Know Your Disruptive Skills” by Whitney Johnson
  42. “Overcoming the Mental Barriers to Equal Pay” by Mary Davis Holt
  43. “Improve in the Delicate Art of Self-Promotion,” Christina Bielaszka-DuVernay
  44. “3 Ways to Pitch Yourself in 30 Seconds” by Jodi Glickman Brown
  45. “Define Your Personal Leadership Brand in Five Steps” by Norm Smallwood
  46. “Turn the Job You Have into the Job You Want” by Amy Wrzesniewski, Justin M. Berg, and Jane E. Dutton
  47. “How to Get the Pay Raise You Want” by Gill Corkindale
  48. “Should You Write Your Own Promotion Plan?” by David Silverman
  49. “Don’t Let Promotion Anxiety Derail Your Career” by Gill Corkindale
  50. “Who Is the Leader of the Future?” Vineet Nayar

Managing Your Team

  1. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership
  2. “Why Are Creative Leaders So Rare?” by Navi Radjou
  3. “To Lead More Effectively, Increase Your Self-Confidence” by John Baldoni
  4. “Decoding Leadership” by Norm Smallwood
  5. “What Every New Generation of Bosses Has to Learn” by Robert I. Sutton
  6. “Some Bosses Live in a Fool’s Paradise” by Robert I. Sutton
  7. “The Boss as Human Shield” by Robert I. Sutton
  8. “The Age of the Both/And CEO” by Jeff Kehoe
  9. “Four Things Employees Need from Leaders” by Cleve Stevens
  10. “Four Ways to Improve Your Team’s Performance” by Daisy Wademan Dowling
  11. “The Boss as Human Shield” by Robert I. Sutton
  12. “Bringing Out the Best in Your People” by Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown
  13. “An Effective (and Underused) Way to Reassure and Motivate” by Peter Bregman
  14. “When Should You Let an Employee Make a Mistake?” by Peter Bregman
  15. “The Miracle of Making Mistakes” by Vineet Nayar
  16. “Forgive and Remember: How a Good Boss Responds to Mistakes” by Robert I. Sutton
  17. “Do You Have Their Backs? Or Just Your Own?” by Robert I. Sutton
  18. “When the Going Gets Tough, Act the Part” by John Baldoni
  19. “Learn to Embrace the Tension of Diversity” by Marshall Goldsmith
  20. “Avoid Mistakes That Plague New Leaders: An Interview with Warren Bennis” by Christina Bielaszka-DuVernay>
  21. “Get Your Team to Stop Fighting and Start Working” by Amy Gallo
  22. “Ask the Expert” on the HBR Answer Exchange by Peter Cappelli
  23. “How to Drive Change the IDEO Way” by Andrew Winston
  24. “Embedding Sustainability/Ethics into Performance Reviews” on the “Ask the Expert: Marc Effron, Miriam Ort” board of the HBR Answer Exchange
  25. “Feedback That Works” by Cynthia M. Phoel
  26. “Great Communicators Are Great Explainers” by John Baldoni
  27. “The Delicate Art of Being Perfectly Assertive” by Robert I. Sutton
  28. “Give a Gift: 4 Tips for More Effective Mentoring” by Tammy Erickson
  29. “Empowering Your Employees to Empower Themselves” by Marshall Goldsmith
  30. “Stop Worrying about Your Weaknesses” by Peter
  31. “How to Identify Your Employees’ Hidden Talents” by Steven DeMaio
  32. Action Learning: A Recipe for Success” by Chris Cappy
  33. “A Story About Motivation” by Peter Bregman
  34. “Leading Clever People” by Gareth Jones
  35. “Leverage Your Top Talent Before You Lose It” by Ron Ashkenas
  36. “Giving a High Performer Productive Feedback” by Amy Gallo
  37. “Award Your Own Genius Grants” by Julia Kirby
  38. “True Leaders Are Also Managers” by Robert I. Sutton
  39. “How to Communicate Like Barack Obama” by John Baldoni
  40. “Bringing Out the Best in Your People” by Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown
  41. “6 Questions to Help You Build Trust on Your Team” by Lieutenant Colonel Diane Ryan
  42. “How Leaders Create the Context for Strategy Execution” by Ron Ashkenas
  43. “Bringing Out the Best in Your People” by Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown
  44. “Vanquish the Time-Management Villain” by Luca Baiguini
  45. “Bad Is Stronger Than Good: Evidence-Based Advice For Bosses” by Robert I. Sutton
  46. “Four Tools For Defeating Denial” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  47. “How to Align Employee and Company Interests” by Anthony Tjan
  48. “Seven Communication Mistakes Managers Make” by Stever Robbins
  49. “When Your Team Reverts to the Old Strategy” by Amy Gallo
  50. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategy

Managing Your Business

  1. “The 10 Questions Every Change Agent Must Answer” by Bill Taylor
  2. “Moving from Strategic Planning to Storytelling” by Roger Martin
  3. “The Four Phases of Design Thinking” by Warren Berger
  4. “If You’re the Boss, Start Killing More Good Ideas” by Robert I. Sutton
  5. “Making Your Strategy Work on the Front-Line” by Amy Gallo
  6. “Three Questions for Entrepreneurs” by Scott Anthony
  7. “Don’t Get Distracted by Your Plan” by Peter Bregman
  8. “When Failure Is Intolerable” by Scott Anthony
  9. “The Benefits of Thinking the Unthinkable” by Rita McGrath
  10. “How Small Businesses Win Big in Tough Economies” by Jeff Stibel
  11. “Finding Northwest Flight 253’s Lessons for Leaders” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  12. “Why the Best Solutions Are Always Temporary Ones” by Peter Bregman
  13. “3 Ways to Fail Cheap” by Scott Anthony
  14. “How CMOs Should Function in a Recession,” by John Quelch
  15. “A Better Way to Cut Costs,” by Rita McGrath
  16. “Google Grows Up” by Scott Anthony
  17. “Better Through Whose Eyes?” by Scott Anthony
  18. “How to Strike Effective Alliances and Partnerships” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  19. “How to Strike Effective Alliances and Partnerships” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  20. “Why Small Companies Will Win in This Economy” by Peter Bregman
  21. “Four Lessons from Y-Combinator’s Fresh Approach to Innovation” by Scott Anthony
  22. “Have You Already Killed Your Next Big Thing?” by Mark W. Johnson
  23. “Why Most CEOs Are Bad at Strategy” by Roger Martin
  24. “Innovate Like Chris Rock” by Peter Sims
  25. “Four Ways to Spur Innovation at Your Company” by John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison
  26. “Find the 15-Minute Competitive Advantage” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  27. “Surviving a Recession—And a Wildfire” by Adam Werbach
  28. “Do’s and Don’ts for Your Work’s Social Platforms” by Andrew McAfee
  29. “Social Media’s Critical Path: Relevance to Resonance to Significance” by Brian Solis
  30. “Debunking Social Media Myths” by David Armano
  31. “How Would Walt Disney Market in 2009?” by John Sviokla
  32. “What’s Your Company’s Sentence?” by Bill Taylor
  33. “What McDonald’s Can Teach Us about Recovery” by Mats Lederhausen
  34. “Understanding Customer Experience” by Adam Richardson
  35. “Four Ways to Increase the Urgency Needed for Change” by John Kotter
  36. “In E-Commerce, More Is More,” by Andreas B. Eisengerich and Tobias Kretschmer, Harvard Business Review, March 2008
  37. “Groupon’s Four Keys to Customer Interaction” by John Sviokla
  38. “It’s Not Who Your Customers Are, It’s How They Behave,” by Peter Merholz
  39. “Looking to Grow Sales on the Cheap? Use Natural Spokespeople” by John Sviokla
  40. “Better Customer Service Through Transparency, Tribes, and Talent” by John Sviokla
  41. “How Integrated Are Your Customer Experiences?” by Peter Merholz
  42. “Want to Understand Your Customers? Go Pyscho” by Anthony Tjan
  43. “Are You Catering to your Customers’ Anxieties?” by John Sviokla, Anand Rao, and Jamie Yoder
  44. “To Win the Sale, Win Your Customer’s Heart” by Clif Reichard
  45. “Persuasion Tactics of Effective Salespeople” by Steve W. Martin
  46. “The Secret to Meaningful Customer Relationships” by Roger Martin
  47. “How (Not) to Complain” by John Quelch
  48. “The Farm-to-Table Secret to Motivating People” by Peter Bregman
  49. “Developing Services Consumers Want” by John Senior
  50. “Simplicity: The Next Big Thing” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
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