
This book was written under unusually difficult circumstances and would not have been completed without the love and support of a wide variety of people.

First of all, I would like to thank my editor, Adrienne Hickey, for her knowledge, encouragement, flexibility, and commitment to this project. She has been a tremendous help to me. Also, I would like to thank both Barry Richardson and Jim Bessent from AMACOM for their able assistance. They certainly made my job easier. Lastly, I would like to thank Pamela A. Posey, D.B.A., for her continued guidance and perspective. Pam, you have taught me more than you could possibly know.

I’ve had many excellent mentors in the field of human resources management, including Herman Greenspan, Dan Bisgrove, Dan Kowalski, John Coghlan, and Barry Jackson. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience with me.

I’ve also been lucky to have many terrific mentors, both inside and outside of government, who have influenced my thinking with respect to managing people. Within government, I would like to thank Tom Lastowka, Rick Nappi, and Joe Thompson. Outside the government, I would like to thank Paul Gustavson, Bill Snyder, Alan Checketts, and Paul Draper. Each and every one of you has made me a better leader and a better person.

As I mentioned earlier, this book was difficult to write because both my wife and I were ill during the time I was writing this book. Fortunately, during our ordeal we have learned about the generosity of the human spirit and how many people truly care about us. While I cannot possibly mention everyone who has helped us, I would like to acknowledge my parents, Pearl and Hal Liff; my mother-in-law, Jaffa Schlusselberg; my children, Rob, Jen, and Marc; my brothers, Jeff and Mike; my uncle Jerry Goldman; and my cousins Ricki, Lori, Harold, and Lenore. I love you all dearly and appreciate your support and inspiration.

I also want to thank the hundreds of friends who contacted us during the past year to lend us support. Believe me, we have soaked up your positive energy and are deeply appreciative of your friendship and concern.

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