Versions of You

Your team is populated by a unique set of individuals that are distinctly not you. Yes, you’re on the same team and perhaps you share the same professional goals, but in the details each of you is different.

This section starts with what might the most important lesson regarding main¬taining a healthy team: bored people quit. After that I go deep on the mindsets and habits of nerds, before, well, I start calling other people names, which is behavior I need to explain.

Most chapter titles come to me well before the piece is written. This is likely because much of my writing starts as part of a coffee-induced high driving to or from work, and there is no way I can completely remember my chain-of-consciousness, rambling thoughts from when I park the car to when I’m near a keyboard.

So I create a name.

And it needs to be a good descriptive name because I’ve got to remember 30 minutes of mental wandering just by thinking of it.

This last section is full of just these sorts of names. Inwards, outwards, organ¬ics, NADD, free electrons, bellwethers, incrementalists . . . I clearly have name-calling issues. But these names aren’t just a handy memory device, they’re the end result of years of sitting at a table and noticing and labeling the similarities among very different people.

These names are not intended to paint a complete picture of the people they describe. They merely give you a starting point for understanding where your particular person is coming from. In reality, your free electron is also an or¬ganic completionist. In reality, people are messy.

While I’m happy to provide you with a starting mental sketch for identifying the people on your team and in your company, your job isn’t done there. Your job is not to figure out how to alienate people by calling them names, it’s to figure out how to include them by taking time to understand what they need and doing your best to give it to them.

You need to remember that everyone is a slightly different version of you.

Finally, this section and this book finish a little selfishly. The final chapters walk you through a professional inevitability—how to prepare for your next job and how to be kind to the one you leave.

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