Article Summary

Idea in Brief

Worried that you’re not a born leader? That you lack charisma, the right talents, or some other secret ingredient? No need: leadership isn’t about personality or talent. In fact, the best leaders exhibit wildly different personalities, attitudes, values, and strengths—they’re extroverted or reclusive, easygoing or controlling, generous or parsimonious, numbers or vision oriented.

So what do effective leaders have in common? They get the right things done, in the right ways—by following eight simple rules:

  • Ask what needs to be done.
  • Ask what’s right for the enterprise.
  • Develop action plans.
  • Take responsibility for decisions.
  • Take responsibility for communicating.
  • Focus on opportunities, not problems.
  • Run productive meetings.
  • Think and say “We,” not “I.”

Using discipline to apply these rules, you gain the knowledge you need to make smart decisions, convert that knowledge into effective action, and ensure accountability throughout your organization.

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