Navigating the Work-Life Divide


Just as the industrial age introduced separation between work and family time, the information age has given us the means to integrate work and family roles. Many of us can work anywhere and anytime, and can connect with or attend to family and friends anywhere and anytime. And increasingly, we are doing both. When we are with family and friends, we check for communications from work. When we are at work, we check for messages from family members.

In this guidebook, we do not argue that the blurring of work-life boundaries is a good or bad thing. However, we do acknowledge those blurred lines and recognize that individuals have greater say over their personal boundaries than was previously possible. There is no evidence of one best way to manage boundaries between work and personal life. Instead, research by the Center for Creative Leadership (conducted in partnership with Dr. Ellen Ernst Kossek, the Basil S. Turner Professor of Management at Purdue University and coauthor of CEO of Me: Creating a Life That Works in the Flexible Job Age) shows there are many ways to successfully manage these boundaries. In fact, our research links several different boundary-management styles or preferences to a variety of meaningful outcomes, including lower work-life conflict, increased workplace retention, engagement, and enhanced psychological well-being.


Because boundaries can be a sensitive topic in the context of organizations and families, we suggest ways to think and talk about managing boundaries that make the process visible and discussable. We also describe a set of concepts that can raise your appreciation of boundary management, setting the stage for you to improve your boundary-management techniques. Managing work-life boundaries does not need to be difficult. If you take time to periodically reflect on and discuss your preferences with others in a nondefensive way and are proactive in managing boundaries with work and family stakeholders, you can create a healthier, more productive, and less stressful life.

In the following pages, you will find a process that will help you understand your preferences for managing work-life boundaries. Armed with that understanding, you can use this guidebook’s suggested practices to regain control over your life.

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