Macros Are [Not] Magic

In this book, we’ve covered a lot of ground in a short time. You’ve seen how you can construct expressions using normal Clojure programming techniques, how to get what you want from the various quoting mechanisms, and how to find out what’s going wrong with misbehaving macros. You’ve learned about a few potential downsides to macros and seen some ways you can use plain old functions to do some of the jobs that macros can do. And we’ve explored a number of the most common use cases for macros, from performance to new language features.

Your journey to Clojure macro mastery doesn’t end here, but you’re well on your way. Now it’s time to see where your new skills take you. Dig into the code for the macros in your favorite libraries. See how they’re put together and why they do the things they do. Macros may seem full of magic to some, but as you know, they’re just programming like everything else. And most importantly, have fun!

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