Chapter 14
Creating Simple Custom Dialog Boxes

In this chapter, you'll start looking at Visual Basic for Applications’ tools for creating custom dialog boxes that interact with the user. The terms dialog box and form (or user form) are generally used interchangeably. Technically, a dialog box is a quite simple, small window, such as a message box or input box. Forms, generally, are larger windows featuring richer and more complex interaction with the user. These terms, though, are synonymous in common usage.

Dialog boxes and forms are among the most powerful and feature-packed elements of VBA. We will spend quite a bit of time in Chapters 14, “Creating Simple Custom Dialog Boxes,” and 15, “Creating Complex Forms,” exploring their uses as the primary communication path between users and procedures.

This chapter covers the most common and straightforward components (called controls) that you can put on a form. The next chapter shows you how to create more elaborate forms, such as those with tabbed pages and those that update themselves when the user clicks a control.

When Should You Use a Custom Dialog Box?

You'll sometimes want to use a form (another word for dialog box or window) when simpler methods of interacting with the user are inadequate. Sometimes, the limited buttons provided in message boxes are insufficient for getting needed information from the user. Similarly, the single text field available in an input box would be inadequate if you need the user to provide multiple data (name, address, phone number, and so on). In other words, sometimes you need the user to fill in a form.

You'll also want to use a custom dialog box for specialized input. For example, you might want to allow users to:

  • Choose nonexclusive options by selecting or clearing check boxes
  • Choose from among mutually exclusive choices via option buttons (also called radio buttons)
  • Select an item within a list that you show them in a list box

In other words, simple message boxes or input boxes cannot handle complex user input like that.

Custom dialog boxes can include the full range of interface elements (controls) that the user is probably familiar with from working with Windows applications. You can create custom dialog boxes that look and function almost exactly like the dialog boxes built into applications (such as the File Save dialog box). Or you can build even larger constructions that approach the sophistication of typical application windows.

You might find that you'll use forms often in your more sophisticated macros. For example, when the user starts a procedure, you can have the procedure display a form presenting options—such as choosing the files for the procedure to manipulate. The user's choices determine what the procedure will then do.

You could also create dialog boxes that VBA triggers in response to events in the computer system—for example, an event that runs at a specific time or runs when the user takes a specific action (such as creating, opening, or closing a document).

Making your own dialog boxes is not that hard, but it can be time-consuming if you're building a complicated form. Because creating forms is not the fastest programming job, you might want to consider any practical alternatives to using them.

You've already looked at message boxes and input boxes, which provide a simple alternative for some of the relatively easy tasks for which you might want to create a custom dialog box.

Also, some applications, such as Word and Excel, even let you use their built-in dialog boxes for your own purposes. If users are familiar with the application, they're probably familiar with these built-in dialog boxes and can immediately use them to perform standard actions—for example, to open or save files. These are called common dialog boxes. How to use common dialog boxes in your macros is demonstrated briefly in the sidebar titled “Control a For…Next Loop with User Input via a Dialog Box” in Chapter 12, “Using Loops to Repeat Actions,” and more fully later in this chapter in the section titled “Using an Application's Built-In Dialog Boxes.”

Creating a Custom Dialog Box

If you want to employ a custom dialog box or window in VBA, you use a visual object called a user form. A user form (also sometimes just referred to as a form) is a blank sheet on which you can place controls, such as check boxes, buttons, and text boxes, to create a made-to-order dialog box.

As you'll see, a user form contains its own code page where you, the programmer, write code to manage the various controls in the form. You can attach code to any of the controls, or to the user form itself, and that code is stored in the Code window. You can work with that code as you would macro code. You can also run and test a user form as you would any macro (for example, by pressing F5 with the user form selected), and the VBA Editor will execute the code behind the form.

You can display a user form (a dialog box) for the user to interact with, and you can then retrieve information from the user form and manipulate it with VBA code. It's in this sense that code supporting a form is said to be behind a form. The user sees and interacts with a form, but behind the scenes you have written code to intelligently react to whatever the user might input.

Each user form is itself an object and can contain a number of other objects that you can manipulate individually.

For example, you could create a simple dialog box with two option buttons, an OK button, and a Cancel button. Each option button would be an object, the OK button would be a third object, and the Cancel button would be a fourth object. You could set properties individually for each object—such as the action to take when the Cancel button is clicked or the ScreenTip (also called a ToolTip) to display when the user moves the mouse pointer over each of the option buttons. (ToolTips help make the components of your form understandable for the user.) The point is to consider the components of a form—the controls you place on the form—as objects. This is another use of the concept of objects. Controls are visual objects, but like purely programmatic objects, controls have members such as properties.

You can specify most properties of an object either at design time (when you're creating the user form) or at runtime (while the code is executing, either before or after you display the user form). For example, consider the Value property of a check-box control. Your code (or the user) can set it to True to display the check box in its selected state or to False to display the check box in its cleared state. You can set the Value property three different ways:

  • When building the user form, you can use the Editor's Properties window to specify values. For example, you can make a check box that will default to its selected (checked) state each time the user form is displayed.
  • You can write code that sets the check box before the form gets displayed to the user while the macro is running.
  • You can write code that sets the check box while the user is interacting with the form. Note that the user can click the check box to toggle it between its selected and deselected states, but your code can also do this.

The following sections explain the process of creating a dialog box. Later in this chapter, you'll find examples that step you through the process of creating a procedure and adding a dialog box to it.

Designing a Dialog Box

It's possible to whip together a half-decent dialog box without much planning. Some programmers like to just “sketch” the user interface in a dialog box by dragging and dropping controls from the Toolbox onto the form, then positioning the controls so they look good and, finally, modifying their properties. This is the approach favored by improvisational people.

Other programmers prefer to adopt a more methodical approach and plan what they need to include in the dialog box before they start creating it. If you fall into this latter category, consider the intended purpose of the dialog box and list the elements it will need in order to achieve this goal. Then perhaps sketch on paper a rough diagram of the dialog box to get an approximate idea of where you'll want to locate each of the elements (the controls you place on the form).

Inserting a User Form

Once you have a design in mind, the first step in creating a custom dialog box is to insert a user form in the appropriate template or document:

  1. Click Developer ➢ Visual Basic to display the Visual Basic Editor if it's not already open.
  2. In the Project Explorer window, right-click the appropriate project and choose Insert ➢ UserForm from the context menu.

The Visual Basic Editor opens a new user form like that shown in Figure 14.1, named UserForm1 (or the next available number if the project already contains other user forms).

Screenshot described by caption.

Figure 14.1 The first step in creating a new dialog box is to start a new user form. The Visual Basic Editor displays the Toolbox when a user form is the active window.

The Visual Basic Editor also displays the Toolbox. (If you've previously hidden the Toolbox while working on a user form, the Visual Basic Editor doesn't display it. Choose View ➢ Toolbox or click the Toolbox button on the far right of the Standard toolbar.)

VBA automatically inserts the user form in the Forms object (the collection of forms) for the project. If the project you chose didn't already contain a Forms collection, VBA adds one to contain the new user form. You'll see the Forms object displayed in the Project Explorer.

Choosing User-Form Grid Settings

The Visual Basic Editor displays a grid in each user form to help you place controls relative to the dialog box and to align controls relative to each other so they look neat instead of random.

I can't think why you would want to do this, but to switch off the display of this grid or to switch off the Visual Basic Editor's automatic alignment of controls to the grid, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Tools ➢ Options to display the Options dialog box.
  2. Click the General tab to display the General page (see Figure 14.2).
    Screenshot described by caption.
    Figure 14.2 The General page of the Options dialog box includes options for toggling the display of the grid, resizing the grid, and toggling whether VBA aligns the controls to the grid.
  3. Choose the settings you want:
    1. Clear the Show Grid check box if you want to turn off the display of the grid. (The grid continues to function, but the dots are not displayed.)
    2. Clear the Align Controls To Grid check box if you want to stop using the grid whether it's visible or not. This feature is usually a timesaver, but if the grid is too coarse for the layout you're trying to achieve, just reduce the sizing of the grid from the default 6 to perhaps 3 or 4.
    3. Change the number of points in the Width and Height text boxes to adjust the sizing of the grid's units.
  4. Click the OK button to close the Options dialog box and apply your choices.

Renaming a User Form

Next, change the user form's name property from the default (UserForm1) to a more descriptive name. The following steps show how to do this. (For advice on choosing names, refer to the sidebar “Naming Conventions in Visual Basic for Applications” in this chapter.)

  1. If the Properties window isn't displayed, press F4 to display it.

    Figure 14.3 shows the two pages of the Properties window: Alphabetic and Categorized.

    • Alphabetic displays an alphabetical listing of the properties of the currently selected object.
    • Categorized displays the same properties but separated into categories, such as Appearance, Behavior, Font, Misc., Picture, and Position. (Some controls have more categories than those listed here.)

    You can expand a category by clicking the plus (+) sign beside it to display the properties it contains, and collapse it by clicking the resulting minus (–) sign.

    Screenshot displaying userforms to choose either an alphabetized or a categorized list in the Properties window.

    Figure 14.3 You can choose either an alphabetized or a categorized list in the Properties window.

  2. If the Alphabetic tab isn't selected, click it to select it.

    The Categorized option is not, in my view, very helpful because many of the properties are simply too difficult to fit into categories that make any sense. The Caption property, for example, is assigned to the Appearance category, but the (Name) property is contained in the Misc. collection. The very existence of a “miscellaneous” category demonstrates that the categorization effort has broken down. I suggest you stick with the default Alphabetic option instead.

  3. Make sure the drop-down list (at the top of the Properties window) is displaying the default name of the user form. If it isn't, select the user form from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the user form's default name (such as UserForm1 or UserForm2) in the cell to the right of the Name cell (you can double-click the name to select it quickly).
  5. Now type a new, more descriptive name for the user form.

    This name can be anything you want, with the standard VBA limitations:

    • It must start with a letter.
    • It can contain letters, numbers, and underscores but no spaces or symbols.
    • It can be up to 40 characters long.
  6. Click the Caption cell to select the user form's default name and type the caption for the user form—that is, the text label that you want the user to see in the title bar of the dialog box.

    This name has no restrictions beyond the constraints imposed by the length of the title bar. You can enter a name longer than will fit in the title bar, but VBA truncates it with an ellipsis at its maximum displayable length. As you type, the name appears in the user-form title bar as well, so it's easy to see what's an appropriate length—at least, for the current size of the user form.

  7. Press Enter or click elsewhere in the Properties window (or elsewhere in the Visual Basic Editor) to set (make official) the user form's name. (Assigning names to controls works the same way as assigning names to forms.)

Adding Controls to the User Form

Now that you've renamed the user form, you're ready to add controls to it from the Toolbox, shown in Figure 14.4. VBA automatically displays the Toolbox when a user form is active, but you can also display the Toolbox when no user form is active by choosing View ➢ Toolbox.

Illustration displaying a Toolbox to add controls to the user form, to select objects and toggle buttons.

Figure 14.4 Use the Toolbox to add controls to the user form.

Here's what the buttons on the Toolbox do:

  • Select Objects This first control, the arrow symbol, has a very specialized purpose, and you might never need to use it. First, it's not an ordinary control (it doesn't appear on a form; you can't drag and drop it onto a form). Its job is to restore the mouse pointer to Selection mode. However, the mouse pointer automatically returns to Selection mode after you've dropped a control onto a form. Usually, you'll need to click this Select Objects button only when you've selected another control and then changed your mind and decided not to use it, so you need to restore the pointer to its normal state.

    Alternatively, if you double-click a control (such as the check box), you trigger a technique that allows you to quickly add multiple versions of the same control repeatedly. (Every time you click in the form, a new check box is added to it—for example, while the Editor is in this state.) To stop this repetitive behavior, you click the Select Objects button.

  • Label Creates a label, which is text used to identify a part of the dialog box or to explain information the user needs to know in order to use the dialog box effectively.
  • TextBox Creates a text box (also sometimes called an edit box), a field into which the user can type text. You can also use a text box to display text to the user or to provide text for the user to copy and paste elsewhere. A text box can contain either one line (the default) or multiple lines and can display a horizontal scroll bar, a vertical scroll bar, or both.
  • ComboBox Creates a combo box, a control that combines a text box with a list box. The user can either choose a value from the list box or enter a new value in the text box.
  • ListBox Creates a list box, a control that lists a number of values. Users can pick one value from the list but can't enter a new value of their own (unlike with a combo box). The list box is good for presenting closed sets of data.
  • CheckBox Creates a check box and an accompanying label. The user can select or clear the check box to turn the associated action on or off.
  • OptionButton Creates an option button (also known as a radio button) and an accompanying label to identify the purpose of the button. This button is usually a circle that contains a black dot to show which of several options is currently selected. The user can select only one option button out of any group of option buttons. (The name radio button comes from old fashioned radios with push buttons for stations. You can select only one button at a time. Push one, and the others pop out.)
  • ToggleButton Creates a toggle button, a button that shows whether or not an item is selected. A toggle button can be defined with any two settings, such as On/Off or Yes/No. You can add a picture to a toggle button, which provides a graphical way of letting a user choose between options.
  • Frame Creates a frame, an area of a user form or dialog box surrounded by a thin line and an accompanying label. You can use frames (also known as group boxes) to group related elements in your forms. As well as cordoning off elements visually, frames can separate elements logically. For example, VBA treats a group of option buttons contained within a frame as separate from option buttons in other frames or option buttons loose in the dialog box. This separation makes it easier to use multiple sets of option buttons in a form.
  • CommandButton Creates a command button. This is the typical, ordinary Windows button that users click to communicate their wishes. Most dialog boxes contain command buttons such as OK and Cancel, or Open and Cancel, or Save, or Apply and Close.
  • TabStrip Creates a tab strip for displaying multiple sets of data in the same set of controls. Tab strips are especially useful for presenting records in a database for review or modification: Each record in the database contains the same fields for information, so they can be displayed in the same group of controls. The tab strip provides an easy way of navigating between records.
  • MultiPage Creates a multipage control for displaying multipage dialog boxes that have different layouts on each of their tabs. An example of a multipage dialog box is the Options dialog box (Tools ➢ Options), which has multiple pages (often referred to incorrectly as tabs) in most of the Office applications.
  • ScrollBar Creates a stand-alone scroll bar. Stand-alone scroll bars are of relatively little use in dialog boxes. Combo boxes and list boxes have built-in scroll bars.
  • SpinButton Creates a spin-button control to use along with another control, such as a text box. Spin buttons (also known as spinners) are typically small, rectangular buttons with one arrow pointing up and one down (or one arrow pointing left and the other pointing right). Spin buttons are useful for presenting sequential values with consistent intervals that fall between a predictable range, such as times or dates. For example, if you want the user to increment or decrement a price in a text box in 25-cent steps, you could use a spinner to adjust the price rather than letting the user type directly into the text box.
  • Image Use this control to display a picture on a form. For example, you might use an image control to show a corporate logo. (If you want to display a photo, texture, or other graphic on the background of the form itself, just use the form's Picture property.)

Click one of the controls in the Toolbox to select it. Then click in the user form to insert the control on the form, as illustrated in Figure 14.5. VBA places the top-left corner of the control where you click. As you place a control, it snaps to the grid on the user form (unless you've turned off the Align Controls To Grid feature as described in “Choosing User-Form Grid Settings,” earlier in this chapter).

Screenshot to click in the user form to insert the control on the form, after clicking one of the controls in the Toolbox to select it.

Figure 14.5 When you click in the user form after clicking a control on the Toolbox, VBA places a standard-size control of the type you chose.

You can resize the control as desired by selecting it and then clicking and dragging one of the selection handles (the white squares) that appear around it, as shown in Figure 14.6. The mouse pointer changes to a double-arrow icon when you've correctly positioned it to drag. When you drag a corner handle, VBA resizes the control on both sides of the corner. When you drag the handle at the midpoint of one of the control's sides, VBA resizes the control only in that dimension. In either case, VBA displays a dotted outline indicating the size that the control will be when you release the mouse button.

Screenshot of a UserForm1 to resize a control button as necessary by dragging one of its selection handles.

Figure 14.6 Once you've placed a control, you can resize it as necessary by dragging one of its selection handles.

To resize the user form itself, click its title bar, or click in any blank space in the form (anywhere outside a control). This selects the user form. Then click and drag one of the selection handles that appear around the form.

To delete a control, right-click it in the user form and choose Delete from the context menu. Alternatively, click it to select it and then press the Delete key or choose Edit ➢ Delete. Restore it by pressing Ctrl+Z.

Grouping Controls

Sometimes it's quite efficient to temporarily select several controls as a group in the Editor. This allows you to manipulate all the grouped controls as a unit. For example, if you want to change the font size of three text boxes, two option buttons, and four labels, just group them and change the font-size property in the Properties window only once. The whole group will have all their font sizes changed automatically. (This trick is not related to grouping controls within a Frame control as described earlier in this chapter in the section titled “Adding Controls to the User Form.”)

We'll explore this useful grouping technique later in this chapter in the section titled “Working with Groups of Controls.” For now, I'll just briefly introduce the concept.

To delete, move, resize, or change the properties of multiple controls at once, first select them into a group. You can then delete them all at once by using the methods just described. Or you can move, resize, or modify the properties of the group as a whole.

Here's how to group controls:

  • To select multiple contiguous controls, click the first control, hold down Shift, and then click the last control in the sequence.
  • To select multiple noncontiguous controls—or to add additional controls to a group after you've selected multiple contiguous controls by using the Shift key—hold down the Ctrl key as you click each additional control. (With the Ctrl key pressed, you can deselect any control in a group by clicking it a second time.)
  • To select multiple controls in the same area of the user form, click in the form's background outside the controls and drag the resulting selection box frame until it encompasses at least part of each control. When you release the mouse button, the Visual Basic Editor selects the controls as a group.

Renaming Controls

As with user forms, VBA automatically gives each control that you add to a form a default name consisting of the type of control plus a sequential number. When you add the first text box in a user form, VBA names it TextBox1. When you add another text box, VBA names it TextBox2, and so on. (Each control in a dialog box must have a unique name so that you can refer to it specifically in code.)

You'll usually want to change the controls’ default names to names that describe their purposes so you can remember what they do for the macro.

For example, if TextBox2 is used for entering the user's organization name, you might want to rename it txtOrganizationName, txtOrgName, txtO_Name, or something similar.

To rename a control, follow these steps:

  1. Click the control in the user form to select it and thereby display its properties in the Properties window.
    • If the Properties window is already displayed, you can, if you prefer, select the control from the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window instead of selecting it in the user form. VBA then visually highlights (selects) the control in the user form, which helps you make sure that you've selected the control you want to affect.
    • If the Properties window isn't displayed, you can quickly display it with the properties for the appropriate control by right-clicking the control in the user form and choosing Properties from the context menu. Or just press F4. (If the Toolbox disappears, just click the form to bring it back.)
  2. In the Properties window, double-click to select the default name in the cell to the right of the Name property.
  3. Type the new name for the control.
  4. Press Enter to set the control name, or click elsewhere in the Properties window or in the user form.

Moving a Control

To move a control, click anywhere in it to select it, and then drag it to where you want it to appear, as shown in Figure 14.7.

Screenshot of a UserForm1 to move a control button by clicking it and dragging it if it is not currently selected.

Figure 14.7 If a control isn't currently selected, you can move it by clicking it and dragging it.

To move a selected control, move the mouse pointer over the selection border around it so that the mouse pointer turns into a four-headed arrow (as shown in Figure 14.8), and then click and drag the control to where you want it to appear.

Screenshot of a UserForm1 to move the mouse pointer over the selection border of a control button and then click and drag the selected control.

Figure 14.8 If a control is selected, move the mouse pointer over its selection border, and then click and drag the control.

Changing the Caption on a Control

Some controls—such as option buttons and check boxes—have built-in text captions to let the user understand their purposes. You can change these captions like this:

  1. Click the control to select it.
  2. Click the caption itself to select it.

    VBA displays the blinking insertion cursor and a faint dotted border around the text, as shown in Figure 14.9.

    Screenshot of a UserForm1 to change the caption on a control, by selecting the control, and then clicking in the text so that it displays a faint dotted border.

    Figure 14.9 To change the caption on a control, select the control, and then click in the text so that it displays this faint dotted border.

  3. Now click in the label to position the insertion point for editing it, or drag through the label to select all of it.
  4. Edit the text of the label as desired.
  5. Press Enter or click elsewhere in the user form to effect the change to the label. (You can alternatively change the label by changing its Caption property in the Properties window.)

Key Properties of the Toolbox Controls

The following sections discuss the key properties of the controls in the default Toolbox.

First, I'll explain the common properties used to manipulate many of the controls effectively. After that, I'll go through the controls one by one, listing the properties particular to each control.

If you're new to VBA and find this section heavy going, just skip it for the time being and return to it when you're creating code and need to reference information about the properties of the controls.


Table 14.1 lists the properties shared by all or most controls, grouped by category.

TABLE 14.1: Properties common to most or all controls

General Properties
BoundValue All controls except Frame, Image, and Label Contains the value of the control when the control receives the focus in the user form.
HelpContextID All controls except Image and Label Returns the context identifier of the Help file topic associated with the control.
Name All controls Contains the name for the control.
Object All controls Enables you to assign to a control a custom property or method that uses the same name as a standard property or method.
Parent All controls Returns the name of the user form that contains the control.
Tag All controls Used for assigning extra information to the control. This is rarely used.
Value CheckBox, ComboBox, CommandButton, ListBox, MultiPage, OptionButton, ScrollBar, SpinButton, TabStrip, TextBox, ToggleButton One of the most varied properties, Value specifies the current state or value of the control. A CheckBox, OptionButton, or ToggleButton can have an integer value of −1 (True), indicating that the item is selected, or a value of 0 (False), indicating that the item is cleared. A ScrollBar or SpinButton returns a value containing the current value in the control. A ComboBox or ListBox returns the currently selected row's (or rows’) BoundColumn value. A MultiPage returns an integer indicating the active page, and a TextBox returns the text in the text box.
The value of a CommandButton is False because choosing the command button triggers a Click event. However, you can set the value of a CommandButton to True, which has the same effect as clicking it. In other words, the value property is similar to the value of a variable, but the property's possible values are highly specific to each control.
Size and Position
Height All controls The height of the control, measured in points.
LayoutEffect All controls except Image Indicates whether a control was moved when the layout of the form was changed.
Left All controls The distance of the left border of the control in pixels from the left edge of the form or frame that contains it.
OldHeight All controls The previous height of the control, measured in pixels.
OldLeft All controls The previous position of the left border of the control, measured in pixels.
OldTop All controls The previous position of the top border of the control, measured in pixels.
OldWidth All controls The previous width of the control, measured in points.
Top All controls The distance of the top border of the control in pixels from the top edge of the form or frame that contains it.
Width All controls The width of the control, measured in points.
Alignment CheckBox, OptionButton, ToggleButton Specifies how the caption is aligned to the control.
AutoSize CheckBox, ComboBox, CommandButton, Image, Label, OptionButton, TextBox, ToggleButton A Boolean (True or False only) property that controls whether the object resizes itself automatically to accommodate its contents. The default setting is False, which means that the control doesn't automatically resize itself.
BackColor All controls The background color of the control. This property contains a number representing the color.
BackStyle CheckBox, ComboBox, CommandButton, Frame, Image, Label, OptionButton, TextBox, ToggleButton Specifies whether the background of the object is transparent (fmBackStyleTransparent) or opaque (fmBackStyleOpaque, the default). You can see through a transparent control—anything behind it on the form will show through. You can use transparent controls to achieve interesting effects—for example, by placing a transparent command button on top of an image or another control.
BorderColor ComboBox, Image, Label, TextBox, ListBox Specifies the color of the control's border. You can choose a border color from the System drop-down list or the palette or enter BorderColor as an eight-digit integer value (such as 16711680 for mid-blue). VBA stores the BorderColor property as a hexadecimal value (for instance, 00FF0000). For BorderColor to take effect, BorderStyle must be set to fmBorderStyleSingle.
BorderStyle ComboBox, Frame, Image, Label, ListBox, TextBox, UserForm Specifies the style of border on the control or user form. Use BorderStyle with the BorderColor property to set the color of a border.
Caption CheckBox, CommandButton, Label, OptionButton, ToggleButton A text string containing the description that appears for a control—the text that appears in a label, on a command button or toggle button, or next to a check box or option button.
Font (object) All controls except Image, SpinButton, and ScrollBar Font—an object rather than a property—controls the font in which the label for the object is displayed. For TextBox, ComboBox, and ListBox controls, Font controls the font in which the text in the control is displayed.
ForeColor All controls except Image The foreground color of the control (often the text on the control). This property contains a number representing the color.
Locked CheckBox, ComboBox, CommandButton, ListBox, OptionButton, TextBox, ToggleButton A Boolean property that specifies whether the user can change the control. When Locked is set to True, the user can't change the control, though the control can still receive the focus (that is, be selected) and trigger events. When Locked is False (the default value), the control is open for editing.
MouseIcon All controls except MultiPage Specifies the image to display when the user moves the mouse pointer over the control. To use the MouseIcon property, the MousePointer property must be set to 99, fmMousePointerCustom.
MousePointer All controls except MultiPage Specifies the type of mouse pointer to display when the user moves the mouse pointer over the control.
Picture CheckBox, CommandButton, Frame, Image, Label, OptionButton, Page, ToggleButton, UserForm Specifies the picture to display on the control. By using the Picture property, you can add a picture to a normally text-based control, such as a command button.
PicturePosition CheckBox, CommandButton, Label, OptionButton, ToggleButton Specifies how the picture is aligned with its caption.
SpecialEffect CheckBox, ComboBox, Frame, Image, Label, ListBox, OptionButton, TextBox, ToggleButton Specifies the visual effect to use for the control. For a CheckBox, OptionButton, or ToggleButton, the visual effect can be flat (fmButtonEffectFlat) or sunken (fmButtonEffectSunken). For the other controls, the visual effect can be flat (fmSpecialEffectFlat), raised (fmSpecialEffectRaised), sunken (fmSpecialEffectSunken), etched (fmSpecialEffectEtched), or a bump (fmSpecialEffectBump).
Visible All controls Indicates whether the control is visible; expressed as a Boolean value.
WordWrap CheckBox, CommandButton, Label, OptionButton, TextBox, ToggleButton A Boolean property that specifies whether the text in or on a control wraps at the end of a line. For most controls, WordWrap is set to True by default; you'll often want to change this property to False to prevent the text from wrapping inappropriately. If the control is a TextBox and its MultiLine property is set to True, VBA ignores the WordWrap property.
Accelerator CheckBox, CommandButton, Label, OptionButton, Page, Tab, ToggleButton The accelerator key (or access key, or mnemonic) for the control—the key the user presses (typically, in combination with Alt) to access the control. For example, in many dialog boxes, the user can access the Cancel button by pressing Alt+C. The accelerator key for a label applies to the next control in the tab order rather than to the label itself. The accelerator character must be one of the characters in the control's text caption, usually the first (the C in Cancel, for example). But if some other control is already using the first character, you must, of course, choose a different one. Once you specify an accelerator character, VBA automatically underlines that character in the caption to cue the user that they can press, for example, Alt+C to select the Cancel button. For additional information on tab order, see the section titled “Adjusting the Tab Order of a Form” later in this chapter.
ControlSource CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, OptionButton, ScrollBar, SpinButton, TextBox, ToggleButton The cell or field used to set or store the Value of the control. The default value is an empty string (""), indicating that there is no control source for the control.
ControlTipText All controls The text of the ScreenTip displayed when the user holds the mouse pointer over the control. The default value of ControlTipText is a blank string, which means that no ScreenTip is displayed.
Enabled All controls A Boolean value that determines whether the control can be accessed (either interactively or programmatically).
TabIndex All controls except Image The position of the control in the tab order of the user form, expressed as an integer from 0 (the first position) through the number of controls on the user form.
TabStop All controls except Image and Label A Boolean value establishing whether the user can select the control by pressing the Tab key. If TabStop is set to False, the user can select the control only with the mouse. The TabStop setting doesn't change the tab order of the dialog box.


The Label control simply displays text on the screen. It's most often used to identify the purpose of another control, so you frequently see a Label control placed on a form to the left of a text box whose purpose the label describes. Use the Caption property to type in the text that you want the label to display. Use the TextAlign property as shown in Table 14.2 to align the text of the label with the borders of the Label control.

TABLE 14.2: TextAlign property values for the Label control

fmTextAlignLeft 1 With the left border of the control
fmTextAlignCenter 2 Centered on the control's area
fmTextAlignRight 3 With the right border of the control


The TextBox is one of the most commonly used controls. Recall that it can be a single-line control (often employed to display a field the user must fill in). Single-line is the default. Or it can be a multiline control, for displaying lots of text, as in a diary program where users determine how many lines they want to write. Adjust this feature with the MultiLine property, which can be set to True or False. Also, the defaults for a TextBox are a size of 8 pt. (too small usually) and a sans serif font called Tahoma (sans serif type is generally thought more appropriate for headlines than body text). So, you'll usually find yourself employing the Font property to choose a larger font size and more readable font (such as Times New Roman).

Table 14.3 lists the key properties of the TextBox control.

TABLE 14.3: Key properties of the TextBox control

AutoTab A Boolean property that determines whether VBA automatically moves to the next field when the user has entered the maximum number of characters in the text box or combo box.
AutoWordSelect A Boolean property that determines whether VBA automatically selects a whole word when the user drags the mouse through text in a text box or a combo box.
DragBehavior Enables or disables drag-and-drop for a text box or combo box: fmDragBehaviorDisabled (0) disables drag-and-drop; fmDragBehaviorEnabled (1) enables drag-and-drop.
EnterFieldBehavior Determines whether VBA selects the contents of the edit area of the text box or combo box when the user moves the focus to the text box or combo box: fmEnterFieldBehaviorSelectAll (0) selects the contents of the text box or current row of the combo box; fmEnterFieldBehaviorRecallSelection (1) doesn't change the previous selection.
EnterKeyBehavior A Boolean property that determines what VBA does when the user presses Enter with the focus on a text box. If EnterKeyBehavior is True, VBA creates a new line when the user presses Enter; if EnterKeyBehavior is False, VBA moves the focus to the next control on the user form. If MultiLine is False, VBA ignores the EnterKeyBehavior setting.
HideSelection A Boolean property that determines whether VBA displays any selected text in a text box or combo box. If HideSelection is True, VBA displays the text without indicating the selection when the control doesn't have the focus. If HideSelection is False, VBA indicates the selection both when the control has the focus and when it doesn't.
IMEMode Determines the default runtime mode of the Input Method Editor (IME). This property is used only in Far Eastern applications (for example, those using Japanese hiragana or katakana or Korean hangul).
IntegralHeight A Boolean property that determines whether a list box or a text box resizes itself vertically to display any rows that are too tall to fit into it at its current height (True) or not (False).
MultiLine A Boolean property that determines whether the text box can contain multiple lines of text (True) or only one line (False). When MultiLine is True, the text box adds a vertical scroll bar when the content becomes more than will fit within the current dimensions of the text box. VBA defaults to Multiline = False.
PasswordChar Specifies the placeholder character to display in place of the characters the user types (so somebody peeping won't see the actual password). The common password character is the asterisk (*). This property is normally used for entering passwords and other information that needs to be obscured so that it cannot be read.
ScrollBars Specifies which scroll bars to display on the text box. Usually, you'll do best to set the WordWrap property to True and let VBA add the vertical scroll bar to the text box as needed rather than using the ScrollBars property.
SelectionMargin A Boolean property that determines whether the user can select a line of text in the text box or combo box by clicking in the selection bar to the left of the line.
ShowDropButtonWhen Determines when to display the drop-down button for a combo box or a text box. fmShowDropButtonWhenNever (0) never displays the drop-down button and is the default for a text box. fmShowDropButtonWhenFocus (1) displays the drop-down button when the text box or combo box has the focus. fmShowDropButtonWhenAlways (2) always displays the drop-down button and is the default for a combo box.
TabKeyBehavior A Boolean property that specifies whether the user can enter tabs in the text box. If TabKeyBehavior is True and MultiLine is True, pressing Tab enters a tab in the text box. If MultiLine is False, VBA ignores a TabKeyBehavior setting of True. If TabKeyBehavior is False, pressing Tab moves the focus to the next control in the tab order.


These controls are similar. From the user's point of view, a key distinction is that a list box simply provides a list of options the user can choose from, whereas a combo box offers that list and also includes a field where the user can type in items.

Table 14.4 shows the key properties of the ComboBox control and the ListBox control. These two controls are similar and share many properties. They do, however, differ somewhat in behavior and features. These differences are described in the entries marked “List box only” and “Combo box only” in the table.

TABLE 14.4: Key properties of the ComboBox and ListBox controls

AutoTab See Table 14.3.
AutoWordSelect See Table 14.3.
BoundColumn A Variant property that determines the source of data in a combo box or a list box that has multiple columns. The default setting is 1 (the first column). To assign another column, specify the number of the column (columns are numbered from 1, the leftmost column). To assign the value of ListIndex to BoundColumn, use 0.
ColumnCount A Long (data type) property that sets or returns the number of columns displayed in the combo box or list box. If the data source is unbound, you can specify up to 10 columns. To display all available columns in the data source, set ColumnCount to –1.
ColumnHeads A Boolean property that determines whether the combo box or list box displays headings on the columns (True) or not (False).
ColumnWidths A String (data type) property that sets or returns the width of each column in a multicolumn combo box or list box.
ListRows (Combo box only.) A Long (data type) property that sets or returns the number of rows displayed in the combo box. If the number of items in the list is greater than the value of ListRows, the combo box displays a scroll bar so that the user can scroll to the unseen items.
ListStyle Determines the visual effect the list uses. For both a combo box and a list box, fmListStylePlain displays a regular, unadorned list. For a combo box, fmListStyleOption displays an option button to the left of each entry, allowing the user to select one item from the list. For a list box, fmListStyleOption displays option buttons for a single-select list and check boxes for a multiselect list.
ListWidth (Combo box only.) A Variant property that sets or returns the width of the list in a combo box. The default value is 0, which makes the list the same width as the text area of the combo box.
MatchEntry Determines which type of matching the combo box or list box uses when the user types characters with the focus on the combo box or list box. fmMatch EntryFirstLetter (0) matches the next entry that starts with the letter or character typed: If the user types t twice, VBA selects the first entry beginning with t and then the second entry beginning with t. fmMatchEntryComplete (1) matches each letter the user types: If the user types te, VBA selects the entry that starts with te. fmEntryMatchNone (2) specifies no matching: The user can't select an item by typing in the list box or combo box but must use the mouse or the arrow keys instead. The default MatchEntry setting for a combo box is fmMatchEntryComplete. The default setting for a list box is fmMatchEntryFirstLetter.
MatchRequired (Combo box only.) A Boolean property determining whether the user must select an entry from the combo box before leaving the control (True) or not (False). This property is useful for making sure that if the user types a partial entry into the text-box area of the combo box, they don't forget to complete the selection in the drop-down list area. If MatchRequired is True and the user tries to leave the combo box without making a selection, VBA displays an “Invalid Property Value” message box.
MultiSelect (List box only.) Controls whether the user can make a single selection in the list or multiple selections. fmMultiSelectSingle (0) lets the user select only one item. fmMultiSelectMulti (1) lets the user select multiple items by clicking with the mouse or by pressing the spacebar. fmMultiSelectExtended (2) lets the user use Shift+click, Ctrl+click, and Shift with the arrow keys to extend or reduce the selection.
RowSource A String property that specifies the source of a list to be displayed in a combo box or a list box.
SelectionMargin See Table 14.3.
ShowDropButtonWhen See Table 14.3.


Check boxes are similar to option buttons—a set of choices presented to the user. However, option buttons permit the user to select only one from among the displayed options (like a set of radio pushbuttons). By contrast, users can select as many check boxes as they want.

Most of the properties of the CheckBox control have been discussed already. The key property of the CheckBox that you haven't come across yet is TripleState, which is a feature of the OptionButton and ToggleButton controls as well.

TripleState is a Boolean property that determines whether the check box, option button, or toggle button can have a null state as well as True and False states. When a check box or other control is in the null state, it appears with a small black square in its box.

You can see the null state in the Font dialog box in Word when one of the check-box–controlled properties—such as the Strikethrough check box in Figure 14.10—is true for some but not all of the current selection. For example, select some text where part of it is struck through but other characters are not struck. This will trigger the null state for the Strikethrough check box, as shown in Figure 14.10. Here Word's Font dialog box shows the Strikethrough check box in a null state (containing a small black square, but not checked). Normally, a check box is either checked or not, but when in a null state, it contains a small black square, indicating it's neither true nor false. (In earlier versions of Office, the null state in a check box was indicated by filling the box with gray or black.)

Screenshot displaying the font page to select some text where part of it is struck through but other characters are not struck.

Figure 14.10 By setting the TripleState property of a check box to True, you can display a check box in a null state.

A couple of properties described briefly in the context of other controls deserve more detail here:

  • The SpecialEffect property controls the visual appearance of the check box. The default value is fmButtonEffectSunken (2), which displays a sunken box—the norm for 3D Windows dialog boxes.
  • You can also choose fmButtonEffectFlat(0) to display a box with a flat effect, but why? To me, it doesn't look as good as the default 3D, shadowed box.

    The flat version is less subtle, crude actually. But, it fits in well with the “Modern” aesthetic introduced by Microsoft back with Windows 8—no gradients, opacity, dimensional effects, shadows, subtle colors, highlights, reflections, serif typefaces, and so on. In other words, flatland.

    Figure 14.11 shows a sunken check box and a flat check box. The Value property, which indicates whether the check box is selected (True) or cleared (False), is the default property of the check box. Recall that the default property need not be specified in code. It's assumed. Thus, you can either write CheckBox1.Value or just CheckBox. The following three statements have the same effect:

    If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
    If CheckBox1 = True Then
    If CheckBox1 Then
    Screenshot displaying a flat check box (bottom) rather than the traditional sunken check box  using the SpecialEffect property.

    Figure 14.11 Use the SpecialEffect property to display a flat check box (bottom) rather than the traditional sunken check box.

  • The Accelerator property provides quick access to the check box. Assign a unique accelerator key to check boxes so that the user can swiftly toggle them on and off from the keyboard.


OptionButtons are useful when you want the user to choose one item in a group. A group of OptionButtons displays a set of mutually exclusive options. Only one of the buttons in a group can be selected at a given time. For instance, you could have two OptionButtons under the heading Sex: Male and Female. (Recall that a set of CheckBoxes permits multiple options to be chosen simultaneously. CheckBoxes are useful for choosing more complex options. For example, under the heading Typeface, you could have Italic, Bold, and Underlined options, all of which could be selected simultaneously.)

Like the CheckBox, the OptionButton control has a straightforward set of properties, almost all of which you've seen already in this chapter. This section shows you the GroupName property, which is unique to the OptionButton, and some of the key properties for working with option buttons.

The GroupName property is a String data type that assigns the option button to a group of option buttons. Alternatively, you can create a group by placing a set of option buttons on a Frame control. The key idea here is that, once grouped, the buttons become mutually exclusive. However, there can be more than one group (or set) on a form—as long as you employ a Frame control or the GroupName property to isolate the various groups of buttons.

The default setting for GroupName is a blank string (""), which means that an option button isn't assigned to a group until you explicitly assign it. When you enter the group name, the group is created. By using the GroupName property, you can have multiple groups of option buttons on the same form without using frames to specify groups, but you must somehow distinguish the logical groups of option buttons from each other so that the user can tell which option buttons constitute a group. Using a Frame control is the easiest way of segregating groups of option buttons both visually and logically—but it's useful to have the flexibility that GroupName provides when you need it. Also, a Frame has a built-in Caption property you can use to describe the group's purpose.

These are the other key properties of the OptionButton control:

  • The Value property, which indicates whether the option button is selected (True) or cleared (False), is the default property of the option button. So, you can set or return the state of the option button by setting either the OptionButton object or its Value to True or False, as appropriate. Setting the Value of one OptionButton to True sets the Value of all other OptionButton controls in the same group or frame to False.
  • The Accelerator property provides quick access to the option button. Assign a unique accelerator key to each option button so that the user can toggle it on and off from the keyboard.
  • The SpecialEffect property controls the visual appearance of the option button. The default value of fmButtonEffectSunken (2) displays a sunken button, while fmButton EffectFlat (0) displays a flattened button. Figure 14.11 shows a sunken option button and a flat option button.
  • The TripleState property (discussed in the previous section, “CheckBox”) lets you create an option button that has three states: selected (True), cleared (False), and null (which appears selected but grayed out). The TripleState property is disabled so that the user can't set the null state interactively, but you can set it programmatically as needed.


This button is like a light switch; essentially, it's either on or off. When it's not selected, the ToggleButton control appears raised, but it looks pushed in when it's selected. The key properties for the ToggleButton control are the same as those for the CheckBox and CommandButton:

  • The Value property is the default property of the ToggleButton.
  • The TripleState property is rarely used, but lets you create a ToggleButton that has three states: selected (True), cleared (False), and null. The user can set a triple-state ToggleButton to its null state by clicking it. In its null state, a ToggleButton appears selected, but gray.
  • The Accelerator property provides quick access to the toggle button.


The Frame control is relatively straightforward, but it has several properties worth mentioning; they're shown in Table 14.5. The Frame control shares a couple of these properties with the Page object.

TABLE 14.5: Properties of the Frame control

Cycle Determines the action taken when the user leaves the last control in the frame or on the page. fmCycleAllForms (0) moves the focus to the next control in the tab order for the user form or page, whereas fmCycle CurrentForm (2) keeps the focus within the frame or on the page until the focus is explicitly moved to a control in a different frame or on a different page. This property applies to the Page object as well.
InsideHeight A read-only property that returns the height (measured in points) of the area inside the frame, not including the height of any horizontal scroll bar displayed. This property applies to the Page object as well.
InsideWidth A read-only property that returns the width (in points) of the area inside the frame, not including the width of any vertical scroll bar displayed. This property applies to the Page object as well.
KeepScrollBarsVisible A property that determines whether the frame or page displays horizontal and vertical scroll bars when they aren't required for the user to be able to navigate the frame or the page. fmScrollBarsNone (0) displays no scroll bars unless they're required. fmScrollBarsHorizontal (1) displays a horizontal scroll bar all the time. fmScrollBarsVertical (2) displays a vertical scroll bar all the time. fmScrollBarsBoth (3) displays a horizontal scroll bar and a vertical scroll bar all the time. fmScrollBarsNone is the default for the Frame object, and fmScrollBarsBoth is the default for the Page object. This property applies to the Page object as well.
PictureTiling A Boolean property that determines whether a picture displayed on the control is tiled (True) so that it takes up the whole area covered by the control or not (False). To set the tiling pattern, you use the PictureAlignment and PictureSizeMode properties. This property applies to the Page object and the Image control as well.
PictureSizeMode Determines how to display the background picture. fmPictureSizeModeClip (0), the default setting, crops (removes) any part of the picture too big to fit in the page, frame, or image control. Use this setting to show the picture at its original dimensions and in its original proportions. fmPictureSizeModeStretch (1) stretches the picture horizontally or vertically to fill the page, frame, or image control. This setting is good for colored backgrounds and decorative effects but tends to be disastrous for pictures that need to be recognizable. It also overrides the PictureAlignment property setting. fmPictureSizeModeZoom (3) zooms the picture proportionately until the horizontal dimension or the vertical dimension reaches the edge of the control but doesn't stretch the picture so that the other dimension is maximized as well. This is good for maximizing the size of a picture while retaining its proportions, but you'll need to resize the nonmaximized dimension to remove blank spaces. This property applies to the Page object and the Image control as well.
PictureAlignment Determines where a picture is located. fmPictureAlignmentTopLeft (0) aligns the picture with the upper-left corner of the control. fmPictureAlignmentTopRight (1) aligns the picture with the upper-right corner of the control. fmPictureAlignmentCenter (2), the default setting, centers the picture in the control (both horizontally and vertically). fmPictureAlignmentBottomLeft (3) aligns the picture with the lower-left corner of the control. fmPictureAlignmentBottomRight (4) aligns the picture with the lower-right corner of the control. This property applies to the Page object and the Image control as well.


The CommandButton is used quite often. This control has three unique properties, listed in Table 14.6.

TABLE 14.6: Unique properties of the CommandButton control

Cancel A Boolean property that determines whether the command button is the Cancel button for the user form (True) or not (False). The Cancel button for a user form can bear any name. What distinguishes it is that its Cancel property is set to True. The Cancel button is activated by the user's pressing Esc, or clicking the button, or putting the focus on the button and pressing Enter. Only one command button on a form can be the Cancel button at any given time. Setting the Cancel property for a command button to True causes VBA to set the Cancel property to False for any button for which it was previously set to True.
Default A Boolean property that determines whether the command button is the default button for the user form (True) or not (False). Only one command button on a form can be the default button at any given time. Setting the Default property for a command button to True causes VBA to set the Default property to False for any button for which it was previously set to True. The default button is activated by the user pressing Enter when the focus isn't on any other command button.
TakeFocusOnClick A Boolean property that determines whether the command button takes the focus when the user clicks it (True) or not (False). The default setting for this property is True, but you may want to set it to False when you need the focus to remain on another control in the user form even when the user clicks the command button. However, if the user uses the Tab key or the arrow keys to move to the command button, the command button will take the focus even if the TakeFocusOnClick property is set to False.

Note that it's useful to set the Accelerator property for each command button on a form. This way, the user can quickly access it from the keyboard.


TabStrip controls allow you to create a multipage dialog box. Click the Home tab in Word and then click the small arrow icon in the lower-right corner of the Font area on the Ribbon. Word's Font dialog box will open and you'll see a two-tab dialog box. One tab is labeled Font and the other tab is labeled Advanced. This is a good way to organize a dialog box when you have quite a few options to present to the user.

The TabStrip control has several unique properties and a number of properties that it shares with the MultiPage control. Table 14.7 lists these properties.

TABLE 14.7: Properties of the TabStrip and MultiPage controls

ClientHeight (Tab strip only.) A Single (data type) property that sets or returns the height of the display area of the tab strip, measured in points.
ClientLeft (Tab strip only.) A Single property that returns the distance, measured in points, between the left border of the tab strip and the left border of the control inside it.
ClientTop (Tab strip only.) A Single property that returns the distance, measured in points, between the top border of the tab strip and the top border of the control inside it.
ClientWidth (Tab strip only.) A Single property that sets or returns the width of the display area of the tab strip, measured in points.
SelectedItem Sets or returns the tab currently selected in a tab strip or the page currently selected in a MultiPage control.
TabFixedHeight A Single property that sets or returns the fixed height of the tabs, measured in points. Set TabFixedHeight to 0 to have the tabs automatically size themselves to fit their contents.
TabFixedWidth A Single property that sets or returns the fixed width of the tabs, measured in points. Set TabFixedWidth to 0 to have the tabs automatically size themselves to fit their contents.
TabOrientation Determines the location of the tabs in the tab strip or multipage. fmTabOrientationTop (0), the default, displays the tabs at the top of the tab strip or multipage. fmTabOrientationBottom (1) displays the tabs at the bottom of the tab strip or multipage. fmTabOrientationLeft (2) displays the tabs at the left of the tab strip or multipage, and fmTabOrientationRight displays the tabs at the right of the tab strip or multipage.


A SpinButton allows the user to easily increment or decrement numbers, dates, and so on. The ScrollBar and SpinButton share a number of properties that you haven't yet encountered. Table 14.8 lists these properties.

TABLE 14.8: Properties of the ScrollBar and SpinButton controls

Delay A Long (data type) property that sets the delay in milliseconds between clicks registered on the control when the user clicks and holds down the mouse button. The default delay is 50 milliseconds. The control registers the first click immediately, the second click after Delay x 5 (the extra delay is to assist the user in clicking only once), and the third and subsequent clicks after Delay.
LargeChange (Scroll bar only.) A Long property that determines how much the item is scrolled when the user clicks in the scroll bar between the thumb (the small square within the scroll bar) and the scroll bar's arrow. Set the LargeChange property after setting the Max and Min properties of the scroll bar.
SmallChange A Long property that determines how much movement occurs when the user clicks a scroll arrow in a scroll bar or spin button. SmallChange needs to be an integer value; the default value is 1.
Max A Long property that specifies the maximum value for the Value property of the scroll bar or spin button. Max must be an integer. The default value is 1.
Min A Long property that specifies the minimum value for the Value property of the scroll bar or spin button. Min must be an integer. The default value is 1.
ProportionalThumb (Scroll bar only.) A Boolean property that determines whether the thumb is a fixed size (False) or is proportional to the size of the scrolling region (True), thereby giving the user an approximate idea of how much of the scrolling region is currently visible. The default setting is True.


By now, you've seen all the properties of the Image control. Most of the time when you use an Image control, you'll want to adjust the following properties:

  • Use the Picture property to assign the picture file you want to appear in the Image control:
    1. Click in the Picture row in the Properties window.
    2. Click the ellipsis button (…) that the text box displays.
    3. In the Load Picture dialog box, select the picture and click OK to add it.

    The Image control can display .BMP, .CUR (cursor), .GIF, .ICO (icon), .JPG, and .WMF files, but not other graphics files, such as .TIF (aka .TIFF) Most graphics applications, however, can easily convert one graphics file type into another.

  • Use the PictureAlignment property to set the alignment of the picture.
  • Use the PictureSizeMode property to set whether the picture is clipped, stretched, or zoomed to fill the Image control. Adjust the height and width of the Image control as necessary.
  • Use the PictureTiling property if you need to tile the image to take up the full space in the control.


The Page object is one of the pages contained within a MultiPage object. You've already seen all its properties (in the context of other controls) except for the Index property, which it shares with the Tab object.

The Index property is an Integer data type that determines the position of the Page object in the Pages collection in a MultiPage control or the position of a Tab object in the Tabs collection in a TabStrip. The first Page object or Tab object is numbered 0 (zero), the second Page or Tab object is numbered 1, and so on. You can change the Index property of a tab or page to change the position in which the tab or page appears in the collection.


The Tab object is one of the tabs contained within a TabStrip object. You've already learned about all its properties in the context of other controls.

Working with Groups of Controls

As mentioned briefly earlier in this chapter, when you're designing a form, it's often handy to group controls. By grouping two or more controls, you can work with them as a single unit to size, reposition, format, or delete them. (Recall that this form-design grouping technique has nothing to do with creating a set of option buttons within a Frame control. That creates a mutually exclusive collection of radio buttons to display to the user during runtime.)

How to Group Controls

To group controls, select them by Shift+clicking, Ctrl+clicking, or dragging around them, and then right-click and choose Group from the context menu. Alternatively, select the controls, and then click the Group button on the UserForm toolbar (you'll need to display this toolbar—it's not displayed by default) or choose Format ➢ Group. VBA creates a new group containing the controls and places a shaded border with handles around the whole group, as shown on the right in Figure 14.12.

Screenshots of UserForm1 where VBA creates a new group containing the controls and places a shaded border with handles around the whole group, as displayed on the right.

Figure 14.12 You can work with multiple controls simultaneously by grouping them.

When you merely select a set of controls (by Shift+clicking, Ctrl+clicking, or dragging around them), you have only temporarily grouped them. You can still manipulate them as a group, but as soon as you deselect them—by, for example, clicking the background of the form itself—the grouping disappears. However, when you right-click and choose Group from the context menu, they will remain grouped until you right-click and choose Ungroup.

Ungrouping Controls

To ungroup controls, right-click any of the controls contained in the group and then choose Ungroup from the context menu. Alternatively, select the group of controls by clicking in any control in the group and then click the Ungroup button on the UserForm toolbar, or choose Format ➢ Ungroup. VBA removes the shaded border with handles from around the group and displays the normal border and handles around each individual control.

Sizing Grouped Controls

You can quickly size all controls in a group by selecting the group and then dragging the sizing handles on the surrounding border. For example, you could select the middle handle on the right side and drag it inward to shorten the controls, as shown in Figure 14.13. The controls will be resized proportionately to the change in the group outline.

Screenshot of UserForm1 where the user can resize all the controls in a group by dragging a sizing handle on the surrounding border.

Figure 14.13 You can resize all the controls in a group by dragging a sizing handle on the surrounding border.

When the controls are grouped, you can then use the Properties window to quickly modify any properties they have in common (such as Font). But resizing a group can present problems—the results can be ugly. Generally speaking, resizing works fine when you've grouped a number of controls of the same type, as in Figure 14.13. For example, sizing a group that consists of several command buttons or option buttons works well, whereas sizing a group that consists of a text box, a command button, and a combo box is seldom a good idea.

Deleting Grouped Controls

You can quickly delete a whole group of controls by right-clicking any of them and choosing Delete from the context menu or by selecting the group and pressing the Delete key.

Working with One Control in a Group

Even after you've grouped a number of controls, you can still work with them individually if necessary. To do this, first click any control in the group to select the group as a whole, as shown on the left in Figure 14.14. Then click the control you want to work with. As shown on the right in Figure 14.14, VBA displays a dark shaded border around the group (indicating that the group still exists) and displays the lighter shaded border around the individual control, indicating that that control is selected.

Screenshots of UserForm1 enabling to work with one control in a group, by selecting the group (as depicted on the left) and then select the control (as depicted on the right).

Figure 14.14 To work with one control in a group, start by selecting the group (as shown on the left) and then select the control (as shown on the right).

You can then modify the selected individual control as if it were not grouped. Change its ForeColor property to blue, for instance, and only the caption in that particular control will turn blue. When you've finished working with it, click another control in the group to individually select it, or click the background of user form to deselect all individual controls and restore the group.

Aligning Controls

Even if you use the Snap To Grid feature, you'll often need to align controls manually. They must be ungrouped for this feature to work. The easiest way to align controls is to select two or more, then right-click in any one of them, and choose an option from the Align submenu: Lefts, Centers, Rights, Tops, Middles, Bottoms, or To Grid. These options work as follows:

  • Lefts aligns the left borders of the controls.
  • Centers aligns the horizontal midpoints of the controls.
  • Rights aligns the right borders of the controls.
  • Tops aligns the tops of the controls.
  • Middles aligns the vertical midpoints of the controls.
  • Bottoms aligns the bottoms of the controls.
  • To Grid aligns the controls to the grid.

VBA aligns the borders or midpoints to the current position of that border or midpoint on the dominant control—the control that has white sizing handles around it rather than black sizing handles. After selecting the controls you want to align, make dominant the one that is already in the correct position by clicking it so that it takes on the white sizing handles. Then choose the alignment option you want.

Placing Controls

The VBA Editor offers several placement commands on the Format menu:

  • On the Format ➢ Make Same Size submenu, use the Width, Height, and Both commands to make two or more controls the same size in one or both dimensions.
  • Use the Format ➢ Size To Fit command to have VBA decide on a suitable size for an element based on the size of its label. This works well for, say, a toggle button with a medium-length label, but VBA will shrink an OK button to a size so small as to be unusable.
  • Use the Format ➢ Size To Grid command to increase or decrease the size of a control to the nearest gridpoints.
  • On the Format ➢ Horizontal Spacing and Format ➢ Vertical Spacing submenus, use the Make Equal, Increase, Decrease, and Remove commands to set the horizontal spacing and vertical spacing of two or more controls. The Remove option removes extra space from between controls, which works well for, say, a vertical series of option buttons (which look good close together) but isn't a good idea for command buttons (which need a little space between them).
  • On the Format ➢ Center In Form submenu, use the Horizontally and Vertically commands to center a control or a group of controls in the form. Centering controls vertically is seldom a good idea, but you'll often want to center a frame or a group of command buttons horizontally.
  • On the Format ➢ Arrange Buttons submenu, use the Bottom and Right commands to reposition command buttons in a form quickly.

Adjusting the Tab Order of a Form

The tab order of a user form (or of a Frame control within a form) is the order in which VBA selects controls in the form or frame when the user moves through them by pressing the Tab key (to move forward) or the Shift+Tab key combination (to move backward).

Put another way, it's a Windows convention that when the user presses the Tab key, the focus moves to the next control in a window.

Only one control at a time can have the focus. For example, if a form has five text boxes, only one of these text boxes, the one that currently has the focus, will display characters as the user types. In addition, a button in a set of buttons can also have the focus, and when the user presses the Enter key, the button with the focus will be triggered. Or the user can click a different button to move the focus to that button.

VBA displays a visual cue to indicate which control currently has the focus. You'll see a dotted frame around a button or option button and a blinking insertion cursor in a text box.

Each frame you add to a user form has a separate tab order for the controls it contains: The frame itself appears in the tab order for the form, and the controls within the frame appear in the tab order for the frame.

Set the tab order for the controls on a form or in a frame to make it as easy as possible for the user to work with your form. Generally, for English-speaking users, it's best to arrange the tab order from left to right and from top to bottom in the dialog box or frame. For international users, you may want to arrange the tab order from right to left. You may also need to arrange the tab order to move from one control to a related control that would not normally be next in the tab order.

The whole point of managing the tab order is that you simplify things for your user. Employing the Tab key in this way allows users to fill in a whole form without once having to move their hand off the keyboard to keep selecting, with a mouse click, each next text box.

This kind of tabbing is particularly useful when the user is asked to fill in several fields by typing into multiple text boxes (such as Name, Address, Phone, and so on). As soon as users finish filling in one field, they can press Tab to move on to the next. (Even easier, pressing the Enter key while in a text box moves users to the next control in the tab order.) At the end, after they've filled in the last field, they can quickly close the dialog box if you make the OK button the next control in the tab order.

VBA assigns the tab order to the controls in a dialog box or frame on a first-come, first-served basis as you add the controls. Unless you add all the controls in perfect order, this default order will seldom produce the optimal tab order for a dialog box, so usually you'll want to adjust the tab order—or at least check to ensure that it's right. You're likely to place fewer controls on a frame than on a form, so you have a better chance of adding them in a suitable order, but you should check these controls too before unleashing the dialog box on users.

Just press F5 and then repeatedly press the Tab key to examine your current tab order. Alternatively, you can open a Tab Order dialog box (shown in Figure 14.15) by right-clicking in the open space in the background of the form or frame and choosing Tab Order from the context menu. Or you can select the user form or frame and then choose View ➢ Tab Order.

Screenshot of the Tab Order dialog box to arrange the controls in the user form or frame into a logical order.

Figure 14.15 Use the Tab Order dialog box to arrange the controls in your user form or frame into a logical order.

It's best to adjust the tab order after you've finished creating your form (adding a control later will require that you go back and modify the tab order). Here's how to change the tab order in a dialog box or frame:

  1. Rearrange the controls into the order in which you want them to appear by selecting them in the Tab Order list box and clicking the Move Up button or Move Down button as appropriate.

    You can Shift+click or drag to select a range of controls, or Ctrl+click to select two or more noncontiguous controls. (Or you can just change the controls’ TabIndex properties in the Properties window.)

  2. Click the OK button to close the Tab Order dialog box.

Linking a Form to a Procedure

Designing a custom form is only the first step in getting it to work in a procedure. The other step is writing the code to display the form to the user and make it perform its tasks.

Typically, the code for a form consists of the following:

  • A macro procedure that displays the dialog box by loading it and using the Show method.

    Usually, this procedure can be assigned to a Quick Access Toolbar button or to a shortcut key combination so that the user can conveniently invoke it. However, a procedure can also be designed to run automatically in response to a system event (such as running at a specified time or when a worksheet is opened).

  • The user form that represents the form and its controls.
  • The code attached to the user form. This code consists of procedures for designated controls.

    For example, for a simple dialog box containing two option buttons and two command buttons (an OK button and a Cancel button), you'd typically write one procedure for the OK button and one for the Cancel button. The procedure for the OK button is executed when the user either clicks the button with the mouse or presses the Enter key while the focus is on that button. Either of these user actions triggers the button's Click event, and whatever code you, the programmer, have written within this event is then executed.

    Remember that the easiest way to create an event (procedure) for a control is to just double-click the control on the form. The Editor then switches to Code view and writes the necessary Sub…End Sub envelope for that event, like this:

    Private Sub btnOK_Click()
    End Sub

Notice that the Editor automatically combines the Name property of the control with the name of the event as the procedure's name, separated by an underscore character: btnOK_Click.

Once the code attached to a button has run, execution returns to the form (if it's still displayed) or to the procedure that called the form.

Note that code that runs directly in response to an event is called an event procedure or event handler. An event procedure can call other procedures as necessary, so multiple procedures can be run indirectly when a single event handler Sub is triggered.

Loading and Unloading a Form

You load a form by using the Load statement, and unload it by using the Unload statement. The Load statement loads the form into memory so that it's available to the program but doesn't display the form. For that you use the Show method (discussed in the next section). The Unload statement unloads the form from memory and releases any memory associated with that object. If the form is displayed when the Unload statement runs, VBA removes the form from the screen.

The syntax for the Load and Unload statements is straightforward:

Load UserForm1
Unload UserForm1

Here, UserForm1 is the name of the user form or dialog box. For example, the following statement loads the dialog box named frmMyDialog:

Load frmMyDialog

Displaying and Hiding a Form

To display a form, you use the Show method; to hide a form, you use the Hide method. For example, the following statement displays the form named frmMyDialog:


If you execute a procedure containing this line, the frmMyDialog form appears onscreen so the user can interact with it: enter text in its text boxes, select or clear its check boxes, use its drop-down lists, click its buttons, and so on.

When the user closes the form (by clicking the Close button on its title bar or by clicking a command button that dismisses it), the form disappears from the screen and the procedure continues to run. But until you retrieve settings from the form and take action on them, the form has no effect beyond its graphical display.

You can display a form by using the Show method without explicitly loading the form with a Load command first. VBA takes care of the implied Load command for you. There's no particular advantage to including the Load command, but it might make your code easier to read and to debug. For example, the two procedures shown here have the same effect:

Sub Display_Dialog()
    Load frmMyDialog   'loads the form into memory
    frmMyDialog.Show   'displays the form
End Sub
Sub Display_Dialog()
    frmMyDialog.Show   'loads the form into memory and displays it
End Sub

If you run a Hide method without having loaded the form into memory by using the Load statement or the Show method, VBA loads the form but does not display it onscreen.

Once you've displayed the form, take a moment to check its tab order by pressing F5 and then moving through it using the Tab key. When you first open the form, is the focus on the appropriate control, the control the user is most likely to want to interact with first? When you move forward from that control, is the next control that is selected the next control that the user will typically need to use? Adjust the tab order as necessary, as described in “Adjusting the Tab Order of a Form” earlier in this chapter.

Setting a Default Command Button

To specify a default command button in a form, set that command button's Default property to True. VBA selects the default button when it displays the form so that if the user simply presses the Enter key to dismiss the dialog box, this button receives the keystroke.

Only one button at a time can be the default button. If you set the Default property of any button to True, VBA automatically changes to False the Default property of any other button previously set to True.

Retrieving the User's Choices from a Dialog Box

To make a form do something, your code will usually respond to the user's input. The following sections first cover the VBA commands for retrieving information from a dialog box. Then you'll see an example of how to retrieve the user's choices from both a relatively simple dialog box and then a more complex form.

Returning a String from a Text Box

To return (retrieve, for use in your code) a string from a text box, your code can check its Value property or Text property after the user has clicked an OK or Cancel button or otherwise dismissed the dialog box.

For example, if you have a text box named txtMyText, you could return its value and display it in a message box by using the following line:

MsgBox txtMyText.Value

Recall that VBA supports both one-line and multiline text boxes. To create a multiline text box, select the text box in the user form or in the drop-down list in the Properties window and set its MultiLine property to True. The user can then enter multiple lines in the text box and start new lines by pressing Shift+Enter.

To add a horizontal or vertical scroll bar to a text box, set its ScrollBars property to 1 - fmScrollBarsHorizontal (for a horizontal scroll bar), 2 - fmScrollBarsVertical (for a vertical scroll bar, which is usually more useful), or 3 - fmScrollBarsBoth (for both).

Returning a Value from an Option Button

A regular option button is a binary control, so it can have only two values: True and False. True indicates that the button is selected, False that it's unselected. You can check an option button's value with a simple If…Then structure. For example, if you have two option buttons, named optSearchForFile and optUseThisFile, you can check their values and find out which was selected by using the following code:

If optSearchForFile = True Then
  'optSearchForFile was selected; take action on this
Else   'optSearchForFile was not selected, so optUseThisFile was
  'take action for optUseThisFile
End If

Remember that Value is the default property of the OptionButton control. The previous code checks the value of the default property of the control, so you need not specify the property in your code. Default properties can be omitted as a kind of shorthand programming. The first line of code could be written out more fully as If optSearchForFile.Value = True Then. But in the code example, I chose to write it more succinctly, with = True implied: If optSearchForFile Then.

With more than two option buttons, use an If…Then…ElseIf condition or a Select Case statement to determine which option button is selected.

Returning a Value from a Check Box

Like an option button, a regular check box can only be either True or False, so you can use an If…Then structure to check its value. Here's an example:

If chkDisplayProgress = True Then
   'take actions for chkDisplayProgress
End If

Again, you're checking the default property of the control here—the Value property. The first line of code could also be written as If chkDisplayProgress.Value = True Then.

Sometimes you'll need to take an action if the check box was cleared (deselected) rather than selected. For example, if the user clears the check box, you may need to turn off a configuration option.

Returning a Value from a List Box

List boxes start out empty. So, before you can ask the user to choose an item in a list box, you must first fill the box with items from which the user can choose—you must tell VBA which items to display. To do so, you create a procedure to initialize (prepare) the user form and add the items to the list box before displaying it:

  1. Right-click the name of the user form in the Project Explorer and choose View Code from the context menu to display (in the Code window) the code for the controls assigned to the dialog box.

    Or you can just double-click somewhere in the background on the user form to go to Code view. Recall that you can toggle between the Code window (press F7) and the form-design window (Shift+F7).

  2. In the Object drop-down list (on the top left of the Code window), make sure UserForm is selected.
  3. Choose Initialize from the Procedure drop-down list (on the top right of the Code window).

    The Visual Basic Editor creates a new procedure named Private Sub UserForm_Initialize for you, inserting it at the end of the procedures currently displayed in the Code window:

            Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
            End Sub

    Here's a tip: VBA runs a UserForm_Initialize procedure every time the user form is brought to life. This procedure is a good place to add items to a list box or combo box or to set properties of other controls on the user form. In other words, this Initialize event is where you write code to do any necessary preliminary housekeeping before displaying the form to the user.

  4. To add items to a list box, use the AddItem method for the list box object (here the box is named lstBatteries) with a text string in quotation marks to display the ID number of each battery in the list box:
            lstBatteries.AddItem "Battery #A4601"
            lstBatteries.AddItem "Battery #A4602"
            lstBatteries.AddItem "Battery #A4603"
            lstBatteries.AddItem "Battery #A4604"

To retrieve the user's choice from a single-select-style list box, check the Value property in your code, as in this example:

MsgBox "You chose this entry from the list box: " & lstBattery.Value

Single-select list boxes are like a set of option buttons—the user is allowed to select only one of them.

When you use the MultiSelect property to create a list box capable of multiple selections, you can no longer use the Value property to return the items selected in the list box. When MultiSelect is set to True, Value always returns a null value. Instead, you use the Selected property to determine which rows in the list box are selected and the List property (it's an array) to return the contents (the values) of each selected row.

The following statements use a For…Next loop to build a string named strMsg containing the entries selected from a multiselect list box:

strMsg = "You chose the following entries from the list box: " & vbCr
For i = 1 To lstBatteries.ListCount
  If lstBatteries.Selected(i - 1) = True Then
    strMsg = strMsg & lstBatteries.List(i - 1) & vbCr
  End If
Next i
MsgBox strMsg

Returning a Value from a Combo Box

To return a value from a combo box (a control that is, in effect, a combination list box and text box), you add items to the combo box list in an Initialize procedure and then check the Value of the combo box after the user has dismissed the dialog box. (The combo box control doesn't offer multiple-selection capabilities, so Value is the property to check.)

For example, you would use the following code to add items to a combo box named cmbColor:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  cmbColor.AddItem "Red"
  cmbColor.AddItem "Blue"
  cmbColor.AddItem "Yellow"
End Sub

To return the item the user chose in the combo box, retrieve the Value property:

Result = cmbColor.Value

The item retrieved from a combo box can be either one of the items assigned in the Initialize procedure or one that the user has typed into the text-box portion of the combo box.

Examples Showing How to Connect Forms to Procedures

The following sections show you two examples of how you can create a procedure and then design a form that works with it to make the procedure more useful and powerful. In the first example, you'll record a macro in Word and then link a form to that code. In the second example, which will work with any VBA-enabled application, you'll create a user form and its associated code from scratch.

Word Example: The Move-Paragraph Procedure

This first example moves the current paragraph up or down within the document by one or two paragraphs in Word.


Start by recording a procedure in Word to move the current paragraph. In the procedure, you need to record the commands for the following actions:

  • Selecting the current paragraph
  • Cutting the selection and then pasting it
  • Moving the insertion point up and down the document
  • Inserting a bookmark, moving the insertion point to it, and then deleting the bookmark

We want our finished procedure to display a dialog box with option buttons for moving the current paragraph up one paragraph, up two paragraphs, down one paragraph, or down two paragraphs. The dialog box should also include a check box that indicates the user wants the insertion point returned to its original position at the end of the procedure. Because this is presumably desirable default behavior for the procedure, this check box is selected by default. Users can clear the check box if they don't want to return the insertion point to its original position.

First, start Word and create a new, blank, scratch document (press Ctrl+N), and enter three or four paragraphs of text—just about anything will do, but it'll be easier to have actual text, not random nonsense. That way you can make sure the procedure is moving paragraphs as it should. Then place the insertion point in one of the paragraphs you've just entered and start recording a macro as discussed in Chapter 1, “Recording and Running Macros in the Office Applications”:

  1. Click the Record Macro icon on the status bar or the Record Macro icon in the Code section of the Ribbon's Developer tab. Either way, you see the Record Macro dialog box.
  2. Type the name for the macro, Move_Paragraph, in the Macro Name text box and a description in the Description text box.
  3. Choose a template or document, if necessary, in the Store Macro In drop-down list.

    You probably don't want to add this to the global NewMacros module in the Normal.dotm file. Why clutter it up with practice macros?

  4. If you want, use the Button or Keyboard button to create a Quick Access Toolbar button or keyboard shortcut for the macro.
  5. Click the OK button to start recording the macro.

Record the following actions in the macro:

  1. Insert a bookmark at the current position of the insertion point by clicking the Bookmark icon in the Links section of the Ribbon's Insert tab. This displays the Bookmarks dialog box.
  2. Enter a name for the bookmark, and click the Add button.

    In this example, the bookmark is named Move_Paragraph_Temp to indicate that it's a temporary bookmark used for the Move_Paragraph procedure.

  3. Select the current paragraph by pressing F8 four times.

    The first press of F8 activates Extend mode, the second selects the current word, the third selects the current sentence, and the fourth selects the current paragraph.

  4. Press the Esc key to turn off Extend mode once the paragraph is selected.
  5. Cut the selected paragraph by using one of the variations of the Cut command (for example, press either Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete, or click the Cut icon in the Ribbon's Clipboard section).
  6. Move the insertion point up one paragraph by pressing Ctrl+↑.
  7. Paste the cut paragraph back in by using a Paste command (for example, press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert, or click the Paste button on the Home tab of the Ribbon).
  8. Move the insertion point down one paragraph by pressing Ctrl+↓.
  9. Move the insertion point up two paragraphs by pressing Ctrl+↑ twice.

    Note that if you started with the insertion point at the beginning of the first paragraph in the document, you'll only be able to move the insertion point up one paragraph. This doesn't matter—press the keystroke anyway to record it. If Word beeps at you, ignore it.

  10. Move the insertion point down two paragraphs by pressing Ctrl+↓ twice.

    If in doing so you hit the end of the document after the first keystroke, don't worry—perform the second keystroke anyway to record it. Word may sound a beep.

  11. Open the Bookmarks dialog box again (click the Bookmark icon in the Links section of the Ribbon's Insert tab), select the Move_Paragraph_Temp bookmark, and click the Go To button to go to it.
  12. Click the Delete button to delete the Move_Paragraph_Temp bookmark.
  13. Click the Close button to close the Bookmarks dialog box.
  14. Stop the Macro Recorder by clicking the Stop Recording icon on the status bar or the Stop Recording icon in the Code section of Ribbon's Developer tab.

Open the recorded macro in the Visual Basic Editor by clicking Developer ➢ Macros, selecting the macro's name in the Macros dialog box, and clicking the Edit button.

You should see a macro that looks something like this:

 1.  Sub Move_Paragraph()
 2.  '
 3.  ' Move_Paragraph Macro
 4.  ' Move a paragraph up or down
 5.  '
 6.      With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
 7.          .Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:="Move_Paragraph_Temp"
 8.          .DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
 9.          .ShowHidden = False
10.      End With
11.      Selection.Extend
12.      Selection.Extend
13.      Selection.Extend
14.      Selection.Extend
15.      Selection.EscapeKey
16.      Selection.Cut
17.      Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
18.      Selection.Paste
19.      Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
20.      Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2
21.      Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2
22.      Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Move_Paragraph_Temp"
23.      ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Move_Paragraph_Temp").Delete
24.      With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
25.          .DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
26.          .ShowHidden = False
27.      End With
28.  End Sub

You can probably read this macro code easily enough by now:

  • Line 1 starts the macro, and line 28 ends it.
  • Lines 2 and 5 are blank comment lines around the comment lines showing the macro's name (line 3) and description (line 4).
  • Lines 6 through 10 contain a With statement that adds the Move_Paragraph_Temp bookmark.
  • Lines 7 and 8 are unnecessary here, but the Macro Recorder records all the settings in the Bookmarks dialog box, including the setting for the Sort By option button and the Hidden Bookmarks check box.
  • Lines 11 through 15 use the Extend Selection feature to select the current paragraph.
  • Lines 17, 19, 20, and 21 record the syntax for moving the insertion point up and down one paragraph and two paragraphs, respectively.
  • Line 16 records the Cut command and Line 18 the Paste command.
  • Line 22 moves the insertion point to the Move_Paragraph_Temp bookmark, and line 23 deletes the bookmark.
  • Lines 24 through 27 again record the settings in the Bookmarks dialog box, which you don't need here either.

If you like, you can quickly delete unnecessary lines of code, and collapse the first With structure, to create a more succinct, more easily understood, version of the code:

 1.  Sub Move_Paragraph()
 2.      ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Range:=Selection.Range, _
 3.      Selection.Extend
 4.      Selection.Extend
 5.      Selection.Extend
 6.      Selection.Extend
 7.      Selection.EscapeKey
 8.      Selection.Cut
 9.      Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
10.      Selection.Paste
11.      Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
12.      Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2
13.      Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2
14.      Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, _
15.  End Sub


Next, create the dialog box for the procedure (see Figure 14.16):

Screenshot of the Move Current Paragraph dialog box that enables to connect to the Move_Paragraph macro and to select an Insertion Point.

Figure 14.16 The Move Current Paragraph dialog box that you will connect to the Move_Paragraph macro

  1. Start a user form in the Visual Basic Editor by clicking the Insert button's drop-down list and choosing UserForm (or just click the Insert button if it's already showing the UserForm icon) or by choosing Insert ➢ UserForm.
  2. Use the Properties window for the user form to set its Name and Caption properties:
    1. Click in the cell next to the Name cell and enter the Name property there.
    2. Click in the cell next to the Caption cell and enter the Caption property. The example user form is named frmMoveParagraph and has the caption Move Current Paragraph so that the name of the form is closely related to the text the user will see in the title bar of the dialog box but different from the procedure name (Move_Current_Paragraph).
  3. Place two frames in the user form, as shown in Figure 14.17, to act as group containers in the dialog box:
    1. Double-click the Frame tool in the Toolbox, and then click and drag in the user form to place each frame.
    2. Align the frames by selecting them both and choosing Format ➢ Align ➢ Lefts.
    3. With the frames still selected, verify that they are the same width by choosing Format ➢ Make Same Size ➢ Width. (Don't choose Format ➢ Make Same Size ➢ Height or Format ➢ Make Same Size ➢ Both. The top frame will need to be taller than the bottom frame.)
    4. Caption the top frame Movement and the bottom frame Insertion Point by selecting each in turn and then setting the Caption property in the Properties window. Then name the top frame fraMovement and the bottom frame fraInsertionPoint.
    Screenshot of the Move Current Paragraph dialog box that enables to start by placing two frames in the user form.
    Figure 14.17 Start by placing two frames in the user form.
  4. Place four option buttons in the Movement frame, as shown in Figure 14.18:
    1. Double-click the OptionButton tool in the Toolbox, and then click in the Movement frame to place each option button. This time, don't click and drag—just click to place a normal-width option button.
    2. When you've placed the four option buttons, click the Select Objects button in the Toolbox to restore the selection pointer.
    3. Then select the four option buttons and align them with each other by choosing Format ➢ Align ➢ Lefts.
    4. Even out any disparities in spacing by choosing Format ➢ Vertical Spacing ➢ Make Equal. If necessary, use the other items on the Format ➢ Vertical Spacing submenu—Increase, Decrease, and Remove—to adjust the amount of space between the option buttons.

      You can do all these things freehand if you prefer by just eyeballing. Drag them around until you have them neatly positioned and sized.

    5. Change the caption for each option button by setting the Caption property in the Properties window.

      Caption them as illustrated in Figure 14.18: Up one paragraph, Up two paragraphs, Down one paragraph, and Down two paragraphs. These option buttons will control the number of paragraphs the procedure moves the current paragraph.

    6. If you need to resize the option buttons to make all the text in the captions visible, select them and group them by right-clicking and choosing Group from the context menu, by choosing Format ➢ Group, or by clicking the Group button on the UserForm toolbar.
    7. Then select the group and drag one of the handles to resize all the option buttons evenly.

      For example, to reveal hidden text that's cut off on the right side, drag the handle at the right midpoint of the group outward.

    8. Name the option buttons optUpOne, optUpTwo, optDownOne, and optDownTwo, respectively, by changing the Name property of each in turn in the Properties window.
    9. Next, set the first option button's Value property to True by selecting the default False value in the Properties window and entering True instead.

      Doing so will select the option button in the user form you're designing, and when the dialog box is displayed, that option button will be selected as the default choice for the option group.

    10. Set its accelerator key to U by entering U as its Accelerator property. Set the Accelerator property of the second option button to t, the third to D, and the fourth to w.

      The Accelerator property is case-sensitive only when the caption for the control contains both the uppercase and lowercase versions of the same letter.

    Screenshot of the Movement frame displaying four option buttons to select from.

    Figure 14.18 Place four option buttons in the Movement frame like this.

  5. Place a check box in the Insertion Point frame, as shown in Figure 14.19:
    1. Click the CheckBox tool in the Toolbox and then click in the Insertion Point frame in the user form to place a check box of the default size.
    2. In the Properties window, set the name of the check box to chkReturnToPrevious Position (a long name but a descriptive one).
    3. Then set its Caption property to Return to previous position.
    4. Set its accelerator key to R by entering R as its Accelerator property.
    5. Finally, set the check box to be selected by default by entering True as its Value property.
    Screenshot of the Insertion Point frame to place a check box tool in the Tool Box to return to previous position.
    Figure 14.19 Place a check box in the Insertion Point frame.
  6. Next, insert the command buttons for the form (see Figure 14.20):
    1. Double-click the CommandButton tool on the Toolbox and click to place the first command button at the bottom of the user form.
    2. Click to place the second command button, and then click the Select Objects button to restore the selection mouse pointer.
    3. Size and place the command buttons by using the commands on the Format menu. For example, group the buttons, and then use the Format ➢ Center In Form ➢ Horizontally command to center the pair horizontally. You must group the buttons before doing this. If instead you simply select both of them, VBA centers one button on top of the other so that only the uppermost button is visible.
    4. Set properties of the command buttons as follows:
      • For the left-hand button (which will become the OK button), set the Name property to cmdOK.
      • Set the Caption property to OK.
      • Set the Accelerator property to O (that's O as in OK, not a zero).
      • Set the Default property to True.
      • For the right-hand button (which will become the Cancel button), set the Name property to cmdCancel.
      • Set the Accelerator property to A.
      • Set the Caption property to Cancel.
      • Set the Cancel property to True.
      • Leave the Default property set to False.
    Screenshot to add two command buttons and set their properties: OK and Cancel.

    Figure 14.20 Add two command buttons and set their properties.

  7. Now we attach our code to this form. Dive down into the Code window by double-clicking the Cancel button to display a procedure associated with it:
            Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
            End Sub

    Recall that the Editor chooses to create a procedure for the most common event for whatever control (or the form) you double-click to get down into the Code window. For most controls, this will be the Click event, as it is for the CommandButton control.

    Type an End statement between the lines:

            Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
            End Sub

    This End statement removes the form from the screen and ends the current procedure—in this case, the Move_Current_Paragraph procedure.

    Now you'll attach code to the OK button, which is where things get interesting. When the user clicks the OK button, the procedure needs to continue executing and do all of the following:

    • Remove the dialog box from display by hiding it or by unloading it (or, preferably, both). As discussed earlier in the chapter, the choice is yours, but using both commands is usually clearest.
    • Check the Value property of the check box to see whether it was selected or cleared.
    • Check the Value property of each option button in turn to see which of them was selected when the OK button was clicked.

    Now continue creating the Move Current Paragraph dialog box:

  8. Double-click the OK button to display the code attached to it.

    If you're still working in the Code window, select cmdOK in the Object drop-down list (on the top left of the Code window). The Editor automatically creates the Click event procedure for this button.

  9. First, enter the following two lines between the Private Sub and End Sub lines:
            Unload frmMoveParagraph

    The frmMoveParagraph.Hide line activates the Hide method for the frmMoveParagraph user form, hiding it from display on the screen. The Unload frmMoveParagraph line unloads the dialog box from memory.

  10. Next, the procedure needs to check the Value property of the chkReturnToPreviousPosition check box to find out whether to insert a bookmark in the document to mark the current position of the insertion point. To do this, enter a straightforward If…Then statement:
            If chkReturnToPreviousPosition = True Then
            End If

    If the chkReturnToPreviousPosition statement is set to True—that is, if the check box is selected—the code in the lines following the Then statement runs. The Then statement consists of the lines for inserting a bookmark that you recorded earlier.

  11. Cut these lines from the procedure and paste them into the If…Then statement like this:
            If chkReturnToPreviousPosition = True Then
                With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
                    .Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:=" Move_Paragraph_Temp"
                End With
            End If

    If the check box is selected, the procedure inserts a bookmark. If the check box is cleared, the procedure passes over these lines.

  12. Next, right after the End If, paste in the code for selecting the current paragraph and cutting it to the Clipboard:
  13. After this, you need to retrieve the Value properties from the option buttons to see which one was selected when the user chose the OK button in the dialog box. For this, you can again use an If condition—this time, an If…Then ElseIf…Else condition, with the relevant insertion-point-movement lines from the recorded procedure pasted in:
            If optUpOne = True Then
                Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
            ElseIf optUpTwo = True Then
                Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2
            ElseIf optDownOne = True Then
                Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
                Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2
            End If

    Here, optUpOne, optUpTwo, optDownOne, and optDownTwo (which uses the Else statement here and, therefore, isn't specified by name in the listing) are the four option buttons from the dialog box, representing the choice to move the current paragraph up one paragraph, up two paragraphs, down one paragraph, or down two paragraphs, respectively.

    The condition is straightforward: If optUpOne is True (that is, if this option button is selected), the first Then condition executes, moving the insertion point up one paragraph from its current position (after the current paragraph is cut, the insertion point will be at the beginning of the paragraph that was after the current one). If optUpOne is False, the first ElseIf condition is evaluated. If the condition evaluates to True, the second Then condition executes. And if the condition evaluates to False, the next ElseIf condition is evaluated. If that condition, too, turns out to be False, the Else code is run. In this case, the Else statement means that the optDownTwo option button was selected in the dialog box, so the Else code moves the insertion point down two paragraphs.

    Wherever the insertion point ends based on which option button the user chose, the next line of code (Selection.Paste) pastes in the cut paragraph from the Clipboard.

  14. Finally, the procedure must return the insertion point to where it was originally if the chkReturnToPreviousPosition check box is selected. Again, you can test for this with a simple If…Then condition that incorporates the go-to-bookmark and delete-bookmark lines from the recorded procedure:
            If chkReturnToPreviousPosition = True Then
                Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, _
                    Name:=" Move_Paragraph_Temp"
            End If

    If the chkReturnToPreviousPosition check box is selected, VBA moves the insertion point to the temporary bookmark and then deletes that bookmark.

Listing 14.1 shows the full listing for the cmdOK button.

Go ahead and try it. To test this example properly, you should remove the bookmark you inserted while recording the macro earlier in this chapter. To remove it, click the Bookmark item in the Links section in the Insert tab on Word's Ribbon. In the Bookmarks dialog box that opens, select Move_Paragraph_Temp and click the Delete button.

Now, open the scratch document in Word that you created earlier in this chapter and filled with several paragraphs of text:

  1. Click Developer ➢ Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Double-click frmMoveParagraph in the Project Explorer to display the user form.
  3. Press F5 to run this procedure.
  4. Click the OK button in your user form and observe that the paragraphs were rearranged in the document.

General Example: Opening a File from a List Box

This next example displays a user form that employs a list box from which the user can select a file to open. The user form is simple, as is its code. The macro includes a loop and an array to gather the names of the files in a folder and then displays the filenames in the list box. The user gets to select a file and click the Open button to open it. Figure 14.21 shows the user form in action, displaying Excel files.

Screenshot of a user form in action to open a current file by selecting the file to open by clicking the Open button.

Figure 14.21 The user form you'll build in this example contains a list box that gives the user quick access to all current files.

You can adapt this example to any of the Office 2019 applications discussed in this book by changing the filename to an appropriate type for that application and also modifying a couple of the key statements. The version of this example we'll look at now shows you how to create the procedure in Excel.

Building the User Form

Follow these steps to build the user form:

  1. Start the application you want to work in. The example uses Excel.
  2. Display the Visual Basic Editor by clicking the Visual Basic icon in the Ribbon's Developer tab.
  3. In the Project Explorer, right-click the project to which you want to add the user form and choose Insert ➢ UserForm from the context menu to insert a default-size user form in the project.
  4. Drag the handle at the lower-right corner of the user form to the right to make the user form a bit wider.
  5. Set the Name property of the form to frmOpen_a_Current_File and its Caption to Open a Current File. Check the Width property. You want it to be about 350 pixels wide.
  6. Click the Label button in the Toolbox, and then click in the upper-left corner of the user form to place a default-size label there.
  7. Activate the Properties window and set the properties of the label as shown in Table 14.9.
    TABLE 14.9: Set these properties of your label
    (Name) lblInfo
    AutoSize True
    Caption Choose the file to open and click the Open button.
    Left 10
    Top 6
    WordWrap False
  8. Click the ListBox button in the Toolbox, and then click below the label in the user form to place a default-size list box there.
  9. Set its properties as shown in Table 14.10.
    TABLE 14.10: Set these properties of the ListBox
    (Name) lstifles
    Height 100
    Left 10
    Top 25
    Width 300
  10. Double-click the CommandButton button in the Toolbox, and then click twice at the bottom of the user form to place two default-size command buttons there.
  11. Set their properties as shown in Table 14.11.
    TABLE 14.11: Set these properties of the CommandButton
    (Name) cmdOpen cmdCancel
    Cancel False True
    Caption Open Cancel
    Default True False
    Height 21 21
    Width 55 55
  12. Arrange the command buttons as follows:
    1. Click the cmdCancel button to select it, and then drag it close to the cmdOK button.
    2. With the cmdCancel button still selected, Ctrl+click the cmdOK button to add it to the selection.
    3. Choose Format ➢ Group to group the buttons.
    4. Choose Format ➢ Center In Form ➢ Horizontally to center the buttons horizontally in the form.
    5. Drag the group up or down as necessary. (Or just drag them around and eyeball them into a pleasing position.)

Creating the Code for the User Form

Follow these steps to create the code for the user form:

  1. With the user form selected, press the F7 key to display the user form's code sheet.
  2. In the declarations portion of the code sheet (just keep pressing the up-arrow key until you move to the very top of the Code window), enter an Option Base 1 statement to make the array numbering start at 1 instead of at 0:
     Option Base 1
  3. Make sure that UserForm is selected in the Object drop-down list (top left of the code sheet), and then pull down the Procedure drop-down list (top right) and choose Initialize from it.

    The Visual Basic Editor enters the stub of an Initialize procedure in the code sheet, like this:

            Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
            End Sub
  4. Enter the statements for the Initialize procedure shown in Listing 14.2.
  5. In the Object drop-down list, select cmdCancel.

    The Visual Basic Editor enters the stub of a Click procedure, as shown here. (Click is the default event for the CommandButton control, so the Visual Basic Editor assumes that you want to create a Click procedure.)

            Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
            End Sub
  6. Enter the statements for the cmdCancel_Click procedure shown in Listing 14.2.
  7. In the Object drop-down list, select cmdOpen. The Visual Basic Editor enters the stub of a Click procedure.
  8. Enter the statements for the cmdOpen_Click procedure shown in Listing 14.2.
  9. Customize line 9 (in the Initialize procedure) and line 32 (in the cmdOpen_Click procedure) so that the code will work with the application you're using, as shown in the following list. The procedure as shown is set up to run for Excel, but you'll probably need to change the path to reflect where the target files are on your computer.
    • For Word, change the Workbooks.Open statement to Documents.Open:
              If lstFiles.Value <> "" Then Documents.Open _
                  Filename:="c:	ransfer" & lstFiles.Value
    • For PowerPoint, change the Workbooks.Open statement to Presentations.Open:
              If lstFiles.Value <> "" Then Presentations.Open _
                  Filename:="c:	ransfer" & lstFiles.Value

Listing 14.2 shows the full version of the code behind the Open a Current File user form.

Listing 14.2 contains all the code that appears on the code sheet for the frmOpen_a_Current_File user form: a declarations section and three event procedures.

In the declarations section, line 1 contains the Option Base 1 statement, which makes any array used on the code sheet begin at 1 rather than at 0. Line 2 is a spacer.

Here's what happens in the UserForm_Initialize procedure (lines 3 to 23):

  • Line 3 begins the Initialize procedure for the user form.
  • Line 4 is a spacer.
  • Line 5 declares the String array variable strFileArray.
  • Line 6 declares the String variable strFFile.
  • Line 7 declares the Integer variable intCount.
  • Line 8 is a spacer.
  • Line 9 assigns to strFFile the result of a directory operation on the designated folder (here, c: ransferspreads), but substitute your own path to a folder on your computer that contains files with an .xlsb filename extension. Enter your own path in line 32 as well.
  • Line 10 sets the intCount counter to 1.

    Note that if you don't use the Option Base 1 declaration for this procedure, you need to set Count to 0 (or the corresponding value for a different option base that you use). The first call to Dir, which specifies the pathname in an argument, returns the first file it finds in the folder (assuming it finds at least one file). Each subsequent call without the argument returns the next file in the folder, until Dir finds no more files.

  • Line 11 is a spacer.
  • Lines 12 through 19 contain a Do While…Loop loop that runs while strFFile isn't an empty string (″″):
    • Line 13 makes sure that strFFile isn't a folder by comparing it to the single period and double period used to denote folders. If strFFile isn't a folder, line 14 uses a ReDim Preserve statement to increase the dimensions of the strFileArray array to the number in intCount while retaining the current information in the array, thus building the list of files in the folder.
    • Line 15 assigns to the intCount index of the strFileArray array the current contents of strFFile.
    • Line 16 then adds 1 to intCount, and line 17 sets strFFile to the result of the Dir function (the first filename matching the *.xlsb pattern in the designated folder).
    • Line 18 ends the If condition. Line 19 contains the Loop keyword that will continue the loop as long as the Do While statement is True.
  • When the loop ends, line 21 sets the List property of the lstFiles list box in the dialog box to the contents of strFileArray, which now contains a list of all the files in the folder.
  • Line 22 is a spacer.
  • Line 23 ends the procedure, and line 24 is another spacer.

    Here's what happens in the cmdCancel_Click procedure (lines 25 through 28):

    • Line 25 starts the cmdCancel_Click procedure, and line 28 ends it.
    • Line 26 hides the user form, using the Me keyword to reference it.
    • Line 27 unloads the user form from memory.

    Here's what happens in the cmdOpen_Click procedure (lines 30 through 34):

    • Line 30 starts the cmdOpen_Click procedure, and line 34 ends it.
    • Line 31 hides the user form, again by using the Me keyword.
    • Line 32 checks to make sure the Value property of the lstFiles list box is not an empty string ("") and, if it is not, uses the Open method of the Documents collection to open the file selected in the list box. The statement adds to the path (c: ransferspreads) the Value property of the list box to produce the full filename. Substitute your own path for c: ransferspreads.
    • Line 33 unloads the user form from memory.

Remember that to test this example, you'll need to adjust lines 9 and 32 to include a file path on your machine where some XLSB files are stored. For Excel 2019, try this location: C:UsersYourNameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftExcelXLSTART.

Using an Application's Built-In Dialog Boxes

Some applications, such as Word and Excel, let you use their built-in dialog boxes via VBA. If a built-in dialog box offers the functionality you need, using it can be a great solution: You don't have to build a custom dialog box, just reference the built-in dialog box in your code.

You shouldn't even need to debug a built-in dialog box, and users of your procedures will probably be familiar with the dialog box from their work in the application. These built-in dialog boxes are called common dialog boxes, and we explored them briefly in the sidebar titled “Control a For…Next Loop with User Input via a Dialog Box” in Chapter 12.

Displaying a Built-In Dialog Box

To display a built-in dialog box, you need to know its name and constant. You also must decide which method to use to display the dialog box.


Although Office 2019 no longer uses menus (with some exceptions, such as the Visual Basic Editor), built-in dialog boxes (in Word and other applications) are still identified by constants derived from the older, pre-Ribbon menu-style interface. These constants start with the letters wdDialog (as in Word dialog), followed by the name of the dialog box.

The names of common dialog boxes are derived from the pre–Office 2010 menu commands that displayed the dialog boxes prior to the introduction of the Ribbon interface (with Office 2007). For example, to refer to the Open dialog box, you use the constant wdDialogFileOpen, because in previous versions of Word, you would have chosen File ➢ Open to display that dialog box.

Or to display the Print dialog box (the old File ➢ Print options), you use the constant wd DialogFilePrint, and to display the Options dialog box (Tools ➢ Options), you use the constant wdDialogToolsOptions.

So, although the user interface has evolved beyond classic menus, the menu structure itself remains as part of the classification system for internal objects—such as these constants used to identify various dialog boxes.

Excel follows a similar but less rigid taxonomic convention. Built-in Excel dialog boxes are (for backward compatibility with older macro code) still identified by constants starting with the letters xlDialog followed by the name of the dialog box. The name of the dialog box is derived either from the classic menu commands that were required to display it or from the dialog box's title. For example, to refer to the Open dialog box, you use the constant xlDialogOpen (rather than xlDialogFileOpen).

Anyway, the easiest way to find the name for the built-in dialog box you need is to search the Visual Basic Editor's Help system for “Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists” in Word or Excel. (Access employs a whole different system for common dialog boxes, requiring the importation of object libraries using its Visual Basic Editor's Tools ➢ References menu and the employment of specialized objects.)

You can also view a list of Word or Excel built-in dialog boxes by displaying the Object Browser (press F2 in the Editor) and typing wddialog (for Word) or xldialog (for Excel) in the Search textbox.

You use these constants with the Dialogs property, which returns the Dialogs collection object, which in turn contains all the built-in dialog boxes in the host application.

For example, to display Word's Save As dialog box, you use the Show method, as illustrated in the following statement:


It's as simple as that. To display Word's Replace dialog box, just substitute wdDialogEdit Replace for wdDialogFileSaveAs.


VBA provides two methods of displaying built-in dialog boxes onscreen: Show and Display:

  • The Show method shows the specified Dialog object and then uses functions built into the Dialog object to carry out the user's requests.

    You don't need to write any code of your own. For example, if you use the Show method to display the wdDialogFileSaveAs dialog box. It's fully functional when shown this way, so the user can just enter a name for the file in the File Name box and click the Save button. VBA itself automatically saves the file with the given name in the specified folder (and with any other options the user chose). You didn't write any programming to save this file.

  • The Display method merely displays the dialog box onscreen, but it does not execute the actions the user requests in the dialog box. Instead, it allows you to fetch the settings (the user's requests and selections) from the dialog box once the user dismisses it, but then you must write your own code to carry out what the user requested. This is a way to intercept user input and employ it to suit abnormal purposes.


The Show method displays the specified dialog box and automatically responds to whatever actions the user takes in it. Show is useful when your user is merely going to perform a conventional interactive action. As a simple example, in a procedure that's supposed to perform certain formatting tasks on the current document, you could check to make sure a document is open before attempting to perform the formatting. Then, if no document is open, you could display the built-in Open dialog box so that the user could open a file. (You might precede the Open dialog box with a message box explaining the problem.) Listing 14.3 shows the code for this part of the procedure.

Here's how the code works:

  • Line 1 checks the Count property of the Documents collection to see if no documents are open. If that's the case, the statements in lines 2 through 8 run.
  • Line 2 displays a message box informing users that no document is open and asking them to open one for the procedure to work on. The message box has OK and Cancel buttons and stores the button chosen in the variable Proceed.
  • Line 3 checks to see if the OK button was chosen. If it was, line 4 displays the Open dialog box so that users can select the file, which VBA will open when they click the Open button in the Open dialog box.
  • Users can cancel the procedure at this point by clicking the Cancel button in the Open dialog box, so line 5 checks the Count property of the Documents collection again and uses an End statement to terminate execution of the procedure if there is still no document open.
  • If the OK button was not chosen, execution moves from line 3 to the Else statement in line 6, and the End statement in line 7 ends execution of the procedure.
  • Line 8 contains the End If statement for the nested If statement, and line 9 contains the End If statement for the outer If statement.
  • Line 10 contains a comment to indicate that you'd write more code here—the rest of the procedure would run from this point, which is reached only if a document is open.


Remember that unlike the Show method, the Display method displays a built-in dialog box but doesn't itself respond to any actions the user takes in the dialog box. Instead, you must write code that checks the settings that the user chose in the dialog box and then write more code to carry out the user's wishes. When you use the Display method, the user gets to work with familiar dialog boxes, but you totally control the behavior that results from that interaction.

For example, you'll often need to find out which folder a procedure should be working in, such as when you need the location of a number of documents that the user wants to manipulate. To get the folder, you could display a straightforward input box and prompt the user to type in the correct path to the folder—if the user knows the path and can type it in correctly.

Perhaps a better solution is to display a list box containing the tree of drives, folders, and files on the user's hard drive, but to do this you need to dimension an array and fill it with the folders and filenames, and you need to refresh the display every time the user moves up or down the tree—quite a lot of programming work.

So why not just borrow all this functionality from a built-in common dialog box? It's already part of the Office applications. You can achieve the same result much more easily by using a built-in dialog box that has the tree built in (for example, the Open dialog box) and then retrieving the user's responses for your own purposes.

If you need to execute the settings (user choices) in a built-in dialog box, you can use the Execute method. But you might want to check the user's selections in the dialog box before implementing them. If you find a problem, you could then, for example, display a dialog box of your own, such as an input box, asking for clarification.

Setting and Restoring Options in a Built-In Dialog Box

Most of the built-in Word and Excel dialog boxes have arguments that you can use for retrieving or setting values in the dialog box. For example, the Open dialog box in Word has arguments for Name, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru (adding the document to the Most Recently Used document list on the Recent section of the File tab on the Ribbon), PasswordDoc, and more. Some of these are options that you'll see in the Open dialog box itself. Others are associated options that you'll find on the various tabs of the Options dialog box.

You can guess some argument names from the names of the corresponding controls in the dialog box, but other names aren't directly related. To learn the names, search for “Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists” in the VBA Editor's Help system (choose MSDN on the Web, and then search with Bing).

For example, the following statements set the contents of the File Name text box in the Save As dialog box in Word and then display the dialog box:

With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
    .Name = "Yellow Paint Primer"
End With

Be aware that some arguments that applied to dialog boxes displayed by Office 2003 are not used in later versions of Office dialog boxes. So, you may need to experiment a bit to see if a particular legacy argument is still useful in the Office 2019 interface.

If you change the settings in a dialog box that uses sticky (persistent) settings, it's a good idea to change them back at the end of your procedure so that users don't get unexpected results the next time they open the dialog box.

Which Button Did the User Choose in a Dialog Box?

To find out which button the user clicked in a dialog box, check the return value of the Show method or the Display method. The return values are shown in Table 14.12.

TABLE 14.12: Click return values

–2 Close
–1 OK
0 Cancel
1 The first command button
2 The second command button
>2 (greater than 2) Subsequent command buttons

For example, you might want to cancel your whole procedure if the user clicks the Cancel button in a dialog box, like this:

If Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen).Show = 0 Then End

Specifying a Time-Out for a Dialog Box

In some applications, including Word, you can display some built-in dialog boxes for a specified time rather than having them stay open until the user dismisses them by clicking OK or Cancel or some other button. To specify a duration, you use the TimeOut Variant argument with the Show method or the Display method. You specify TimeOut as a number of units, each of which is approximately a thousandth of a second. (If the system is busy with many other tasks, the actual result might be a slightly longer delay.) So, you could display the General page of the Word Options dialog box for about 10 seconds—long enough for the user to check the Name setting and change it if necessary—by using the following statements:

With Dialogs(wdDialogToolsOptions)
    .DefaultTab = wdDialogToolsOptionsTabUserInfo
    .Show (10000)
End With

The Bottom Line

  • Understand what you can do with a custom dialog box. Custom dialog boxes—user interfaces you design as forms in the Visual Basic Editor—are often needed in macros and other kinds of Office automation. You might, for example, want to display a dialog box that allows the user to specify whether to let a macro continue beyond a certain point in its code or cease execution. Perhaps your macro is searching through a document for a particular phrase. Then when it finds that phrase, it displays a dialog box to users asking if they want to continue further.
    • Master It Which VBA statement would you use to stop a macro from continuing execution?
  • Create a custom dialog box. You use the Visual Basic Editor to both design a custom dialog box (form) and write code for macros. You can attach the various controls to a form and then enter code behind the dialog box.
    • Master It How do you switch between the form-design window (sometimes called the object window) and the Code window in the Visual Basic Editor?
  • Add controls to a dialog box. It's easy in the Visual Basic Editor to add various controls—such as command buttons and text boxes—to a user form (a custom dialog box).
    • Master It How do you add a command button to a custom dialog box?
  • Link dialog boxes to procedures. Buttons, check boxes, option buttons—displaying various controls to the user is fine, but unless you write some code behind these various user-interface objects, what's the point? Your macro's user shouldn't discover that clicking a button does nothing.

    Dialog boxes often display objects with which users can communicate their wants to your code. Therefore, you write code that reads the values the user enters into controls, and responds.

    • Master It Create a small custom dialog box that displays a message in a label control saying, “Would you like to know the current date and time?” Put an OK button and a Cancel button on this form. Write code that simply ends the procedure if the user presses the Cancel button, but that displays the date and time in the label if the user clicks the OK button. If the user clicks OK a second time, end the procedure.
  • Retrieve the user's choices from a dialog box. A major task of most dialog boxes is retrieving values that the user has specified in various controls by selecting check boxes and so on. Then you write code to carry out the user's wants based on these retrieved values. This interaction via dialog box is the typical way that a user communicates with your procedures, and vice versa.
    • Master It Create a new dialog box that contains three option buttons captioned Small, Medium, and Large and named optSmall, optMedium, and optLarge. Write code in each option button's Click procedure to change the button's caption to boldface when the button is clicked.
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