About the Authors

Dr. Patrick Tobias Fischer is a research associate in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. His research is positioned in the crossfire of art, technology and urban life and was sparked in 2006 while he studied at University of Technology, Sydney at Ernest Edmond’s Creativity and Cognitions Studio. Since then Fischer’s passion for novel human-computer interfaces that reach beyond desktop guided him to research institutes such as Fraunhofer, Berlin and Microsoft Research in Cambridge. He holds a PhD from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He sees the responsibility of research in conceiving and exploring alternative futures for urban spaces. In his opinion novel urban technology prototypes should be tested early in the field to see immediately its impact on urban life, citizens experience, and behaviour. This is what he has done in his PhD extensively through his media intervention SMSlingshot which has been exhibited in various cities around the world. For him MediaArchitecture is situation design through interface and interaction design.

Professor Marcus Foth is founder and director of the Urban Informatics Research Lab, i/Director of the QUT Design Lab, and Professor in Interactive & Visual Design, School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology. Marcus’ research focuses on the relationships between people, place and technology. He leads a cross-disciplinary team that develops practical approaches to complex urban problems. He adopts human-computer interaction and design methodologies to build engagement around emerging issues facing our cities. Marcus has authored and co-authored over 150 publications in journals, edited books, and conference proceedings. He received a Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award 2013, and was inducted by the planning, design and development site Planetizen to the world’s top 25 leading thinkers and innovators in the field of urban planning and technology.

Dr. Sven Gehring is a researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken, Germany. For his doctoral thesis “Interaction with Media Facades – The design of interactive systems for large-scale urban screens”, he received a PhD from Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany. His main research interests are interaction with digital systems in urban environments, as well as ambient notification environments. At the DFKI Sven Gehring is head of research and development of the Innovative Retail Laboratory (IRL).

Associate Professor M. Hank Haeusler Dipl.-Ing. (Fh) / PhD (SIAL/RMIT) is Discipline Director of Computational Design (CoDe) at Australian School of Architecture + Design at the University of New South Wales, Sydney; board member of the Media Architecture Institute, a non-profit organisation designed to complement the work of established universities and research institutions, and Lead CI of Encircle, an ARC Linkage Grant funded research group investigating responsive transport environments. Haeusler is known as a researcher, educator, entrepreneur and designer in media architecture, digital technology, interaction design and ubiquitous computing and author of seven books listing publications such as ‘Media Facades – History, Technology, Content’ (avedition, 2009), ‘New Media Facades – A global Survey’ (avedition, 2012); ‘InterChanging’ (Spurbuch, 2014); and over 40 book chapters and conference papers. He has lectured in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia and was appointed Visiting Professor at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing in 2013. He was Co-Chair of the 2016 Media Architecture Biennale in Sydney. Twitter: UNSWCoDe

Kim Halskov is professor in interaction design at The Department of Digital Design and Information Studies at Aarhus University, Denmark where he in addition to being director of Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction, see CAVI.au.dk, also is co-director of the Centre for Participatory IT, see PIT.au.dk. In 2007 Kim Halskov established the media architecture research group at Aarhus University. Major media architecture cases include Aarhus by Light (2007), The Danish Pavilion at Expo(2010), and conceptual design of The Odenplan Metro Station(2012). Current projects include the CIBIS project,which explores creativity in co-design. From a background in participatory design Kim Halskov’s research areas includes innovation processes, design processes, media architecture, and experience design.

Marius Hoggenmueller is an interaction designer and researcher working in the field of media architecture and urban informatics. He holds a B.Sc. in Media Informatics from the University of Munich, Germany. Currently he is a visiting scholar at the Design Lab at University of Sydney, Australia conducting his master thesis project. Marius Hoggenmueller worked on several media architecture installations for public art festivals, including Luminale in Frankfurt and Vivid Sydney.

Dr. Eva Hornecker is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar within the area of media informatics. Herwork is located at the intersection between technology, design, and the social sciences. Her research interests are the design and user experience of ‘beyond the desktop’ interaction. In her research, she focuses on aspects of user experience and social interaction in the context of novel interfaces, often in the context of museum and heritage sites as well as public spaces, where she and her team investigate how to enrich urban spaces/architectures and encourage social interactions. She co-founded the ACM Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction conference TEI. She has researched and taught previously in Bremen (Germany), TU Vienna (Austria), the University of Sussex (UK); University of Canterbury (New Zealand), the Open University (UK) and the University of Strathclyde (Scotland, UK).

Dr. Heinrich Hußmann is full professor for Media Informatics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of Passau and a degree in Computer Science from Munich University of Technology. For several years, he was a systems engineer and team leader in the advanced development laboratory of the telecommunications division of Siemens, and he had a position as full professor of Computer Science at Dresden University of Technology, holding a chair for Software Technology. His current research interests are in general in the transformation of every day life through digital media, and specifically in usable privacy and security as well as technology support for collaboration. According to Google Scholar data, Heinrich Hussmann is author of over 200 publications with more than 3300 citations.

Dr. Martin Tomitsch is associate professor and Head of Design at the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning. He is the Chair of the Design Lab, a research group that focuses on interaction design and creative technologies. Before moving to Australia, he studied informatics and worked as interaction designer in Vienna, Stockholm, Reykjavik and Paris. He is founding member of the Media Architecture Institute, co-chair of the Media Architecture Biennale 2016, state co-chair of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG), and visiting lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology’s Research Group for Industrial Software (INSO).

Dr. Alexander Wiethoff is a media architecture researcher and lecturer at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU). He has published over 40 peer-reviewed publications on the topic and is a skilled presenter at top-ranked conference series that he partly co-organises. Since 2012 Alexander is an active member of the media architecture institute (Vienna/Sydney).He has a diverse skill set combining theoretical knowledge along with practical skills rooted in the industry that support the seamless transfer of gained insights to be practically applied in the urban environment. Alexander Wiethoff has a background in art and design and received a doctoral degree with emphasis in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Munich. He lived abroad in Linz (A), Milan (I) and Copenhagen (DK), developing a keen sensitivity to people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Anke von der Heide Dipl.-Des. BUW, M.Arch. Tongji University, M.Sc. Urban Design TUB, is an artist, designer, architect/urban designer, and curator and is interested in the intersection of the Urban, Technology, and Sociology. Most of her participatory art works in public deal with the possibility to create dialogs betweenstrangers on societal, political or environmental topics. She gained a diploma in design at Bauhaus-University Weimar, accomplished a research project in Inter-media Art at Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music and studied Urban Design at TU Berlin and Tongji University Shanghai. She work and presented in Tokyo, Kiriu fine arts biennale (Japan), Busan art biennale (South Korea), and India. She was a researcher at the architecture faculty of TU Berlin on the topic of Smart Cities and since 2013 is an associate professor in the domains of MediaArchitecture and Human-Computer Interaction in Bauhaus-University Weimar. She curated various festivals and symposiums among them the Façade-projection festival Genius Loci in Weimar and the Wear It in Berlin. She has been invited as a speaker to various academic and non-academic platforms. Currently she is a PhD candidate with the topic “Narrating public space through media interventions”. She is a founding member of the Urban HCI Lab at Bauhaus University and the Creative Coding School for refugees in Berlin.

Drawing on perspectives from comparative literature, philosophy, and translation, Dr. Soenke Zehle’s current media-theoretical research interests include the role played by media architectures in framing our communicative modes of relation and the dynamics of communing. Lecturer in Media Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Saar and an Affiliate Researcher at the Ubiquitous Media Technologies Lab (UMTL) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), he also co-initiated and currently works as Managing Director of the academy’s xm:lab – Experimental Media Lab as well as K8, a non-profit company with a focus on educational research and critical design. He frequently co-develop arts-and-technology projects with his academy colleagues from Communication Design, Fine Arts, Media Art and Design, Media Informatics and Product Design with a particular interest in practice-based and transcultural approaches. He publishes frequently and is also active as a curator; current projects include two international exhibition series, one on the visual storytelling pioneer Frans Masereel and another on the literary artists Claire and Yvan Goll.

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