Part 3. How to be fast, consistent, and effective

You’ve learned the integration techniques to build a micro frontends application. However, to make your project successful, there are topics beyond integration that you need to address. We touched on the aspects of performance, visual consistency, and team responsibility at various points in the preceding chapters. In this next part of the book, we will cast a brighter light on these complementary aspects.

In chapter 10, we start with a technical topic: asset loading. Loading the right script and style code for the different micro frontends can be surprisingly challenging--especially if you want to adhere to performance best practices without sacrificing team autonomy. In chapter 11, we go deeper into the topic of performance. You’ll see common pitfalls and learn strategies to build and maintain a fast-loading site even if the UI comes from different teams. Chapter 12 deals with one of the biggest criticisms of micro frontends: How can we ensure a consistent look and feel for the end user? Design systems are essential in addressing this issue. However, establishing a shared design system so that it doesn’t interfere with the autonomy goals of micro frontends is not without challenges. In chapter 13, we talk about the organizational implications of introducing micro frontends. You’ll learn how to find sound team boundaries, organize inter-team knowledge transfer, and deal with shared infrastructure. The last chapter covers migrating to micro frontends, tips for local development, and some patterns for effective testing.

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