
MinJun Kim; Anak Agung Julius; U Kei Cheang     

It is obvious that the work of editing this book does not represent solely the efforts of its three editors. Since microbiorobotics is an advanced and interdisciplinary topic, we aim to highlight some of the most innovative and powerful developments in microrobotics that have been based on biologically-inspired systems, and to provide a resource for research and scientists interested in learning about the techniques themselves – their capability and limitations. We owe a great debt to many who helped us in various ways, from sharing their understanding to providing original research data. We do certainly appreciate all authors for their contributions. This book would not be possible without their work. The diverse backgrounds of the authors provide multiple perspectives of microbiorobotics that we present in this book. Special thanks should be given to our reviewers for providing detailed suggestions on all aspects of this book.

Many people read and commented on specific chapters, provided figures and materials, and spent much time with us in helpful discussions. We gratefully thank these people. We have been privileged to work with many gifted graduate and undergraduate students at Drexel University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, all who contributed in part to further this research: Dr. Dalhyung Kim, Dr. Wonjin Jo, Dr. Anmiv Prabhu, Dr. Kevin Freedman, Dr. Gaurav Goyal, Armin Darvish, Yan Ou, Rafael Mulero, William Hesse, David Casale, and Kiran Phuyal. We would also like to acknowledge several funding agencies, National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, Korea Institute of Science Technology (KIST), and Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) for financial support to our current microbiorobotics research programs.

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