About This Book

This book provides an insider view of many of the services and features mentioned throughout the book. We participated in the design and implementation of many of these features as well as working with many internal teams, such as Azure DB, Skype, and Cortana, who have successfully been using microservices architectures for years. Therefore, we can speak from a unique perspective when it comes to the considerations and challenges one has to take into account for designing and building microservices-based applications.

This book is aimed at anyone who is interested in building microservices-based applications on Azure. After reading this book, you will have a solid understanding of both, the benefits and the challenges of microservices-based applications. You will gain knowledge that you can apply to design microservices-based applications on Azure either from ground up or to decompose an existing monolith application into microservices over time.

Readers will come away with the following:

An understanding of the difference between microservices-based applications and traditional monolith applications, and the pros and cons for each approach.

An understanding of Docker containers in the context of microservices architectures and basic Docker operations, as well as how to create Docker hosts on Azure.

Best practices for setting up development and DevOps environments for microservices-based applications.

An understanding of cluster and container orchestration capabilities on Azure.

Best practices for monitoring containerized microservices applications and monitoring tools available on Azure.

An understanding of Azure Service Fabric and how it enables developers to develop microservices-based applications.

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