Working with Multiple Workbooks

When you create an Excel workbook for each subject of your business, you will sometimes need to look at data from more than one workbook to make your decisions. In cases like this, you can switch between them by choosing the workbook’s name from the list displayed when you click the Switch Windows button on the View tab, or you can choose one of several arrangements so that you can work with your workbooks effectively.

Switch between Open Workbooks

  1. Click the View tab.

  2. Click Switch Windows.

  3. Click the name of the workbook you want to display.

    Switch between Open Workbooks

Show More than One Workbook

  1. Click the View tab.

  2. Click Arrange All.

  3. Select the arrangement you want.

  4. Click OK.

    Show More than One Workbook

    Try This!

    Try This!

    Open three workbooks; then, on the View tab in the Window group, click Arrange All. In the Arrange All dialog box, select the Cascade option and click OK. The workbooks will be displayed with a slight overlap, with the full contents of the first workbook displayed and the title bars of the other two workbooks visible behind the first workbook.

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