Sizing and Viewing Windows

You work with windows in the Excel program the same way you work with windows on your desktop. You can make a workbook’s window as large as the screen itself; if you have more than one workbook open at a time, you can choose from several display arrangements to order the windows most effectively.

Resize a Window

  • Click the Maximize button to make the window take up the entire screen.

  • Click the Minimize button to represent the window as a button on the taskbar.

  • Click the Restore button to return the window to its previous size.

  • Drag the left or right border of the window to resize it horizontally.

  • Drag the top or bottom border of the window to resize it vertically.

  • Drag a corner to resize the window both horizontally and vertically.

  • Drag the window’s Title Bar to change its position.

    Resize a Window



The Maximize and Restore buttons are actually two states of the same "window size" button, so you’ll never see them on a window at the same time.

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