Changing Row Heights and Column Widths

When you create an Excel workbook, the default worksheet rows are tall enough to accommodate text and numbers entered in the standard character format (Calibri, 11 point) and wide enough to display about eight characters. If your text takes up too much space to fit in the cell (because you’ve changed the font size for a column label, for example), you can widen the column so that the contents of every cell can be seen. You can also increase the height of rows in your worksheet to put some space between values, which will make your data easier to read. If a column is too wide or a row is too high, you can make it narrower or shorter, as needed.

Resize a Row

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the lower boundary of the row you want to resize until the mouse pointer turns into a two-headed arrow.

  2. Drag the boundary until the row is the height you want.

    Resize a Row

Resize a Column

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the right boundary of the column you want to resize until the mouse pointer turns into a two-headed arrow.

  2. Drag the boundary until the column is the width you want.

    Resize a Column



    You can resize a column to fit the text of its widest cell by double-clicking the right boundary of the column.

Resizing Multiple Rows or Columns

  1. Select the rows or columns you want to resize.

  2. Drag the border of any selected column or row to the desired width or height.

    Resizing Multiple Rows or Columns



    If you want to set a specific row height or column width, select the rows or columns you want to format, select and right-click any row or column header, and choose either Column Width or Row Height from the shortcut menu. Type the desired width or height in the dialog box that appears and click OK.

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