Disaster Recovery Planning

Speaking of putting your company at risk, if you haven't considered a major disaster or defined a disaster recovery plan, you are doing just this. Disasters come in many flavors. Perhaps it is just a hardware failure of a single server, a power outage, a fire, a tornado, an earthquake, or a terrorist act. Very often a disaster recovery (DR) plan will be devised, but never tested. The mandate we would put on you would be to devise a highly efficient disaster recovery plan in support of your high availability needs and then test it completely! Make sure it considers all aspects of completely being able to come up in an alternate location as smoothly, quickly, and with as little data loss as possible. Defining a disaster recovery plan can be a tedious job because of the potential complexities of your high availability configuration. But, keep in mind, a disaster recovery plan is part of your high availability configuration (or at least it should be). It should also be part of your decision process of picking the high availability solution in the first place.

The Overall Disaster Recovery Approach

In general, there will be a handful of things that need to be put together (defined and executed upon). These are

Create a disaster recovery execution tasks/run book. This will include all steps to take to recover from a disaster and cover all system components that need to be recovered.

Arrange for or procure a server/site to recover to. This should be a configuration that can house what is needed to get you back online.

Guarantee that a complete database backup/recovery mechanism is in place (including offsite/alternate site archive and retrieval of databases)

Guarantee that an application backup/recovery mechanism is in place (like COM+ apps, web services, other application components, and so on).

Make sure you can completely re-create and resynchronize your security (MS Active Directory, domain accounts, SQL Server Logins/passwords, and so on). We call this security resynchronization readiness.

Make sure you can completely configure and open up network/communication lines. This would also include routers configured properly, IP addresses made available, and so on.

Train your support personnel on all elements of recovery. You can never know enough ways to recovery a system. And, it seems that a system never recovers the same way twice.

Plan and execute an annual or bi-annual disaster recovery simulation. The one or two days that you do this will pay for itself a hundred times over if a disaster actually occurs. And, remember, disasters come in many flavors.

Many organizations have gone to the concept of having “hot” alternate sites available via stretch clustering or log shipping techniques. Costs can be high for some of these advanced and highly redundant solutions.

The Focus for Disaster Recovery

On the more practical side (dollar-wise), if you create some very solid, time-tested mechanisms for re-creating your SQL Server environment, they will serve you well when you need them most. The things to focus on for disaster recovery are

  • Always generate scripts for as much as possible (anything that was created using a wizard, enterprise manager, and so on). These scripts will save your rear end (can I say that?). These should include

    • Complete replication buildup/breakdown scripts

    • Complete database creation scripts (DB, tables, indexes, views, and so on)

    • Complete SQL login, database user IDs, and password scripts (including roles and other grants)

    • Linked/remote server setup (linked servers, remote logins)

    • Log shipping setup (source, target, and monitor servers)

    • Any custom SQL Agent tasks

    • Backup/restore scripts

    • Potentially other scripts, depending on what you have built on SQL Server

  • Make sure you document all aspects of SQL database maintenance plans that are being used. This includes frequencies, alerts, email addresses being notified when errors occur, backup file/device locations, and so on.

  • Document all hardware/software configurations used:

    • Leverage the sqldiag.exe for this (described in the next section)

    • Record what accounts were used to start up the SQL Agent service for an instance and MS distributed transaction coordinator (MS DTC) service. This is especially important if using distributed transactions and data replication.

    • My favorite set of SQL Server information that I script and record for a SQL Server instance are

      • select @@SERVERNAME— Will provide the full network name of the SQL Server and instance.

      • select @@SERVICENAME— Will provide the registry key under which Microsoft SQL Server is running

      • select @@VERSION— Provides the date, version, and processor type for the current installation of Microsoft SQL Server

      • exec sp_helpserver— Provides the server name, the server's network name, the server's replication status, the server's identification number, collation name, and time-out values for connecting to, or queries against, linked servers

      • exec sp_helplogins— Provides information about logins and the associated users in each database

      • exec sp_linkedservers— Returns the list of linked servers defined in the local server

      • exec sp_helplinkedsrvlogin— Provides information about login mappings defined against a specific linked server used for distributed queries and remote stored procedures

      • exec sp_helpremotelogin— Provides information about remote logins for a particular remote server, or for all remote servers, defined on the local server

      • exec sp_server_info— Returns a list of attribute names and matching values for Microsoft SQL Server

      • exec sp_helpdb dbnamexyz— Provides information about a specified database or all databases. This includes the database allocation names, sizes, and locations.

      • exec sp_spaceused— Provides the actual database usage information of both data and indexes in a database.

    • Get the current SQL Server configuration values by running sp_configure (from Query Analyzer). Here are the results of running sp_configure with show advanced option specified:

      USE master
      EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced option', '1'
      EXEC sp_configure
      name                      minimum     maximum     config_value run_value
      ------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------
      affinity mask                  -2147483648 2147483647  0             0
      allow updates                  0           1           0            0
      awe enabled                    0           1           0            0
      c2 audit mode                  0           1           0            0
      cost threshold for parallelism 0           32767       5            5
      Cross DB Ownership Chaining    0           1           0            0
      cursor threshold               -1          2147483647  -1           -1
      default full-text language     0           2147483647  1033         1033
      default language               0           9999        0            0
      fill factor (%)                 0           100         0            0
      index create memory (KB)       704         2147483647  0            0
      lightweight pooling            0           1           0            0
      locks                          5000        2147483647  0            0
      max degree of parallelism      0           32          0            0
      max server memory (MB)         4        2147483647 2147483647 2147483647
      max text repl size (B)         0           2147483647  65536       65536
      max worker threads             32          32767       255          255
      media retention                0           365         0            0
      min memory per query (KB)      512         2147483647  1024         1024
      min server memory (MB)         0           2147483647  0            0
      nested triggers                0           1           1            1
      network packet size (B)        512         65536       4096         4096
      open objects                   0           2147483647  0            0
      priority boost                 0           1           0            0
      query governor cost limit      0           2147483647  0            0
      query wait (s)                 -1          2147483647  -1           -1
      recovery interval (min)        0           32767       0            0
      remote access                  0           1           1            1
      remote login timeout (s)       0           2147483647  20           20
      remote proc trans              0           1           0            0
      remote query timeout (s)       0           2147483647  600          600
      scan for startup procs         0           1           1            1
      set working set size           0           1           0            0
      show advanced options          0           1           1            1
      two digit year cutoff          1753        9999        2049         2049
      user connections               0           32767       0            0
      user options                   0           32767       0            0
    • Disk configurations, sizes, and current size availability (use standard OS directory listing commands on all disk volumes that are being used).

    • Capture the sa login password and the OS Administrator password so that anything can be accessed and anything can be installed (or re-installed).

    • Document all contact information for your vendors:

      • Microsoft support services contacts (for example, list all support agreements such as Premier Product support services)

      • Storage vendor contact info

      • Hardware vendor contact info

      • Offsite storage contact info (to get your archived copy fast)

      • Network/telecom contact info

      • Your CTO, CIO, and other senior management contact

  • CD-ROMs available for everything (SQL Server, service packs, operating system, utilities, and so on)

Documenting Environmental Details Using SQLDIAG.EXE

One good way to get a complete environmental picture is to run the SQLDIAG.exe program provided with SQL Server 2000 on your production box (that you would have to re-create on an alternate site if a disaster occurs). It can be found in the “Binn” directory where all SQL Server executables are (C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$YourSqlInstanceBinn). It will show you how the server is configured, all hardware and software components (and their versions), memory sizes, CPU types, operating system version and build info, paging file info, environment variables, and so on. If you run this on your production server periodically, it will serve as a good environment documentation to supplement your disaster recovery plan. Open a DOS command prompt and change directory to the SQL Server BINN directory. Then, at the command prompt run SQLDIAG.exe.

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SQLInstanceBinn> sqldiag

The results will be written into a text file named SQLDIAG.TXT at the root (c: by default or the SQL Server log directory) and contain a verbose snapshot of everything that relates to SQL Server (in one way or another). The following is an abbreviated sample of what you will see:

[System Summary]
Registry Information

AutoAnsiToOem:    ON
UseIntlSettings:    ON


Version Information
ntwdblib.dll:    8.00. 194
ssmsad60.dll:    N/A
ssmsde60.dll:    N/A
ssmsrp60.dll:    N/A
ssmsso60.dll:    N/A
ssmssp60.dll:    N/A
ssmsvi60.dll:    N/A
ssnmpn60.dll:    N/A
dbmsadsn.dll:    08.00.9030
dbmsdecn.dll:    N/A
dbmsrpcn.dll:    08.00.9030
dbmssocn.dll:    7.00.819
dbmsspxn.dll:    7.00.819
dbmsvinn.dll:    08.00.9030
dbnmpntw.dll:    08.00.9030
sqlsrv32.dll:    3.81.9042
Item  Value
OS Name  Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Version  5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195
OS Manufacturer  Microsoft Corporation
System Name  SQLDB01
System Manufacturer  XYZ
System Model  XYZ
System Type  X86-based PC
Processor  x86 Family 6 Model 9 Stepping 5 GenuineIntel ~1594 Mhz
BIOS Version  Insyde Software MobilePRO BIOS Version 4.00.00
Windows Directory  C:WIN2K
System Directory  C:WIN2Ksystem32
Boot Device  DeviceHarddisk0Partition1
Locale  United States
User Name  C81124-AAdministrator
Time Zone  Pacific Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory  1,048,048 KB
Available Physical Memory  703,756 KB
Total Virtual Memory  3,569,232 KB
Available Virtual Memory  2,961,300 KB
Page File Space  2,521,184 KB
Page File  C:pagefile.sys
[Environment Variables]
[Startup Programs]
so on..

Again, we suggest that this be done on a regular basis and compared with prior executions to guarantee that you know exactly what you have to have in place in case of disaster.

Plan and Execute a Complete Disaster Recovery test

Plan and execute a complete disaster recovery (DR). This is serious business and many companies around the globe set aside a few days a year to do this exact thing. This test should include:

  • Simulate a disaster.

  • Record all actions that get taken.

  • Time all events from start to finish. Sometimes this means there is someone standing around with a stopwatch.

  • Hold a post-mortem following the DR simulation.

Many companies tie the results of the DR simulation to the IT group's salaries (their raise percentage). This is more than enough motivation for IT to get this drill right and to perform well. And, it is critical to correct any failures or issues that occurred. The next time might not be a simulation.

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