The CASE Function

You can use the CASE function to provide conditional values to an expression.


You cannot use the CASE function to provide conditional execution of statements as in other programming languages.

The result of a CASE function is always a scalar value. You can use CASE in two different ways:

  • Select a result depending on the possible values that a variable, column, or expression can have. This is called Simple CASE. CASE returns the value correspondent to the first value that is equal to the searched expression. Listing 11.16 contains three examples using the CASE function to provide a verbose output.

  • The CASE function evaluates in sequence several independent conditions. The CASE function returns the result correspondent to the first condition that evaluates to TRUE. This is called Searched CASE. Listing 11.17 shows three examples of Searched CASE.

Code Listing 11.16. Using Simple CASE Function to Provide an Easier-to-Understand Output
-- Use simple CASE to expand abbreviations

WHEN 'UK'THEN 'United Kingdom'
WHEN 'USA'THEN 'United States of America'
ELSE Country
END AS Country,
FROM Customers

-- Use simple CASE to define logical values

SELECT ProductName,
CASE Discontinued
WHEN 1 THEN 'Discontinued'
ELSE 'Available'
END AS Status
FROM Products

-- Use simple CASE to produce verbose results

SELECT CompanyName,
CASE YEAR(OrderDate)
WHEN YEAR(Getdate()) THEN 'This Year'
WHEN YEAR(GetDate()) - 1 THEN 'Last year'
ELSE CAST(DATEDIFF(year, OrderDate, Getdate()) AS varchar(5))
+ 'years ago'
END AS 'When'
FROM Orders
JOIN Customers
ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID

(Partial output)

Country                  CompanyName
------------------------ ----------------------------------------
United Kingdom           Around the Horn
United Kingdom           B's Beverages
United Kingdom           Seven Seas Imports
United States of America Great Lakes Food Market
United States of America Trail's Head Gourmet Provisioners
United States of America White Clover Markets
Venezuela                GROSELLA-Restaurante
Venezuela                LINO-Delicateses

(Partial output)

ProductName                              Status
---------------------------------------- ------------
Gustaf's Knäckebröd                      Available
Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee            Discontinued
Wimmers gute Semmelknödel                Available

(Partial output)

CompanyName                              OrderID     When
---------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------
Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar           10963       2 years ago
Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar           10664       3 years ago
Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar           10328       4 years ago
Princesa Isabel Vinhos                   11007       2 years ago
Princesa Isabel Vinhos                   10433       3 years ago
Princesa Isabel Vinhos                   10336       4 years ago

Code Listing 11.17. Using Searched CASE You Can Solve Complex Queries
-- Use searched CASE to define regions

WHEN Country IN ('Argentina', 'Brazil', 'Venezuela')
THEN 'South America'
WHEN Country IN ('Canada', 'USA') 
THEN 'North America'
WHEN Country IN ('Mexico')
THEN 'Central America'
WHEN Country IN ('Austria', 'Belgium', 'Denmark',
'Finland', 'France', 'Germany', 'Ireland', 'Italy',
'Norway', 'Poland','Portugal','Spain',
'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'UK')
THEN 'Europe'
ELSE 'Undefined'
END AS Continent,
FROM Customers

-- Use searched CASE to define ranges of values

SELECT ProductName,
WHEN UnitPrice < 10 THEN 'Inexpensive'
WHEN UnitPrice < 50 THEN 'Fair'
WHEN UNitPrice < 100 THEN 'Expensive'
ELSE 'Very Expensive'
END AS Price
FROM products

-- Use searched CASE to get values that depend on data from other tables
-- in this example using a correlated subquery

SELECT CategoryName,
FROM Products P
WHERE P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID)
THEN 'Yes'ELSE 'No'END AS 'Has products'
FROM Categories C

(Partial output)

Continent       CompanyName
--------------- ----------------------------------------
Europe          Around the Horn
Europe          Seven Seas Imports
North America   Great Lakes Food Market
North America   White Clover Markets
South America   GROSELLA-Restaurante
South America   LINO-Delicateses

(Partial output) 

ProductName                              Price
---------------------------------------- --------------
Gustaf's Knäckebröd                      Fair
Tunnbröd                                 Inexpensive
Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee            Fair
Filo Mix                                 Inexpensive
Gnocchi di nonna Alice                   Fair

(Partial output)

CategoryName    Has products
--------------- ------------
Beverages       Yes
Grains/Cereals  Yes
Meat/Poultry    No
Produce         Yes
Seafood         Yes


It is not necessary to create mutually exclusive conditions in a CASE function because the search will finish on the first condition that evaluates to true.

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